Tulsi: We Now Need Universal Income

As Conservatives dismiss any ideas that may help people in need they, as usual, failed to think ANYTHING through.

Millions and millions of low income people are going to have NO income when they can't work due to the CoronaVirus.

The vast majority of these people live pay check to paycheck. They will not be able to make rent or mortgage payments.

Now, I know that Conservatives couldn't give a crap if millions of working Americans can't make their payments or if they are forced out into the streets resulting exponentially increased spread of this pandemic among the poor.


What Conservatives don't seem to consider is what will happens to the finances of millions of landlords and to the banks when
these millions and millions of working people fail to pay all at the same time.

That will ripple thru our economy like a tidal wave. We'll have a financial collapse like we've never known.


Oh, so some might not be able to make rent or mortgage, and the solution is to give 209 million adults a thousand bucks a month? That's real liberal logic for you.

Let me ask you something Richard, we have over 19 million cases of the flu this season so far, well exceeding the cases of COVID 19, why is it we never worried about them before as this is around what we see every year with the flu?
As Conservatives dismiss any ideas that may help people in need they, as usual, failed to think ANYTHING through.

Millions and millions of low income people are going to have NO income when they can't work due to the CoronaVirus.

The vast majority of these people live pay check to paycheck. They will not be able to make rent or mortgage payments.

Now, I know that Conservatives couldn't give a crap if millions of working Americans can't make their payments or if they are forced out into the streets resulting exponentially increased spread of this pandemic among the poor.


What Conservatives don't seem to consider is what will happens to the finances of millions of landlords and to the banks when
these millions and millions of working people fail to pay all at the same time.

That will ripple thru our economy like a tidal wave. We'll have a financial collapse like we've never known.


Yep, I'm sure a free income will encourage you to get off your rear and become a productive citizen...dumbass.

You wish you had my income, asshole!

If you could read, you'd understand that I was talking about temporary assistance for working people who lose income due to not being able to work during the COVID-19 pandemic...

But, I'm being silly, if you couldn't comprehend what I was saying in my first post, why should I think that you'll comprehend this post?

As Conservatives dismiss any ideas that may help people in need they, as usual, failed to think ANYTHING through.

Millions and millions of low income people are going to have NO income when they can't work due to the CoronaVirus.

The vast majority of these people live pay check to paycheck. They will not be able to make rent or mortgage payments.

Now, I know that Conservatives couldn't give a crap if millions of working Americans can't make their payments or if they are forced out into the streets resulting exponentially increased spread of this pandemic among the poor.


What Conservatives don't seem to consider is what will happens to the finances of millions of landlords and to the banks when
these millions and millions of working people fail to pay all at the same time.

That will ripple thru our economy like a tidal wave. We'll have a financial collapse like we've never known.


Your premise is completely wrong.
The Republicans main goal in government is always to raise the tide so that all boats rise.
No doubt taxpayer money will need to be infused into the economy especially in the shallower end so those folks dont run aground.
No doubt President Trump will then be blamed for raising the debt.

The debt was exploding under Trump long before this pandemic.

If you think that anyone believes that:

"The Republicans main goal in government is always to raise the tide so that all boats rise."

I have a bridge to sell you.

The only answer to that is:

This income idea has interesting facets, but it has somehow escaped fully convincing me.
I have another, very different economic concept that I've never seen economists discuss. From my own understanding (and, technically, it is true I have taught university level economics in Paris), it is a viable system that creates enormous wealth for middle and under population segments without touching the money supply. It would be an essentially non-government program more like a bank or credit institution. Another attribute is that it would entwine the value of life with buying power, thus being a constant societal reminder of what value is based upon. It would establish a direct business link between the rich and the poor.
No one (of the rare people) I've tried to explain this too has quite understood. Apparently, more attention will have to be given to clear and simple description.

I am struggling big time trying to see your side of the issue. How is it viable to give out $200 - $300 billion dollars every month? That's the idea, right? Do you believe the debt can be run up by that much that fast and monetize it all? And it's from the gov't directly or indirectly, how is that not a gov't program? Without touching the money supply, are you sure? It's gotta show up somewhere on the gov'ts balance sheet. It ain't hard currency, but it's gotta be driving up inflation. And banks and credit unions don't give out money without a debt to be paid back plus interest, did I miss that part?

Entwine the value of life with buying power, that is pure rubbish IMHO. The value of life has absolutely NOTHING to do with the value of anyone's life. The richest person's life has no more value than the poorest. Pretty rich coming from people that support abortion right to birth and even sometimes after. A direct business link between rich and poor? And you taught economics at a university level?

What you and Tulsi are talking about is redistribution of wealth, pure and simple. Temporary, she says. But you're talking permanently I think.
You did not read or you did not understand my post. "I have another, very different economic concept..."
This is neither agreeing nor disagreeing with Gabbard; it is another idea.

Telling us your idea accomplishes all this great stuff does nothing to explain what your idea actually is. So you have a very different economic concept but you didn't specify how it works. Why? Is there a reason why you are being so secretive? This is a thread about UBI, which frankly I thought you were in favor of but with some kind of alternatives. Lay it out there dude/dudette, cuz I'm about to raise the BS flag if you don't.
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As Conservatives dismiss any ideas that may help people in need they, as usual, failed to think ANYTHING through.

Millions and millions of low income people are going to have NO income when they can't work due to the CoronaVirus.

The vast majority of these people live pay check to paycheck. They will not be able to make rent or mortgage payments.

Now, I know that Conservatives couldn't give a crap if millions of working Americans can't make their payments or if they are forced out into the streets resulting exponentially increased spread of this pandemic among the poor.


What Conservatives don't seem to consider is what will happens to the finances of millions of landlords and to the banks when
these millions and millions of working people fail to pay all at the same time.

That will ripple thru our economy like a tidal wave. We'll have a financial collapse like we've never known.


Oh, so some might not be able to make rent or mortgage, and the solution is to give 209 million adults a thousand bucks a month? That's real liberal logic for you.

Let me ask you something Richard, we have over 19 million cases of the flu this season so far, well exceeding the cases of
COVID 19, why is it we never worried about them before as this is around what we see every year with the flu?

I didn't say that we should give a thousand bucks to 209 million people. I did say that Conservatives dismiss any ideas that help working people.

It isn't going to be "some might not be able to make rent or mortgage", it going to be millions and millions.

Maybe if you were a landlord and didn't get rent payments from dozens of your leasees or a bank that didn't receive mortgage payments from hundreds all in the same month you'd be concerned.

I know that you don't think anything through, but the fact is that people can get away with not paying their rent or mortgage for a while and there's nothing landlords or banks can do for quite a while.

They won't be on the streets for months, but the economy will crash.

The wealthy are the ones that'll be hurting...if there are any wealthy remaining!
As Conservatives dismiss any ideas that may help people in need they, as usual, failed to think ANYTHING through.

Millions and millions of low income people are going to have NO income when they can't work due to the CoronaVirus.

The vast majority of these people live pay check to paycheck. They will not be able to make rent or mortgage payments.

Now, I know that Conservatives couldn't give a crap if millions of working Americans can't make their payments or if they are forced out into the streets resulting exponentially increased spread of this pandemic among the poor.


What Conservatives don't seem to consider is what will happens to the finances of millions of landlords and to the banks when
these millions and millions of working people fail to pay all at the same time.

That will ripple thru our economy like a tidal wave. We'll have a financial collapse like we've never known.


Oh, so some might not be able to make rent or mortgage, and the solution is to give 209 million adults a thousand bucks a month? That's real liberal logic for you.

Let me ask you something Richard, we have over 19 million cases of the flu this season so far, well exceeding the cases of
COVID 19, why is it we never worried about them before as this is around what we see every year with the flu?

I didn't say that we should give a thousand bucks to 209 million people. I did say that Conservatives dismiss any ideas that help working people.

It isn't going to be "some might not be able to make rent or mortgage", it going to be millions and millions.

Maybe if you were a landlord and didn't get rent payments from dozens of your leasees or a bank that didn't receive mortgage payments from hundreds all in the same month you'd be concerned.

I know that you don't think anything through, but the fact is that people can get away with not paying their rent or mortgage for a while and there's nothing landlords or banks can do for quite a while.

They won't be on the streets for months, but the economy will crash.

The wealthy are the ones that'll be hurting...if there are any wealthy remaining!

The sky is really falling in your world, isn't it? COVID-19 runs it's course in a matter of weeks just like the flu. It kills many less than the flu, and most landlords and banks would take this problem into consideration. Now the proposal by Tulsi is that every single adult American get a thousand bucks a month--sick or not. So it seemed, your earlier comment supported the idea.

Trump stated everybody will be treated, whether they have insurance or not. He canceled interest rates on college loans. But he did not dig into our pockets and suggest everybody be a government dependent from this point on.
As Conservatives dismiss any ideas that may help people in need they, as usual, failed to think ANYTHING through.

Millions and millions of low income people are going to have NO income when they can't work due to the CoronaVirus.

The vast majority of these people live pay check to paycheck. They will not be able to make rent or mortgage payments.

Now, I know that Conservatives couldn't give a crap if millions of working Americans can't make their payments or if they are forced out into the streets resulting exponentially increased spread of this pandemic among the poor.


What Conservatives don't seem to consider is what will happens to the finances of millions of landlords and to the banks when
these millions and millions of working people fail to pay all at the same time.

That will ripple thru our economy like a tidal wave. We'll have a financial collapse like we've never known.


Oh, so some might not be able to make rent or mortgage, and the solution is to give 209 million adults a thousand bucks a month? That's real liberal logic for you.

Let me ask you something Richard, we have over 19 million cases of the flu this season so far, well exceeding the cases of
COVID 19, why is it we never worried about them before as this is around what we see every year with the flu?

I didn't say that we should give a thousand bucks to 209 million people. I did say that Conservatives dismiss any ideas that help working people.

It isn't going to be "some might not be able to make rent or mortgage", it going to be millions and millions.

Maybe if you were a landlord and didn't get rent payments from dozens of your leasees or a bank that didn't receive mortgage payments from hundreds all in the same month you'd be concerned.

I know that you don't think anything through, but the fact is that people can get away with not paying their rent or mortgage for a while and there's nothing landlords or banks can do for quite a while.

They won't be on the streets for months, but the economy will crash.

The wealthy are the ones that'll be hurting...if there are any wealthy remaining!

The sky is really falling in your world, isn't it? COVID-19 runs it's course in a matter of weeks just like the flu. It kills many less than the flu, and most landlords and banks would take this problem into consideration. Now the proposal by Tulsi is that every single adult American get a thousand bucks a month--sick or not. So it seemed, your earlier comment supported the idea.

Trump stated everybody will be treated, whether they have insurance or not. He canceled interest rates on college loans. But he did not dig into our pockets and suggest everybody be a government dependent from this point on.

social security checks are more than 1000 per month for most people, replace those with UI of 1000 and most SS people would get a cut in income. Its not a good idea.
I've talked about UI before, but only in light of replacing all social programs, which in the long run would save the government money. But to pass out money like candy at Halloween is just a ridiculous idea. But as the Democrats believe, never let a good crisis go to waste.
Your link:

"'The coronavirus pandemic has created a threat to the health and well-being of the American people, as well as to our country’s economic stability,' Gabbard said in a statement. 'While some in Washington are focused on taking care of Wall Street, everyday Americans get left behind. That’s wrong. … Taking care of all Americans will stimulate our economy during this downturn.'

"Economist Nouriel Roubini backed the idea in a tweet Friday, suggesting that it be financed with bonds and monetized by the Federal Reserve."

Since last September the Fed has pumped more than $6 trillion into Wall Street's Repo market; why not use similar redistributive measures to benefit all US citizens?

Federal Reserve Admits It Pumped More than $6 Trillion to Wall Street in Recent Six Week Period
As Conservatives dismiss any ideas that may help people in need they, as usual, failed to think ANYTHING through.

Millions and millions of low income people are going to have NO income when they can't work due to the CoronaVirus.

The vast majority of these people live pay check to paycheck. They will not be able to make rent or mortgage payments.

Now, I know that Conservatives couldn't give a crap if millions of working Americans can't make their payments or if they are forced out into the streets resulting exponentially increased spread of this pandemic among the poor.


What Conservatives don't seem to consider is what will happens to the finances of millions of landlords and to the banks when
these millions and millions of working people fail to pay all at the same time.

That will ripple thru our economy like a tidal wave. We'll have a financial collapse like we've never known.


Oh, so some might not be able to make rent or mortgage, and the solution is to give 209 million adults a thousand bucks a month? That's real liberal logic for you.

Let me ask you something Richard, we have over 19 million cases of the flu this season so far, well exceeding the cases of
COVID 19, why is it we never worried about them before as this is around what we see every year with the flu?

I didn't say that we should give a thousand bucks to 209 million people. I did say that Conservatives dismiss any ideas that help working people.

It isn't going to be "some might not be able to make rent or mortgage", it going to be millions and millions.

Maybe if you were a landlord and didn't get rent payments from dozens of your leasees or a bank that didn't receive mortgage payments from hundreds all in the same month you'd be concerned.

I know that you don't think anything through, but the fact is that people can get away with not paying their rent or mortgage for a while and there's nothing landlords or banks can do for quite a while.

They won't be on the streets for months, but the economy will crash.

The wealthy are the ones that'll be hurting...if there are any wealthy remaining!

The sky is really falling in your world, isn't it? COVID-19 runs it's course in a matter of weeks just like the flu. It kills many less than the flu, and most landlords and banks would take this problem into consideration. Now the proposal by Tulsi is that every single adult American get a thousand bucks a month--sick or not. So it seemed, your earlier comment supported the idea.

Trump stated everybody will be treated, whether they have insurance or not. He canceled interest rates on college loans. But he did not dig into our pockets and suggest everybody be a government dependent from this point on.

If COVID-19 spreads it will kill many more people than the Flu. Have you had your head in the sand?

Banks, landlords and the financial system "taking this problem into consideration" means that there will be a financial collapse. Do you have any understanding of economics? Can you truly be that deft?

Tulsi did not suggest that everybody be dependent on the government from this point on...she suggested the payments only until the pandemic is over.

Trump's promises aren't worth a damn. He is a lying bag of shit.

If the American people receive any assistance from the government it will only be the programs forced by the Democrats and which the spineless Republican weenies are afraid to go against in an election year.
if Tulsi becomes president and goes to Washington, she would be a air of fresh breath in a fetid, corrupt hellhole only she can reform!
As Conservatives dismiss any ideas that may help people in need they, as usual, failed to think ANYTHING through.

Millions and millions of low income people are going to have NO income when they can't work due to the CoronaVirus.

The vast majority of these people live pay check to paycheck. They will not be able to make rent or mortgage payments.

Now, I know that Conservatives couldn't give a crap if millions of working Americans can't make their payments or if they are forced out into the streets resulting exponentially increased spread of this pandemic among the poor.


What Conservatives don't seem to consider is what will happens to the finances of millions of landlords and to the banks when
these millions and millions of working people fail to pay all at the same time.

That will ripple thru our economy like a tidal wave. We'll have a financial collapse like we've never known.


Oh, so some might not be able to make rent or mortgage, and the solution is to give 209 million adults a thousand bucks a month? That's real liberal logic for you.

Let me ask you something Richard, we have over 19 million cases of the flu this season so far, well exceeding the cases of
COVID 19, why is it we never worried about them before as this is around what we see every year with the flu?

I didn't say that we should give a thousand bucks to 209 million people. I did say that Conservatives dismiss any ideas that help working people.

It isn't going to be "some might not be able to make rent or mortgage", it going to be millions and millions.

Maybe if you were a landlord and didn't get rent payments from dozens of your leasees or a bank that didn't receive mortgage payments from hundreds all in the same month you'd be concerned.

I know that you don't think anything through, but the fact is that people can get away with not paying their rent or mortgage for a while and there's nothing landlords or banks can do for quite a while.

They won't be on the streets for months, but the economy will crash.

The wealthy are the ones that'll be hurting...if there are any wealthy remaining!

The sky is really falling in your world, isn't it? COVID-19 runs it's course in a matter of weeks just like the flu. It kills many less than the flu, and most landlords and banks would take this problem into consideration. Now the proposal by Tulsi is that every single adult American get a thousand bucks a month--sick or not. So it seemed, your earlier comment supported the idea.

Trump stated everybody will be treated, whether they have insurance or not. He canceled interest rates on college loans. But he did not dig into our pockets and suggest everybody be a government dependent from this point on.

social security checks are more than 1000 per month for most people, replace those with UI of 1000 and most SS people would get a cut in income. Its not a good idea.

Not if we changed the entire system overnight for everybody, you are correct. But let's say we allow anybody over the age of 45 to stay on the system, and everybody below that age go to universal income. After all, long term healthcare (comparable to Medicare) would have to work the same way, which is paying into it your entire life.

Or, we could just allow them to keep Medicare, and increase the UI to $1,500 a month for each adult. If you are near retirement, then you could use your UI instead.
As Conservatives dismiss any ideas that may help people in need they, as usual, failed to think ANYTHING through.

Millions and millions of low income people are going to have NO income when they can't work due to the CoronaVirus.

The vast majority of these people live pay check to paycheck. They will not be able to make rent or mortgage payments.

Now, I know that Conservatives couldn't give a crap if millions of working Americans can't make their payments or if they are forced out into the streets resulting exponentially increased spread of this pandemic among the poor.


What Conservatives don't seem to consider is what will happens to the finances of millions of landlords and to the banks when
these millions and millions of working people fail to pay all at the same time.

That will ripple thru our economy like a tidal wave. We'll have a financial collapse like we've never known.


Oh, so some might not be able to make rent or mortgage, and the solution is to give 209 million adults a thousand bucks a month? That's real liberal logic for you.

Let me ask you something Richard, we have over 19 million cases of the flu this season so far, well exceeding the cases of
COVID 19, why is it we never worried about them before as this is around what we see every year with the flu?

I didn't say that we should give a thousand bucks to 209 million people. I did say that Conservatives dismiss any ideas that help working people.

It isn't going to be "some might not be able to make rent or mortgage", it going to be millions and millions.

Maybe if you were a landlord and didn't get rent payments from dozens of your leasees or a bank that didn't receive mortgage payments from hundreds all in the same month you'd be concerned.

I know that you don't think anything through, but the fact is that people can get away with not paying their rent or mortgage for a while and there's nothing landlords or banks can do for quite a while.

They won't be on the streets for months, but the economy will crash.

The wealthy are the ones that'll be hurting...if there are any wealthy remaining!

The sky is really falling in your world, isn't it? COVID-19 runs it's course in a matter of weeks just like the flu. It kills many less than the flu, and most landlords and banks would take this problem into consideration. Now the proposal by Tulsi is that every single adult American get a thousand bucks a month--sick or not. So it seemed, your earlier comment supported the idea.

Trump stated everybody will be treated, whether they have insurance or not. He canceled interest rates on college loans. But he did not dig into our pockets and suggest everybody be a government dependent from this point on.

social security checks are more than 1000 per month for most people, replace those with UI of 1000 and most SS people would get a cut in income. Its not a good idea.

Not if we changed the entire system overnight for everybody, you are correct. But let's say we allow anybody over the age of 45 to stay on the system, and everybody below that age go to universal income. After all, long term healthcare (comparable to Medicare) would have to work the same way, which is paying into it your entire life.

Or, we could just allow them to keep Medicare, and increase the UI to $1,500 a month for each adult. If you are near retirement, then you could use your UI instead.

it will never happen, too many govt employees depend on it for their salaries.
As Conservatives dismiss any ideas that may help people in need they, as usual, failed to think ANYTHING through.

Millions and millions of low income people are going to have NO income when they can't work due to the CoronaVirus.

The vast majority of these people live pay check to paycheck. They will not be able to make rent or mortgage payments.

Now, I know that Conservatives couldn't give a crap if millions of working Americans can't make their payments or if they are forced out into the streets resulting exponentially increased spread of this pandemic among the poor.


What Conservatives don't seem to consider is what will happens to the finances of millions of landlords and to the banks when
these millions and millions of working people fail to pay all at the same time.

That will ripple thru our economy like a tidal wave. We'll have a financial collapse like we've never known.


Oh, so some might not be able to make rent or mortgage, and the solution is to give 209 million adults a thousand bucks a month? That's real liberal logic for you.

Let me ask you something Richard, we have over 19 million cases of the flu this season so far, well exceeding the cases of
COVID 19, why is it we never worried about them before as this is around what we see every year with the flu?

I didn't say that we should give a thousand bucks to 209 million people. I did say that Conservatives dismiss any ideas that help working people.

It isn't going to be "some might not be able to make rent or mortgage", it going to be millions and millions.

Maybe if you were a landlord and didn't get rent payments from dozens of your leasees or a bank that didn't receive mortgage payments from hundreds all in the same month you'd be concerned.

I know that you don't think anything through, but the fact is that people can get away with not paying their rent or mortgage for a while and there's nothing landlords or banks can do for quite a while.

They won't be on the streets for months, but the economy will crash.

The wealthy are the ones that'll be hurting...if there are any wealthy remaining!

The sky is really falling in your world, isn't it? COVID-19 runs it's course in a matter of weeks just like the flu. It kills many less than the flu, and most landlords and banks would take this problem into consideration. Now the proposal by Tulsi is that every single adult American get a thousand bucks a month--sick or not. So it seemed, your earlier comment supported the idea.

Trump stated everybody will be treated, whether they have insurance or not. He canceled interest rates on college loans. But he did not dig into our pockets and suggest everybody be a government dependent from this point on.

If COVID-19 spreads it will kill many more people than the Flu. Have you had your head in the sand?

Banks, landlords and the financial system "taking this problem into consideration" means that there will be a financial collapse. Do you have any understanding of economics? Can you truly be that deft?

Tulsi did not suggest that everybody be dependent on the government from this point on...she suggested the payments only until the pandemic is over.

Trump's promises aren't worth a damn. He is a lying bag of shit.

If the American people receive any assistance from the government it will only be the programs forced by the Democrats and which the spineless Republican weenies are afraid to go against in an election year.

Seriously, do you really think once government starts handing out money like that, they would be able to stop? Why do you think it would be impossible to get rid of the social programs we have today?

This is what I call my Ray from Cleveland's raccoon theory: You see a raccoon digging in your garbage can. So you go into the house and fetch that quarter ham on the bone you were going to throw out at the end of the week anyhow. The animal eats in delight. Now......give it about 20 seconds or so, and try to take your hambone back and see what happens to you.

The problem is once you get people on a social program, you can never take it away; at least not without getting your hand chewed up. We keep racking up more and more debt because of all the government programs we have, and even when Republicans are in charge, it's almost impossible to cut down on them, and totally impossible to take them entirely away.
As Conservatives dismiss any ideas that may help people in need they, as usual, failed to think ANYTHING through.

Millions and millions of low income people are going to have NO income when they can't work due to the CoronaVirus.

The vast majority of these people live pay check to paycheck. They will not be able to make rent or mortgage payments.

Now, I know that Conservatives couldn't give a crap if millions of working Americans can't make their payments or if they are forced out into the streets resulting exponentially increased spread of this pandemic among the poor.


What Conservatives don't seem to consider is what will happens to the finances of millions of landlords and to the banks when
these millions and millions of working people fail to pay all at the same time.

That will ripple thru our economy like a tidal wave. We'll have a financial collapse like we've never known.


Oh, so some might not be able to make rent or mortgage, and the solution is to give 209 million adults a thousand bucks a month? That's real liberal logic for you.

Let me ask you something Richard, we have over 19 million cases of the flu this season so far, well exceeding the cases of
COVID 19, why is it we never worried about them before as this is around what we see every year with the flu?

I didn't say that we should give a thousand bucks to 209 million people. I did say that Conservatives dismiss any ideas that help working people.

It isn't going to be "some might not be able to make rent or mortgage", it going to be millions and millions.

Maybe if you were a landlord and didn't get rent payments from dozens of your leasees or a bank that didn't receive mortgage payments from hundreds all in the same month you'd be concerned.

I know that you don't think anything through, but the fact is that people can get away with not paying their rent or mortgage for a while and there's nothing landlords or banks can do for quite a while.

They won't be on the streets for months, but the economy will crash.

The wealthy are the ones that'll be hurting...if there are any wealthy remaining!

The sky is really falling in your world, isn't it? COVID-19 runs it's course in a matter of weeks just like the flu. It kills many less than the flu, and most landlords and banks would take this problem into consideration. Now the proposal by Tulsi is that every single adult American get a thousand bucks a month--sick or not. So it seemed, your earlier comment supported the idea.

Trump stated everybody will be treated, whether they have insurance or not. He canceled interest rates on college loans. But he did not dig into our pockets and suggest everybody be a government dependent from this point on.

If COVID-19 spreads it will kill many more people than the Flu. Have you had your head in the sand?

Banks, landlords and the financial system "taking this problem into consideration" means that there will be a financial collapse. Do you have any understanding of economics? Can you truly be that deft?

Tulsi did not suggest that everybody be dependent on the government from this point on...she suggested the payments only until the pandemic is over.

Trump's promises aren't worth a damn. He is a lying bag of shit.

If the American people receive any assistance from the government it will only be the programs forced by the Democrats and which the spineless Republican weenies are afraid to go against in an election year.

Seriously, do you really think once government starts handing out money like that, they would be able to stop? Why do you think it would be impossible to get rid of the social programs we have today?

This is what I call my Ray from Cleveland's raccoon theory: You see a raccoon digging in your garbage can. So you go into the house and fetch that quarter ham on the bone you were going to throw out at the end of the week anyhow. The animal eats in delight. Now......give it about 20 seconds or so, and try to take your hambone back and see what happens to you.

The problem is once you get people on a social program, you can never take it away; at least not without getting your hand chewed up. We keep racking up more and more debt because of all the government programs we have, and even when Republicans are in charge, it's almost impossible to cut down on them, and totally impossible to take them entirely away.


Back around 2003 Pres. Bush gave everyone an $1800 tax rebate. Did everyone demand that the government continue to give tax rebates every year after that?

Your theory is blown to shit.

If I give a ham to a raccoon, god help the critter once my coon hound is done with it!

Yes, there's a reason why they're called coon hounds - and it ain't racist
Oh, so some might not be able to make rent or mortgage, and the solution is to give 209 million adults a thousand bucks a month? That's real liberal logic for you.

Let me ask you something Richard, we have over 19 million cases of the flu this season so far, well exceeding the cases of
COVID 19, why is it we never worried about them before as this is around what we see every year with the flu?

I didn't say that we should give a thousand bucks to 209 million people. I did say that Conservatives dismiss any ideas that help working people.

It isn't going to be "some might not be able to make rent or mortgage", it going to be millions and millions.

Maybe if you were a landlord and didn't get rent payments from dozens of your leasees or a bank that didn't receive mortgage payments from hundreds all in the same month you'd be concerned.

I know that you don't think anything through, but the fact is that people can get away with not paying their rent or mortgage for a while and there's nothing landlords or banks can do for quite a while.

They won't be on the streets for months, but the economy will crash.

The wealthy are the ones that'll be hurting...if there are any wealthy remaining!

The sky is really falling in your world, isn't it? COVID-19 runs it's course in a matter of weeks just like the flu. It kills many less than the flu, and most landlords and banks would take this problem into consideration. Now the proposal by Tulsi is that every single adult American get a thousand bucks a month--sick or not. So it seemed, your earlier comment supported the idea.

Trump stated everybody will be treated, whether they have insurance or not. He canceled interest rates on college loans. But he did not dig into our pockets and suggest everybody be a government dependent from this point on.

If COVID-19 spreads it will kill many more people than the Flu. Have you had your head in the sand?

Banks, landlords and the financial system "taking this problem into consideration" means that there will be a financial collapse. Do you have any understanding of economics? Can you truly be that deft?

Tulsi did not suggest that everybody be dependent on the government from this point on...she suggested the payments only until the pandemic is over.

Trump's promises aren't worth a damn. He is a lying bag of shit.

If the American people receive any assistance from the government it will only be the programs forced by the Democrats and which the spineless Republican weenies are afraid to go against in an election year.

Seriously, do you really think once government starts handing out money like that, they would be able to stop? Why do you think it would be impossible to get rid of the social programs we have today?

This is what I call my Ray from Cleveland's raccoon theory: You see a raccoon digging in your garbage can. So you go into the house and fetch that quarter ham on the bone you were going to throw out at the end of the week anyhow. The animal eats in delight. Now......give it about 20 seconds or so, and try to take your hambone back and see what happens to you.

The problem is once you get people on a social program, you can never take it away; at least not without getting your hand chewed up. We keep racking up more and more debt because of all the government programs we have, and even when Republicans are in charge, it's almost impossible to cut down on them, and totally impossible to take them entirely away.


Back around 2003 Pres. Bush gave everyone an $1800 tax rebate. Did everyone demand that the government continue to give tax rebates every year after that?

Your theory is blown to shit.

If I give a ham to a raccoon, god help the critter once my coon hound is done with it!

Yes, there's a reason why they're called coon hounds - and it ain't racist

apple: orange.jpeg

A tax rebate is not an ongoing social program. It's not what I was talking about.
I didn't say that we should give a thousand bucks to 209 million people. I did say that Conservatives dismiss any ideas that help working people.

It isn't going to be "some might not be able to make rent or mortgage", it going to be millions and millions.

Maybe if you were a landlord and didn't get rent payments from dozens of your leasees or a bank that didn't receive mortgage payments from hundreds all in the same month you'd be concerned.

I know that you don't think anything through, but the fact is that people can get away with not paying their rent or mortgage for a while and there's nothing landlords or banks can do for quite a while.

They won't be on the streets for months, but the economy will crash.

The wealthy are the ones that'll be hurting...if there are any wealthy remaining!

The sky is really falling in your world, isn't it? COVID-19 runs it's course in a matter of weeks just like the flu. It kills many less than the flu, and most landlords and banks would take this problem into consideration. Now the proposal by Tulsi is that every single adult American get a thousand bucks a month--sick or not. So it seemed, your earlier comment supported the idea.

Trump stated everybody will be treated, whether they have insurance or not. He canceled interest rates on college loans. But he did not dig into our pockets and suggest everybody be a government dependent from this point on.

If COVID-19 spreads it will kill many more people than the Flu. Have you had your head in the sand?

Banks, landlords and the financial system "taking this problem into consideration" means that there will be a financial collapse. Do you have any understanding of economics? Can you truly be that deft?

Tulsi did not suggest that everybody be dependent on the government from this point on...she suggested the payments only until the pandemic is over.

Trump's promises aren't worth a damn. He is a lying bag of shit.

If the American people receive any assistance from the government it will only be the programs forced by the Democrats and which the spineless Republican weenies are afraid to go against in an election year.

Seriously, do you really think once government starts handing out money like that, they would be able to stop? Why do you think it would be impossible to get rid of the social programs we have today?

This is what I call my Ray from Cleveland's raccoon theory: You see a raccoon digging in your garbage can. So you go into the house and fetch that quarter ham on the bone you were going to throw out at the end of the week anyhow. The animal eats in delight. Now......give it about 20 seconds or so, and try to take your hambone back and see what happens to you.

The problem is once you get people on a social program, you can never take it away; at least not without getting your hand chewed up. We keep racking up more and more debt because of all the government programs we have, and even when Republicans are in charge, it's almost impossible to cut down on them, and totally impossible to take them entirely away.


Back around 2003 Pres. Bush gave everyone an $1800 tax rebate. Did everyone demand that the government continue to give tax rebates every year after that?

Your theory is blown to shit.

If I give a ham to a raccoon, god help the critter once my coon hound is done with it!

Yes, there's a reason why they're called coon hounds - and it ain't racist

View attachment 312472

A tax rebate is not an ongoing social program. It's not what I was talking about.

Nor is Tulsi plan an 'ongoing social program'. Learn to read.

Or is it that you're just a sadistic shithead that hates anything that benefits the working people?

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