Tump's cave-in continues!

Well, Trump has once again alienated a large number of American Citizens, this time the entire LGBT community; the cave in continues. Let's see if we can make a list of all sets of American's he has alienated:
  • Journalists
  • Teachers
  • Unions
  • Hispanics
  • African Americans
  • Muslims
  • Democrats, Progressives & Liberals
  • Those with chronic medical conditions
  • The Congress
  • The Judiciary
  • Individuals in Entertainment Industry, Hollywood
  • The LGBT community
What group have I missed?

Each member of of The Congress needs to decide if they support Trump or the Citizens of the United States. They need to be mindful that loyalty to Trump can have adverse effects, and that if they misspeak or even if they don't, he will publicly toss them under the bus using it it benefits him. His mendacious tweets, and speeches before crowds vetted to support him, are the tools of his trade.
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Why do you pretend to care?

No matter what he does, you will attack it and him and pretend to be outraged.

I'm not outraged. I don't attack him, per se - I describe him for what I see and hear: He is, IMO, a demagogue, a charlatan, a narcissist and a megalomaniac, not necessarily in that order. He is unfit to be POTUS, he can't even run the White House effectively? Why believe he can he run a country as large as ours and as diverse?

YOu call him a "demagogue, a charlatan, a narcissist and a megalomaniac" right after you claim you don't attack him.


Do you know the meaning of per se?

"I describe him for what I see and hear". List the characteristics you believe makes him fit to be POTUS:
  • Is he honest
  • Is he consistent
  • Does he study the issues
  • Does he listen to advice
  • Does he react emotionally or reasonably to adversity
Tell the reader: what makes him trust worthy?

I know an attack when I see one, even if the person attacking claims they are NOT attacking.

NONE of his failings of truth come CLOSE to the vile whopper Hillary told when she smeared tens of millions of good Americans as deplorable, just because they didn't support HER.

That lie is still tearing this nation apart, and you are part of it.

She was spot on, you are deplorable, and proud to be one.

There is nothing deplorable about me.

Other than, FROM YOUR LEFTY PERSPECTIVE, my refusal to be cowed by your vile propaganda tactics.

Hillary's vile lie, set half this nation, against the other half, the epitome of divisiveness.

And you are being a part of it, right in this very thread, by continuing to support her vile lie.

Hi Wry: It should have been clarified that Kristin Beck didn't go through transition until AFTER retiring from the Military. so during service as a SEAL, Beck's physical and gender of choice were consistently presented as MALE NOT TRANSGENDER.

To make this a fair fight, I guess Trump should also have the option to transition out before confronting Beck.
Well, Trump has once again alienated a large number of American Citizens, this time the entire LGBT community; the cave in continues. Let's see if we can make a list of all sets of American's he has alienated:
  • Journalists
  • Teachers
  • Unions
  • Hispanics
  • African Americans
  • Muslims
  • Democrats, Progressives & Liberals
  • Those with chronic medical conditions
  • The Congress
  • The Judiciary
  • Individuals in Entertainment Industry, Hollywood
  • The LGBT community
What group have I missed?

Each member of of The Congress needs to decide if they support Trump or the Citizens of the United States. They need to be mindful that loyalty to Trump can have adverse effects, and that if they misspeak or even if they don't, he will publicly toss them under the bus using it it benefits him. His mendacious tweets, and speeches before crowds vetted to support him, are the tools of his trade.

Homeland Security
The Secrete Service

all inept, and constantly berated by Don Cheeto

Hi Wry: It should have been clarified that Kristin Beck didn't go through transition until AFTER retiring from the Military. so during service as a SEAL, Beck's physical and gender of choice were consistently presented as MALE NOT TRANSGENDER.

To make this a fair fight, I guess Trump should also have the option to transition out before confronting Beck.

Judging by his tiny hands, he might be able to transition before confronting Beck. Though, given the Seal Training, man or woman, Trump will last, maybe, 15 seconds, 10 of which he will be flat on his back.
Trump and his Administration continue to caves in, more members of his initial team have stopped digging, and have climbed out of the hole. The chaos in the White House is reaching a crescendo, and as the apologists continue to dig and point fingers at each other, The Congress, The Democrats, the AG and the Dept. of Justice, the walls are beginning to crack and soon they will run out of people to blame.

With the crazy dude in N. Korea launching another missile, can we expect Trump to unilaterally wag the dog and put so many millions at risk, just to protect his himself?
07/29/2017 01:32 pm ET
Indiana Officer Fatally Shot By Man In Overturned Car He Was Trying To Save
In 2015, Lt. Aaron Allan was recognized as officer of the year.

By Sebastian Murdock

Call Sign Chaos, post: 17777697

The treasonous nig oversaw the worst economic growth since the great depression.

Is this cop killer a friend of yours.


Jason Brown, 28, is accused of killing Allan.

Indiana Officer Fatally Shot By Man In Overturned Car He Was Trying To Save | HuffPost

Just wondering, racist.
Call Sign Chaos, post: 17777697
The treasonous nig oversaw the worst economic growth since the great depression.

President Obama's predecessor "oversaw the worst economic" collapse since the Great Depression. Since he was white and wasted 4584 US Military Service members' lives in Iraq he somehow gets a pass.
Obama admitted that the shovel ready jobs wasn't shovel ready, but you still blindly follow. While you criticize Trump for any reason possible

Doesn't change the reality that infrastructure jobs were a very small part of the $800 billion ARRA that put an end the the Great Bush job destroying Recession of 2008.

The lie that the ARRA was a 'shovel ready' boondoggle is put to rest in honest people's minds. Sorry to see the lie live on in yours.
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Call Sign Chaos, post: 17824284
No he didn't you lying n!gger.

He didn't. Who did then? Who was President during the 2007 2008 recession and financial catastrophe?

The start of the recession under Bush was not the largest economic collapse since the great depression you lying faggot, it wasn't even as bad as the Carter shit show, but the recovery under Obama was the slowest since the great depression.

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