Tump's cave-in continues!

Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?
Kinda like Obama's shovel ready jobs?
jknowgood, post: 17773148,
Kinda like Obama's shovel ready jobs?

Of the $800 billion spent from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act only $27 billion was spent for infrastructure projects.

The "shovel ready" attack line against Obama is overblown and out of touch with reality.

It's a sound bite for stupid Obama haters to reuse over and over when they are unable to think for themselves and understand what is exactly going on in the world around them.

the truth:

"about 35 percent of the expenditures went for tax cuts for individuals and businesses; about 18 percent went for aid to cash-strapped state governments to offset cuts to health and education programs; and about 14 percent went for "safety net" expenditures paid to individual Americans, such as added unemployment payments."

Fox's Eric Bolling exaggerates shortcomings of stimulus

Shovel ready project Roads and Bridges were a small part of the remainder spent on Federal longer term investments in things like solar energy etc, electric cars etc.

The overal act was successful yet you had Republican propagandists claiming on national TV TGAT Obama spent a trillion dollars on a failed highways and bridges program.

See how they lie and so many suckers fall for it.
jknowgood, post: 17773148,
Kinda like Obama's shovel ready jobs?

Of the $800 billion spent from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act only $27 billion was spent for infrastructure projects.

The "shovel ready" attack line against Obama is overblown and out of touch with reality.

It's a sound bite for stupid Obama haters to reuse over and over when they are unable to think for themselves and understand what is exactly going on in the world around them.

the truth:

"about 35 percent of the expenditures went for tax cuts for individuals and businesses; about 18 percent went for aid to cash-strapped state governments to offset cuts to health and education programs; and about 14 percent went for "safety net" expenditures paid to individual Americans, such as added unemployment payments."

Fox's Eric Bolling exaggerates shortcomings of stimulus

Shovel ready project Roads and Bridges were a small part of the remainder spent on Federal longer term investments in things like solar energy etc, electric cars etc.

The overal act was successful yet you had Republican propagandists claiming on national TV TGAT Obama spent a trillion dollars on a failed highways and bridges program.

See how they lie and so many suckers fall for it.
Obama admitted that the shovel ready jobs wasn't shovel ready, but you still blindly follow. While you criticize Trump for any reason possible.
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Why do you pretend to care?

No matter what he does, you will attack it and him and pretend to be outraged.
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Tell us what specifically was incorrect in what he said? Sessions shouldn't have caved he didn't do anything deserving of recusal, there was no conflict of interests and Mueller is staffing democratic activists wjo are leaking to the press like a sieve and Mueller is stepping outside of his investigative purview because he can't find any Russian collusion.
No Russian collusion? LOL Are you that fucking stupid?

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

What did they collude about and show me the evidence that she was working for the Russian government and while you're at it do you have evidence that Trump was aware of the meeting? She didn't bring anything to the table so there was no collusion on anything and nothing to report to authorities you stupid ****** dick taking faggot.
God damn, you are really fucking stupid aren't you. The e-mail stated that she represented the Russian government, and the three of them, Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner, met her with that understanding. In other words, they were eager to collude with the Russian government on interference in a US Presidential election. The bastards should be standing in the docket for treason.

How can she represent the Russian government, when she's a lawyer working to get rid of what the Russian government did,that banned Americans from adopting Russian babies?
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Why do you pretend to care?

No matter what he does, you will attack it and him and pretend to be outraged.

I'm not outraged. I don't attack him, per se - I describe him for what I see and hear: He is, IMO, a demagogue, a charlatan, a narcissist and a megalomaniac, not necessarily in that order. He is unfit to be POTUS, he can't even run the White House effectively? Why believe he can he run a country as large as ours and as diverse?
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Why do you pretend to care?

No matter what he does, you will attack it and him and pretend to be outraged.

I'm not outraged. I don't attack him, per se - I describe him for what I see and hear: He is, IMO, a demagogue, a charlatan, a narcissist and a megalomaniac, not necessarily in that order. He is unfit to be POTUS, he can't even run the White House effectively? Why believe he can he run a country as large as ours and as diverse?

YOu call him a "demagogue, a charlatan, a narcissist and a megalomaniac" right after you claim you don't attack him.

Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Tell us what specifically was incorrect in what he said? Sessions shouldn't have caved he didn't do anything deserving of recusal, there was no conflict of interests and Mueller is staffing democratic activists wjo are leaking to the press like a sieve and Mueller is stepping outside of his investigative purview because he can't find any Russian collusion.
No Russian collusion? LOL Are you that fucking stupid?

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

What did they collude about and show me the evidence that she was working for the Russian government and while you're at it do you have evidence that Trump was aware of the meeting? She didn't bring anything to the table so there was no collusion on anything and nothing to report to authorities you stupid ****** dick taking faggot.
God damn, you are really fucking stupid aren't you. The e-mail stated that she represented the Russian government, and the three of them, Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner, met her with that understanding. In other words, they were eager to collude with the Russian government on interference in a US Presidential election. The bastards should be standing in the docket for treason.

How can she represent the Russian government, when she's a lawyer working to get rid of what the Russian government did,that banned Americans from adopting Russian babies?

Very easily, but the point is, you don't know what her agenda might be. Putin is Russian, and believes Russia is exceptional and The West (the US for sure) is corrupt and evil. Why would he want Russian children adopted by Americans? Why would any Russian, and would you want American born children adopted by Russians?

Q. Why hasn't Trump added Russia to his ban on entry into the US? If Russia made an effort to impact democracy in America, why allow Trojan Horses to come here. In fact, why not revoke all visa's issued to Russian's and deport them?
The Irish Ram, post: 17762486
Well, let's see. In the last 6 months my stocks have gone up up up.

Gone up. They've been going up for seven years. And the ACA is the law of the land. The longstanding bull market has accepted the ACA.

Keep watching. Republicans have not done any damage yet. But we are not out of the woods yet.
I should start practicing put options and short selling.
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Tell us what specifically was incorrect in what he said? Sessions shouldn't have caved he didn't do anything deserving of recusal, there was no conflict of interests and Mueller is staffing democratic activists wjo are leaking to the press like a sieve and Mueller is stepping outside of his investigative purview because he can't find any Russian collusion.

None of which you've posted is true. What he said is an effort to obstruct justice, i.e. obstruct the truth seekers. Only Sessions' knows why he recused himself; the conflict of interests allegation of the Mueller's staff has no feet. There is no conflict of interests and there have been no leaks from Mueller nor his staff, if there have been and I'm wrong list them.

His staff is made up of DNC donors and Sessions recused himself because of the laughable media perpetrated hoax that he somehow is in league with the Russians so gfys pal.

There is no limitation to Mueller's job,

Yes there is you lying fuck he was appointed specifically to investigate Russian interference in the election and possible collusion not Trumps business dealings finances so get fucked.
Silly little knownothing cocksuck, you don't get to make the rules. Not even the treasonous fat senile old orange clown gets to do that. The Russians commonly use financial dealings to turn people. So the Trump family businesses are open game for investigation.

Turning people with financial dealings? You mean like a $1 million "speaking fee" payed by the Russians to slick Willy while his wife was secretary of state? Not bad for talking for an hour I guess they really really just had to hear what he had to say right? Mueller and his DNC activist staff are on a fishing expedition, it's a fucking farce.
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Yes, Trump's cave-in continues.

It will be complete by November 2024/

That's very unlikely. I wonder if anyone watched today's dog and pony show? Another White House sake up, chaos continues as Sean Spicer leaves and an new communications director, a crony of Trump's takes over.
I may have seen that episode on Horatio Hornblower.
Mueller didn't find any Russian connections. Now he want's to fish on some other waters.
He's barely gotten his file cabinets set up.
Mueller won't find anything that isn't there. However, considering Trump has been a high end real estate man all his life, working all over the globe, it isn't unrealistic to wonder if part of the reason Trump and his team SEEM biddable to Russian interests is some kind of financial blackmail on Russia's part.
Or maybe there isn't, which is what I'm hoping they find in the end. I hope Trump and his campaign are found totally innocent of any collusion or criminal activity, and this whole damned thing can end once and for all.
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Why do you pretend to care?

No matter what he does, you will attack it and him and pretend to be outraged.

I'm not outraged. I don't attack him, per se - I describe him for what I see and hear: He is, IMO, a demagogue, a charlatan, a narcissist and a megalomaniac, not necessarily in that order. He is unfit to be POTUS, he can't even run the White House effectively? Why believe he can he run a country as large as ours and as diverse?

YOu call him a "demagogue, a charlatan, a narcissist and a megalomaniac" right after you claim you don't attack him.


Do you know the meaning of per se?

"I describe him for what I see and hear". List the characteristics you believe makes him fit to be POTUS:
  • Is he honest
  • Is he consistent
  • Does he study the issues
  • Does he listen to advice
  • Does he react emotionally or reasonably to adversity
Tell the reader: what makes him trust worthy?
To make America great again. Go Trump.

America never stopped being great. Why trash her for the love of Trump?

America stopped being great when we went from being the bank of the world to one of the biggest debtors. We are broke, out of work, overrun, snowflaked, and borrowing money we can't pay back. 19 trillion in debt is a "great" killer.
I remember great, and this ain't it.
Tax cuts for the rich only leads to more debt. It is another form of income redistribution that takes a while for the People, to "catch on".
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Tell us what specifically was incorrect in what he said? Sessions shouldn't have caved he didn't do anything deserving of recusal, there was no conflict of interests and Mueller is staffing democratic activists wjo are leaking to the press like a sieve and Mueller is stepping outside of his investigative purview because he can't find any Russian collusion.
No Russian collusion? LOL Are you that fucking stupid?

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

What did they collude about and show me the evidence that she was working for the Russian government and while you're at it do you have evidence that Trump was aware of the meeting? She didn't bring anything to the table so there was no collusion on anything and nothing to report to authorities you stupid ****** dick taking faggot.
God damn, you are really fucking stupid aren't you. The e-mail stated that she represented the Russian government,

But she didn't you stupid fuck.

and the three of them, Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner, met her with that understanding. In other words, they were eager to collude with the Russian government on interference in a US Presidential election. The bastards should be standing in the docket for treason.

She didn't present anything at the meeting so what did the collude about and just who gave aid and comfort to an enemy of the US you stupid faggot? You must be thinking of the former chimp in chief Obama who went out of his way to make a special exception to grant 1500 known and documented terrorist asylum in the United States. That's aid and comfort to thousands of declared enemies of the United States, time for the treasonous ****** to hang I suppose.
jknowgood, post: 17773148,
Kinda like Obama's shovel ready jobs?

Of the $800 billion spent from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act only $27 billion was spent for infrastructure projects.

The "shovel ready" attack line against Obama is overblown and out of touch with reality.

It's a sound bite for stupid Obama haters to reuse over and over when they are unable to think for themselves and understand what is exactly going on in the world around them.

the truth:

"about 35 percent of the expenditures went for tax cuts for individuals and businesses; about 18 percent went for aid to cash-strapped state governments to offset cuts to health and education programs; and about 14 percent went for "safety net" expenditures paid to individual Americans, such as added unemployment payments."

Fox's Eric Bolling exaggerates shortcomings of stimulus

Shovel ready project Roads and Bridges were a small part of the remainder spent on Federal longer term investments in things like solar energy etc, electric cars etc.

The overal act was successful yet you had Republican propagandists claiming on national TV TGAT Obama spent a trillion dollars on a failed highways and bridges program.

See how they lie and so many suckers fall for it.
y'all just have propaganda and rhetoric for right wing policy. All talk and no action.

U.S. Unemployment Rate Hits 16-Year Low Despite Slower Job Growth
Well, he hasn't made it great yet, he's just made it entertaining.

Stock market up, unemployment down. No more stream of illegals walking across our border. A secure Supreme Court, no more Muslim quota. It is greater than it has been for the last 8 years.
Stupid ass, under President Obama, the market went from 6500 to almost 20,000. To match that runup the treasonous senile old orange clown will have to see 60,000 if he were to last two terms. However, there is considerable doubt that the clown will be President on election day, 2018.

The treasonous nig oversaw the worst economic growth since the great depression.
I thought Sessions' reason for recusing himself was absolutely understandable and the right thing to do. I don't know why Trump freaked over it. It does bother me every time I hear a Democrat saying that Sessions had to recuse himself because of the meeting in his capacity as a senator. There was no secret there and it was a big nothing. Democrats should not be saying that was the reason, but I hear it all the time.
I have no idea what Trump's issue is.

What Democrat said that?
I hear it on the news over and over by folks offering comments and by commentators themselves, and I read it here. It is very true; watch for it.

I don't think so. They say he was right to recuse himself because he is part of the investigation. He was a key member of the campaign that is being investigated.
Okay. We're obviously hearing different people. I'm mostly hearing senators and people on PBS, CBS and CSPAN.

It's simple. Post a link to some. I'm ready to listen.
Lone. Just listen and you will hear it.
Mueller didn't find any Russian connections. Now he want's to fish on some other waters.
He's barely gotten his file cabinets set up.
Mueller won't find anything that isn't there. However, considering Trump has been a high end real estate man all his life, working all over the globe, it isn't unrealistic to wonder if part of the reason Trump and his team SEEM biddable to Russian interests is some kind of financial blackmail on Russia's part.
Or maybe there isn't, which is what I'm hoping they find in the end. I hope Trump and his campaign are found totally innocent of any collusion or criminal activity, and this whole damned thing can end once and for all.
He has a plan. It is to get richer even it he has to pander to the right wing, to make the poor, poorer.
Tell us what specifically was incorrect in what he said? Sessions shouldn't have caved he didn't do anything deserving of recusal, there was no conflict of interests and Mueller is staffing democratic activists wjo are leaking to the press like a sieve and Mueller is stepping outside of his investigative purview because he can't find any Russian collusion.
No Russian collusion? LOL Are you that fucking stupid?

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

What did they collude about and show me the evidence that she was working for the Russian government and while you're at it do you have evidence that Trump was aware of the meeting? She didn't bring anything to the table so there was no collusion on anything and nothing to report to authorities you stupid ****** dick taking faggot.
God damn, you are really fucking stupid aren't you. The e-mail stated that she represented the Russian government, and the three of them, Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner, met her with that understanding. In other words, they were eager to collude with the Russian government on interference in a US Presidential election. The bastards should be standing in the docket for treason.

How can she represent the Russian government, when she's a lawyer working to get rid of what the Russian government did,that banned Americans from adopting Russian babies?

Very easily, but the point is, you don't know what her agenda might be. Putin is Russian, and believes Russia is exceptional and The West (the US for sure) is corrupt and evil. Why would he want Russian children adopted by Americans? Why would any Russian, and would you want American born children adopted by Russians?

Q. Why hasn't Trump added Russia to his ban on entry into the US? If Russia made an effort to impact democracy in America, why allow Trojan Horses to come here. In fact, why not revoke all visa's issued to Russian's and deport them?

Do you know why Putin did that in 2012?
Hint- the Magnisky Act passed bipartisan in both the House and Senate.

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