Tump's cave-in continues!

Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Tell us what specifically was incorrect in what he said? Sessions shouldn't have caved he didn't do anything deserving of recusal, there was no conflict of interests and Mueller is staffing democratic activists wjo are leaking to the press like a sieve and Mueller is stepping outside of his investigative purview because he can't find any Russian collusion.

None of which you've posted is true. What he said is an effort to obstruct justice, i.e. obstruct the truth seekers. Only Sessions' knows why he recused himself; the conflict of interests allegation of the Mueller's staff has no feet. There is no conflict of interests and there have been no leaks from Mueller nor his staff, if there have been and I'm wrong list them.

His staff is made up of DNC donors and Sessions recused himself because of the laughable media perpetrated hoax that he somehow is in league with the Russians so gfys pal.

There is no limitation to Mueller's job,

Yes there is you lying fuck he was appointed specifically to investigate Russian interference in the election and possible collusion not Trumps business dealings finances so get fucked.
Silly little knownothing cocksuck, you don't get to make the rules. Not even the treasonous fat senile old orange clown gets to do that. The Russians commonly use financial dealings to turn people. So the Trump family businesses are open game for investigation.
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

To make you liberal pussies piss your panties on a regular basis.

You continue to be an asshole, and continue to prove how damn stupid you are. Why? [I suppose the second clause explains why]

Touched a nerve, did I pussy? Go change your panties.

You've never touched a nerve, your posts are all predictable, and mirror the latest talking points of the neo fascist / alt right / crazy right wing. Why would I or anyone take you seriously?
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Tell us what specifically was incorrect in what he said? Sessions shouldn't have caved he didn't do anything deserving of recusal, there was no conflict of interests and Mueller is staffing democratic activists wjo are leaking to the press like a sieve and Mueller is stepping outside of his investigative purview because he can't find any Russian collusion.
No Russian collusion? LOL Are you that fucking stupid?

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

What did they collude about and show me the evidence that she was working for the Russian government and while you're at it do you have evidence that Trump was aware of the meeting? She didn't bring anything to the table so there was no collusion on anything and nothing to report to authorities you stupid ****** dick taking faggot.
God damn, you are really fucking stupid aren't you. The e-mail stated that she represented the Russian government, and the three of them, Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner, met her with that understanding. In other words, they were eager to collude with the Russian government on interference in a US Presidential election. The bastards should be standing in the docket for treason.
Well, he hasn't made it great yet, he's just made it entertaining.

Stock market up, unemployment down. No more stream of illegals walking across our border. A secure Supreme Court, no more Muslim quota. It is greater than it has been for the last 8 years.
Stupid ass, under President Obama, the market went from 6500 to almost 20,000. To match that runup the treasonous senile old orange clown will have to see 60,000 if he were to last two terms. However, there is considerable doubt that the clown will be President on election day, 2018.
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

To make you liberal pussies piss your panties on a regular basis.
LOL I think the people pissing their panties on a regular basis over the treasonous fat senile old orange clown's actions and statements are GOP congresscritters.
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

To make you liberal pussies piss your panties on a regular basis.

You continue to be an asshole, and continue to prove how damn stupid you are. Why? [I suppose the second clause explains why]

Touched a nerve, did I pussy? Go change your panties.

You've never touched a nerve, your posts are all predictable, and mirror the latest talking points of the neo fascist / alt right / crazy right wing. Why would I or anyone take you seriously?

Yeah, I did. Big time.
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

To make you liberal pussies piss your panties on a regular basis.
LOL I think the people pissing their panties on a regular basis over the treasonous fat senile old orange clown's actions and statements are GOP congresscritters.

All evidence to the contrary idiot.
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?
Trump doesn’t have a ‘plan,’ that’s why he’s asking about pardoning himself and his criminal co-conspirators.
Six months on, and the snowflake meltdown continues. I another six months there'll be nothing left to melt.
In another six months, there is a very good chance that the treasonous fat senile old orange clown will no longer be President. There is no doubt now that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government. Don Trump Jr. spelled it all out for the world to see.
Bet you dollars to doughnuts, as the old saying goes, that in six months you'll still be butt hurt and Trump will still be president. Actually, 8 years would be better.
Well, he hasn't made it great yet, he's just made it entertaining.

Stock market up, unemployment down. No more stream of illegals walking across our border. A secure Supreme Court, no more Muslim quota. It is greater than it has been for the last 8 years.

Stock market up because the economy is getting better. Nothing to do with Trump.

Unemployment down, a trend that has been happening since 2009, Trump even said the statistics were wrong, and now they show him in a good light, he'll say they're right. I mean, the guy is a whore.


Under Obama MORE immigrants were kicked out in the first six months than under Trump.

"A secure Supreme Court"? What does that mean? You mean it's a right wing Supreme Court, another part of govt that favors the right.

Muslim quotas? What Muslim quotas?

It's not been greater, even under your own definition of what makes something great. The only way you can make it great is by ignoring most of what has happening and pretending it's different.
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Tell us what specifically was incorrect in what he said? Sessions shouldn't have caved he didn't do anything deserving of recusal, there was no conflict of interests and Mueller is staffing democratic activists wjo are leaking to the press like a sieve and Mueller is stepping outside of his investigative purview because he can't find any Russian collusion.
No Russian collusion? LOL Are you that fucking stupid?

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

What did they collude about and show me the evidence that she was working for the Russian government and while you're at it do you have evidence that Trump was aware of the meeting? She didn't bring anything to the table so there was no collusion on anything and nothing to report to authorities you stupid ****** dick taking faggot.

What's your fascination with man's penis? Why are you so focused on homosexuality? You may not know, but studies have concluded that people like you, fixated as your are, either are gay curious, or, engaged in homosexual activity, enjoyed it, and hate yourself for it.

Maybe you need to see a therapist?
Call Sign Chaos, post: 17764175
What did they collude about and show me the evidence that she was working for the Russian government

Why have you not read the emails that lil Donny released.

The invite to the meeting listed the Russian Government as the source of information to help the Trump campaign.

Going to the meeting to get something from the Kremlin is the very intent to collude.

Perhaps lil Donny is telling the truth and nothing came if it.

And since the apple doesn't fall far from the tree I find it difficult to take lil Donny at his word.

Investigate the hell out of this and every contact the Trump campaign made with anybody linked to Russia no matter how much removed from the Kremlin.

The Trumps Kushners Manafort's and Sessions appear to have amnesia with regard to contacts with the Russians. A thorough investigation can certainly help them remember.
The Irish Ram, post: 17762486
Well, let's see. In the last 6 months my stocks have gone up up up.

Gone up. They've been going up for seven years. And the ACA is the law of the land. The longstanding bull market has accepted the ACA.

Keep watching. Republicans have not done any damage yet. But we are not out of the woods yet.
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Yes, Trump's cave-in continues.

It will be complete by November 2024/

That's very unlikely. I wonder if anyone watched today's dog and pony show? Another White House sake up, chaos continues as Sean Spicer leaves and an new communications director, a crony of Trump's takes over.
To make America great again. Go Trump.

America never stopped being great. Why trash her for the love of Trump?

America stopped being great when we went from being the bank of the world to one of the biggest debtors. We are broke, out of work, overrun, snowflaked, and borrowing money we can't pay back. 19 trillion in debt is a "great" killer.
I remember great, and this ain't it.
To make America great again. Go Trump.

America never stopped being great. Why trash her for the love of Trump?

America stopped being great when we went from being the bank of the world to one of the biggest debtors. We are broke, out of work, overrun, snowflaked, and borrowing money we can't pay back. 19 trillion in debt is a "great" killer.
I remember great, and this ain't it.
Too many republican presidents
The Irish Ram, post: 17772004
America stopped being great when we went from being the bank of the world to one of the biggest debtors. We are broke, out of work, overrun, snowflaked, and borrowing money we can't pay back. 19 trillion in debt is a "great" killer. I remember great, and this ain't it.

Just because you are a depressed pessimistic loser victim of snowflakes doesn't mean the rest of us should be dragged down by your right wing nutjob ideology and fearmongering.

You just announced your stocks have been rising since Trump took office. A great America allows losers like you to make money in the stock market.

But as a Republican you don't want to pay a fair share of taxes on that privilege.

An attitude that contributes to the increase in debt.

Not one single Republican voted in favor of President Clinton's tax hike on the wealthy.

But they saw 20 million new jobs and three years of budget surpluses as a result.

Trickle Down never worked as a long term solution to our debt situation. It aggravates it every time Republicans revive that boneheaded theory.
The Irish Ram, post: 17762486,
The invasion of illegals has been reduced to a trickle. T

Is that why the Trump dyNASTY has put in a request for 70 foreign workers they need at Mar A Lago.

The company is seeking 35 waiters and waitresses at Mar-a-Lago along with 20 cooks and 15 maids. A listing is also posted for six cooks at the Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, Florida.

The jobs pay anywhere from $10.33 to $20.01 per hour. They run from Oct. 1 to May 31.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort applies for 70 foreign worker visas during 'Made in America' week

The unauthorized immigration from Mexico has been in steady decline since 2007.

. Mexicans have long been the largest origin group among unauthorized immigrants – and the majority for at least a decade – but their numbers have been shrinking since peaking at 6.9 million, or 57% of the total, in 2007. In 2014, they numbered 5.8 million (52% of the total). In 2015, according to the Center’s new estimate, they declined to 5.6 million, or 51% of the total. And in 2016, according to the Center’s preliminary estimate, the number of unauthorized immigrants from Mexico was the same, but their share fell to 50% of the total, marking the first time since at least 2005 that Mexicans did not account for a majority of the unauthorized immigrant population.

As Mexican share declined, U.S. unauthorized immigrant population fell in 2015 below recession level

Trump has little to do with a decade long trend if anything at all.
The Irish Ram, post: 17762486
Unemployment is down

I see you have now gone back to the BLS data that RWNJs declared was cooked data as it steadily declined under Obama.

Very convenient.

Oh and it went down 0.2% following the trend set by Obama.

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