Tump's cave-in continues!

Mueller wants to "expand" his investigation into Trump's finances. He knows the Russian collusion bullshit is going nowhere, so he has to find something else to justify the continuation of the his bogus investigation.

I'm pretty certain you have no clue as to the powers and duties of Mr. Mueller; you've proved to be a very biddable (easily led) individual since you have no real evidence that Mr Mueller is conducting a "bogus investigation".

It is not a leap to understand that any financial matters Trump may or may not have engaged in with Russia, or with Russian Oligarchs anywhere in the world, would be hidden by brokers , or transactions in banks not chartered in Russia or the United States. His taxes, once promised and never produced strongly suggests they have evidence germane to Mr. Mueller's investigation.
Mueller wants to "expand" his investigation into Trump's finances. He knows the Russian collusion bullshit is going nowhere, so he has to find something else to justify the continuation of the his bogus investigation.

I'm pretty certain you have no clue as to the powers and duties of Mr. Mueller; you've proved to be a very biddable (easily led) individual since you have no real evidence that Mr Mueller is conducting a "bogus investigation".

It is not a leap to understand that any financial matters Trump may or may not have engaged in with Russia, or with Russian Oligarchs anywhere in the world, would be hidden by brokers , or transactions in banks not chartered in Russia or the United States. His taxes, once promised and never produced strongly suggests they have evidence germane to Mr. Mueller's investigation.
I'm pretty certain you don't understand the difference between Trump's finances with Russia and Trump's finances. Get a clue, dumbass.
Sessions did the right thing recusing himself. Trump is only huffy about because he wanted one of his loyal goons to oversee the investigation.
Mueller wants to "expand" his investigation into Trump's finances. He knows the Russian collusion bullshit is going nowhere, so he has to find something else to justify the continuation of the his bogus investigation.

I'm pretty certain you have no clue as to the powers and duties of Mr. Mueller; you've proved to be a very biddable (easily led) individual since you have no real evidence that Mr Mueller is conducting a "bogus investigation".

It is not a leap to understand that any financial matters Trump may or may not have engaged in with Russia, or with Russian Oligarchs anywhere in the world, would be hidden by brokers , or transactions in banks not chartered in Russia or the United States. His taxes, once promised and never produced strongly suggests they have evidence germane to Mr. Mueller's investigation.

I'm pretty certain you don't understand the difference between Trump's finances with Russia and Trump's finances. Get a clue, dumbass.

I'm pretty sure your comment would have made me spit coffee on my screen if you had posted it this morning, and I took a sip of coffee when reading it. Your post is that laugh out loud a comment.
Mueller wants to "expand" his investigation into Trump's finances. He knows the Russian collusion bullshit is going nowhere, so he has to find something else to justify the continuation of the his bogus investigation.

I'm pretty certain you have no clue as to the powers and duties of Mr. Mueller; you've proved to be a very biddable (easily led) individual since you have no real evidence that Mr Mueller is conducting a "bogus investigation".

It is not a leap to understand that any financial matters Trump may or may not have engaged in with Russia, or with Russian Oligarchs anywhere in the world, would be hidden by brokers , or transactions in banks not chartered in Russia or the United States. His taxes, once promised and never produced strongly suggests they have evidence germane to Mr. Mueller's investigation.

I'm pretty certain you don't understand the difference between Trump's finances with Russia and Trump's finances. Get a clue, dumbass.

I'm pretty sure your comment would have made me spit coffee on my screen if you had posted it this morning, and I took a sip of coffee when reading it. Your post is that laugh out loud a comment.
I'm pretty sure you're trying to deflect. What else can you do when you've been bitch slapped, right?
To make America great again. Go Trump.


How's that going, six months in and how great do you feel?

He's a bust, some day even the obsequious and biddable fools - now please don't take that personally - will one day realize how unfit, incompetent, dishonest and un-Presidential Trump is.

Well, let's see. In the last 6 months my stocks have gone up up up. The invasion of illegals has been reduced to a trickle. The Supreme court wasn't turned into an arm of the UN. Unemployment is down. And I don't have to see that harpy Hitlery on my TV anymore. It's going well.. :)
Mueller wants to "expand" his investigation into Trump's finances. He knows the Russian collusion bullshit is going nowhere, so he has to find something else to justify the continuation of the his bogus investigation.

I'm pretty certain you have no clue as to the powers and duties of Mr. Mueller; you've proved to be a very biddable (easily led) individual since you have no real evidence that Mr Mueller is conducting a "bogus investigation".

It is not a leap to understand that any financial matters Trump may or may not have engaged in with Russia, or with Russian Oligarchs anywhere in the world, would be hidden by brokers , or transactions in banks not chartered in Russia or the United States. His taxes, once promised and never produced strongly suggests they have evidence germane to Mr. Mueller's investigation.

I'm pretty certain you don't understand the difference between Trump's finances with Russia and Trump's finances. Get a clue, dumbass.

I'm pretty sure your comment would have made me spit coffee on my screen if you had posted it this morning, and I took a sip of coffee when reading it. Your post is that laugh out loud a comment.
I'm pretty sure you're trying to deflect. What else can you do when you've been bitch slapped, right?

I wouldn't know. What do you do?
Mueller didn't find any Russian connections. Now he want's to fish on some other waters.

Yup. Mueller, the Dims, and MSM are still fishing after nearly a year:


...and still not a damned thing to show for it.
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Tell us what specifically was incorrect in what he said? Sessions shouldn't have caved he didn't do anything deserving of recusal, there was no conflict of interests and Mueller is staffing democratic activists wjo are leaking to the press like a sieve and Mueller is stepping outside of his investigative purview because he can't find any Russian collusion.
I couldnt believe trump said that about sessions. Sessions even stated such in his hearings.. maybe trump should have watched :dunno:
I dont blame him for not wanting the fbi to dig in his finances if they dont have a link to the current russian investigation.
I thought Sessions' reason for recusing himself was absolutely understandable and the right thing to do. I don't know why Trump freaked over it. It does bother me every time I hear a Democrat saying that Sessions had to recuse himself because of the meeting in his capacity as a senator. There was no secret there and it was a big nothing. Democrats should not be saying that was the reason, but I hear it all the time.
I have no idea what Trump's issue is.

What Democrat said that?
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?
Trump doesn’t have a ‘plan,’ that’s why he’s asking about pardoning himself and his criminal co-conspirators.
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?
Trump doesn’t have a ‘plan,’ that’s why he’s asking about pardoning himself and his criminal co-conspirators.
Six months on, and the snowflake meltdown continues. I another six months there'll be nothing left to melt.
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Tell us what specifically was incorrect in what he said? Sessions shouldn't have caved he didn't do anything deserving of recusal, there was no conflict of interests and Mueller is staffing democratic activists wjo are leaking to the press like a sieve and Mueller is stepping outside of his investigative purview because he can't find any Russian collusion.
No Russian collusion? LOL Are you that fucking stupid?

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote:

Good morning

Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.

The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - helped along by Aras and Emin.

What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?

I can also send this info to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first.


Rob Goldstone

On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:53, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:

Thanks Rob I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it's what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?


Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?
Trump doesn’t have a ‘plan,’ that’s why he’s asking about pardoning himself and his criminal co-conspirators.
Six months on, and the snowflake meltdown continues. I another six months there'll be nothing left to melt.
In another six months, there is a very good chance that the treasonous fat senile old orange clown will no longer be President. There is no doubt now that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government. Don Trump Jr. spelled it all out for the world to see.
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Tell us what specifically was incorrect in what he said? Sessions shouldn't have caved he didn't do anything deserving of recusal, there was no conflict of interests and Mueller is staffing democratic activists wjo are leaking to the press like a sieve and Mueller is stepping outside of his investigative purview because he can't find any Russian collusion.

None of which you've posted is true. What he said is an effort to obstruct justice, i.e. obstruct the truth seekers. Only Sessions' knows why he recused himself; the conflict of interests allegation of the Mueller's staff has no feet. There is no conflict of interests and there have been no leaks from Mueller nor his staff, if there have been and I'm wrong list them.

There is no limitation to Mueller's job, he will follow the evidence wherever it leads. Each link in the chain will be followed, and documents and interviews cataloged, and later brought before the H. or Rep. or a Grand Jury, if warranted. If not, and the evidence does not sustain such a response, the matter will be closed.

Lies by omission and efforts to convince the easily led Trump supporters by haters of all things left of center - the Authoritarian and Plutocratic Right Wing - will continue to be posted on social media, based solely on unverified opinions of others, and the posters own bias and ignorance on the issues.
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Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Tell us what specifically was incorrect in what he said? Sessions shouldn't have caved he didn't do anything deserving of recusal, there was no conflict of interests and Mueller is staffing democratic activists wjo are leaking to the press like a sieve and Mueller is stepping outside of his investigative purview because he can't find any Russian collusion.

None of which you've posted is true. What he said is an effort to obstruct justice, i.e. obstruct the truth seekers. Only Sessions' knows why he recused himself; the conflict of interests allegation of the Mueller's staff has no feet. There is no conflict of interests and there have been no leaks from Mueller nor his staff, if there have been and I'm wrong list them.

His staff is made up of DNC donors and Sessions recused himself because of the laughable media perpetrated hoax that he somehow is in league with the Russians so gfys pal.

There is no limitation to Mueller's job,

Yes there is you lying fuck he was appointed specifically to investigate Russian interference in the election and possible collusion not Trumps business dealings finances so get fucked.

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