Tump's cave-in continues!

Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Tell us what specifically was incorrect in what he said? Sessions shouldn't have caved he didn't do anything deserving of recusal, there was no conflict of interests and Mueller is staffing democratic activists wjo are leaking to the press like a sieve and Mueller is stepping outside of his investigative purview because he can't find any Russian collusion.

No Russian collusion? LOL Are you that fucking stupid?

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

What did they collude about and show me the evidence that she was working for the Russian government and while you're at it do you have evidence that Trump was aware of the meeting? She didn't bring anything to the table so there was no collusion on anything and nothing to report to authorities you stupid ****** dick taking faggot.

God damn, you are really fucking stupid aren't you. The e-mail stated that she represented the Russian government,

But she didn't you stupid fuck.

and the three of them, Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner, met her with that understanding. In other words, they were eager to collude with the Russian government on interference in a US Presidential election. The bastards should be standing in the docket for treason.

She didn't present anything at the meeting so what did the collude about and just who gave aid and comfort to an enemy of the US you stupid faggot? You must be thinking of the former chimp in chief Obama who went out of his way to make a special exception to grant 1500 known and documented terrorist asylum in the United States. That's aid and comfort to thousands of declared enemies of the United States, time for the treasonous ****** to hang I suppose.

"stupid fuck" defined: Those who claim they know what was said and by whom at a meeting they did not attend.

Those who call others a "stupid faggot" and have a pattern of homophobic rhetoric are either gay curious, or engaged in homosexual activities, enjoyed the activity, and hates themselves for enjoying it.
Well, he hasn't made it great yet, he's just made it entertaining.

Stock market up, unemployment down. No more stream of illegals walking across our border. A secure Supreme Court, no more Muslim quota. It is greater than it has been for the last 8 years.
Stupid ass, under President Obama, the market went from 6500 to almost 20,000. To match that runup the treasonous senile old orange clown will have to see 60,000 if he were to last two terms. However, there is considerable doubt that the clown will be President on election day, 2018.

The treasonous nig oversaw the worst economic growth since the great depression.

You're not only stupid, you are toxic. You pollute every thread in which you post with garbage, lies and hate. I wonder, who or what made you into the piece of shit you've become?
No Russian collusion? LOL Are you that fucking stupid?

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

What did they collude about and show me the evidence that she was working for the Russian government and while you're at it do you have evidence that Trump was aware of the meeting? She didn't bring anything to the table so there was no collusion on anything and nothing to report to authorities you stupid ****** dick taking faggot.
God damn, you are really fucking stupid aren't you. The e-mail stated that she represented the Russian government, and the three of them, Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner, met her with that understanding. In other words, they were eager to collude with the Russian government on interference in a US Presidential election. The bastards should be standing in the docket for treason.

How can she represent the Russian government, when she's a lawyer working to get rid of what the Russian government did,that banned Americans from adopting Russian babies?

Very easily, but the point is, you don't know what her agenda might be. Putin is Russian, and believes Russia is exceptional and The West (the US for sure) is corrupt and evil. Why would he want Russian children adopted by Americans? Why would any Russian, and would you want American born children adopted by Russians?

Q. Why hasn't Trump added Russia to his ban on entry into the US? If Russia made an effort to impact democracy in America, why allow Trojan Horses to come here. In fact, why not revoke all visa's issued to Russian's and deport them?

Do you know why Putin did that in 2012?
Hint- the Magnisky Act passed bipartisan in both the House and Senate.

So? How does that gamesmanship make my tongue-in-cheek gamesmanship anything more than what they are, Stunts.
Well, he hasn't made it great yet, he's just made it entertaining.

Stock market up, unemployment down. No more stream of illegals walking across our border. A secure Supreme Court, no more Muslim quota. It is greater than it has been for the last 8 years.
Stupid ass, under President Obama, the market went from 6500 to almost 20,000. To match that runup the treasonous senile old orange clown will have to see 60,000 if he were to last two terms. However, there is considerable doubt that the clown will be President on election day, 2018.

The treasonous nig oversaw the worst economic growth since the great depression.

You're not only stupid, you are toxic. You pollute every thread in which you post with garbage, lies and hate. I wonder, who or what made you into the piece of shit you've become?
He’s your typical Trump supporter, a purveyor of garbage, lies, and hate.
Tell us what specifically was incorrect in what he said? Sessions shouldn't have caved he didn't do anything deserving of recusal, there was no conflict of interests and Mueller is staffing democratic activists wjo are leaking to the press like a sieve and Mueller is stepping outside of his investigative purview because he can't find any Russian collusion.

No Russian collusion? LOL Are you that fucking stupid?

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

What did they collude about and show me the evidence that she was working for the Russian government and while you're at it do you have evidence that Trump was aware of the meeting? She didn't bring anything to the table so there was no collusion on anything and nothing to report to authorities you stupid ****** dick taking faggot.

God damn, you are really fucking stupid aren't you. The e-mail stated that she represented the Russian government,

But she didn't you stupid fuck.

and the three of them, Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner, met her with that understanding. In other words, they were eager to collude with the Russian government on interference in a US Presidential election. The bastards should be standing in the docket for treason.

She didn't present anything at the meeting so what did the collude about and just who gave aid and comfort to an enemy of the US you stupid faggot? You must be thinking of the former chimp in chief Obama who went out of his way to make a special exception to grant 1500 known and documented terrorist asylum in the United States. That's aid and comfort to thousands of declared enemies of the United States, time for the treasonous ****** to hang I suppose.

"stupid fuck" defined: Those who claim they know what was said and by whom at a meeting they did not attend.

She was there to lobby against the Maginsky act she had nothing to give him and you have no evidence to the contrary you stupod fuck.

Those who call others a "stupid faggot" and have a pattern of homophobic rhetoric are either gay curious, or engaged in homosexual activities, enjoyed the activity, and hates themselves for enjoying it.

Choke to death on a ****** dick you fucking faggot.
Well, he hasn't made it great yet, he's just made it entertaining.

Stock market up, unemployment down. No more stream of illegals walking across our border. A secure Supreme Court, no more Muslim quota. It is greater than it has been for the last 8 years.
Stupid ass, under President Obama, the market went from 6500 to almost 20,000. To match that runup the treasonous senile old orange clown will have to see 60,000 if he were to last two terms. However, there is considerable doubt that the clown will be President on election day, 2018.

The treasonous nig oversaw the worst economic growth since the great depression.

You're not only stupid, you are toxic. You pollute every thread in which you post with garbage, lies and hate. I wonder, who or what made you into the piece of shit you've become?

Says the lying nig dick taking faggot. Why do you support giving both aid and comfort to declared enemies of the United States you treasonous scum?

U.S. Gives 1,519 Engaged in Terrorism “While Under Duress” Residency, Asylum - Judicial Watch

That is actual treason, time for the nig to hang.
Last edited:
Well, he hasn't made it great yet, he's just made it entertaining.

Stock market up, unemployment down. No more stream of illegals walking across our border. A secure Supreme Court, no more Muslim quota. It is greater than it has been for the last 8 years.
Stupid ass, under President Obama, the market went from 6500 to almost 20,000. To match that runup the treasonous senile old orange clown will have to see 60,000 if he were to last two terms. However, there is considerable doubt that the clown will be President on election day, 2018.

The treasonous nig oversaw the worst economic growth since the great depression.

You're not only stupid, you are toxic. You pollute every thread in which you post with garbage, lies and hate. I wonder, who or what made you into the piece of shit you've become?
He’s your typical Trump supporter, a purveyor of garbage, lies, and hate.

And by that you mean facts backed by evidence you fucking dnc mouthpiece, all you have are this weeks talking point memos the same as the msm which wikileaks conclusively proved actively colludes with the DNC as their deep state run ministry of propaganda.
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Tell us what specifically was incorrect in what he said? Sessions shouldn't have caved he didn't do anything deserving of recusal, there was no conflict of interests and Mueller is staffing democratic activists wjo are leaking to the press like a sieve and Mueller is stepping outside of his investigative purview because he can't find any Russian collusion.
No Russian collusion? LOL Are you that fucking stupid?

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

What did they collude about and show me the evidence that she was working for the Russian government and while you're at it do you have evidence that Trump was aware of the meeting? She didn't bring anything to the table so there was no collusion on anything and nothing to report to authorities you stupid ****** dick taking faggot.

What's your fascination with man's penis? Why are you so focused on homosexuality? You may not know, but studies have concluded that people like you, fixated as your are, either are gay curious, or, engaged in homosexual activity, enjoyed it, and hate yourself for it.

Maybe you need to see a therapist?

"I know you are but what am I," is your comeback? Really? Choke youyourself to death on a ****** dick you fucking faggot.
No Russian collusion? LOL Are you that fucking stupid?

Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

What did they collude about and show me the evidence that she was working for the Russian government and while you're at it do you have evidence that Trump was aware of the meeting? She didn't bring anything to the table so there was no collusion on anything and nothing to report to authorities you stupid ****** dick taking faggot.

God damn, you are really fucking stupid aren't you. The e-mail stated that she represented the Russian government,

But she didn't you stupid fuck.

and the three of them, Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner, met her with that understanding. In other words, they were eager to collude with the Russian government on interference in a US Presidential election. The bastards should be standing in the docket for treason.

She didn't present anything at the meeting so what did the collude about and just who gave aid and comfort to an enemy of the US you stupid faggot? You must be thinking of the former chimp in chief Obama who went out of his way to make a special exception to grant 1500 known and documented terrorist asylum in the United States. That's aid and comfort to thousands of declared enemies of the United States, time for the treasonous ****** to hang I suppose.

"stupid fuck" defined: Those who claim they know what was said and by whom at a meeting they did not attend.

She was there to lobby against the Maginsky act she had nothing to give him and you have no evidence to the contrary you stupod fuck.

Those who call others a "stupid faggot" and have a pattern of homophobic rhetoric are either gay curious, or engaged in homosexual activities, enjoyed the activity, and hates themselves for enjoying it.

Choke to death on a ****** dick you fucking faggot.

You offer nothing but garbage, lies and hate. I ask for the final time, what or who made you into the piece of shit you've become.
Mueller didn't find any Russian connections. Now he want's to fish on some other waters.
He's barely gotten his file cabinets set up.
Mueller won't find anything that isn't there. However, considering Trump has been a high end real estate man all his life, working all over the globe, it isn't unrealistic to wonder if part of the reason Trump and his team SEEM biddable to Russian interests is some kind of financial blackmail on Russia's part.
Or maybe there isn't, which is what I'm hoping they find in the end. I hope Trump and his campaign are found totally innocent of any collusion or criminal activity, and this whole damned thing can end once and for all.
He has a plan. It is to get richer even it he has to pander to the right wing, to make the poor, poorer.
I don't believe that. He could have continued getting richer without all this hassle of being POTUS.
What did they collude about and show me the evidence that she was working for the Russian government and while you're at it do you have evidence that Trump was aware of the meeting? She didn't bring anything to the table so there was no collusion on anything and nothing to report to authorities you stupid ****** dick taking faggot.

God damn, you are really fucking stupid aren't you. The e-mail stated that she represented the Russian government,

But she didn't you stupid fuck.

and the three of them, Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner, met her with that understanding. In other words, they were eager to collude with the Russian government on interference in a US Presidential election. The bastards should be standing in the docket for treason.

She didn't present anything at the meeting so what did the collude about and just who gave aid and comfort to an enemy of the US you stupid faggot? You must be thinking of the former chimp in chief Obama who went out of his way to make a special exception to grant 1500 known and documented terrorist asylum in the United States. That's aid and comfort to thousands of declared enemies of the United States, time for the treasonous ****** to hang I suppose.

"stupid fuck" defined: Those who claim they know what was said and by whom at a meeting they did not attend.

She was there to lobby against the Maginsky act she had nothing to give him and you have no evidence to the contrary you stupod fuck.

Those who call others a "stupid faggot" and have a pattern of homophobic rhetoric are either gay curious, or engaged in homosexual activities, enjoyed the activity, and hates themselves for enjoying it.

Choke to death on a ****** dick you fucking faggot.

You offer nothing but garbage, lies and hate. I ask for the final time, what or who made you into the piece of shit you've become.

I provide facts backed by evidence, you provide the dnc talking points memo verbatim. Kill yourself faggot.
What Democrat said that?
I hear it on the news over and over by folks offering comments and by commentators themselves, and I read it here. It is very true; watch for it.

I don't think so. They say he was right to recuse himself because he is part of the investigation. He was a key member of the campaign that is being investigated.
Okay. We're obviously hearing different people. I'm mostly hearing senators and people on PBS, CBS and CSPAN.

It's simple. Post a link to some. I'm ready to listen.
Lone. Just listen and you will hear it.

Oh! That's my problem! I don't listen!

Thanks. Everything will be clearer now.
Mueller didn't find any Russian connections. Now he want's to fish on some other waters.
He's barely gotten his file cabinets set up.
Mueller won't find anything that isn't there. However, considering Trump has been a high end real estate man all his life, working all over the globe, it isn't unrealistic to wonder if part of the reason Trump and his team SEEM biddable to Russian interests is some kind of financial blackmail on Russia's part.
Or maybe there isn't, which is what I'm hoping they find in the end. I hope Trump and his campaign are found totally innocent of any collusion or criminal activity, and this whole damned thing can end once and for all.
He has a plan. It is to get richer even it he has to pander to the right wing, to make the poor, poorer.
I don't believe that. He could have continued getting richer without all this hassle of being POTUS.
That to Trump being president is ‘a hassle’ is both sad and disturbing.

Otherwise, yes, the Trump ‘administration’ continues to collapse, to implode, and to abandon the pursuit of sound, responsible governance.

It functions now motivated only by its siege mentality, the victim of its own failures, incompetence, and arrogance.
Mueller didn't find any Russian connections. Now he want's to fish on some other waters.
He's barely gotten his file cabinets set up.
Mueller won't find anything that isn't there. However, considering Trump has been a high end real estate man all his life, working all over the globe, it isn't unrealistic to wonder if part of the reason Trump and his team SEEM biddable to Russian interests is some kind of financial blackmail on Russia's part.
Or maybe there isn't, which is what I'm hoping they find in the end. I hope Trump and his campaign are found totally innocent of any collusion or criminal activity, and this whole damned thing can end once and for all.
He has a plan. It is to get richer even it he has to pander to the right wing, to make the poor, poorer.
I don't believe that. He could have continued getting richer without all this hassle of being POTUS.
That to Trump being president is ‘a hassle’ is both sad and disturbing.

Otherwise, yes, the Trump ‘administration’ continues to collapse, to implode, and to abandon the pursuit of sound, responsible governance.

It functions now motivated only by its siege mentality, the victim of its own failures, incompetence, and arrogance.

And don't forget he gets support from some very toxic and stupid people, CSC for example.
I hear it on the news over and over by folks offering comments and by commentators themselves, and I read it here. It is very true; watch for it.

I don't think so. They say he was right to recuse himself because he is part of the investigation. He was a key member of the campaign that is being investigated.
Okay. We're obviously hearing different people. I'm mostly hearing senators and people on PBS, CBS and CSPAN.

It's simple. Post a link to some. I'm ready to listen.
Lone. Just listen and you will hear it.

Oh! That's my problem! I don't listen!

Thanks. Everything will be clearer now.
I'm sorry you're taking my comment this way. I'm not your enemy and I'm not criticizing you in the least. If you need to be pissed off at me for some reason, go ahead, but I'm a little puzzled why.
Mueller didn't find any Russian connections. Now he want's to fish on some other waters.
He's barely gotten his file cabinets set up.
Mueller won't find anything that isn't there. However, considering Trump has been a high end real estate man all his life, working all over the globe, it isn't unrealistic to wonder if part of the reason Trump and his team SEEM biddable to Russian interests is some kind of financial blackmail on Russia's part.
Or maybe there isn't, which is what I'm hoping they find in the end. I hope Trump and his campaign are found totally innocent of any collusion or criminal activity, and this whole damned thing can end once and for all.
He has a plan. It is to get richer even it he has to pander to the right wing, to make the poor, poorer.
I don't believe that. He could have continued getting richer without all this hassle of being POTUS.
That to Trump being president is ‘a hassle’ is both sad and disturbing.

Otherwise, yes, the Trump ‘administration’ continues to collapse, to implode, and to abandon the pursuit of sound, responsible governance.

It functions now motivated only by its siege mentality, the victim of its own failures, incompetence, and arrogance.
I'm not saying Trump finds it a "hassle," but if I were in his shoes, I sure would.
I also believe there is some truth to the accusations that the media and the populace at large are putting on shit colored glasses when viewing his administration and every move he makes. I don't like him, I didn't vote for him, but he is not, in my opinion, as bad as all that.
I don't think so. They say he was right to recuse himself because he is part of the investigation. He was a key member of the campaign that is being investigated.
Okay. We're obviously hearing different people. I'm mostly hearing senators and people on PBS, CBS and CSPAN.

It's simple. Post a link to some. I'm ready to listen.
Lone. Just listen and you will hear it.

Oh! That's my problem! I don't listen!

Thanks. Everything will be clearer now.
I'm sorry you're taking my comment this way. I'm not your enemy and I'm not criticizing you in the least. If you need to be pissed off at me for some reason, go ahead, but I'm a little puzzled why.

Not pissed. You are simply too kind. Trombies love nothing more than to hear that they are being treated unfairly.
Mueller didn't find any Russian connections. Now he want's to fish on some other waters.
He's barely gotten his file cabinets set up.
Mueller won't find anything that isn't there. However, considering Trump has been a high end real estate man all his life, working all over the globe, it isn't unrealistic to wonder if part of the reason Trump and his team SEEM biddable to Russian interests is some kind of financial blackmail on Russia's part.
Or maybe there isn't, which is what I'm hoping they find in the end. I hope Trump and his campaign are found totally innocent of any collusion or criminal activity, and this whole damned thing can end once and for all.
He has a plan. It is to get richer even it he has to pander to the right wing, to make the poor, poorer.
I don't believe that. He could have continued getting richer without all this hassle of being POTUS.
That to Trump being president is ‘a hassle’ is both sad and disturbing.

Otherwise, yes, the Trump ‘administration’ continues to collapse, to implode, and to abandon the pursuit of sound, responsible governance.

It functions now motivated only by its siege mentality, the victim of its own failures, incompetence, and arrogance.
I'm not saying Trump finds it a "hassle," but if I were in his shoes, I sure would.
I also believe there is some truth to the accusations that the media and the populace at large are putting on shit colored glasses when viewing his administration and every move he makes. I don't like him, I didn't vote for him, but he is not, in my opinion, as bad as all that.

Again. Too kind. He is every bit that bad.
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Why do you pretend to care?

No matter what he does, you will attack it and him and pretend to be outraged.

I'm not outraged. I don't attack him, per se - I describe him for what I see and hear: He is, IMO, a demagogue, a charlatan, a narcissist and a megalomaniac, not necessarily in that order. He is unfit to be POTUS, he can't even run the White House effectively? Why believe he can he run a country as large as ours and as diverse?

YOu call him a "demagogue, a charlatan, a narcissist and a megalomaniac" right after you claim you don't attack him.


Do you know the meaning of per se?

"I describe him for what I see and hear". List the characteristics you believe makes him fit to be POTUS:
  • Is he honest
  • Is he consistent
  • Does he study the issues
  • Does he listen to advice
  • Does he react emotionally or reasonably to adversity
Tell the reader: what makes him trust worthy?

I know an attack when I see one, even if the person attacking claims they are NOT attacking.

NONE of his failings of truth come CLOSE to the vile whopper Hillary told when she smeared tens of millions of good Americans as deplorable, just because they didn't support HER.

That lie is still tearing this nation apart, and you are part of it.
Yesterday, President Trump continued his ineffective leadership by attacking his attorney general, threatening special counsel Mueller and raised speculation on all but his most lickspittle admirers that his taxes and finances are hiding serious legal complications for he and his family.

What is his game plan?

Why do you pretend to care?

No matter what he does, you will attack it and him and pretend to be outraged.

I'm not outraged. I don't attack him, per se - I describe him for what I see and hear: He is, IMO, a demagogue, a charlatan, a narcissist and a megalomaniac, not necessarily in that order. He is unfit to be POTUS, he can't even run the White House effectively? Why believe he can he run a country as large as ours and as diverse?

YOu call him a "demagogue, a charlatan, a narcissist and a megalomaniac" right after you claim you don't attack him.


Do you know the meaning of per se?

"I describe him for what I see and hear". List the characteristics you believe makes him fit to be POTUS:
  • Is he honest
  • Is he consistent
  • Does he study the issues
  • Does he listen to advice
  • Does he react emotionally or reasonably to adversity
Tell the reader: what makes him trust worthy?

I know an attack when I see one, even if the person attacking claims they are NOT attacking.

NONE of his failings of truth come CLOSE to the vile whopper Hillary told when she smeared tens of millions of good Americans as deplorable, just because they didn't support HER.

That lie is still tearing this nation apart, and you are part of it.

She was spot on, you are deplorable, and proud to be one.

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