Turkey’s president, Erdoğan, Suffers defeat in Elections


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
A defeat for the islamonazis in Turkey:cool:

Turkey election: ruling party loses majority as pro-Kurdish HDP gains seats
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s Justice and Development party wins 41% of vote – meaning it will need a coalition partner to form a government


Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has suffered his biggest setback in 13 years of amassing power as voters denied his ruling party a parliamentary majority for the first time since 2002 and gave the country’s large Kurdish minority its biggest voice ever in national politics.

The election result on Sunday, with almost all votes counted, appeared to wreck Erdoğan’s ambition of rewriting the constitution to establish himself as an all-powerful executive president. Erdoğan’s governing Justice and Development party, or AKP, won the election comfortably for the fourth time in a row, with around 41% of the vote, but that represented a steep fall in support from 49% in 2011, throwing the government of the country into great uncertainty.

Kurds celebrate the success of the pro-Kurdish HDP party. Photograph: Aurore Belot/Corbis

The vote was the first time in four general elections that support for Erdoğan decreased. The fall coupled with an election triumph for a new pro-Kurdish party meant it was unlikely that the AKP would be able to form a majority government, forcing it to negotiate a coalition, probably with extreme nationalists, or to call a fresh election if no parliamentary majority can be secured within six weeks.

Turkey election ruling party loses majority as pro-Kurdish HDP gains seats World news The Guardian
The Germans, according to Hitler, were behind every bad thing that ever happened in Germany. So why wouldn't the Jews get the blame for the loss of an election.

I mean really.

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