Turns out Russians hacked systems in 39 states. Did Republicans help?

Russian Cyber Hacks on U.S. Electoral System Far Wider Than Previously Known

The White House provided evidence gathered on Russia’s hacking efforts and reasons why the U.S. considered it dangerously aggressive. Russia responded by asking for more information and providing assurances that it would look into the matter even as the hacking continued, according to the two people familiar with the response.

In early July 2016, a contractor who works two or three days a week at the state board of elections detected unauthorized data leaving the network, according to Ken Menzel, general counsel for the Illinois board of elections. The hackers had gained access to the state’s voter database, which contained information such as names, dates of birth, genders, driver’s licenses and partial Social Security numbers on 15 million people, half of whom were active voters. As many as 90,000 records were ultimately compromised.


Wow, and remember, Trump only won by 77 thousand in three states.

I'm sure Republicans aren't seeing a problem. After all, they now love Russia. They think Putin is great.

If Republicans love Putin, which they do, then they must admit they love Saddam. After all, there really isn't much of a difference between Putin and Saddam. Except Putin is Trump's boss. Putin is the proud owner of an Orange Haired Russian Poodle. His "papers" show he is pure bred Manchurian.

Still no proof that republicans are involved in any manner. Color me NOT surprised.

But the article you cited explains how Reality Winner, the recently jailed leaker of US classified information, was involved in giving out classified VR2 voting software too the Russians that is used in over 16 states. Reality Winner is a far left wing DEMOCRAT... Are we projecting again Democrat actions?

You could be right that Rs didn't help trump. He was already owned by Pooting many years ago. His sleazy kids said they've been getting money from Russia for years and how many of his minions brought back and/or laundered Russian money. That we know of, so far.

He's easily the most corrupt in our history but RWNJs love him because he's giving their money to himself and his 1% cronies.


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Sooooo, when did Russia become an enemy again? Before or after they donated 143 million dollars to the Hildebeast???? Work with me here..............

When they attacked our election system...duh.

How? We know from the release of Vault 7 that the CIA can mimic cyber attacks from ANY country. and place the blame on any country they choose. Are you claiming that Russia CHEATED by giving info to Julian Assange showing how leftards were cheating????? THAT'S what you want to go with???????????? Russia cheated by exposing how leftards were cheating?

Damn! Sounds like a (snicker) "winner" to me!!!! Run with that!!!!
And that, bear and stratford, is why your kind will be crushed.

You ally with the Russians, you attack America.

These deplorables got so hopped up on partisan kool-aid they can't tell friends from true foes anymore.
Russian Cyber Hacks on U.S. Electoral System Far Wider Than Previously Known

The White House provided evidence gathered on Russia’s hacking efforts and reasons why the U.S. considered it dangerously aggressive. Russia responded by asking for more information and providing assurances that it would look into the matter even as the hacking continued, according to the two people familiar with the response.

In early July 2016, a contractor who works two or three days a week at the state board of elections detected unauthorized data leaving the network, according to Ken Menzel, general counsel for the Illinois board of elections. The hackers had gained access to the state’s voter database, which contained information such as names, dates of birth, genders, driver’s licenses and partial Social Security numbers on 15 million people, half of whom were active voters. As many as 90,000 records were ultimately compromised.


Wow, and remember, Trump only won by 77 thousand in three states.

I'm sure Republicans aren't seeing a problem. After all, they now love Russia. They think Putin is great.

If Republicans love Putin, which they do, then they must admit they love Saddam. After all, there really isn't much of a difference between Putin and Saddam. Except Putin is Trump's boss. Putin is the proud owner of an Orange Haired Russian Poodle. His "papers" show he is pure bred Manchurian.

Still no proof that republicans are involved in any manner. Color me NOT surprised.

But the article you cited explains how Reality Winner, the recently jailed leaker of US classified information, was involved in giving out classified VR2 voting software too the Russians that is used in over 16 states. Reality Winner is a far left wing DEMOCRAT... Are we projecting again Democrat actions?

You could be right that Rs didn't help trump. He was already owned by Pooting many years ago. His sleazy kids said they've been getting money from Russia for years and how many of his minions brought back and/or laundered Russian money. That we know of, so far.

He's easily the most corrupt in our history but RWNJs love him because he's giving their money to himself and his 1% cronies.


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Sooooo, when did Russia become an enemy again? Before or after they donated 143 million dollars to the Hildebeast???? Work with me here..............

When they attacked our election system...duh.

How do you know Russia was not building a data base just to market Vodka too?

And that, bear and stratford, is why your kind will be crushed.

You ally with the Russians, you attack America.

These deplorables got so hopped up on partisan kool-aid they can't tell friends from true foes anymore.

No we know who exactly the enemy is...it's the Democrats and their assnine social economic change ( junk science man made climate change)

Their assnine war on women...
( grrown men in little girls bathrooms, men with dixs playing women sports)

Their assnine hiding criminals (sanctuary cities)

Their assnine war on business ( see Obama)


We know exactly who the real enemy is...,

And that, bear and stratford, is why your kind will be crushed.

You ally with the Russians, you attack America.

These deplorables got so hopped up on partisan kool-aid they can't tell friends from true foes anymore.

Leftards, the willing pawns of the very globalists that they claim to be against are and will always be my foes. There are no redeeming qualities that your ilk possesses that I would ever admire or respect....are we clear?????
Who was president when all this was happening?
Obama took immediate action. This is exactly why he rushed to preserve the evidence, because he knew traitors like Trump and the ones we just saw in this topic would never move to protect us from Russia's attacks once he was gone.
What action did he take? I remember him telling us the russia thing was no big deal. Right up till they lost. Now it's something.
Holy shit! This is EXACTLY why I call you tards goldfish. You have memories just like them.

Russia sanctions announced by White House, Obama ejects diplomats - CNNPolitics.com


How Obama officials 'fought to preserve evidence' of Russian meddling in the election

Meanwhile, Trump and his team were giving nods and winks to the Russians.

LMAO! And sanctions were place on Russia because of??????
Read the links, tard.
I doubt everyone in these 39 states was using password for their password. Which should make one question how successful these attempted hacks were if in fact they were at all.
You really are clueless how phishing attacks work.
Good I hope they do keep on hacking so will never see a democrat hold office again..
Wow. Who would have ever guessed two pro-Russia traitors would out themselves so willingly.

Reagan is spinning in his grave.

Once again Reagan would be proud knowing his once arch arch enemy became a savior of the Constitution of the United States..and continues to be capitalist day by day.

Let me guess.


Let me guess, you don't have a clue how Russia changed from 1980~2017?


Who was president when all this was happening?
Obama took immediate action. This is exactly why he rushed to preserve the evidence, because he knew traitors like Trump and the ones we just saw in this topic would never move to protect us from Russia's attacks once he was gone.
What action did he take? I remember him telling us the russia thing was no big deal. Right up till they lost. Now it's something.
Holy shit! This is EXACTLY why I call you tards goldfish. You have memories just like them.

Russia sanctions announced by White House, Obama ejects diplomats - CNNPolitics.com


How Obama officials 'fought to preserve evidence' of Russian meddling in the election

Meanwhile, Trump and his team were giving nods and winks to the Russians.

LMAO! And sanctions were place on Russia because of?????? When did Russia become "Public Enemy #1" again and for what reasons??????? Let's see what YOU believe in lieu of the lying lame stream media. Russia didn't have a fucking thing to do with the election. The Hildebeast hung herself. Project Veritas exposed the utter corruption of the DNC, Wikileaks with the help of DNC operative Seth Rich revealed the corruption of the DNC and John Podesta claimed that the "leaker" (not the hacker) should be made an example of. All of this is total bullshit......100 percent BULL-SHIT.

Because the attacked us...again duh.

We know they hacked some, prolly been doing it for years. But we had dumbocraps protecting us, so no wonder..........

Of course the DNC has yet to let the FBI look at their server, so we really have no idea what who hacked them, now do we?

I wonder if they refused to give the server to the FBI because they were colluding with..........

Interesting huh?
Who was president when all this was happening?
Obama took immediate action. This is exactly why he rushed to preserve the evidence, because he knew traitors like Trump and the ones we just saw in this topic would never move to protect us from Russia's attacks once he was gone.
What action did he take? I remember him telling us the russia thing was no big deal. Right up till they lost. Now it's something.

The Eighties want their foreign policy back.........

Damn Romney was brilliant!
I doubt everyone in these 39 states was using password for their password. Which should make one question how successful these attempted hacks were if in fact they were at all.
FYI, you've been lied to...

No evidence that Podesta's email password was 'password'
FYI so have you no evidence of obstruction justice or collusion either but most on the left still insist there is.
with the collusion, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence out there, so far, without seeing what the FBI has...

for obstruction, we have Trump admitting to it...
And that, bear and stratford, is why your kind will be crushed.

You ally with the Russians, you attack America.

These deplorables got so hopped up on partisan kool-aid they can't tell friends from true foes anymore.

Leftards, the willing pawns of the very globalists that they claim to be against are and will always be my foes. There are no redeeming qualities that your ilk possesses that I would ever admire or respect....are we clear?????
We're clear you are a tin foil hat wearer with seven pounds of brain damage.

Dude, I know and comprehend more than your teeny tiny mind could take in without blowing the proverbial "gasket".....trot along, little fella....you have nothing of worth to offer me.
I doubt everyone in these 39 states was using password for their password. Which should make one question how successful these attempted hacks were if in fact they were at all.
FYI, you've been lied to...

No evidence that Podesta's email password was 'password'
FYI so have you no evidence of obstruction justice or collusion either but most on the left still insist there is.
with the collusion, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence out there, so far, without seeing what the FBI has...

for obstruction, we have Trump admitting to it...

All circumstantial you would need a confession or a tape to prove it

I doubt everyone in these 39 states was using password for their password. Which should make one question how successful these attempted hacks were if in fact they were at all.
FYI, you've been lied to...

No evidence that Podesta's email password was 'password'
FYI so have you no evidence of obstruction justice or collusion either but most on the left still insist there is.
with the collusion, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence out there, so far, without seeing what the FBI has...

for obstruction, we have Trump admitting to it...

All circumstantial you would need a confession or a tape to prove it

you can charge and convict with circumstantial evidence though, if it is overwhelming, from what I've read about it?
I doubt everyone in these 39 states was using password for their password. Which should make one question how successful these attempted hacks were if in fact they were at all.
FYI, you've been lied to...

No evidence that Podesta's email password was 'password'
FYI so have you no evidence of obstruction justice or collusion either but most on the left still insist there is.
with the collusion, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence out there, so far, without seeing what the FBI has...

for obstruction, we have Trump admitting to it...
No there isn't no you don't.

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