Turns Out Trump Correct, The Left....As Usual

Psittacine species, parrots, have a brain to body ration equal to that of chimpanzees. As such, parrots are the smartest of all birds with the cognitive capacity of a five-year-old child.

Don’t you wish that that could be said of you?

You were the one listening to Howard Dean, who hasn't been in the loop for nearly a decade

Sooooo.....you and MSNBC know more than DNC elite Dean?

And he went out on the limb without knowing anything????

Right now I'm getting nasty notes from parrots and chimps for mentioning your name in any connection to theirs.

Here are the two things you must remember: never write a post as dumb as this again, and Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
soon only chic sassy blues etc will be left to support the scum
Republican Poll Shows Trump Approval Tanking By Double Digits Since Inauguration
By Sean Colarossi on Sat, Mar 11th, 2017 at 9:44 am

The American people have come to the conclusion that he just isn't fit to hold this office.

survey released by Rasmussen Reports, Trump’s approval rating now stands at 48 percent, while 52 percent disapprove of his performance. The number is a much better result for Trump than most other polls have shown, but it represents just the third straight day of the Republican-leaning poll showing the president under water.

Not even the Trump-favoring poll can continue masking the new president’s unpopularity.

Overall, as West Ring Reports pointed out this morning on Twitter, Rasmussen’s polling shows that Trump’s support has plummeted by double digits – 11 points – since he was inaugurated in January.

West Wing Reports


The one poll @realDonaldTrump likes to cite - Rasmussen - shows his approval down 11 points from inaugural high. Now: 48% @Reince @PressSec

8:23 AM - 11 Mar 2017

Your lock step acceptance of the views of the left make you appear more like iron filings in a magnetic field than a thinking human being.

But....what makes you....interesting.....is that you are a biological anomaly: your brain has become your new appendix: it has no real function, and it could blow up and kill you.
chic the only thing we have in common is brooklyn,,,,and I feel very secure knowing that

Comparing yourself to moi??????

How absurd.

To compare your work with mine is compare a bamboo hut- simple, but not without some level of charm- to the palace at Versailles.

I see myself as a brilliant solar flare, and you as a flicker from one of those cardboard matches in a 'Draw The Pirate' matchbooks.
soon only chic sassy blues etc will be left to support the scum
Republican Poll Shows Trump Approval Tanking By Double Digits Since Inauguration
By Sean Colarossi on Sat, Mar 11th, 2017 at 9:44 am

The American people have come to the conclusion that he just isn't fit to hold this office.

survey released by Rasmussen Reports, Trump’s approval rating now stands at 48 percent, while 52 percent disapprove of his performance. The number is a much better result for Trump than most other polls have shown, but it represents just the third straight day of the Republican-leaning poll showing the president under water.

Not even the Trump-favoring poll can continue masking the new president’s unpopularity.

Overall, as West Ring Reports pointed out this morning on Twitter, Rasmussen’s polling shows that Trump’s support has plummeted by double digits – 11 points – since he was inaugurated in January.

West Wing Reports


The one poll @realDonaldTrump likes to cite - Rasmussen - shows his approval down 11 points from inaugural high. Now: 48% @Reince @PressSec

8:23 AM - 11 Mar 2017

Your lock step acceptance of the views of the left make you appear more like iron filings in a magnetic field than a thinking human being.

But....what makes you....interesting.....is that you are a biological anomaly: your brain has become your new appendix: it has no real function, and it could blow up and kill you.
chic the only thing we have in common is brooklyn,,,,and I feel very secure knowing that

Comparing yourself to moi??????

How absurd.

To compare your work with mine is compare a bamboo hut- simple, but not without some level of charm- to the palace at Versailles.

I see myself as a brilliant solar flare, and you as a flicker from one of those cardboard matches in a 'Draw The Pirate' matchbooks.
You have a deadline chic and I'll never ever compare myself to you

BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump was just given a deadline to provide evidence that will back up his wiretapping conspiracy against Barack Obama, as certain members of Congress are going on the record and calling out the president for his baseless claims in the process.

Donald Trump given deadline by Congress to show proof of Obama wiretapping
Donald Trump will have to provide evidence to back up his wiretapping allegation against Barack Obama after Congress filed for an offical request.
soon only chic sassy blues etc will be left to support the scum
Republican Poll Shows Trump Approval Tanking By Double Digits Since Inauguration
By Sean Colarossi on Sat, Mar 11th, 2017 at 9:44 am

The American people have come to the conclusion that he just isn't fit to hold this office.

survey released by Rasmussen Reports, Trump’s approval rating now stands at 48 percent, while 52 percent disapprove of his performance. The number is a much better result for Trump than most other polls have shown, but it represents just the third straight day of the Republican-leaning poll showing the president under water.

Not even the Trump-favoring poll can continue masking the new president’s unpopularity.

Overall, as West Ring Reports pointed out this morning on Twitter, Rasmussen’s polling shows that Trump’s support has plummeted by double digits – 11 points – since he was inaugurated in January.

West Wing Reports


The one poll @realDonaldTrump likes to cite - Rasmussen - shows his approval down 11 points from inaugural high. Now: 48% @Reince @PressSec

8:23 AM - 11 Mar 2017

Your lock step acceptance of the views of the left make you appear more like iron filings in a magnetic field than a thinking human being.

But....what makes you....interesting.....is that you are a biological anomaly: your brain has become your new appendix: it has no real function, and it could blow up and kill you.
chic the only thing we have in common is brooklyn,,,,and I feel very secure knowing that

Comparing yourself to moi??????

How absurd.

To compare your work with mine is compare a bamboo hut- simple, but not without some level of charm- to the palace at Versailles.

I see myself as a brilliant solar flare, and you as a flicker from one of those cardboard matches in a 'Draw The Pirate' matchbooks.
I do admit you have a way with words
Here are the two things you must remember: never write a post as dumb as this again, and Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

Rule one: When you quote somebody as a knowledgeable source, make sure he's been in the loop within the last decade.
Time to smash another verbal custard pie in your kisser:

Mark Dice‏Verified account @MarkDice

Mark Dice Retweeted Howard Dean

Howard Dean is confirming the wiretap happened. #ObamaGate

Mark Dice added,

Howard DeanVerified account @GovHowardDean

.@realDonaldTrump The FISA court which issued the warrant to tap Trumps phone was set up to catch terrorists. They tap for probable cause Justin Hendrix on Twitter

While other Democrats are dancing around trying to pretend the wiretapping did not happen, when more and more evidence points to the fact that it likely DID, Howard Dean is just flat out admitting it occurred.

His admission includes the concept that Trump’s phone was “set up” in an attempt to prove an act of terrorism."

You're looking like quite a fool, huh?
The link you provided goes to a Tea Bagger webpage that say's nothing about the wiretap issue. Maybe you should spend a little more time vetting your links than acting like you just said something of substance.

This story is bullshit and you're full of shit for pushing it.
Then where are the charges?
Where's the surveillance? Let's not put the cart before the horse.

No, Democrat politicians are professional criminals. They cover their tracks and take falls for each other if needed. They might not be able to trace this back to DumBama, but if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck......
First proof must be shown there was something to trace. Right now, this story is total bullshit.
Time to smash another verbal custard pie in your kisser:

Mark Dice‏Verified account @MarkDice

Mark Dice Retweeted Howard Dean

Howard Dean is confirming the wiretap happened. #ObamaGate

Mark Dice added,

Howard DeanVerified account @GovHowardDean

.@realDonaldTrump The FISA court which issued the warrant to tap Trumps phone was set up to catch terrorists. They tap for probable cause Justin Hendrix on Twitter

While other Democrats are dancing around trying to pretend the wiretapping did not happen, when more and more evidence points to the fact that it likely DID, Howard Dean is just flat out admitting it occurred.

His admission includes the concept that Trump’s phone was “set up” in an attempt to prove an act of terrorism."

You're looking like quite a fool, huh?
The link you provided goes to a Tea Bagger webpage that say's nothing about the wiretap issue. Maybe you should spend a little more time vetting your links than acting like you just said something of substance.

This story is bullshit and you're full of shit for pushing it.

You need another spanking???

Howard Dean


This means a judge found probable cause that Trump was engaging in criminal activity and issued a warrant for a wire tap https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/837989835818287106 …

8:48 AM - 4 Mar 2017
First proof must be shown there was something to trace. Right now, this story is total bullshit.

That's not as easy as it sounds. The only person privy to those warrants are the President, and he can't use that extremely private information for his own (or anybody else's) benefit. He can't use them as evidence because they cannot be presented or even discussed. However, if he did see those warrants and knows they were issued, of course he's pissed about it, but can't say anything about his evidence either.

Where's the surveillance? Let's not put the cart before the horse.

I didn't, and I even used left-wing sources that claimed there was surveillance. If there was no surveillance, then we all know the New York Times is bullshit and should never be trusted for any information. If they are not, then you have to believe that there was surveillance and they are not FOS.

The best thing about telling the truth is you never have to remember what you said.
Time to smash another verbal custard pie in your kisser:

Mark Dice‏Verified account @MarkDice

Mark Dice Retweeted Howard Dean

Howard Dean is confirming the wiretap happened. #ObamaGate

Mark Dice added,

Howard DeanVerified account @GovHowardDean

.@realDonaldTrump The FISA court which issued the warrant to tap Trumps phone was set up to catch terrorists. They tap for probable cause Justin Hendrix on Twitter

While other Democrats are dancing around trying to pretend the wiretapping did not happen, when more and more evidence points to the fact that it likely DID, Howard Dean is just flat out admitting it occurred.

His admission includes the concept that Trump’s phone was “set up” in an attempt to prove an act of terrorism."

You're looking like quite a fool, huh?
The link you provided goes to a Tea Bagger webpage that say's nothing about the wiretap issue. Maybe you should spend a little more time vetting your links than acting like you just said something of substance.

This story is bullshit and you're full of shit for pushing it.

You need another spanking???

Howard Dean


This means a judge found probable cause that Trump was engaging in criminal activity and issued a warrant for a wire tap https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/837989835818287106 …

8:48 AM - 4 Mar 2017
WHY can't trump place a call to the FBI ask the questions AND put his dirty stinking lie to rest?
trump is nothing but a master bator ,,,Throwing bait out to get people of the track of his Russian interests
he lied about obamas birth he lied about his taxes ,he lied about millions of illegals voting ,he lied about huge ec vote and now he lies about obama tapping dump tower Don't you nitwit republicans get it yet?? You voted for a degenerate who lies also all the time
You need another spanking???

Howard Dean


This means a judge found probable cause that Trump was engaging in criminal activity and issued a warrant for a wire tap https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/837989835818287106 …

8:48 AM - 4 Mar 2017
Howard Dean is not an intelligence agency and a Tweet is not evidence that a crime has been committed.

Did you go to school in a long bus or a short bus?
That's not as easy as it sounds. The only person privy to those warrants are the President, and he can't use that extremely private information for his own (or anybody else's) benefit. He can't use them as evidence because they cannot be presented or even discussed. However, if he did see those warrants and knows they were issued, of course he's pissed about it, but can't say anything about his evidence either.
That is not true. If there was wiretaps, they would be reviewed by the authority having jurisdiction. Which means an FBI investigator and the federal judge that issued the warrant. And if there was sufficient evidence that a crime had been committed, you bet your ass everyone would know about it because the people responsible would be arrested and a trial would be forthcoming.

I didn't, and I even used left-wing sources that claimed there was surveillance. If there was no surveillance, then we all know the New York Times is bullshit and should never be trusted for any information. If they are not, then you have to believe that there was surveillance and they are not FOS.

The best thing about telling the truth is you never have to remember what you said.
What I find amazing, is that the focus on the right is whether or not there was a wiretap, not whether or not there was a crime committed by the sitting President.
You need another spanking???

Howard Dean


This means a judge found probable cause that Trump was engaging in criminal activity and issued a warrant for a wire tap https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/837989835818287106 …

8:48 AM - 4 Mar 2017
Howard Dean is not an intelligence agency and a Tweet is not evidence that a crime has been committed.

Did you go to school in a long bus or a short bus?

Since you have been proven incorrect, one is led to ask what it is you are attempting to uphold....

....Obama's honesty and integrity????


The lying snake who told illegal aliens to vote in the recent election?

Oh....and schools? Would you really like to compare educational resumes???
That's not as easy as it sounds. The only person privy to those warrants are the President, and he can't use that extremely private information for his own (or anybody else's) benefit. He can't use them as evidence because they cannot be presented or even discussed. However, if he did see those warrants and knows they were issued, of course he's pissed about it, but can't say anything about his evidence either.
That is not true. If there was wiretaps, they would be reviewed by the authority having jurisdiction. Which means an FBI investigator and the federal judge that issued the warrant. And if there was sufficient evidence that a crime had been committed, you bet your ass everyone would know about it because the people responsible would be arrested and a trial would be forthcoming.

I didn't, and I even used left-wing sources that claimed there was surveillance. If there was no surveillance, then we all know the New York Times is bullshit and should never be trusted for any information. If they are not, then you have to believe that there was surveillance and they are not FOS.

The best thing about telling the truth is you never have to remember what you said.
What I find amazing, is that the focus on the right is whether or not there was a wiretap, not whether or not there was a crime committed by the sitting President.
They could give a rats ass billo about any crimes committed by trump After all politics before country is their motto
Since you have been proven incorrect, one is led to ask what it is you are attempting to uphold....

....Obama's honesty and integrity????


The lying snake who told illegal aliens to vote in the recent election?

Oh....and schools? Would you really like to compare educational resumes???
There is something retarded about someone who claims something they didn't do and you, twisted sister, are that person.
Elect a clown expect a circus
With all this evidence of collusion with Russia being exposed, affecting our democracy, if you voted for Trump, you must know you voted for treason. I say every Republican in the USA is to blame for the treasonous con man who runs this land... Republicans that voted for Trump are the most UN-American treasonous people in the USA. You people are the ruination of our nation, and death of the American dream. What"s worse, is you're too damned thick to see that we are under the gun of treason and Russian influence..I declare war on the Ignorant treasonous people called "Republicans"... When I say the word "Republican", I hear sedition and anti-American treason in the sound. Time to tell the truth.. by Robert barker
Elect a clown expect a circus
With all this evidence of collusion with Russia being exposed, affecting our democracy, if you voted for Trump, you must know you voted for treason. I say every Republican in the USA is to blame for the treasonous con man who runs this land... Republicans that voted for Trump are the most UN-American treasonous people in the USA. You people are the ruination of our nation, and death of the American dream. What"s worse, is you're too damned thick to see that we are under the gun of treason and Russian influence..I declare war on the Ignorant treasonous people called "Republicans"... When I say the word "Republican", I hear sedition and anti-American treason in the sound. Time to tell the truth.. by Robert barker

God you puppets love the mental masters pulling your strings. You voted for a community organizer named Hussein that was supported by the US Communist Party and think you have the right to criticize?
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