Turns Out Trump Correct, The Left....As Usual

No, you dunce.....I'm following the Democrat instructions vis-a-vis 'evidence.'


1. What was new with the Thomas nomination was the accusation of criminal wrongdoing on his part, namely the unproved sexual harassment claims of one Anita Hill.

Even though Ms. Hill couldn't prove her accusation, that didn't matter.

Thus, a new mantra for the Left was born:" “The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.” Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.
No, your'e trying to take completely unrelated events to prove what Trump said was true. Which makes me think you're kind of mental.
I guess there was no FISA warrant for Trump Tower Servers... That the FBI and CIA now have acknowledged exists.

How many times must you idiots be shown frauds for you to get it? The server surveiled was the phone bank server that was used to complete foreign funds transfers.

SO was the tap on the FISA side or was it the NSA side.. IN either case its a felony that has been committed in putting it out.
And there is no evidence of wiretapping either. You fuckers just love to make shit up!
I guess there was no FISA warrant for Trump Tower Servers... That the FBI and CIA now have acknowledged exists.

How many times must you idiots be shown frauds for you to get it? The server surveiled was the phone bank server that was used to complete foreign funds transfers.

SO was the tap on the FISA side or was it the NSA side.. IN either case its a felony that has been committed in putting it out.
And there is no evidence of wiretapping either. You fuckers just love to make shit up!

Sure there is evidence of wire tapping, the only debate is where the wiretapping took place: Trump towers or somewhere in Russia:

Sure there is evidence of wire tapping, the only debate is where the wiretapping took place: Trump towers or somewhere in Russia:

From your own link...

"The Obama White House probably didn’t wiretap Trump or hack his emails."

Yes, I'm aware of that, but they are trying to blame shift to other agencies.

Donald Trump was the candidate running against the Democrat insider Hillary Clinton, and Obama had nothing to do with the surveillance on him? You seriously believe that????
Yes, I'm aware of that, but they are trying to blame shift to other agencies.

Donald Trump was the candidate running against the Democrat insider Hillary Clinton, and Obama had nothing to do with the surveillance on him? You seriously believe that????
If there was proof of his "Tweet", it would be all over the news. And if there was surveillance, it's because Trump and his people committed a crime.
Yes, I'm aware of that, but they are trying to blame shift to other agencies.

Donald Trump was the candidate running against the Democrat insider Hillary Clinton, and Obama had nothing to do with the surveillance on him? You seriously believe that????
If there was proof of his "Tweet", it would be all over the news. And if there was surveillance, it's because Trump and his people committed a crime.

Then where are the charges?

No, Democrat politicians are professional criminals. They cover their tracks and take falls for each other if needed. They might not be able to trace this back to DumBama, but if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck......
I guess there was no FISA warrant for Trump Tower Servers... That the FBI and CIA now have acknowledged exists.

How many times must you idiots be shown frauds for you to get it? The server surveiled was the phone bank server that was used to complete foreign funds transfers.

SO was the tap on the FISA side or was it the NSA side.. IN either case its a felony that has been committed in putting it out.
And there is no evidence of wiretapping either. You fuckers just love to make shit up!

Time to smash another verbal custard pie in your kisser:

Mark Dice‏Verified account @MarkDice

Mark Dice Retweeted Howard Dean

Howard Dean is confirming the wiretap happened. #ObamaGate

Mark Dice added,

Howard DeanVerified account @GovHowardDean

.@realDonaldTrump The FISA court which issued the warrant to tap Trumps phone was set up to catch terrorists. They tap for probable cause Justin Hendrix on Twitter

While other Democrats are dancing around trying to pretend the wiretapping did not happen, when more and more evidence points to the fact that it likely DID, Howard Dean is just flat out admitting it occurred.

His admission includes the concept that Trump’s phone was “set up” in an attempt to prove an act of terrorism."

You're looking like quite a fool, huh?
I guess there was no FISA warrant for Trump Tower Servers... That the FBI and CIA now have acknowledged exists.

How many times must you idiots be shown frauds for you to get it? The server surveiled was the phone bank server that was used to complete foreign funds transfers.

SO was the tap on the FISA side or was it the NSA side.. IN either case its a felony that has been committed in putting it out.
And there is no evidence of wiretapping either. You fuckers just love to make shit up!

Time to smash another verbal custard pie in your kisser:

Mark Dice‏Verified account @MarkDice

Mark Dice Retweeted Howard Dean

Howard Dean is confirming the wiretap happened. #ObamaGate

Mark Dice added,

Howard DeanVerified account @GovHowardDean

.@realDonaldTrump The FISA court which issued the warrant to tap Trumps phone was set up to catch terrorists. They tap for probable cause Justin Hendrix on Twitter

While other Democrats are dancing around trying to pretend the wiretapping did not happen, when more and more evidence points to the fact that it likely DID, Howard Dean is just flat out admitting it occurred.

His admission includes the concept that Trump’s phone was “set up” in an attempt to prove an act of terrorism."

You're looking like quite a fool, huh?


Trump adviser spoke with DNC hacker during the campaign
Roger Stone and Guccifer 2.0 talked via Twitter direct messages last year.
Any type of monitoring or listening to someone's private conversation regardless if it is a
Phone a PC, or in this case listening to Flynn's congratulatory call with Russian Ambassador is illegal without a warrant.


Deflections and Troll tactics to avoid talking about the truth of the matter that phone calls were recorded in Trump Tower cannot dismiss the Felony acts that were committed. Wire Tapping someone without a warrant is a felony.

There were transcripts, they were illegally shared with WAPO which is also a Felony, Obama reviewed them, and the FBI used them to exonerate Flynn regarding the unsubstantiated accusations of The Trump Team colluded with Russia.
soon only chic sassy blues etc will be left to support the scum
Republican Poll Shows Trump Approval Tanking By Double Digits Since Inauguration
By Sean Colarossi on Sat, Mar 11th, 2017 at 9:44 am

The American people have come to the conclusion that he just isn't fit to hold this office.

survey released by Rasmussen Reports, Trump’s approval rating now stands at 48 percent, while 52 percent disapprove of his performance. The number is a much better result for Trump than most other polls have shown, but it represents just the third straight day of the Republican-leaning poll showing the president under water.

Not even the Trump-favoring poll can continue masking the new president’s unpopularity.

Overall, as West Ring Reports pointed out this morning on Twitter, Rasmussen’s polling shows that Trump’s support has plummeted by double digits – 11 points – since he was inaugurated in January.

West Wing Reports


The one poll @realDonaldTrump likes to cite - Rasmussen - shows his approval down 11 points from inaugural high. Now: 48% @Reince @PressSec

8:23 AM - 11 Mar 2017
While other Democrats are dancing around trying to pretend the wiretapping did not happen, when more and more evidence points to the fact that it likely DID, Howard Dean is just flat out admitting it occurred.

His admission includes the concept that Trump’s phone was “set up” in an attempt to prove an act of terrorism."

You're looking like quite a fool, huh?

Howard Deal has been out of the political and government loop since Obama came in.

Howard Brush Dean III (born November 17, 1948) is an American politician who served as the 79th Governor of Vermont from 1991 to 2003 and Chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) from 2005 to 2009


Since retiring from the DNC chairman position, Dean has held neither elected office nor an official position in the Democratic Party and, as of 2015, was working for global law firm, Dentons, as part of the firm’s public policy and regulation practice
Any type of monitoring or listening to someone's private conversation regardless if it is a
Phone a PC, or in this case listening to Flynn's congratulatory call with Russian Ambassador is illegal without a warrant.


Did that include listening to Osama BinLadens satellite phone?
There were transcripts, they were illegally shared with WAPO which is also a Felony, Obama reviewed them, and the FBI used them to exonerate Flynn regarding the unsubstantiated accusations of The Trump Team colluded with Russia.

Are you a russian agent, spreading "fake news" because that's the only excuse for what you just claimed. The NSA transcripts proved Flynn talked to the Russians about Trump lifting the Obama sanctions against the Russia.
While other Democrats are dancing around trying to pretend the wiretapping did not happen, when more and more evidence points to the fact that it likely DID, Howard Dean is just flat out admitting it occurred.

His admission includes the concept that Trump’s phone was “set up” in an attempt to prove an act of terrorism."

You're looking like quite a fool, huh?

Howard Deal has been out of the political and government loop since Obama came in.

Howard Brush Dean III (born November 17, 1948) is an American politician who served as the 79th Governor of Vermont from 1991 to 2003 and Chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) from 2005 to 2009


Since retiring from the DNC chairman position, Dean has held neither elected office nor an official position in the Democratic Party and, as of 2015, was working for global law firm, Dentons, as part of the firm’s public policy and regulation practice

Psittacine species, parrots, have a brain to body ration equal to that of chimpanzees. As such, parrots are the smartest of all birds with the cognitive capacity of a five-year-old child.

Don’t you wish that that could be said of you?
soon only chic sassy blues etc will be left to support the scum
Republican Poll Shows Trump Approval Tanking By Double Digits Since Inauguration
By Sean Colarossi on Sat, Mar 11th, 2017 at 9:44 am

The American people have come to the conclusion that he just isn't fit to hold this office.

survey released by Rasmussen Reports, Trump’s approval rating now stands at 48 percent, while 52 percent disapprove of his performance. The number is a much better result for Trump than most other polls have shown, but it represents just the third straight day of the Republican-leaning poll showing the president under water.

Not even the Trump-favoring poll can continue masking the new president’s unpopularity.

Overall, as West Ring Reports pointed out this morning on Twitter, Rasmussen’s polling shows that Trump’s support has plummeted by double digits – 11 points – since he was inaugurated in January.

West Wing Reports


The one poll @realDonaldTrump likes to cite - Rasmussen - shows his approval down 11 points from inaugural high. Now: 48% @Reince @PressSec

8:23 AM - 11 Mar 2017

Your lock step acceptance of the views of the left make you appear more like iron filings in a magnetic field than a thinking human being.

But....what makes you....interesting.....is that you are a biological anomaly: your brain has become your new appendix: it has no real function, and it could blow up and kill you.
Psittacine species, parrots, have a brain to body ration equal to that of chimpanzees. As such, parrots are the smartest of all birds with the cognitive capacity of a five-year-old child.

Don’t you wish that that could be said of you?

You were the one listening to Howard Dean, who hasn't been in the loop for nearly a decade
soon only chic sassy blues etc will be left to support the scum
Republican Poll Shows Trump Approval Tanking By Double Digits Since Inauguration
By Sean Colarossi on Sat, Mar 11th, 2017 at 9:44 am

The American people have come to the conclusion that he just isn't fit to hold this office.

survey released by Rasmussen Reports, Trump’s approval rating now stands at 48 percent, while 52 percent disapprove of his performance. The number is a much better result for Trump than most other polls have shown, but it represents just the third straight day of the Republican-leaning poll showing the president under water.

Not even the Trump-favoring poll can continue masking the new president’s unpopularity.

Overall, as West Ring Reports pointed out this morning on Twitter, Rasmussen’s polling shows that Trump’s support has plummeted by double digits – 11 points – since he was inaugurated in January.

West Wing Reports


The one poll @realDonaldTrump likes to cite - Rasmussen - shows his approval down 11 points from inaugural high. Now: 48% @Reince @PressSec

8:23 AM - 11 Mar 2017

Your lock step acceptance of the views of the left make you appear more like iron filings in a magnetic field than a thinking human being.

But....what makes you....interesting.....is that you are a biological anomaly: your brain has become your new appendix: it has no real function, and it could blow up and kill you.
chic the only thing we have in common is brooklyn,,,,and I feel very secure knowing that

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