Turns Out Trump Correct, The Left....As Usual

On Saturday, California Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 1461, the New Motor Voter Act, which will automatically register people to vote through the DMV, and could result in illegal aliens voting.
Any person who renewed or secured a driver’s license through the DMV may now register to vote, or choose to opt out of doing so. Because illegal immigrants are now eligible for obtaining driver’s licenses, they could be allowed to vote in elections if the Secretary of State’s office fails to verify their eligibility properly.

As was previously stated, in California as an example, the licenses held by illegal aliens are clearly printed "not valid for voting" and have an AB-60 designation. They are not eligible for automatic voter registration.
Talked about what????

Fixing the election?????

No one says that, nor does anyone claim to have evidence of either hacking the election nor of breaking into DNC emails.

When someone lies to cover something up, it can be inferred that what they covered up was not a legitimate activity.

Like this????

Just a few (25) of the scandals, lies, and criminal activity of Hillary Clinton.

1. Travelgate: After their election, the Clintons fired the White House Travel Office...which had served 7 administrations, and turned it over to their pals. As part of this, they brought bogus corruption charges against the civil servants therein.

The individuals were cleared on all counts.

The Independent Council found that Hillary lied when she claimed she wasn't behind the scam. “The overwhelming evidence establishes that she played a role in the decision to fire the employees. … Thus, her statement to the contrary under oath was factually false.”

a. " Hillary described Travelgate with cool indifference as, “perhaps worthy of a two-or-three-week life span, instead, in a partisan political climate, it became the first manifestation of an obsession for investigation that persisted into the millennium.” But for Billy Dale, it wasn’t a partisan manifestation. It was the termination of a thirty-plus-year career, and a fight for his freedom. If convicted, he faced a maximum of twenty years in prison and up to $500,000 in fines.”

Read more: How Hillary Clinton sicced the FBI on the White House travel office

b. For you or I that would mean a perjury charge and criminal record for trying to destroy an innocent American who had served honorably under eight administrations and lying about it. For Hillary it meant a future as the junior New York Senator and then President Barack Obama’s Secretary of State." Ibid.

2. @ 0:58 Hillary's pal Vince Foster was involved in several of the Clinton scandals. When he was found dead: was that why Hillary had Foster's files ransacked before investigators could view them?

WASHINGTON, July 26— A Secret Service officer today flatly contradicted the White House account of the night of Vincent W. Foster Jr.'s death, telling the Senate Whitewater panel that he had seen Hillary Rodham Clinton's top aide remove files from Mr. Foster's office. The aide vehemently denied doing it.

Testifying under oath before the special Senate committee investigating Whitewater, the officer, Henry P. O'Neill, said that on July 20, 1993, several hours after Mr. Foster's body was found in a Virginia park, he saw Mrs. Clinton's chief of staff, Margaret A. Williams, carrying two handfuls of folders from Mr. Foster's office." 2 Conflicting Accounts on Files From White House Aide's Office

3. @ 1:47 To see how a President Hillary would 'rule,' take a look at her methods when Bill put her in charge of the earlier attempt at a take-over of healthcare: " WASHINGTON, Dec. 1— A Federal district judge said today that he intended to impose sanctions on Clinton Administration officials for their "misconduct" in a court case involving the disclosure of documents from Hillary Rodham Clinton's task force on health care..... "The court understands plaintiffs' frustration with the defendants' misconduct during the course of this litigation, and the court intends to impose sanctions." Misconduct Found on Clinton Health Plan

The Kremlin would be proud!


4. @4:07 Whitewater....15 Clinton pals were convicted of 40 federal crimes.

5. @4:35 Cattlegate...."... computerized records of her trades, which the White House obtained from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, show for the first time how she was able to turn her initial investment into $6,300 overnight. In about 10 months of trading, she made nearly $100,000, relying heavily on advice from her friend James B. Blair, an experienced futures trader.

The new records also raise the possibility that some of her profits -- as much as $40,000 – came from larger trades ordered by someone else and then shifted to her account,...." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wpsrv/politics/special/whitewater/stories/wwtr940527.htm

a. "....guided through the risky trades by James Blair, a friend and top lawyer for one of Arkansas' most powerful companies, Tyson Foods Inc." Business | Hillary Clinton Invested $1,000, Netted $100,000 Through Trading | Seattle Times Newspaper

b. "....Tyson was everything shed been taught to despise at Wellesley and Yale, a greedy capitalist who hated labor unions and had no compunction about polluting Mother Earth for financial gain. Yet she allowed Blair, Big Daddys right-hand man, to manage her financial affairs. Second, assuming the speculation in Marshalls Magazine is correct, she was the conduit for a bribe." Democrook: Hillary Clinton


6. @5:38 Raw naked power: Filegate. The Clintons illegally obtained FBI files on potential political enemies. "... in 1996 when it was discovered that the Clinton White House illegally obtained FBI files on adversaries, and used them to smear them, continues to this day. Strangely, although Mrs. Clinton is the principal defendant, and although there is sworn testimony, obtained during earlier discovery that Mrs. Clinton was the mastermind of this illegal scheme, the Court has never granted Plaintiffs requests to depose her —.... civil lawsuit which seeks to hold her accountable for illegally violating the privacy rights of American citizens she and her husband Bill Clinton viewed as political adversaries during their administration in the 1990s." Hillary Clinton tries to escape from on-going Filegate case

a. "It was also during this Filegate case that it was learned that President Clinton, on the advice of his top political adviser, James Carville, had illegally released Privacy Act protected information from White House files to smear Kathleen Willey, a woman who was a material witness in the impeachment proceedings, as she was also sexually harassed by the “philanderer in chief” while working for him in the White House."
Proof Hillary isn’t fit to be president


7. @ 6:35 Chinagate. Foreign countries funneled millions into Clinton's campaign. ".... Hillary then masterminded a scheme whereby the Clinton-Gore presidential campaign of 1996 took bribes from communist Chinese banks and their government to bankroll the president’s and the Democratic Party’s re-election efforts ."

a. "When Bill Clinton took office in 1993, Chinese missiles were greatly limited in terms of their range and accuracy. But as journalist Richard Poe noted in 2003, “Thanks to Bill Clinton, China can now hit any city in the USA, using state-of-the-art, solid-fueled missiles with dead-accurate, computerized guidance systems and multiple warheads.”.... "'We like your president. We want to see him reelected,' former Chinese intelligence chief General Ji Shengde told Chinagate bagman Johnny Chung.

"Indeed, Chinese intelligence organized a massive covert operation aimed at tilting the 1996 election Clinton’s way.

"Clinton’s top campaign contributors for 1992 were Chinese agents; his top donors in 1996 were U.S. defense contractors selling missile technology to China.

"Clinton recieved funding directly from known or suspected Chinese intelligence agents, among them James and Mochtar Riady who own the Indonesian Lippo Group; John Huang; Charlie Trie; Ted Sioeng; Maria Hsia; Wang Jun and others." Bill Clinton - Discover the Networks

b. "Agents for the Chinese government and military funneled millions into President Clinton’s re-election campaign, the Clinton Legal Defense Fund and the DNC.

The DOJ reported “A pattern of events suggests a level of knowledge within the White House–including the President’s and First Lady’s offices–concerning the injection of foreign funds into the reelection effort.” LYBIO.net Is A Movement For Internet Online Accuracy For Speeches, Text, Words, Quotes and Lyrics.


8. @6:35 ChinaGate Against campaign finance law, China donated to Bill Clinton's campaign so as to influence US policies. Agents for the Chinese government, and the military, funneled millions into Clinton's campaign.

DoJ: ...knowledge within the President's and First Lady's Offices...concerning the injection of foreign funds in the reelection effort.


9. @7:10 Using the IRS against political enemies....a Democrat tactic. A senior IRS official admitted that Clinton opponents were singled out for audit....including Bill Clinton's female accusers.


10. @ 7:45 PardonGate He issued pardons to 450 individuals including cocaine traffickers, terrorists and kidnappers. Several pardons directly benefitted Hillary Clinton, with ties to her NYSenate bid. Marc Rich was actually a fugitive on the run at the time...on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted List....while his wife donated thousands to Hillary Clinton's Senate Campaign, the Clinton Legal Defense Fund and the DNC.


11. @12:00 As Senator....introduced three minor bills which became law in seven years. That includes naming a post office.


12. @12:33 Enthusiastically voted for the Iraq War


13. @13:10 "....prosecutors revealed Monday that the mastermind of Mayor Vincent C. Gray’s “shadow campaign” also funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to aid Mrs. Clinton’s bid for the White House.

Jeffrey E. Thompson’s scheme included diverting more than $608,000 in illicit funds to a New York marketing executive, Troy White, who organized “street teams” to raise Mrs. Clinton’s visibility in urban areas during her Democratic primary battle against Barack Obama.

.....from February to May 2008, Thompson used two firms to disburse $608,750 in “excessive and unreported contributions to pay for campaign services in coordination with and in support of a federal political candidate for president of the United States and the federal and the candidate’s authorized committee.” That candidate was Mrs. Clinton." Hillary Clinton campaign received funds from Jeffrey Thompson


14. @ 13:39 " State Department spokeswoman can't name Hillary Clinton's diplomatic achievements ... and neither can Hillary Clinton!
· Jen Psaki, the State Department's chief spokesperson, seemed blindsided by a question about Clinton's accomplishments

· A CNN panel erupted into laughter when Psaki's gaffe was shown

· Clinton herself couldn't articulate what she was 'most proud of' during her time as America's top diplomat when asked just weeks ago

Read more: State Department spokeswoman can't name Hillary Clinton's diplomatic achievements ... and neither could Hillary Clinton | Daily Mail Online

Not one achievement in her 4years collecting a salary from the taxpayers.

15. @ 14:33 " The State Department misplaced and lost some $6 billion due to the improper filing of contracts during the past six years, mainly during the tenure of former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, according to a newly released Inspector General report." State Dept. misplaced $6B under Hillary Clinton: IG report


16. @ 14:48 " Hillary's State Department Refused to Brand Boko Haram as Terrorists" Hillary's State Department Refused to Brand Boko Haram as Terrorists
Even though FBI, DoJ and CIA had requested it, so they could pursue group.Result was kidnapping of 300 Nigerian school girls.
17. @ 14:58 A special investigator for the State Department found that with Hillary in charge, the following investigations were blocked or called off:
a) Sexual assaults by state dept security officials in Beirut
b) "Endemic" use of prostitutes by Hillary's security detail
c.) Drug use by state dept contractors in Baghdad
d) Solicitation of child male prostitutes by US ambassador in Belgium
18. @16:10 Benghazi cover-up
Hillary testified that she had submitted all documents related to the inquiry. 20 months later....41 new documents were found....including changes to Susan Rice's talking points.
More documents are being withheld.

19. "State Dept. Promises to Release Clinton Emails on Day That Literally Doesn’t Exist" State Dept. Promises to Release Clinton Emails on Day That Literally Doesn’t Exist

20. This, from the Mexican paper...the NYTimes:

"In April 2012, representatives from Qatar were apparently hoping to get “five minutes” with former President Bill Clinton while in New York to present him with a $1 million check for his foundation as a birthday gift from the previous year.

While it is unclear whether that meeting ever took place, the offer,mentioned in one of thousands of hacked Clinton campaign emailsreleased by WikiLeaks last week, was an example of the complex ethical issues the Clinton Foundation faced in managing relationships with foreign governments when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. It also raised questions about whether the foundation had fully followed procedures it had voluntarily agreed to in order to avoid those very issues."


All total RW bs/hate propaganda which went NOWHERE in the real world, superdupe.

Sooooo.....how come everything I post is 100% accurate......and you, 100% refuted?

Why is that, Blanko?

So how's the Hillary Special Prosecutor coming along, dupe? Not to worry, half the country fell for it...
Who could possibly be more pro-Russia than Obama and the Democrats??????

1. Trump has a cabinet that has made tougher statements on Russia than anything Obama did.
If Trump were going to be submissive to Putin, how to explain Dan Coates as Trump's pick for Director of National Intelligence:
Coates was forbidden to go to Russia by Putin for comparing him to Hitler:
"people from the US had been similarly blacklisted, including ... and Dan Coats of Indiana, a former US ambassador to Germany. “While I’m disappointed that I won’t be able to go on vacation with my family in Siberia this summer,” Coats wisecracked, “I am honored to be on this list.”Chrystia Freeland: My Ukraine, and Putin’s big lie

2. A pro-Russia policy would include slashing defense spending...as Obama did.

3 . A pro-Russia policy would include slowing our nuclear weapon modernization....as Obama did.

4. A pro-Russia policy would include rolling back missile defense systems...as Obama did.

5. A pro-Russia policy would include entering a one-sided nuclear arms agreement....as Obama did.

6. A pro-Russia policy would include doing everything you could to stop oil and gas production...as Obama did.

7. A pro-Russia policy would include promising Putin that you'd be more 'flexible' in dealing with Russia...as Obama did.

8. A pro-Russia policy would include turning over 20% of our uranium to Russia in exchange for a $145 million donation to the Clinton Foundation....as Bill's wife did. [FAKE NEWS: CNBC Cites Left-Wing Politifact in Clinton Russian Uranium Story - Breitbart]

9. Assuming, arguendo, that leaking material about the Democrats and their candidate were aimed at influencing the electorate, list those things that the electorate knew from the 'leaks' that they didn't know before.
Who didn't know that Bill's wife was a congenital liar and career criminal????

10. And, those leaks themselves???
“There’s no evidence that this was done by the state itself, only evidence it was done by non-state actors that might be Russian-speaking,” said Jeffrey Carr, CEO of the cyber security consultancy firm Taia Global, referring to the evidence available to the public.

That evidence, which was released by private threat assessment companies rather than official channels, indicates hackers used Cyrillic keyboards and operated during Moscow working hours.
But indicators of identity like timestamps, language preferences and IP addresses “can be manipulated or faked rather easily,” said Juan Andres Guerrero-Saade, a senior security researcher at Kaspersky Lab."
Does the U.S. government really know who hacked Democrats' emails?


Come on, you KNOW how THE TRUTH AND FACTS confuse and disorient Progressives! All we need are more of them staggering around, jamming up traffic and falling down in the streets.

Now go forth and sin no more!

Nah, the true story is you have yet to find even one illegal alien who voted in the election, no less, 3 million. Have you forgotten already? You're senile.

by WILLIAM BIGELOW 12 Oct 2015

On Saturday, California Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 1461, the New Motor Voter Act, which will automatically register people to vote through the DMV, and could result in illegal aliens voting.
Any person who renewed or secured a driver’s license through the DMV may now register to vote, or choose to opt out of doing so. Because illegal immigrants are now eligible for obtaining driver’s licenses, they could be allowed to vote in elections if the Secretary of State’s office fails to verify their eligibility properly.

Brown and the California Democratic party know exactly what they are doing; as a Public Policy Institute survey showed, among unregistered adults, 49% lean toward the Democratic Party and 22% toward the Republican Party. Any bill permitting illegal immigrants to vote would cement the Democratic Party’s hold on California.

Jerry Brown Signs Bill Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Vote
BS, dingbat. No illegal will try to register. STUPID.

Come on, you KNOW how THE TRUTH AND FACTS confuse and disorient Progressives! All we need are more of them staggering around, jamming up traffic and falling down in the streets.

Now go forth and sin no more!

Trump took Russias side over the Ukraine Changing the RNC platform to do that, and reversing the republicans position on Russia. It was the only change Trump made to the republican platform.
Who could possibly be more pro-Russia than Obama and the Democrats??????

1. Trump has a cabinet that has made tougher statements on Russia than anything Obama did.
If Trump were going to be submissive to Putin, how to explain Dan Coates as Trump's pick for Director of National Intelligence:
Coates was forbidden to go to Russia by Putin for comparing him to Hitler:
"people from the US had been similarly blacklisted, including ... and Dan Coats of Indiana, a former US ambassador to Germany. “While I’m disappointed that I won’t be able to go on vacation with my family in Siberia this summer,” Coats wisecracked, “I am honored to be on this list.”Chrystia Freeland: My Ukraine, and Putin’s big lie

2. A pro-Russia policy would include slashing defense spending...as Obama did.

3 . A pro-Russia policy would include slowing our nuclear weapon modernization....as Obama did.

4. A pro-Russia policy would include rolling back missile defense systems...as Obama did.

5. A pro-Russia policy would include entering a one-sided nuclear arms agreement....as Obama did.

6. A pro-Russia policy would include doing everything you could to stop oil and gas production...as Obama did.

7. A pro-Russia policy would include promising Putin that you'd be more 'flexible' in dealing with Russia...as Obama did.

8. A pro-Russia policy would include turning over 20% of our uranium to Russia in exchange for a $145 million donation to the Clinton Foundation....as Bill's wife did. [FAKE NEWS: CNBC Cites Left-Wing Politifact in Clinton Russian Uranium Story - Breitbart]

9. Assuming, arguendo, that leaking material about the Democrats and their candidate were aimed at influencing the electorate, list those things that the electorate knew from the 'leaks' that they didn't know before.
Who didn't know that Bill's wife was a congenital liar and career criminal????

10. And, those leaks themselves???
“There’s no evidence that this was done by the state itself, only evidence it was done by non-state actors that might be Russian-speaking,” said Jeffrey Carr, CEO of the cyber security consultancy firm Taia Global, referring to the evidence available to the public.

That evidence, which was released by private threat assessment companies rather than official channels, indicates hackers used Cyrillic keyboards and operated during Moscow working hours.
But indicators of identity like timestamps, language preferences and IP addresses “can be manipulated or faked rather easily,” said Juan Andres Guerrero-Saade, a senior security researcher at Kaspersky Lab."
Does the U.S. government really know who hacked Democrats' emails?


Come on, you KNOW how THE TRUTH AND FACTS confuse and disorient Progressives! All we need are more of them staggering around, jamming up traffic and falling down in the streets.

Now go forth and sin no more!

Putin hated Hillary and HOPED Trump would be better, and wanted chaos. So far so good, dupes. People with brains believe our intelligence when they all agree, conspiracy nutjobs...
Nah, the true story is you have yet to find even one illegal alien who voted in the election, no less, 3 million. Have you forgotten already? You're senile.

Yes there was illegals voting, some have been prosecuted for it. Please keep up.

Unfortunately that number has six less zeros than what Trump claimed.

Three illegals voting doesn't prove 3 million illegals voted. Trumps own transition team had top staffers registered to vote in multiple states, and even Trumps daughter was illegally double registered to vote.


Now....first the reading comprehension part of the test:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

And you've still been showed how the law prohibits illegals from using a driver's license to register to vote.

Only if any 'law' was looking for illegal voters.
Stop lying, PoliticalHack.

You were showed it's an automated system, according to the law, which prevents registration requests for illegal aliens who qualify only for AB60 driver's licenses; and then a second level of verification which, also automated, which then checks for voter eligibility. All before being registered to vote.

So yes, the 'law' is actually 'looking' at every single applicant.
Do you want to know what sealed the deal for a Trump win? He brought up voter fraud during the campaign. That was brilliant, it scared about half of the fraudsters out of attempting their dastardly deeds. Thus Trump got enough votes to put him in the White House.
"The FBI investigated a Trump server in its Russia probe, but no charges are expected by John Solomon and Sara Carter

The months-long [Obama] FBI counterintelligence investigation into Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential campaign briefly investigated a computer server tied to Donald Trump's businesses near the end of the election but has not gathered evidence of election tampering to date that would warrant criminal charges against any of the president’s associates, Circa has learned." FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes

"....the [Obama] FBI ... briefly investigated a computer server tied to Donald Trump's businesses near the end of the election..."

Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration..

The Server wasn't in Trump tower.

Trump's server, you dunce.

"The Obama FBI and Justice Department intended to investigate Russian influence in the election. Toward that end, they applied for and got a FISA warrant.

"For instance, the [Obama] FBI and Justice Department received a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant in October to help further the Russia investigation. Officials stressed there were no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.

Separately, they used traditional investigative techniques to review a computer server tied to the the soon-to-be-president's businesses in Trump Towers in New York but located elsewhere. " FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes
All investigated and cleared. You're sadly off your rocker. Completely.
And you've still been showed how the law prohibits illegals from using a driver's license to register to vote.

Yeah, all they have to do is check a box and PRESTO they're registered to vote. Tough process.

Once they're on the AB-60 list they are prohibited from voting. Or registering to vote, or be part of the automatic registration system. The AB-60 designation is like having a giant scarlet letter.
Nah, the true story is you have yet to find even one illegal alien who voted in the election, no less, 3 million. Have you forgotten already? You're senile.

by WILLIAM BIGELOW 12 Oct 2015

On Saturday, California Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 1461, the New Motor Voter Act, which will automatically register people to vote through the DMV, and could result in illegal aliens voting.
Any person who renewed or secured a driver’s license through the DMV may now register to vote, or choose to opt out of doing so. Because illegal immigrants are now eligible for obtaining driver’s licenses, they could be allowed to vote in elections if the Secretary of State’s office fails to verify their eligibility properly.

Brown and the California Democratic party know exactly what they are doing; as a Public Policy Institute survey showed, among unregistered adults, 49% lean toward the Democratic Party and 22% toward the Republican Party. Any bill permitting illegal immigrants to vote would cement the Democratic Party’s hold on California.

Jerry Brown Signs Bill Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Vote
Oh, for fuck's sake. :eusa_doh: Do you rightards ever learn? Ever???

The bill specifically states it's intended for citizens, who the bill recognizes have a fundamental right to vote.
It is the intent of the Legislature to enact the California New Motor Voter Program to provide California citizens additional opportunities to participate in democracy through exercise of their fundamental right to vote.
It also states California must meet all eligibility requirements to vote in order to be registered under that bill. This alone excluded illegal aliens.
A person who is at least 16 years of age and otherwise meets all eligibility requirements to vote may submit his or her affidavit of registration as prescribed by this section.
And lastly, the bill indicates such people who are automatically registered to vote, must meet all voter eligibility requirements.
The person’s motor vehicle records would then constitute a completed affidavit of registration and the person would be registered to vote, unless the person affirmatively declined to be registered to vote during a transaction with the department, the department did not represent to the Secretary of State that the person attested that he or she meets all voter eligibility requirements, as specified, or the Secretary of State determines that the person is ineligible to vote.

As far as the provisions protecting illegals who are inadvertently registered...
2268. If a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote pursuant to this chapter in the absence of a violation by that person of Section 18100, that person’s registration shall be presumed to have been effected with official authorization and not the fault of that person.
2269. If a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote pursuant to this chapter and votes or attempts to vote in an election held after the effective date of the person’s registration, that person shall be presumed to have acted with official authorization and shall not be guilty of fraudulently voting or attempting to vote pursuant to Section 18560, unless that person willfully votes or attempts to vote knowing that he or she is not entitled to vote.
... that is to protect ineligible voters who would have wrongly become registered at no fault of their own since it is an automated system. The bill also provides a mechanism for such people to have their registration revoked.
2270 (a). A process for canceling the registration of a person who is ineligible to vote, but became registered under the California New Motor Voter Program in the absence of any violation by that person of Section 18100.
And you've still been showed how the law prohibits illegals from using a driver's license to register to vote.

Yeah, all they have to do is check a box and PRESTO they're registered to vote. Tough process.
Too fucking rightarded. Moron... they check the box if they don't want to be registered. Just goes to show you have no idea what you're talking about.

And illegals are not registered. More facts you're clueless about.
And you've still been showed how the law prohibits illegals from using a driver's license to register to vote.

WOW! Who knew there was a LAW against illegals using a drivers license to register to vote. COOL! All we have to do is pass a law against drunk driving and there will no longer be any drunk drivers! Got it!

And you've still been showed how the law prohibits illegals from using a driver's license to register to vote.

WOW! Who knew there was a LAW against illegals using a drivers license to register to vote. COOL! All we have to do is pass a law against drunk driving and there will no longer be any drunk drivers! Got it!

Too fucking stupid. The law is required to register to vote.

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