Turns Out Trump Correct, The Left....As Usual

Elect a clown expect a circus
With all this evidence of collusion with Russia being exposed, affecting our democracy, if you voted for Trump, you must know you voted for treason. I say every Republican in the USA is to blame for the treasonous con man who runs this land... Republicans that voted for Trump are the most UN-American treasonous people in the USA. You people are the ruination of our nation, and death of the American dream. What"s worse, is you're too damned thick to see that we are under the gun of treason and Russian influence..I declare war on the Ignorant treasonous people called "Republicans"... When I say the word "Republican", I hear sedition and anti-American treason in the sound. Time to tell the truth.. by Robert barker
You don't want to declare war on other American's, for the simple fact is that's what they would do.
Elect a clown expect a circus
With all this evidence of collusion with Russia being exposed, affecting our democracy, if you voted for Trump, you must know you voted for treason. I say every Republican in the USA is to blame for the treasonous con man who runs this land... Republicans that voted for Trump are the most UN-American treasonous people in the USA. You people are the ruination of our nation, and death of the American dream. What"s worse, is you're too damned thick to see that we are under the gun of treason and Russian influence..I declare war on the Ignorant treasonous people called "Republicans"... When I say the word "Republican", I hear sedition and anti-American treason in the sound. Time to tell the truth.. by Robert barker

God yo puppets love the mental masters pulling your strings. You voted for a community organizer named Hussein that was supported by the US Communist Party and think you have the right to criticize?
the big question ray is what will trump give russia in exchange for their election help We know putin does nothing unless there's a payoff
What I find amazing, is that the focus on the right is whether or not there was a wiretap, not whether or not there was a crime committed by the sitting President.

There is no evidence of any crime. We just go by what we know which is the DNC and Podesta's emails were hacked by somebody. No evidence of voter fraud, no evidence any machines were hacked, no evidence that the emails revealed had anything to do with the outcome of the election.
Elect a clown expect a circus
With all this evidence of collusion with Russia being exposed, affecting our democracy, if you voted for Trump, you must know you voted for treason. I say every Republican in the USA is to blame for the treasonous con man who runs this land... Republicans that voted for Trump are the most UN-American treasonous people in the USA. You people are the ruination of our nation, and death of the American dream. What"s worse, is you're too damned thick to see that we are under the gun of treason and Russian influence..I declare war on the Ignorant treasonous people called "Republicans"... When I say the word "Republican", I hear sedition and anti-American treason in the sound. Time to tell the truth.. by Robert barker
You don't want to declare war on other American's, for the simple fact is that's what they would do.
being a kind sensitive person you might not agree BUT I think Lincoln didn't do enough to thin the herd
What I find amazing, is that the focus on the right is whether or not there was a wiretap, not whether or not there was a crime committed by the sitting President.

There is no evidence of any crime. We just go by what we know which is the DNC and Podesta's emails were hacked by somebody. No evidence of voter fraud, no evidence any machines were hacked, no evidence that the emails revealed had anything to do with the outcome of the election.

Uh Oh ray and chic

House panel to Trump - hand over the wiretap evidence. Uh oh!

House committee wants evidence for Trump's wiretap claim
The House intelligence committee is asking the Trump administration for evidence that the phones at Trump Tower were tapped during the campaign as its…
the big question ray is what will trump give russia in exchange for their election help We know putin does nothing unless there's a payoff

Putin already got Trump to change the republican platform, where their long held position of supporting the Ukraine, was removed. Giving Putin the green light to roll in his forces, without fear the Americans will provide any military aid or assistance.
There is no evidence of any crime. We just go by what we know which is the DNC and Podesta's emails were hacked by somebody. No evidence of voter fraud, no evidence any machines were hacked, no evidence that the emails revealed had anything to do with the outcome of the election.

But we do know Roger Smith, one of the Trump associates, was in direct contact, via twitter to Guccifer 2.0, the Russian hacker who broke into the DNC server and Podesta's e-mails. Roger Smith even tweeted there would be a release of Podestas e-mails days before they came out.
the big question ray is what will trump give russia in exchange for their election help We know putin does nothing unless there's a payoff

Putin already got Trump to change the republican platform, where their long held position of supporting the Ukraine, was removed. Giving Putin the green light to roll in his forces, without fear the Americans will provide any military aid or assistance.
and republicans refuse to believe the collusion with russia the trump administration is responsible for They are fools and republicans ,,but again ,I repeat myself
Trump exposed the Obamunist attempt to "wiretap" his campaign....all the Leftists laughed....and were outraged that he targeted their messiah.

The Trump tweet:

"Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!"

6:35 AM - 4 Mar 2017

1. The short story: Trump was correct, the NYTimes, WaPo, and every Liberal cable show....split hairs to make it seem that Trump was wrong.
Read on:

2. Here's the spin that the Washington Post put on the story:
"This may be the worst defense of Trump’s Obama-wiretapped-me claim — literally
...chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, which means he's in charge of investigating President Trump's evidence-free allegation that President Barack Obama wiretapped his offices.

But Nunes doesn't seem particularly worried that the current president accused the former president of a crime. Echoing so many Republican defenses of Trump's tweets, he suggested Tuesday that Trump's allegation simply shouldn't be taken at face value.

Here's what Nunes said:

The president is a neophyte to politics. He’s been doing this a little over a year. And I think a lot of the things that he says, you guys sometimes take literally. " Analysis | This may be the worst defense of Trump’s Obama-wiretapped-me claim — literally

3. Looks like Trump was dead wrong?

WaPo spin: "... Trump's allegation simply shouldn't be taken at face value."
The actual quote has a different meaning: "....I think a lot of the things that he says, you guys sometimes take literally. "
The 'literally' refers to the term 'wiretap.'
It should be understood to mean 'placed under surveillance.'

4. But the facts are these:

"The FBI investigated a Trump server in its Russia probe, but no charges are expected by John Solomon and Sara Carter

The months-long [Obama] FBI counterintelligence investigation into Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential campaign briefly investigated a computer server tied to Donald Trump's businesses near the end of the election but has not gathered evidence of election tampering to date that would warrant criminal charges against any of the president’s associates, Circa has learned." FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes

Get that???

"....the [Obama] FBI ... briefly investigated a computer server tied to Donald Trump's businesses near the end of the election..."


past tense: surveilled; past participle: surveilled
keep (a person or place) under surveillance.
as in "he deployed FBI agents to surveil the offices of those companies"

Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.
There has been no evidence of this ridiculous claim.

You people are very, very stupid!
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
Too fucking rightarded, as usual. Employing that nonsensical logic to the electoral college, if you take Texas out of it, Hillary wins the election.

Such a pity when vulgarity is substituted for truth or knowledge.

Your ugliness is both inner and outer.
What substitute? I employed both facts and vulgarity. Nothing was substituted. But that's ok; I've come to expect you to whine about vulgarities when you can't deal with facts. It's your easy out.
Elect a clown expect a circus
With all this evidence of collusion with Russia being exposed, affecting our democracy, if you voted for Trump, you must know you voted for treason. I say every Republican in the USA is to blame for the treasonous con man who runs this land... Republicans that voted for Trump are the most UN-American treasonous people in the USA. You people are the ruination of our nation, and death of the American dream. What"s worse, is you're too damned thick to see that we are under the gun of treason and Russian influence..I declare war on the Ignorant treasonous people called "Republicans"... When I say the word "Republican", I hear sedition and anti-American treason in the sound. Time to tell the truth.. by Robert barker
You don't want to declare war on other American's, for the simple fact is that's what they would do.
being a kind sensitive person you might not agree BUT I think Lincoln didn't do enough to thin the herd

Yes he should have followed through with the repatriation he proposed. That would have been the greatest thing African americans could have wished for, At least according to your ideas. This is a REPUBLIC and was designed as one your treasonous activities are in trying to overthrow the duly and constitutionally elected completely legitimate government of DONALD TRUMP.
You should share your research with Trump then. He needs it desperately.

"The FBI investigated a Trump server in its Russia probe, but no charges are expected by John Solomon and Sara Carter

The months-long [Obama] FBI counterintelligence investigation into Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential campaign briefly investigated a computer server tied to Donald Trump's businesses near the end of the election but has not gathered evidence of election tampering to date that would warrant criminal charges against any of the president’s associates, Circa has learned." FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes

Get that???

"....the [Obama] FBI ... briefly investigated a computer server tied to Donald Trump's businesses near the end of the election..."


past tense: surveilled; past participle: surveilled
keep (a person or place) under surveillance.
as in "he deployed FBI agents to surveil the offices of those companies"

Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.
Moron.... Trump was talking about his phones being tapped, not a computer server. Just how nutty are you?? :ack-1:

"How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process."

"I'll bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to election!"

Trump was referring to being surveilled by Obama.....and he was correct.
Trump was referring to a computer server by calling it a "phone??"

Obviously you have no clue that old analog phones no longer work on new phone systems which are digital.. that require servers to function.. like the ones in Trump tower..

Please continue your ignorant rants..
If you're using cell phones or VoIP. Otherwise, landlines still run through wires. <smh>
There is no evidence of any crime. We just go by what we know which is the DNC and Podesta's emails were hacked by somebody. No evidence of voter fraud, no evidence any machines were hacked, no evidence that the emails revealed had anything to do with the outcome of the election.

But we do know Roger Smith, one of the Trump associates, was in direct contact, via twitter to Guccifer 2.0, the Russian hacker who broke into the DNC server and Podesta's e-mails. Roger Smith even tweeted there would be a release of Podestas e-mails days before they came out.

I never heard of Roger Smith. But if you are talking about Roger Stone, he BS'd on twitter with Guccifer AFTER the mails were already hacked. It's another non-story.
Elect a clown expect a circus
With all this evidence of collusion with Russia being exposed, affecting our democracy, if you voted for Trump, you must know you voted for treason. I say every Republican in the USA is to blame for the treasonous con man who runs this land... Republicans that voted for Trump are the most UN-American treasonous people in the USA. You people are the ruination of our nation, and death of the American dream. What"s worse, is you're too damned thick to see that we are under the gun of treason and Russian influence..I declare war on the Ignorant treasonous people called "Republicans"... When I say the word "Republican", I hear sedition and anti-American treason in the sound. Time to tell the truth.. by Robert barker
You don't want to declare war on other American's, for the simple fact is that's what they would do.
being a kind sensitive person you might not agree BUT I think Lincoln didn't do enough to thin the herd

Yes he should have followed through with the repatriation he proposed. That would have been the greatest thing African americans could have wished for, At least according to your ideas. This is a REPUBLIC and was designed as one your treasonous activities are in trying to overthrow the duly and constitutionally elected completely legitimate government of DONALD TRUMP.
figured after your vote for gwb the swine you'd have learned your lesson I was wrong You doubled down on stupid
I guess there was no FISA warrant for Trump Tower Servers... That the FBI and CIA now have acknowledged exists.

How many times must you idiots be shown frauds for you to get it? The server surveiled was the phone bank server that was used to complete foreign funds transfers.

SO was the tap on the FISA side or was it the NSA side.. IN either case its a felony that has been committed in putting it out.
And there is no evidence of wiretapping either. You fuckers just love to make shit up!

Time to smash another verbal custard pie in your kisser:

Mark Dice‏Verified account @MarkDice

Mark Dice Retweeted Howard Dean

Howard Dean is confirming the wiretap happened. #ObamaGate

Mark Dice added,

Howard DeanVerified account @GovHowardDean

.@realDonaldTrump The FISA court which issued the warrant to tap Trumps phone was set up to catch terrorists. They tap for probable cause Justin Hendrix on Twitter

While other Democrats are dancing around trying to pretend the wiretapping did not happen, when more and more evidence points to the fact that it likely DID, Howard Dean is just flat out admitting it occurred.

His admission includes the concept that Trump’s phone was “set up” in an attempt to prove an act of terrorism."

You're looking like quite a fool, huh?
TEA party news??

Trump exposed the Obamunist attempt to "wiretap" his campaign....all the Leftists laughed....and were outraged that he targeted their messiah.

The Trump tweet:

"Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!"

6:35 AM - 4 Mar 2017

1. The short story: Trump was correct, the NYTimes, WaPo, and every Liberal cable show....split hairs to make it seem that Trump was wrong.
Read on:

2. Here's the spin that the Washington Post put on the story:
"This may be the worst defense of Trump’s Obama-wiretapped-me claim — literally
...chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, which means he's in charge of investigating President Trump's evidence-free allegation that President Barack Obama wiretapped his offices.

But Nunes doesn't seem particularly worried that the current president accused the former president of a crime. Echoing so many Republican defenses of Trump's tweets, he suggested Tuesday that Trump's allegation simply shouldn't be taken at face value.

Here's what Nunes said:

The president is a neophyte to politics. He’s been doing this a little over a year. And I think a lot of the things that he says, you guys sometimes take literally. " Analysis | This may be the worst defense of Trump’s Obama-wiretapped-me claim — literally

3. Looks like Trump was dead wrong?

WaPo spin: "... Trump's allegation simply shouldn't be taken at face value."
The actual quote has a different meaning: "....I think a lot of the things that he says, you guys sometimes take literally. "
The 'literally' refers to the term 'wiretap.'
It should be understood to mean 'placed under surveillance.'

4. But the facts are these:

"The FBI investigated a Trump server in its Russia probe, but no charges are expected by John Solomon and Sara Carter

The months-long [Obama] FBI counterintelligence investigation into Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential campaign briefly investigated a computer server tied to Donald Trump's businesses near the end of the election but has not gathered evidence of election tampering to date that would warrant criminal charges against any of the president’s associates, Circa has learned." FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes

Get that???

"....the [Obama] FBI ... briefly investigated a computer server tied to Donald Trump's businesses near the end of the election..."


past tense: surveilled; past participle: surveilled
keep (a person or place) under surveillance.
as in "he deployed FBI agents to surveil the offices of those companies"

Trump was correct with respect to his being surveilled by the Obama administration.
There has been no evidence of this ridiculous claim.

You people are very, very stupid!
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
Too fucking rightarded, as usual. Employing that nonsensical logic to the electoral college, if you take Texas out of it, Hillary wins the election.

Such a pity when vulgarity is substituted for truth or knowledge.

Your ugliness is both inner and outer.
What substitute? I employed both facts and vulgarity. Nothing was substituted. But that's ok; I've come to expect you to whine about vulgarities when you can't deal with facts. It's your easy out.

You mean lies and vulgarity....don't you.
There has been no evidence of this ridiculous claim.

You people are very, very stupid!
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
Too fucking rightarded, as usual. Employing that nonsensical logic to the electoral college, if you take Texas out of it, Hillary wins the election.

Such a pity when vulgarity is substituted for truth or knowledge.

Your ugliness is both inner and outer.
What substitute? I employed both facts and vulgarity. Nothing was substituted. But that's ok; I've come to expect you to whine about vulgarities when you can't deal with facts. It's your easy out.

You mean lies and vulgarity....don't you.
Nope, I don't mean that at all. I meant what I said.
I never heard of Roger Smith. But if you are talking about Roger Stone, he BS'd on twitter with Guccifer AFTER the mails were already hacked. It's another non-story.

Non-story? Who is Roger Stone, Nostradamus reincarnated? How did he know the Podesta e-mails were coming out days before they came out, and right after he tweeted the guy who stole them. I'd call that a smoking gun, if it hadn't been done with a keyboard.

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