TV Station "Newsmax" CANCELS on Dinesh after his new Film 2000 Mules turns out to be Junk

For some reason, they seem hesitant to prove this terribly conclusive and important evidence in a court of law.

When have they said that? Got some sort of a quote? Also you could tell the corrupt states to enforce the law. Can't get to court until there are charges.
Dumbass conspiracy theorist first you brought up the Steele dossier and the witch hunt then you bait and switch to some Iran bullshit.
That was the conversation you jumped into and you can‘t answer that simple question. What’s the matter, pussy?
Iran you dumb fuck conspiracy theorist was not part of the Russian disinformation Steele dossier.
I didn’t bring any of that up, retard.

I replied to the retarded Iran conspiracy theory that your fellow Trumpster made up. You little pussy bitch why won’t you answer that question?
So far, the courts will not hear evidence. Roberts betrayed the nation again by refusing to do his job and review the cases submitted. Instead we ridicule those who seek to use the justice system.
No he didn't.

The Supreme court is loathe to take up original jurisdiction cases related to political prodcesses and always has been.
You don’t seem to want to address the fact that Mueller appointment leads directly from Trump. Now why is that?

Mueller found no collusion or any other crimes committed by Trump or his family.

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