TWA flight 800

Two Thumbs

Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2010
may have been shot down by a missile or missiles.

TWA Flight 800 crash not due to gas tank explosion, former investigators say

Jim Speer, an accident investigator at the time of the crash for the Airline Pilots Association, who sifted through the recovered wreckage in a hangar, said he discovered holes consistent with those that would be formed by a high-energy blast in the right wing. He requested it be tested for explosives. When the test came back positive, he said, he was "physically removed" from a room by two CIA agents.

Holy shit...
Hmmm.... this has government coverup written all over it. If true, why would they shoot down a passenger jet for no reason? Anybody? If anyone can speculate as to a reason, what would it be?
very interesting. I wonder where this will go now.

hopefully they will re-open the case, but since clinton was in charge then, I have no hope of that


I'd like to know;
who attacked us
why was it covered up
Hmmm.... this has government coverup written all over it. If true, why would they shoot down a passenger jet for no reason? Anybody? If anyone can speculate as to a reason, what would it be?

to see if it could be done

a hopeful ally did it

The cia killed whoever did it, and didn't want the world to know

it was an American

Definately a cover-up... How many crash investigations get an NSA animated cartoon to explain how the plane CLIMBED after the explosion and "fooled" the skilled observers who all reported "a missile" seen from shore..

I believe there were ties to Iraq for this "accident" and the Admin at the time didn't want to go to war just then. A couple high level politicians have screwed up calling this a "terrorist" event and then retracted their statements. AND -- It occurred on Iraq Independence Day... Also if the fuel tank design was defective, the fleet sure wasn't grounded in a hurry for repairs..
That seems silly, if the feds controlled the lab that did the testing why wouldn't they just make sure the results came back negative instead of showing him positive results then removing him from the room?
Definately a cover-up... How many crash investigations get an NSA animated cartoon to explain how the plane CLIMBED after the explosion and "fooled" the skilled observers who all reported "a missile" seen from shore..

I believe there were ties to Iraq for this "accident" and the Admin at the time didn't want to go to war just then. A couple high level politicians have screwed up calling this a "terrorist" event and then retracted their statements. AND -- It occurred on Iraq Independence Day... Also if the fuel tank design was defective, the fleet sure wasn't grounded in a hurry for repairs..

seriously, you'd think TWA would be all up on fixing that to prevent more murders

I mean

That seems silly, if the feds controlled the lab that did the testing why wouldn't they just make sure the results came back negative instead of showing him positive results then removing him from the room?

the test were sent out
may have been shot down by a missile or missiles.

TWA Flight 800 crash not due to gas tank explosion, former investigators say

Jim Speer, an accident investigator at the time of the crash for the Airline Pilots Association, who sifted through the recovered wreckage in a hangar, said he discovered holes consistent with those that would be formed by a high-energy blast in the right wing. He requested it be tested for explosives. When the test came back positive, he said, he was "physically removed" from a room by two CIA agents.

Holy shit...
The fuel tank explosion story was always bullshit....Kerosene (jet fuel) doesn't explode.
the test were sent out
To where?

It is a government investigation, they have the biggest lab around (FBI) and they want to keep the lid on information that it was really a missile attack, so they sent the results out to some private lab?

Why would they do that?
TWA 800: Missile Evidence Doesn't Lie
source inside the investigation said there was a reddish-orange residue trail in this exact area. Eventually, he obtained two small samples of the residue, which I had tested. They were consistent with the residue from a solid-fuel missile.

Further investigation, coming after the publication of my earlier book, "The Downing of TWA Flight 800," established that more than 98 percent of the residue's volume was consistent with an explosive event.

The government counterattacked, arguing that the residue was glue. After months of ducking and dodging, the NTSB finally announced that the residue was 3M 1357 HP Adhesive. It pointed to NASA chemist Charles Bassett as the scientist who confirmed this fact.

I obtained a notarized affidavit from Bassett. His written statement debunks the government’s glue allegation.

I sent a sample of 3M 1357 HP adhesive to Florida State University to be tested and compared with my residue's elemental analysis. FSU confirmed beyond any doubt that the government lied about my residue sample being 3M glue.

TWA 800: Glue Repels Missiles
Debris with blast damage had been altered. Explosive residue had been stripped from the seats and removed from the Calverton hangar. Phony National Transportation Safety Board diagrams of the damaged center-wing-tank span-wise beams and front spar had been created for dissemination to working groups within the investigation.

The elements found in the reddish-orange residue were consistent with exhaust from a solid-fuel missile. But an even more telling explanation of the residue had not yet been uncovered by me more than 98 percent of the volume of the residue was commonly found in incendiary warheads.
may have been shot down by a missile or missiles.

TWA Flight 800 crash not due to gas tank explosion, former investigators say

Jim Speer, an accident investigator at the time of the crash for the Airline Pilots Association, who sifted through the recovered wreckage in a hangar, said he discovered holes consistent with those that would be formed by a high-energy blast in the right wing. He requested it be tested for explosives. When the test came back positive, he said, he was "physically removed" from a room by two CIA agents.

Holy shit...
The fuel tank explosion story was always bullshit....Kerosene (jet fuel) doesn't explode.

Can jet fuel explode

Any combustable can explode when givin the right condition. For example even small fiber from a corn mill in a containment can explode. So yes jet fuel can explode. For this condition you have to be aware of temputure ,volume, and the stade of fuel is it soild or gasous state or bolth, open air or containment. Yes jet fuel can explode under the right conditions.
may have been shot down by a missile or missiles.

TWA Flight 800 crash not due to gas tank explosion, former investigators say

Jim Speer, an accident investigator at the time of the crash for the Airline Pilots Association, who sifted through the recovered wreckage in a hangar, said he discovered holes consistent with those that would be formed by a high-energy blast in the right wing. He requested it be tested for explosives. When the test came back positive, he said, he was "physically removed" from a room by two CIA agents.

Holy shit...

To what end would this cover up have happened? 1996, Clinton was president. Are you saying he had an American plane shot down to see if it could be done? If not, what, then? Terrorism?
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may have been shot down by a missile or missiles.

TWA Flight 800 crash not due to gas tank explosion, former investigators say

Jim Speer, an accident investigator at the time of the crash for the Airline Pilots Association, who sifted through the recovered wreckage in a hangar, said he discovered holes consistent with those that would be formed by a high-energy blast in the right wing. He requested it be tested for explosives. When the test came back positive, he said, he was "physically removed" from a room by two CIA agents.

Holy shit...

To what end would this cover up have happened? 1996, Clinton was president. Are you saying he had an American plane shot down to see if it could be done? If not, what, then?

It's got forensic experts convinced. Someone with pinpoint ground to air targeting capability would have needed to have shot them down. This whole thing stinks of false flag terrorism if you ask me.
may have been shot down by a missile or missiles.

TWA Flight 800 crash not due to gas tank explosion, former investigators say

Jim Speer, an accident investigator at the time of the crash for the Airline Pilots Association, who sifted through the recovered wreckage in a hangar, said he discovered holes consistent with those that would be formed by a high-energy blast in the right wing. He requested it be tested for explosives. When the test came back positive, he said, he was "physically removed" from a room by two CIA agents.

Holy shit...

To what end would this cover up have happened? 1996, Clinton was president. Are you saying he had an American plane shot down to see if it could be done? If not, what, then?

It's got forensic experts convinced. Someone with pinpoint ground to air targeting capability would have needed to have shot them down. This whole thing stinks of false flag terrorism if you ask me.

But then cover it up ?

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