Twenty percent of border crossers tested positive amid delta variant surge, 'surprised' Mayorkas says


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Feb 16, 2016

Twenty percent of border crossers tested positive amid delta variant surge, 'Surprised' Mayorkas says​

30 Sep 2021 ~~ By Anna Giaritelli
The top border official in the Biden administration admitted to being caught off guard recently by the spike in delta variant coronavirus cases among migrants at the border.
"What I didn't expect was the tragic rise of the delta variant," Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said during a Monday speech at the Migration Policy Institute's annual immigration law and policy conference in Washington. "I did not expect to be in late September where we are."
Mayorkas, who has for months refused to speak on the risk that infected migrants who are released into the United States pose to border communities, said upwards of 20% of that population are sick with the highly contagious disease.
"We are confronted with a population of people that, as a general matter, that have a rate of illness of approximately 20%," said Mayorkas, who has been in his position since January. "When one is speaking of 7,000 or 7,500 people encountered at the border every day, if one takes a look at that the system, it is not built for that in a COVID environment where isolation is required."
In August, more than 200,000 people were encountered attempting to enter the U.S. illegally from Mexico, among the highest rates in two decades. The Biden administration has not specifically disclosed how many people every month are being released into the U.S.

Baghdad Bob Mayorkas can't tell the truth, is lying, and knows it, especially when they say anything concerning COVID-19 cases or deaths.
Until they go to the trouble of doing genomic sequencing tests, or some other test that can reliably determine COVID-19 from the flu, this is all propaganda and Lies.
How would Baghdad Bob know what percentage of illegals are infected since they’re not even testing them?
You don't get it, yet, do you? Natural immunity is top shelf. Vaccinated "immunity" is fragile.

You see: they want good, healthy, strong and immune people to go work their crops. Not weak dumb fucks that wiggle out of any sort of risk by pandering to big brother begging for a jab (a fix). There is a duality to the system. Just make sure you're on top.

Twenty percent of border crossers tested positive amid delta variant surge, 'Surprised' Mayorkas says​

30 Sep 2021 ~~ By Anna Giaritelli
The top border official in the Biden administration admitted to being caught off guard recently by the spike in delta variant coronavirus cases among migrants at the border.
"What I didn't expect was the tragic rise of the delta variant," Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said during a Monday speech at the Migration Policy Institute's annual immigration law and policy conference in Washington. "I did not expect to be in late September where we are."
Mayorkas, who has for months refused to speak on the risk that infected migrants who are released into the United States pose to border communities, said upwards of 20% of that population are sick with the highly contagious disease.
"We are confronted with a population of people that, as a general matter, that have a rate of illness of approximately 20%," said Mayorkas, who has been in his position since January. "When one is speaking of 7,000 or 7,500 people encountered at the border every day, if one takes a look at that the system, it is not built for that in a COVID environment where isolation is required."
In August, more than 200,000 people were encountered attempting to enter the U.S. illegally from Mexico, among the highest rates in two decades. The Biden administration has not specifically disclosed how many people every month are being released into the U.S.

Baghdad Bob Mayorkas can't tell the truth, is lying, and knows it, especially when they say anything concerning COVID-19 cases or deaths.
Until they go to the trouble of doing genomic sequencing tests, or some other test that can reliably determine COVID-19 from the flu, this is all propaganda and Lies.
How would Baghdad Bob know what percentage of illegals are infected since they’re not even testing them?

Here's a good idea. Why don't they vaccinate them as they come in. Then they wouldn't be spreading it to those godbotherers.
Maybe you could get the jab to protect yourself. That's a better idea.
Here's a good idea. Why don't they vaccinate them as they come in.
Vaccinating infected people isn't very smart. In fact it can be very dangerous or even deadly. Furthermore, vaccinating doesn't prevent getting or spreading the disease. And we all know that if Myorkis is admitting to a 20% infection rate, it's no doubt at least double that. That means that of the 1.5 million untested illegal aliens, probably much more, that Biden has allowed into our country, he admits that 300K of them are infected yet he sees no problem spreading them all around our country without the permission of the people. Biden and his party have disdain for the American people. They're treating our country like Cuomo and Wolf treated nursing homes.
You don't get it, yet, do you? Natural immunity is top shelf. Vaccinated "immunity" is fragile.
It's a good thing that the democrats did not rule during the epidemics of plague and other deadly diseases... They would certainly declare the quarantine measures undemocratic and even totalitarian.
A Xiden admin managed super-spreader event, that is ongoing.
These infected migrants are being shipped throughout the US, coming to your supermarket any day...
Here's a good idea. Why don't they vaccinate them as they come in. Then they wouldn't be spreading it to those godbotherers.
Maybe you could get the jab to protect yourself. That's a better idea.
...says the foreigner....mind your own business --you don't know shit about the US, it is TOTALLY stupid to allow them in during Covid/etc ........there are MANY more common sense reasons they should not be allowed is we don't have the $$$$$ for it ......godamn, you don't know shit
A good reason to keep them out of the US. They aren't migrants. They are illegal aliens trying to get into the US to disappear.

Everyone can blame Bidung since he did away with all of Trump's border rules. Trump had the border handled quite well and Bidung has made a clusterfuck of a mess of the border.

Most Americans want all illegals out of our country. 2022 and 2024 should be interesting as hell. LOL

Twenty percent of border crossers tested positive amid delta variant surge, 'Surprised' Mayorkas says​

30 Sep 2021 ~~ By Anna Giaritelli
The top border official in the Biden administration admitted to being caught off guard recently by the spike in delta variant coronavirus cases among migrants at the border.
"What I didn't expect was the tragic rise of the delta variant," Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said during a Monday speech at the Migration Policy Institute's annual immigration law and policy conference in Washington. "I did not expect to be in late September where we are."
Mayorkas, who has for months refused to speak on the risk that infected migrants who are released into the United States pose to border communities, said upwards of 20% of that population are sick with the highly contagious disease.
"We are confronted with a population of people that, as a general matter, that have a rate of illness of approximately 20%," said Mayorkas, who has been in his position since January. "When one is speaking of 7,000 or 7,500 people encountered at the border every day, if one takes a look at that the system, it is not built for that in a COVID environment where isolation is required."
In August, more than 200,000 people were encountered attempting to enter the U.S. illegally from Mexico, among the highest rates in two decades. The Biden administration has not specifically disclosed how many people every month are being released into the U.S.

Baghdad Bob Mayorkas can't tell the truth, is lying, and knows it, especially when they say anything concerning COVID-19 cases or deaths.
Until they go to the trouble of doing genomic sequencing tests, or some other test that can reliably determine COVID-19 from the flu, this is all propaganda and Lies.
How would Baghdad Bob know what percentage of illegals are infected since they’re not even testing them?
Your ilk is not getting tested or vaccinated either. Why would you give a rat's ass about immigrants?
Maybe the reason is that they will pass the virus to others? So what? Y'all have the same attitude, yes? You don't care if others get infected because of your refusal, yes?
A Xiden admin managed super-spreader event, that is ongoing.
These infected migrants are being shipped throughout the US, coming to your supermarket any day...
No, they are tested by the govt hired NGOs/Charities to take the asylum seekers and find them homes. When the refugees arrive by bus in the various states at the charity, the charity tests them, if positive the charity isolates them in hotels specifically rented for covid migrants, until the migrant tests negative. Then and only then, does the charity take them in to their own space, and only then, finds them families willing to take them in.
No, they are tested by the govt hired NGOs/Charities to take the asylum seekers and find them homes. When the refugees arrive by bus in the various states at the charity, the charity tests them, if positive the charity isolates them in hotels specifically rented for covid migrants, until the migrant tests negative. Then and only then, does the charity take them in to their own space, and only then, finds them families willing to take them in.

Did you get the memo: you don't have to parrot every Democrat lie.
There's no penalty.... › 2021 › 08 › 12 › migrants-being-sent-to-major-texas-cities-without-covid-tests
Aug 12, 2021As the border crisis continues to escalate, processing facilities and agents are being swamped — resulting in illegal immigrants being sent to major cities without being tested for COVID-19.

DHS dropped 40,000 COVID infected migrants in US cities ... › en-us › news › us › dhs-dropped-40000-covid-infected-migrants-in-us-cities-ex-border-chief › ar-AANfRqt
DHS dropped 40,000 COVID infected migrants in US cities: Ex-border chief. US coronavirus: Covid cases among children have surged to one of its highest rates of the pandemic. Experts warn it may ...

Thousands of COVID-positive migrants pass through Texas border › 2021 › 08 › 04 › thousands-of-covid-positive-migrants-pass-through-texas-border
Aug 4, 2021Nearly 7,000 immigrants who tested positive for COVID-19 have passed through a Texas city that has become the epicenter of the illegal immigration surge, including more than 1,500 over the past ...

DHS dropped 40,000 COVID-19-positive migrants in US cities ... › dhs-dropped-40-000-covid-190800213.html
The nation's former border chief reported today that the Biden administration has placed some 40,000 illegal immigrants infected with the coronavirus into American cities. "At least — that's conservative," former acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan told Secrets this afternoon.

DHS dropped 40,000 COVID-19-positive migrants in US cities ... › washington-secrets › dhs-dropped-40-000-covid-infected-migrants-in-us-cities-ex-border-chief
DHS dropped 40,000 COVID-19-positive migrants in US cities: Ex-border chief. The nation's former border chief reported today that the Biden administration has placed some 40,000 illegal ...

Covid on the Border: Migrants Aren't Tested on Arrival in ... › 2021 › 04 › 28 › us › coronavirus-migrants-testing.html
Apr 28, 2021Dora Eglis Ramírez and Pavel Brigido Rivero set out from Cuba to seek asylum in the United States last year, as the coronavirus rampaged across Latin America.. Starting their trek in Guyana, they ...
No, they are tested by the govt hired NGOs/Charities to take the asylum seekers and find them homes. When the refugees arrive by bus in the various states at the charity, the charity tests them, if positive the charity isolates them in hotels specifically rented for covid migrants, until the migrant tests negative. Then and only then, does the charity take them in to their own space, and only then, finds them families willing to take them in.

You know all that is bullshit.
We are up to about 2 MILLION illegals caught during the Biden Regime. No telling how many more were not caught.

That means Biden has spread about 400,000 China Flu infested illegals around the country with no quarantining.

And Fauci says this isn’t a problem. Scientist my ass.
Did you get the memo: you don't have to parrot every Democrat lie.
There's no penalty.... › 2021 › 08 › 12 › migrants-being-sent-to-major-texas-cities-without-covid-tests
Aug 12, 2021As the border crisis continues to escalate, processing facilities and agents are being swamped — resulting in illegal immigrants being sent to major cities without being tested for COVID-19.

DHS dropped 40,000 COVID infected migrants in US cities ... › en-us › news › us › dhs-dropped-40000-covid-infected-migrants-in-us-cities-ex-border-chief › ar-AANfRqt
DHS dropped 40,000 COVID infected migrants in US cities: Ex-border chief. US coronavirus: Covid cases among children have surged to one of its highest rates of the pandemic. Experts warn it may ...

Thousands of COVID-positive migrants pass through Texas border › 2021 › 08 › 04 › thousands-of-covid-positive-migrants-pass-through-texas-border
Aug 4, 2021Nearly 7,000 immigrants who tested positive for COVID-19 have passed through a Texas city that has become the epicenter of the illegal immigration surge, including more than 1,500 over the past ...

DHS dropped 40,000 COVID-19-positive migrants in US cities ... › dhs-dropped-40-000-covid-190800213.html
The nation's former border chief reported today that the Biden administration has placed some 40,000 illegal immigrants infected with the coronavirus into American cities. "At least — that's conservative," former acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan told Secrets this afternoon.

DHS dropped 40,000 COVID-19-positive migrants in US cities ... › washington-secrets › dhs-dropped-40-000-covid-infected-migrants-in-us-cities-ex-border-chief
DHS dropped 40,000 COVID-19-positive migrants in US cities: Ex-border chief. The nation's former border chief reported today that the Biden administration has placed some 40,000 illegal ...

Covid on the Border: Migrants Aren't Tested on Arrival in ... › 2021 › 04 › 28 › us › coronavirus-migrants-testing.html
Apr 28, 2021Dora Eglis Ramírez and Pavel Brigido Rivero set out from Cuba to seek asylum in the United States last year, as the coronavirus rampaged across Latin America.. Starting their trek in Guyana, they ...
Well duh political chick, I didn't say they were tested when caught, they don't have the means....that is why they are tested by the NGO, usually Catholic Charities, when the bus of migrants arrive at their facilities.
Well duh political chick, I didn't say they were tested when caught, they don't have the means....that is why they are tested by the NGO, usually Catholic Charities, when the bus of migrants arrive at their facilities.

No they're not.
And the fact that they are not....and sending them throughout the country, pretty much proves it to be a hoax.

Add this to the calculation: if the Wuhan was any real kind of threat...

...why didn't your Democrats simply close the border.
Mayorkas is a LIAR...

The number of infected is far higher.. Many states are reporting it as high as 40%... Yet they demand that US Citizens mask up and get vaxed.... ITs a lie with the destruction of the US as the end game..

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