Twitter In Trouble For 'Liberal Bias'

So the owners of this message board could be “called on to have a 3rd party audit” for it’s conservative bias and folks like you could be sent elsewhere?

Sign me up!

What you're missing, because you're stupid, is that Twitter users can, and do, cause actual REAL harm to others by posting false tweets all the time.

People have committed suicide over attacks on twitter.

That is, I would say, causing great harm to someone.

This board never lets that kind of shit get out of hand. Sure, there's attacks on here. People call each other names. People point out, accurately, how incredibly fucking stupid dimocraps like you are.

But nobody in here knows your real name. Nobody in here knows where you work or who you're dating or -- Whatever.

Twitter claims to be (but is not) a neutral platform. Because of that, they are protected by shield laws. Or, more accurately, shield rulings by the Court system.

But once they become a 'publisher' they are accountable in a Court of Law. And the way you become a 'publisher' is by showing personal opinions, personal biases, and personal prejudices.


You're too stupid to know that

Because you get all your news, all your information, from the kiddie table of news platforms, CNN, pMSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS. Or, what I call the DISGUSTING FILTH of the media. Because...... They are

Therefore, you have a child's understanding of the workings of the world.

Now go clean your room before Daddy gets home

Republicans are now for more government regulation.
are you sure that's what that is?
are you sure that it isn’t?
So the owners of this message board could be “called on to have a 3rd party audit” for it’s conservative bias and folks like you could be sent elsewhere?

Sign me up!

What you're missing, because you're stupid, is that Twitter users can, and do, cause actual REAL harm to others by posting false tweets all the time.

People have committed suicide over attacks on twitter.

That is, I would say, causing great harm to someone.

This board never lets that kind of shit get out of hand. Sure, there's attacks on here. People call each other names. People point out, accurately, how incredibly fucking stupid dimocraps like you are.

But nobody in here knows your real name. Nobody in here knows where you work or who you're dating or -- Whatever.

Twitter claims to be (but is not) a neutral platform. Because of that, they are protected by shield laws. Or, more accurately, shield rulings by the Court system.

But once they become a 'publisher' they are accountable in a Court of Law. And the way you become a 'publisher' is by showing personal opinions, personal biases, and personal prejudices.


You're too stupid to know that

Because you get all your news, all your information, from the kiddie table of news platforms, CNN, pMSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS. Or, what I call the DISGUSTING FILTH of the media. Because...... They are

Therefore, you have a child's understanding of the workings of the world.

Now go clean your room before Daddy gets home

Republicans are now for more government regulation.
are you sure that's what that is?
are you sure that it isn’t?
yep, no hesitation from me to answer you.
So the owners of this message board could be “called on to have a 3rd party audit” for it’s conservative bias and folks like you could be sent elsewhere?

Sign me up!

There's no conservative bias here

Your links are to personal blogs and fake news websites.

I love how conservatives are constantly complaining about not being able to lie and get away with it on social media. Keep filing law suits, snowflakes. You thin skinned little assholes are just like the Big Orange Head. You want to dish out the insults and abuse, but you sure can't take it!!!

Because of his stupid lawsuit, I'm now following Devon Nunes Cow on Twitter. His Mom too.

Your existence is irrelevant. As are your opinions

Au Contraire asshole!! Americans need to know that the whole world is watching as conservatives shit on the Constitution they claim to hold so dear, enable a whining man-child, in his hate, his insecurities, and his bigotry. And worse, the entire right wing paranoid electorate is being enabled in their violence, misogyny and xenophobia.

It's good that the rest of the world laughs at Trump, and that we continue to do so. That you idiots like you understand clearly that you're not fooling anyone.
I remember a time when Rush Limbaugh would hang up on liberal callers to his show. He wouldn't let them get a word in.

Hannity, too.

I also know of an official Hannity forum where the mods ban left wing posters on a whim.

I wonder if Rush and Hannity will come to the defense of Twitter or if Rush will just snort some more opioids instead.
I remember a time when Rush Limbaugh would hang up on liberal callers to his show. He wouldn't let them get a word in.

Hannity, too.

I also know of an official Hannity forum where the mods ban left wing posters on a whim.

I wonder if Rush and Hannity will come to the defense of Twitter or if Rush will just snort some more opioids instead.
I call BS. I haven't listened to Rush in many years but back in the 80s and 90s, I listened regularly. He never hung up on libs. In fact, you won't find a more polite talk show host. I was a talk radio junky back in those early days of conservative opinions first being aired.

You don't know what you are posting.
Imagine that. I mean, can you even imagine that an American media corporation would be biased in favor of leftism and leftists?

I don't know about you, but I find the idea shocking.

And to make matters even more unbelievable, some are saying that these organizations are shadow-banning (look it up) Conservatives!!!

And showing favoritism to leftists!!!


Senator Josh Hawley Calls for Twitter's Deplatforming Policies to Be Audited by an Independent Third Party, Suggests Their Grant of Immunity to Third-Party Suit May Be In Jeopardy
Ace of Spades HQ

Paula Boyard at PJMedia:

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) put Twitter on notice on Wednesday, calling on CEO Jack Dorsey to undergo a third-party audit of its suspension policies.

Hawley mentioned the [repeated Twitter attacks against the Unplanned movie] in his letter to Jack Dorsey, saying that it raised "yet more questions about your supposed commitment to free speech."

"In light of these events, and in view of Twitter's history of de-platforming conservative voices, it is time for Twitter to open itself to a third-party audit of how and when the company enforces its suspension policies," Hawley wrote.


Hawley reminded Dorsey of his 2018 commitment "to serve the public conversation” by “defending freedom of expression as a fundamental human right” at Twitter.

Social media platforms have been given a "sweetheart deal," according to Hawley, which includes "immunity from liability for illegal content posted by third parties." They were given special consideration, he said, because they promised to provide "a forum for a true diversity of political discourse."
Meanwhile, most of the GOP continues doing favors for corporations that donate to them while attacking the shit out of their actual constituents.
So it turns out that the one person asking twitter the most to censor people's posts was none other than Trump himself. I bet you feel stupid now huh? You should. What a hypocrite this guy is.

Then-President Trump asked Twitter to take down a tweet from model and television personality Chrissy Teigen in 2019 because he saw it as “derogatory,” according to testimony from a Twitter whistleblower and former employee.

Trump and his GOP allies have railed against Twitter moderating certain types of content that they consider censorship, but the testimony from Anika Navaroli, a former member of Twitter’s safety policy team, allegedly shows Trump also attempted to influence Twitter’s content.

Navaroli testified that her supervisors told her and her team that the platform received “something of a request” from Trump to take down a tweet that Teigen posted criticizing him.

Trump “heckled” Teigen and her husband, singer John Legend, on Twitter in September 2019, calling them “the musician John Legend and his filthy-mouthed wife.”

He noted that Teigen responded to that post shortly after, calling Trump a “p—- ass bitch.”

So it turns out Trump is a Pussy Ass Bitch after all.
I call BS. I haven't listened to Rush in many years but back in the 80s and 90s, I listened regularly. He never hung up on libs. In fact, you won't find a more polite talk show host. I was a talk radio junky back in those early days of conservative opinions first being aired.

You don't know what you are posting.

The point is if we’re going to have a hearing about the misuse of social media and the intrusion of government in the content on social media, we’ve got an environment-rich target, but it’s not Joe Biden, It’s Donald J. Trump.
The point is if we’re going to have a hearing about the misuse of social media and the intrusion of government in the content on social media, we’ve got an environment-rich target, but it’s not Joe Biden, It’s Donald J. Trump.
It’s both dummy. Put them both in prison. Think of the wonderful limiting affects that would result.
So it turns out that the one person asking twitter the most to censor people's posts was none other than Trump himself. I bet you feel stupid now huh? You should. What a hypocrite this guy is.

Then-President Trump asked Twitter to take down a tweet from model and television personality Chrissy Teigen in 2019 because he saw it as “derogatory,” according to testimony from a Twitter whistleblower and former employee.

Trump and his GOP allies have railed against Twitter moderating certain types of content that they consider censorship, but the testimony from Anika Navaroli, a former member of Twitter’s safety policy team, allegedly shows Trump also attempted to influence Twitter’s content.

Navaroli testified that her supervisors told her and her team that the platform received “something of a request” from Trump to take down a tweet that Teigen posted criticizing him.

Trump “heckled” Teigen and her husband, singer John Legend, on Twitter in September 2019, calling them “the musician John Legend and his filthy-mouthed wife.”

He noted that Teigen responded to that post shortly after, calling Trump a “p—- ass bitch.”

So it turns out Trump is a Pussy Ass Bitch after all.
and? How is that the same?
The point is if we’re going to have a hearing about the misuse of social media and the intrusion of government in the content on social media, we’ve got an environment-rich target, but it’s not Joe Biden, It’s Donald J. Trump.
TDS Maxing right there.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I call BS. I haven't listened to Rush in many years but back in the 80s and 90s, I listened regularly. He never hung up on libs. In fact, you won't find a more polite talk show host. I was a talk radio junky back in those early days of conservative opinions first being aired.

You don't know what you are posting.
He always had a demofk put to the front of the line to take the call. He was curious to hear their point of view and ridicule them on their lack of facts. FACTS
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It’s both dummy. Put them both in prison. Think of the wonderful limiting affects that would result.
Nope. Biden never contacted twitter and asked them to censor content. Trump said he was against doing that and it turns out, he was doing that.

You guys just don't care what a hypocrite the guy is. We get it.
TDS Maxing right there.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
That comeback is getting old. I think this is great stuff. So great the Daily Show did a piece on it.

How can you blow this off? Trump and you cried about government censoring twitter and it turns out Trump was trying to abuse his power and censoring people on twitter. Ironic.

Not surprising though. The guy is king of all hypocrites and liars. And still the front runner in the GOP. What does that say about your pussy ass bitch party?

Literally, that's what trump wanted taken down. Chrysee Tiegan called him a pussy ass bitch.

Him trying to get that post deleted makes him a pussy ass bitch too.
That comeback is getting old. I think this is great stuff. So great the Daily Show did a piece on it.

How can you blow this off? Trump and you cried about government censoring twitter and it turns out Trump was trying to abuse his power and censoring people on twitter. Ironic.

Not surprising though. The guy is king of all hypocrites and liars. And still the front runner in the GOP. What does that say about your pussy ass bitch party?

Literally, that's what trump wanted taken down. Chrysee Tiegan called him a pussy ass bitch.

Him trying to get that post deleted makes him a pussy ass bitch too.
On the one hand, TRUMP! made a request about one poster. OTOH, the FBI met weekly to coordinate messaging with Twitter. And that has your panties in a bunch?
On the one hand, TRUMP! made a request about one poster. OTOH, the FBI met weekly to coordinate messaging with Twitter. And that has your panties in a bunch?
You think Trump only made one request?

And are you sure you're not lying

No directive: FBI agents, tech executives deny government ordered Twitter to suppress Hunter Biden story​

It’s both dummy. Put them both in prison. Think of the wonderful limiting affects that would result.
What did Biden do wrong?

When President Donald Trump took issue with a Chrissy Teigen tweet calling him a “pussy ass bitch,” his minions pressured Twitter to remove it

Stop being a hypocrite. You do the same shit you accuse us of doing. That's the point

It was revealed Wednesday during a Congressional House Oversight Committee hearing regarding Twitter’s handling of the Hunter Biden laptop story, that the Trump White House demanded that the social media platform take down a Chrissy Teigen tweet calling the onetime Chief Executive of the United States a “pussy ass bitch.”

The model, television personality, and New York Times bestselling cookbook author was responding to an unprovoked Twitter attack against herself and her husband by Trump, in which the then-POTUS ranted about not getting enough credit for signing a criminal justice reform bill into law.

“Guys like boring musician [John Legend] and his filthy mouthed wife, are talking now about how great it is — but I didn’t see them around when we needed help getting it passed,” he tweeted, naively not expecting return fire from the “filthy” Teigen.

Anika Collier Navaroli, Twitter’s former U.S. Safety Policy Team Senior Expert, confirmed that the Trump administration pleaded for the removal of Teigan’s tweet calling the Donald a pussy ass bitch

we had received a request from the White House to make sure that we evaluated this tweet and that they wanted it to come down, because it was a derogatory statement directed toward the president.”

The congressman found this amusing, asking, “Woah, woah, they wanted it to come down? “I thought that was an ‘inappropriate action’ by a government official, let alone the White House. But it wasn’t Joe Biden about his son’s laptop; it was Donald Trump because he didn’t like what Chrissy Teigen had to say about him. Is that correct?

“Yes, that is correct,” Navaroli responded.
That comeback is getting old. I think this is great stuff. So great the Daily Show did a piece on it.

How can you blow this off? Trump and you cried about government censoring twitter and it turns out Trump was trying to abuse his power and censoring people on twitter. Ironic.

Not surprising though. The guy is king of all hypocrites and liars. And still the front runner in the GOP. What does that say about your pussy ass bitch party?

Literally, that's what trump wanted taken down. Chrysee Tiegan called him a pussy ass bitch.

Him trying to get that post deleted makes him a pussy ass bitch too.
if you ever spoke truth would be the first time booboo. Xiden's team, xiden's an aristocrat who thinks his shit can't be touched. Let's start talking facts little booboo.

Apples and submarines.
Trump abused his power and tried to suppress the news. Censor people. The only difference between him and Putin is Putin pulled off his coup.
what news did he try to suppress? Start with a fact. what news that was so detrimental to the country?

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