Twitter In Trouble For 'Liberal Bias'

Imagine that. I mean, can you even imagine that an American media corporation would be biased in favor of leftism and leftists?

I don't know about you, but I find the idea shocking.

And to make matters even more unbelievable, some are saying that these organizations are shadow-banning (look it up) Conservatives!!!

And showing favoritism to leftists!!!


Senator Josh Hawley Calls for Twitter's Deplatforming Policies to Be Audited by an Independent Third Party, Suggests Their Grant of Immunity to Third-Party Suit May Be In Jeopardy
Ace of Spades HQ

Paula Boyard at PJMedia:

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) put Twitter on notice on Wednesday, calling on CEO Jack Dorsey to undergo a third-party audit of its suspension policies.

Hawley mentioned the [repeated Twitter attacks against the Unplanned movie] in his letter to Jack Dorsey, saying that it raised "yet more questions about your supposed commitment to free speech."

"In light of these events, and in view of Twitter's history of de-platforming conservative voices, it is time for Twitter to open itself to a third-party audit of how and when the company enforces its suspension policies," Hawley wrote.


Hawley reminded Dorsey of his 2018 commitment "to serve the public conversation” by “defending freedom of expression as a fundamental human right” at Twitter.

Social media platforms have been given a "sweetheart deal," according to Hawley, which includes "immunity from liability for illegal content posted by third parties." They were given special consideration, he said, because they promised to provide "a forum for a true diversity of political discourse."

Meanwhile, most of the GOP continues doing favors for corporations that donate to them while attacking the shit out of their actual constituents.
I see. The Republicans want to censor the free press.

Cancel culture.

Why am I not surprised.
You think Trump only made one request?

And are you sure you're not lying

No directive: FBI agents, tech executives deny government ordered Twitter to suppress Hunter Biden story​

I guess it does have your panties in a bunch.
I see. The Republicans want to censor the free press.

Cancel culture.

Why am I not surprised.
Because you're accustomed to the democrats doing exactly that for years now. You expect everyone to act like you do.
if you ever spoke truth would be the first time booboo. Xiden's team, xiden's an aristocrat who thinks his shit can't be touched. Let's start talking facts little booboo.

Apples and submarines.
Anyone who calls the President Xiden is not dealing in reality. You're not a good American. You're what's wrong with America.

You guys never see the similarities. It's a technique you use whether you know your using it or not.

Trump could shoot a guy and Biden could shoot a guy and you would go on and on about how they weren't both blondes or one was left handed. Whatever differences there were, you'd be laser focused on that. Completely ignoring the similarities.

If this doesn't wake you up to what a hypocrite and liar Trump is, nothing will.
I see. The Republicans want to censor the free press.

Cancel culture.

Why am I not surprised.
This reminds me of how Republicans are hypocrites when it comes to boycotting companies. If the company won't make gay wedding cakes or won't hire gays they love it. They love to sick the religious right on liberal companies. But if us lefties boycott or trash a company for it's creepy conservative ways, they get all upset.

I actually want to start a union that anyone can join. For $10 a year. If you are an employee and you want to join, you can.

And my daily newsletter would be which companies to boycott and which companies we should support.

If Starbucks is making it impossible for the employees to unionize, those employees can join my union and we will boycott and picket Starbucks on behalf of the employees. So the employees won't lose their jobs. We never tell who's a member of our union. Just how many members we have.
Trump could shoot a guy and Biden could shoot a guy and you would go on and on about how they weren't both blondes or one was left handed. Whatever differences there were, you'd be laser focused on that. Completely ignoring the similarities.
they'd go after trump and kiss xiden's balls. we already know the above the law and who is actually there. take your fingers out of your nose, you're peeling off brain matter.
This reminds me of how Republicans are hypocrites when it comes to boycotting companies. If the company won't make gay wedding cakes or won't hire gays they love it. They love to sick the religious right on liberal companies. But if us lefties boycott or trash a company for it's creepy conservative ways, they get all upset.

I actually want to start a union that anyone can join. For $10 a year. If you are an employee and you want to join, you can.

And my daily newsletter would be which companies to boycott and which companies we should support.

If Starbucks is making it impossible for the employees to unionize, those employees can join my union and we will boycott and picket Starbucks on behalf of the employees. So the employees won't lose their jobs. We never tell who's a member of our union. Just how many members we have.
yep, you'd fk with americans because they don't agree with you. You're such the pig.
they'd go after trump and kiss xiden's balls. we already know the above the law and who is actually there. take your fingers out of your nose, you're peeling off brain matter.
Hopefully they go after Trump for the Stormy Daniel crimes he committed. Until now only Michael Cohen got throw in jail. WHy? Because Trump was a sitting president. He isn't anymore.

How come Trump didn't get in trouble when his corporation got caught not paying taxes? His CFO is going to jail but they let Trump walk. Why don't they go after him?

Trump started the insurrection. Many insurrectionists he sent to the Capitol are in jail. Why don't they go after Trump?
You know what's funny? Fox News and the other MAG media propagandists regularly ignore breaking stories which don't fit their narrative.

Hell, the National Enquirer not only buried the story about Trump paying off his hookers to help him get elected, they actively participated in making the payments!

So the New Right's fake outrage about Twitter is the epitome of hypocrisy.

You know who wanted equal air time for both sides back in the day? The liberals.

It was called the Fairness Doctrine and was a catastrophe. It was finally repealed in 1987.

Fox News would not exist today were it not for the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine.

I keep saying how the New Right is sounding more and more like the old timey pinkos of the far left.

This is yet another example.
yep, you'd fk with americans because they don't agree with you. You're such the pig.

There are a lot of piece of shit Americans. Are you trying to protect bad actors just because they are Americans?

Why did you put American Jeffrey Dahmer in jail? Do you hate America? LOL

If a company is stupid enough to tell us their politics, they deserve what they get from the left or right.

And look at how you treated Nancy Pelosi for not agreeing with you. How is her husband doing after one of you paid him a visit? Then the guy apologized to you he didn't do more damage.
You know what's funny? Fox News and the other MAG media propagandists regularly ignore breaking stories which don't fit their narrative.

Hell, the National Enquirer not only buried the story about Trump paying off his hookers to help him get elected, they actively participated in making the payments!

So the New Right's fake outrage about Twitter is the epitome of hypocrisy.

You know who wanted equal air time for both sides back in the day? The liberals.

It was called the Fairness Doctrine and was a catastrophe. It was finally repealed in 1987.

Fox News would not exist today were it not for the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine.

I keep saying how the New Right is sounding more and more like the old timey pinkos of the far left.

This is yet another example.
The National Enquirer worked for Trump. This is brilliant. Anyone who went to the National Enquirer and said they had dirt on Trump, the Enquirer paid them for exclusive rights to the story. Then the Enquirer shelved the story. The person who told the story couldn't say anything because they signed their rights away. They were paid to shut up basically.
Trumps a hypocrite and you don’t care. Not going to let you control the conversation and change the topic.

This is just more proof you’ve been duped
Control what conversation? You don’t have any
Control what conversation? You don’t have any
You have $1 million dollars. I know it’s hard for you to relate to people who don’t and make $50k or less.

I make $100k and don’t have $1 million yet. But I’m 52 and will probably save $500k in the next ten years. Plus the $500k my dad will probably leave me.

I look forward to the $1500 a month. I’m going to retire at 62. Without that money I wouldn’t be able to retire at 62. And they should let 62 year olds get Medicare. It’s bullshit you can’t till 65
You have $1 million dollars. I know it’s hard for you to relate to people who don’t and make $50k or less.

I make $100k and don’t have $1 million yet. But I’m 52 and will probably save $500k in the next ten years. Plus the $500k my dad will probably leave me.

I look forward to the $1500 a month. I’m going to retire at 62. Without that money I wouldn’t be able to retire at 62. And they should let 62 year olds get Medicare. It’s bullshit you can’t till 65
I made 4.00 an hour my first three years at my company. I started saving 43 years ago.

Invested in my 401k with a four percent company match.
Your entire existence is to bash what you can’t achieve like me!!

You have $1 million dollars. I know it’s hard for you to relate to people who don’t and make $50k or less.

I make $100k and don’t have $1 million yet. But I’m 52 and will probably save $500k in the next ten years. Plus the $500k my dad will probably leave me.

I look forward to the $1500 a month. I’m going to retire at 62. Without that money I wouldn’t be able to retire at 62. And they should let 62 year olds get Medicare. It’s bullshit you can’t till 65
I made 4.00 an hour my first three years at my company. I started saving 43 years ago.

Invested in my 401k with a four percent company match.
Your entire existence is to bash what you can’t achieve like me!!

Dude I’m right there with you. Im ten years younger. I’ll have more than you because I save probably 40% of what I make. That’s 400k more in ten years not even counting interest.

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