Two Big Losing Issues for GOP

Actually Rove, Bush, Christie, Jindall, Haley, Martinez, and many other GOP leaders are saying "fuck you, RoadVirus, we are not going to reactionary loony road anymore. Get on board, or get the fuck off, boyo."

We lost because women and minorities voted against us. We are not to let you flakes dictate the direction of the next election.

You should kinda look a little further. Romulus lost every demographic except White men and folks over 65. I have news for you. Folks over 65 are dying about 100 times faster than college students. If you don't believe it ask an insurance company. The Republican party has shot itself in the foot and if they do not completely restructure their approach to the next campaign they are in deep shit. They have been found out.

You should read what I wrote more carefully. You have your own dippy lefties who mired the Dems in the 70s and 80s, and they are growing in power once again in your party. The pendelum will swing back to the GOP if reach responsibly to women and minorities.

LMAO....all the Republicans are talking about cutting entitlements... do you think that the poor people in this country haven't gotten the message? It's gonna take one helluva lot more than that.

In my state the median income is about $46,000 per year. Out of 95 counties there are many where the median annual income is $25,000. We are six million strong. Somebody in the Republican leadership is going to have to realize that rejecting tax increases for people who make $75,000 a month isn't a popular position.
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The GOP has managed to alienate two huge voting blocks by taking impractical positions on the following issues:

1. Abortion. By implying that all abortions should be made illegal, the GOP has driven unmarried women to the Dems. At most, the GOP should consider this an issue to be decided by individual states and cite late term abortions as Democratic excess.

2. Immigration. By implying that all illegals should be deported they have "alienated" Hispanic voters, many of whom are U.S. born children of illegal parents. Since 10+ million people are NOT going to be deported, the GOP should disavow this idea and promote a reasonable immigration reform bill that requires border security.

What say you?

You're right. We should all just become liberals and have no respect for the unborn, and allow criminals to just stay here and become citizens.

Why is it OK to have no respect for the "born"?

you mean like the respect you show for those who don't agree with you?.....
The GOP has managed to alienate two huge voting blocks by taking impractical positions on the following issues:

1. Abortion. By implying that all abortions should be made illegal, the GOP has driven unmarried women to the Dems. At most, the GOP should consider this an issue to be decided by individual states and cite late term abortions as Democratic excess.

2. Immigration. By implying that all illegals should be deported they have "alienated" Hispanic voters, many of whom are U.S. born children of illegal parents. Since 10+ million people are NOT going to be deported, the GOP should disavow this idea and promote a reasonable immigration reform bill that requires border security.

What say you?

1. I'm pretty sure this issue is at the very bottom of voters' list of concerns right now

2. If demanding that immigration laws be enforced alienates Hispanics, oh well. At least the Republicans have the stones to say "fuck you" instead of being spineless panderers to a bunch of third world trash.

It's not just enforcing immigration laws. It's being stopped on the street and being treated like a criminal. It's being told your native language is not welcome. It's getting the feeling that you are not a REAL American

That is why they refuse to vote Republican
He was elected union president 6 times and said belonging to a union was a "right". Republicans want to believe he was against unions because he fought an illegal strike by Air Traffic Controllers. It is written into law they can't strike because it threatens the safety of the nation. Just like the right does with everything, the right twists and lies. God, they hate this country. They want a "Right Wing Conservative Confederate Christian Taliban" but the numbers are against their take over. But they keep trying.

and how are you any different? twist many a thing you post here as you have been told repeatedly..... you want a "Left Wing Liberal Taliban" type of Government which like you is Far Left...... the "Right Wing Conservative Confederate Christian Taliban".....are far both want things YOUR way and your way only......not much of difference there.....
From 2001 to to 2008, Republicans, working with the Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs to China.

Mitt Romney ran on a platform of fewer teachers and bringing immigrants with degrees here because he felt his own base was too stupid to learn.

Republicans applaud leaders who say the GOP has no smart people and insist education is for snobs.

See, I don't disagree with Republicans on everything they say. I couldn't make this shit up. I wouldn't know where to begin.

What, were your ears flapping rderp? Your response has nothing to do with what we were talking about. Get a cup of coffee, wake up and come back when you can post coherently.

The massive tax debt was created by the GOP. By ensuring Americans can't get an education, it's the GOP that keeps Americans in poverty. They know if people are educated they tend to vote Democrat. Try to figure out why.

so why do Democrats keep people in poverty?.....why do schools in upper class Democratic neighborhoods have much more than those in the lower class neighborhoods?...go ahead Dean blame it on Republicans.....
The GOP has managed to alienate two huge voting blocks by taking impractical positions on the following issues:

1. Abortion. By implying that all abortions should be made illegal, the GOP has driven unmarried women to the Dems. At most, the GOP should consider this an issue to be decided by individual states and cite late term abortions as Democratic excess.

2. Immigration. By implying that all illegals should be deported they have "alienated" Hispanic voters, many of whom are U.S. born children of illegal parents. Since 10+ million people are NOT going to be deported, the GOP should disavow this idea and promote a reasonable immigration reform bill that requires border security.

What say you?

1. I'm pretty sure this issue is at the very bottom of voters' list of concerns right now

2. If demanding that immigration laws be enforced alienates Hispanics, oh well. At least the Republicans have the stones to say "fuck you" instead of being spineless panderers to a bunch of third world trash.

It's not just enforcing immigration laws. It's being stopped on the street and being treated like a criminal. It's being told your native language is not welcome. It's getting the feeling that you are not a REAL American

That is why they refuse to vote Republican

you sure are in the dark you actually realize how many Democrats out here in Liberal California bitch about things not in English?......and if you are Illegal.....then i guess you are not a real American....are ya?....
1. I'm pretty sure this issue is at the very bottom of voters' list of concerns right now

2. If demanding that immigration laws be enforced alienates Hispanics, oh well. At least the Republicans have the stones to say "fuck you" instead of being spineless panderers to a bunch of third world trash.

It's not just enforcing immigration laws. It's being stopped on the street and being treated like a criminal. It's being told your native language is not welcome. It's getting the feeling that you are not a REAL American

That is why they refuse to vote Republican

you sure are in the dark you actually realize how many Democrats out here in Liberal California bitch about things not in English?......and if you are Illegal.....then i guess you are not a real American....are ya?....

OK....You win

Explain why 72% of Hispanics don't vote Republican

I don't want to hear Free Stuff
What, were your ears flapping rderp? Your response has nothing to do with what we were talking about. Get a cup of coffee, wake up and come back when you can post coherently.

The massive tax debt was created by the GOP. By ensuring Americans can't get an education, it's the GOP that keeps Americans in poverty. They know if people are educated they tend to vote Democrat. Try to figure out why.

so why do Democrats keep people in poverty?.....why do schools in upper class Democratic neighborhoods have much more than those in the lower class neighborhoods?...go ahead Dean blame it on Republicans.....

He'll figure out a way to blame the Rs. He's rdean.
Actually Rove, Bush, Christie, Jindall, Haley, Martinez, and many other GOP leaders are saying "fuck you, RoadVirus, we are not going to reactionary loony road anymore. Get on board, or get the fuck off, boyo."

We lost because women and minorities voted against us. We are not to let you flakes dictate the direction of the next election.

You should kinda look a little further. Romulus lost every demographic except White men and folks over 65. I have news for you. Folks over 65 are dying about 100 times faster than college students. If you don't believe it ask an insurance company. The Republican party has shot itself in the foot and if they do not completely restructure their approach to the next campaign they are in deep shit. They have been found out.

You should read what I wrote more carefully. You have your own dippy lefties who mired the Dems in the 70s and 80s, and they are growing in power once again in your party. The pendelum will swing back to the GOP if reach responsibly to women and minorities.

When was the last time the GOP was responsible about anything?
It's not just enforcing immigration laws. It's being stopped on the street and being treated like a criminal. It's being told your native language is not welcome. It's getting the feeling that you are not a REAL American

That is why they refuse to vote Republican

you sure are in the dark you actually realize how many Democrats out here in Liberal California bitch about things not in English?......and if you are Illegal.....then i guess you are not a real American....are ya?....

OK....You win

Explain why 72% of Hispanics don't vote Republican

I don't want to hear Free Stuff

I don't remember who wrote it, but I read some Republican defined "free stuff" as "food, education, health care" and so on. To me, "free stuff" is booze and weed and Taco Bell (horseless and after the weed).
It's not just enforcing immigration laws. It's being stopped on the street and being treated like a criminal. It's being told your native language is not welcome. It's getting the feeling that you are not a REAL American

That is why they refuse to vote Republican

you sure are in the dark you actually realize how many Democrats out here in Liberal California bitch about things not in English?......and if you are Illegal.....then i guess you are not a real American....are ya?....

OK....You win

Explain why 72% of Hispanics don't vote Republican

I don't want to hear Free Stuff
because they look at the Democrats as being the so called "lessor of two evils" think the majority of them buy the bullshit the Democrats feed them? in a room full of Mexicans out here when Mayor Villaraigosa is talking to "them" wanna see Mexicans laughing and calling the guy asshole.....when they take over the party in ten years and make it theirs,and they will, i Guaranty you many of the wealthy white people and many middle class whites will high tail it out of there......because they wont be calling the shots anymore.....and many Hispanics do not like the way White Democrats are condescending to them.....those people aint stupid.....
The massive tax debt was created by the GOP. By ensuring Americans can't get an education, it's the GOP that keeps Americans in poverty. They know if people are educated they tend to vote Democrat. Try to figure out why.

so why do Democrats keep people in poverty?.....why do schools in upper class Democratic neighborhoods have much more than those in the lower class neighborhoods?...go ahead Dean blame it on Republicans.....

He'll figure out a way to blame the Rs. He's rdean.

the one and only....
you sure are in the dark you actually realize how many Democrats out here in Liberal California bitch about things not in English?......and if you are Illegal.....then i guess you are not a real American....are ya?....

OK....You win

Explain why 72% of Hispanics don't vote Republican

I don't want to hear Free Stuff

I don't remember who wrote it, but I read some Republican defined "free stuff" as "food, education, health care" and so on. To me, "free stuff" is booze and weed and Taco Bell (horseless and after the weed).
thats what a few Democrats out here have said about Mexicans....and yea Republicans have said it too....
You should kinda look a little further. Romulus lost every demographic except White men and folks over 65. I have news for you. Folks over 65 are dying about 100 times faster than college students. If you don't believe it ask an insurance company. The Republican party has shot itself in the foot and if they do not completely restructure their approach to the next campaign they are in deep shit. They have been found out.

You should read what I wrote more carefully. You have your own dippy lefties who mired the Dems in the 70s and 80s, and they are growing in power once again in your party. The pendelum will swing back to the GOP if reach responsibly to women and minorities.

When was the last time the GOP was responsible about anything?

Says one of the dippy lefties :lol:
You should kinda look a little further. Romulus lost every demographic except White men and folks over 65. I have news for you. Folks over 65 are dying about 100 times faster than college students. If you don't believe it ask an insurance company. The Republican party has shot itself in the foot and if they do not completely restructure their approach to the next campaign they are in deep shit. They have been found out.

You should read what I wrote more carefully. You have your own dippy lefties who mired the Dems in the 70s and 80s, and they are growing in power once again in your party. The pendelum will swing back to the GOP if reach responsibly to women and minorities.

LMAO....all the Republicans are talking about cutting entitlements... do you think that the poor people in this country haven't gotten the message? It's gonna take one helluva lot more than that.

In my state the median income is about $46,000 per year. Out of 95 counties there are many where the median annual income is $25,000. We are six million strong. Somebody in the Republican leadership is going to have to realize that rejecting tax increases for people who make $75,000 a month isn't a popular position.

Says another dippy lefty. Son, there will be no more tax increases, only massive cuts.
You should read what I wrote more carefully. You have your own dippy lefties who mired the Dems in the 70s and 80s, and they are growing in power once again in your party. The pendelum will swing back to the GOP if reach responsibly to women and minorities.

When was the last time the GOP was responsible about anything?

Says one of the dippy lefties :lol:

Hold that thought but reach down, grab your knees and brace yourself. You haven't even begun to see a real ass kicking yet.
So g5000 victimizes the victims. Two words: shut up.

The hell I will. Start paying attention to how often rape and incest victims are used as human shields, and you will see what I am talking about.

It never fails. EVERY time a pro-life politician is questioned, he or she is asked, "What about in cases of rape and incest?"

It's a sickening tactic.

Same with always comparing deaths with abortion.

Rs and rw's blame everyone except themselves for their own actions. Grow up and take responsibility for what you say and do.
LMAO....all the Republicans are talking about cutting entitlements... do you think that the poor people in this country haven't gotten the message? It's gonna take one helluva lot more than that.

In my state the median income is about $46,000 per year. Out of 95 counties there are many where the median annual income is $25,000. We are six million strong. Somebody in the Republican leadership is going to have to realize that rejecting tax increases for people who make $75,000 a month isn't a popular position.

The GObP/Rs have no idea what their constituents believe or feel about issues.
So g5000 victimizes the victims. Two words: shut up.

The hell I will. Start paying attention to how often rape and incest victims are used as human shields, and you will see what I am talking about.

It never fails. EVERY time a pro-life politician is questioned, he or she is asked, "What about in cases of rape and incest?"

It's a sickening tactic.

Same with always comparing deaths with abortion.

Rs and rw's blame everyone except themselves for their own actions. Grow up and take responsibility for what you say and do.

The creeps who want no abortions at all or for the life of the mother are the ones who cavil at incest and rape exceptions. Neither far left nor far right represent the great center who generally believe in the limited right to abortion in cases of rape, incest, and health/life of the mother.

All the rest is nonsense.

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