Two Big Losing Issues for GOP

Either my Republican Party reaches out with genuine policies for women and immigrants, or we will remain nationally a minority party until it is extinguished by its irrelevance.

Again with the "my Republican party" thing?

You are merely a reactionary, and your time has come and gone in mainstream Republicanism. Christie, Rover, Jindall, J. Bush, Martinez, and so many other GOP mainstream leaders are saying that you bannermen for the Party of Stupid are done.

Guess what. You are merely noise that signifies nothing.
If the "conservative party" cannot find a way to accomodate 6-10 million people who want to do jobs that few Americans can, or will, do, and these same people want to raise kids to get educations and enter the middle class, then that "conservative party" will eventually be replaced, like the Whigs and Coolidge factions were replaced.

The irony is that the very left of the dems really fears the latino vote on welfare issues, and at the same time latinos are supportive of some national healthcare because the pre-Obamacare system failed them completely. Imagine that the gop would have pushed some tax credit for all workers and dependents not covered via their employers. Imagine a conservative party interested in workers. My Lord, I'm feeling a blood rush to my nether regions.
If Republicans cared about the child AFTER it was born, their position on abortion would be noble. Instead, by only caring about the fetus, they look like deranged bullies.
Either my Republican Party reaches out with genuine policies for women and immigrants, or we will remain nationally a minority party until it is extinguished by its irrelevance.

Again with the "my Republican party" thing?

You are merely a reactionary, and your time has come and gone in mainstream Republicanism. Christie, Rover, Jindall, J. Bush, Martinez, and so many other GOP mainstream leaders are saying that you bannermen for the Party of Stupid are done.

Guess what. You are merely noise that signifies nothing.

If Republicans cared about the child AFTER it was born, their position on abortion would be noble. Instead, by only caring about the fetus, they look like deranged bullies.

Yesssss, because enslaving children with entitlements and a massive tax debt at birth is so huane and caring of the liberals. :cuckoo:
If Republicans cared about the child AFTER it was born, their position on abortion would be noble. Instead, by only caring about the fetus, they look like deranged bullies.

Yesssss, because enslaving children with entitlements and a massive tax debt at birth is so huane and caring of the liberals. :cuckoo:


From 2001 to to 2008, Republicans, working with the Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs to China.

Mitt Romney ran on a platform of fewer teachers and bringing immigrants with degrees here because he felt his own base was too stupid to learn.

Republicans applaud leaders who say the GOP has no smart people and insist education is for snobs.

See, I don't disagree with Republicans on everything they say. I couldn't make this shit up. I wouldn't know where to begin.
Again with the "my Republican party" thing?

You are merely a reactionary, and your time has come and gone in mainstream Republicanism. Christie, Rover, Jindall, J. Bush, Martinez, and so many other GOP mainstream leaders are saying that you bannermen for the Party of Stupid are done.

Guess what. You are merely noise that signifies nothing.


Stop the concern troll nonsense, kcw57, because nobody is buying your reactionary posing.
So g5000 victimizes the victims. Two words: shut up.

The hell I will. Start paying attention to how often rape and incest victims are used as human shields, and you will see what I am talking about.

It never fails. EVERY time a pro-life politician is questioned, he or she is asked, "What about in cases of rape and incest?"

It's a sickening tactic.

I have no problem with limiting abortion to cases of rape, incest, and life of mother.

Yes, your tactic of victimization of the victims is sickening.

Don't know one conservative who wouldn't be thrilled with that!
If Republicans cared about the child AFTER it was born, their position on abortion would be noble. Instead, by only caring about the fetus, they look like deranged bullies.

Well, they DO care about the child after it is born and adopted. So long as the child is heatlhy, white and adopted. And they look like deranged bullies because they are deranged bullies.
If Republicans cared about the child AFTER it was born, their position on abortion would be noble. Instead, by only caring about the fetus, they look like deranged bullies.

Yesssss, because enslaving children with entitlements and a massive tax debt at birth is so huane and caring of the liberals. :cuckoo:


From 2001 to to 2008, Republicans, working with the Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs to China.

Mitt Romney ran on a platform of fewer teachers and bringing immigrants with degrees here because he felt his own base was too stupid to learn.

Republicans applaud leaders who say the GOP has no smart people and insist education is for snobs.

See, I don't disagree with Republicans on everything they say. I couldn't make this shit up. I wouldn't know where to begin.

Every "fact" your listed is made up....
The GOP alienated the hispanics, women, minorities, and lots and lots of White men who are unemployed and underemployed.

The I got mine get yours; screw 'em! send their jobs to China Party loses voters as Americans grow increasingly poorer.

Eventually even blind chickens realize they're starving.
The GOP has managed to alienate two huge voting blocks by taking impractical positions on the following issues:

1. Abortion. By implying that all abortions should be made illegal, the GOP has driven unmarried women to the Dems. At most, the GOP should consider this an issue to be decided by individual states and cite late term abortions as Democratic excess.

2. Immigration. By implying that all illegals should be deported they have "alienated" Hispanic voters, many of whom are U.S. born children of illegal parents. Since 10+ million people are NOT going to be deported, the GOP should disavow this idea and promote a reasonable immigration reform bill that requires border security.

What say you?

Maybe they should study their party's history. In 1986 Ronald Reagan signed massive immigration changes into law which ultimately granted amnesty to about six million illegals.

which was considered a mistake by a lot of people.....and many here in S.Cal.....including Mexicans born here....did not think it was the way to go....
If Republicans cared about the child AFTER it was born, their position on abortion would be noble. Instead, by only caring about the fetus, they look like deranged bullies.

Yesssss, because enslaving children with entitlements and a massive tax debt at birth is so huane and caring of the liberals. :cuckoo:


From 2001 to to 2008, Republicans, working with the Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs to China.

Mitt Romney ran on a platform of fewer teachers and bringing immigrants with degrees here because he felt his own base was too stupid to learn.

Republicans applaud leaders who say the GOP has no smart people and insist education is for snobs.

See, I don't disagree with Republicans on everything they say. I couldn't make this shit up. I wouldn't know where to begin.

you usually begin by saying they are 90% white.....
The OP doesn't know what he's taking about.

1.) Democrats do better among unmarried women because they do better among minority women, who tend to be unmarried. This has nothing to do with abortion (in fact, Republicans consistently win among non-minority women), and any talks about the GOP dropping its opposition to abortion plays into the Democratic taking point.

2.) People need to understand the dangers of adding millions of citizens to the population and the negative effects it will have on the economy. Right now, too many people are ignorant and think that we can absorb the shock amnesty would cause to out already stagnant economy.
The GOP has managed to alienate two huge voting blocks by taking impractical positions on the following issues:

1. Abortion. By implying that all abortions should be made illegal, the GOP has driven unmarried women to the Dems. At most, the GOP should consider this an issue to be decided by individual states and cite late term abortions as Democratic excess.

2. Immigration. By implying that all illegals should be deported they have "alienated" Hispanic voters, many of whom are U.S. born children of illegal parents. Since 10+ million people are NOT going to be deported, the GOP should disavow this idea and promote a reasonable immigration reform bill that requires border security.

What say you?

Maybe they should study their party's history. In 1986 Ronald Reagan signed massive immigration changes into law which ultimately granted amnesty to about six million illegals.

You need to educate yourself on why that happened and what the consequences were.

I was born in 1940....I remember exactly what happened. Ronald Reagan was a democrat and the president of a union until his B movies started making enough money that taxes bothered him. Then he proceeded to screw the working man in this country.
The hell I will. Start paying attention to how often rape and incest victims are used as human shields, and you will see what I am talking about.

It never fails. EVERY time a pro-life politician is questioned, he or she is asked, "What about in cases of rape and incest?"

It's a sickening tactic.

I have no problem with limiting abortion to cases of rape, incest, and life of mother.

Yes, your tactic of victimization of the victims is sickening.

Don't know one conservative who wouldn't be thrilled with that!

Too many "conservatives" want no abortion or limited only if nineteen doctors agree that without it the mother would die. Those crazies are what is holding up a national reconciliation on the issue. The far left does not count because they don't have the numbers or the law on their side.
If Republicans cared about the child AFTER it was born, their position on abortion would be noble. Instead, by only caring about the fetus, they look like deranged bullies.

Well, they DO care about the child after it is born and adopted. So long as the child is heatlhy, white and adopted. And they look like deranged bullies because they are deranged bullies.

I really wish you were right, I really do, but unfortunately, you're not, not this time:

Palin personally cut funding that gave unwed mothers a place to live


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