Two Black Men Arrested for Killing a White Person Over a Pair of Shoes

Well, it's a classic robbery gone wrong. Who condoned the case? We don't even know well enough what happened yet to make an accurate judgment. On the other hand, we can make the accurate judgment that it is a total non-story, not worth 5 minutes of your life, regardless of the outcome.

Black people hunt down white people all the time, but mostly black people. Liberals get kicks from both.

If black people started hunting down white folks all the time, we'd be in real trouble.

Instead, they are doing exactly what they SHOULD do in a civil society... they are petitioning the courts and going to the ballot box for change.

The black people are hunting down both blacks and whites in higher numbers than pretty much anyone. Again, the black guy here was a clear cut criminal with mental issues to boot. Tried to grab a gun and got shot instead. This happens very often.
sounds like a song
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

You cannot stereotype black people like that. What is wrong with you? That racist bitch should have not only given up her tennis shoes, but her cash and valuables too. Do you think that the crack heads that spew anti-white venom are going to be sympathetic to .... wait a minute.... that girl might have some Mexican in her. She's one of them "illegal aliens" and must've stolen someone's job to get the money to buy them with.
And another white supremacist weighs in.
you should keep your white supremacy to yourself.

White supremacy my ass. I wouldn't want the job of reigning supreme over IM2. Glad you think Mr. Klan with a tan is a bit more equal than the rest of us. When people demand that the black people be held to the same standard as the rest of society it is equal justice under the law.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

You cannot stereotype black people like that. What is wrong with you? That racist bitch should have not only given up her tennis shoes, but her cash and valuables too. Do you think that the crack heads that spew anti-white venom are going to be sympathetic to .... wait a minute.... that girl might have some Mexican in her. She's one of them "illegal aliens" and must've stolen someone's job to get the money to buy them with.
And another white supremacist weighs in.
you should keep your white supremacy to yourself.

White supremacy my ass. I wouldn't want the job of reigning supreme over IM2. Glad you think Mr. Klan with a tan is a bit more equal than the rest of us. When people demand that the black people be held to the same standard as the rest of society it is equal justice under the law.

They won't be held to equal standard. According to leftists they are retarded children, like the leftists are, every last one.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

The key word in your title is ARRESTED.

Yeah, because they were obviously guilty. That's unlike in the media outrage where the two people are obviously not guilty, but the media chooses to defend a criminal for its race baiting purposes, again.

Don't blacks have a problem with the media trying to represent their communities as a bunch of criminals? He was just the average black guy... like the gentle giant.

Stick that racist bullshit up your ass, the average black man is not out here killing folks. These shitheads will get the book thrown at them and they deserve it. You won't see black folks come on here and try to defend these 2 murderers the way you will defend white murderers when they kill someone black.

I have never witnessed armed white guys marching in the streets when their fellow white is gunned or unjustly arrested and / or imprisoned. Did you miss the substantive issues in this case OR did you deliberately ignore them?
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

The key word in your title is ARRESTED.

Yeah, because they were obviously guilty. That's unlike in the media outrage where the two people are obviously not guilty, but the media chooses to defend a criminal for its race baiting purposes, again.

Don't blacks have a problem with the media trying to represent their communities as a bunch of criminals? He was just the average black guy... like the gentle giant.

Stick that racist bullshit up your ass, the average black man is not out here killing folks. These shitheads will get the book thrown at them and they deserve it. You won't see black folks come on here and try to defend these 2 murderers the way you will defend white murderers when they kill someone black.

I have never witnessed armed white guys marching in the streets when their fellow white is gunned or unjustly arrested and / or imprisoned. Did you miss the substantive issues in this case OR did you deliberately ignore them?

White guys don't lunge at shotguns indeed.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

You cannot stereotype black people like that. What is wrong with you? That racist bitch should have not only given up her tennis shoes, but her cash and valuables too. Do you think that the crack heads that spew anti-white venom are going to be sympathetic to .... wait a minute.... that girl might have some Mexican in her. She's one of them "illegal aliens" and must've stolen someone's job to get the money to buy them with.
And another white supremacist weighs in.
you should keep your white supremacy to yourself.

White supremacy my ass. I wouldn't want the job of reigning supreme over IM2. Glad you think Mr. Klan with a tan is a bit more equal than the rest of us. When people demand that the black people be held to the same standard as the rest of society it is equal justice under the law.

They won't be held to equal standard. According to leftists they are retarded children, like the leftists are, every last one.

You see the kangaroo justice being meted out here. That is what they will get. The real deal:

Shooter is an ex cop
Jogger is a criminal
Ex cop has interacted with the Jogger in his capacity as a cop
Jogger sees a man chasing him that he knows as a cop
If you run from a cop, it makes you look guilty in a court of law

Maybe the ex cop should have refrained from chasing this guy; however, he knew the jogger as a criminal. He most likely knew that Arbery did not live in the neighborhood. From a cop's perspective, that was probable cause for the pursuit. Most likely Arbery tried to tackle the ex cop and was shot during the fight. The cop may have violated the law, but it was not necessarily murder. But, whatever the facts are, that white guy will fry and whites will not rally and march to protest it.

Apathy, indifference, and inaction have destroyed the white people.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?
400years if oppression.
They needed those shoes cuz she was a racist.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

You cannot stereotype black people like that. What is wrong with you? That racist bitch should have not only given up her tennis shoes, but her cash and valuables too. Do you think that the crack heads that spew anti-white venom are going to be sympathetic to .... wait a minute.... that girl might have some Mexican in her. She's one of them "illegal aliens" and must've stolen someone's job to get the money to buy them with.
And another white supremacist weighs in.
you should keep your white supremacy to yourself.

White supremacy my ass. I wouldn't want the job of reigning supreme over IM2. Glad you think Mr. Klan with a tan is a bit more equal than the rest of us. When people demand that the black people be held to the same standard as the rest of society it is equal justice under the law.

They won't be held to equal standard. According to leftists they are retarded children, like the leftists are, every last one.

You see the kangaroo justice being meted out here. That is what they will get. The real deal:

Shooter is an ex cop
Jogger is a criminal
Ex cop has interacted with the Jogger in his capacity as a cop
Jogger sees a man chasing him that he knows as a cop
If you run from a cop, it makes you look guilty in a court of law

Maybe the ex cop should have refrained from chasing this guy; however, he knew the jogger as a criminal. He most likely knew that Arbery did not live in the neighborhood. From a cop's perspective, that was probable cause for the pursuit. Most likely Arbery tried to tackle the ex cop and was shot during the fight. The cop may have violated the law, but it was not necessarily murder. But, whatever the facts are, that white guy will fry and whites will not rally and march to protest it.

Apathy, indifference, and inaction have destroyed the white people.

Conservative who don't conserve anything, BIG PROBLEM.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

You cannot stereotype black people like that. What is wrong with you? That racist bitch should have not only given up her tennis shoes, but her cash and valuables too. Do you think that the crack heads that spew anti-white venom are going to be sympathetic to .... wait a minute.... that girl might have some Mexican in her. She's one of them "illegal aliens" and must've stolen someone's job to get the money to buy them with.
And another white supremacist weighs in.
you should keep your white supremacy to yourself.

White supremacy my ass. I wouldn't want the job of reigning supreme over IM2. Glad you think Mr. Klan with a tan is a bit more equal than the rest of us. When people demand that the black people be held to the same standard as the rest of society it is equal justice under the law.

They won't be held to equal standard. According to leftists they are retarded children, like the leftists are, every last one.

You see the kangaroo justice being meted out here. That is what they will get. The real deal:

Shooter is an ex cop
Jogger is a criminal
Ex cop has interacted with the Jogger in his capacity as a cop
Jogger sees a man chasing him that he knows as a cop
If you run from a cop, it makes you look guilty in a court of law

Maybe the ex cop should have refrained from chasing this guy; however, he knew the jogger as a criminal. He most likely knew that Arbery did not live in the neighborhood. From a cop's perspective, that was probable cause for the pursuit. Most likely Arbery tried to tackle the ex cop and was shot during the fight. The cop may have violated the law, but it was not necessarily murder. But, whatever the facts are, that white guy will fry and whites will not rally and march to protest it.

Apathy, indifference, and inaction have destroyed the white people.
"Most likely Arbery tried to tackle the ex cop and was shot during the fight."


You haven't seen the video, have you?

Describe how Arbery could have tackled the ex-cop.........
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

You cannot stereotype black people like that. What is wrong with you? That racist bitch should have not only given up her tennis shoes, but her cash and valuables too. Do you think that the crack heads that spew anti-white venom are going to be sympathetic to .... wait a minute.... that girl might have some Mexican in her. She's one of them "illegal aliens" and must've stolen someone's job to get the money to buy them with.
And another white supremacist weighs in.
you should keep your white supremacy to yourself.

White supremacy my ass. I wouldn't want the job of reigning supreme over IM2. Glad you think Mr. Klan with a tan is a bit more equal than the rest of us. When people demand that the black people be held to the same standard as the rest of society it is equal justice under the law.

They won't be held to equal standard. According to leftists they are retarded children, like the leftists are, every last one.

You see the kangaroo justice being meted out here. That is what they will get. The real deal:

Shooter is an ex cop
Jogger is a criminal
Ex cop has interacted with the Jogger in his capacity as a cop
Jogger sees a man chasing him that he knows as a cop
If you run from a cop, it makes you look guilty in a court of law

Maybe the ex cop should have refrained from chasing this guy; however, he knew the jogger as a criminal. He most likely knew that Arbery did not live in the neighborhood. From a cop's perspective, that was probable cause for the pursuit. Most likely Arbery tried to tackle the ex cop and was shot during the fight. The cop may have violated the law, but it was not necessarily murder. But, whatever the facts are, that white guy will fry and whites will not rally and march to protest it.

Apathy, indifference, and inaction have destroyed the white people.
"Most likely Arbery tried to tackle the ex cop and was shot during the fight."


You haven't seen the video, have you?

Describe how Arbery could have tackled the ex-cop.........

He hasn't seen the clip, and yet is completely correct.

Well done.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

The key word in your title is ARRESTED.

Yeah, because they were obviously guilty. That's unlike in the media outrage where the two people are obviously not guilty, but the media chooses to defend a criminal for its race baiting purposes, again.

Don't blacks have a problem with the media trying to represent their communities as a bunch of criminals? He was just the average black guy... like the gentle giant.

Stick that racist bullshit up your ass, the average black man is not out here killing folks. These shitheads will get the book thrown at them and they deserve it. You won't see black folks come on here and try to defend these 2 murderers the way you will defend white murderers when they kill someone black.

I have never witnessed armed white guys marching in the streets when their fellow white is gunned or unjustly arrested and / or imprisoned. Did you miss the substantive issues in this case OR did you deliberately ignore them?

What black guys were marching in the streets? Come to think of it, you don't have to march in the streets because whoever the black guy is that gunned down a white guy is locked up in jail immediately. Hell in some cases it is not even the black guy that actually gunned him down, it is just the first black guy they can find.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

The key word in your title is ARRESTED.

Yeah, because they were obviously guilty. That's unlike in the media outrage where the two people are obviously not guilty, but the media chooses to defend a criminal for its race baiting purposes, again.

Don't blacks have a problem with the media trying to represent their communities as a bunch of criminals? He was just the average black guy... like the gentle giant.

Stick that racist bullshit up your ass, the average black man is not out here killing folks. These shitheads will get the book thrown at them and they deserve it. You won't see black folks come on here and try to defend these 2 murderers the way you will defend white murderers when they kill someone black.

I have never witnessed armed white guys marching in the streets when their fellow white is gunned or unjustly arrested and / or imprisoned. Did you miss the substantive issues in this case OR did you deliberately ignore them?

White guys don't lunge at shotguns indeed.

You're right because they aren't chased down the road with anyone holding them.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

The key word in your title is ARRESTED.

Yeah, because they were obviously guilty. That's unlike in the media outrage where the two people are obviously not guilty, but the media chooses to defend a criminal for its race baiting purposes, again.

Don't blacks have a problem with the media trying to represent their communities as a bunch of criminals? He was just the average black guy... like the gentle giant.

Stick that racist bullshit up your ass, the average black man is not out here killing folks. These shitheads will get the book thrown at them and they deserve it. You won't see black folks come on here and try to defend these 2 murderers the way you will defend white murderers when they kill someone black.

I have never witnessed armed white guys marching in the streets when their fellow white is gunned or unjustly arrested and / or imprisoned. Did you miss the substantive issues in this case OR did you deliberately ignore them?

White guys don't lunge at shotguns indeed.

You're right because they aren't chased down the road with anyone holding them.

Yes, because we don't commit burglaries nearly as often.

Don't do the crime, don't do the time.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

Maybe she paid them to fake a hate crime? We need Jessie Smollett on this straightaway.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

The key word in your title is ARRESTED.

Yeah, because they were obviously guilty. That's unlike in the media outrage where the two people are obviously not guilty, but the media chooses to defend a criminal for its race baiting purposes, again.

Don't blacks have a problem with the media trying to represent their communities as a bunch of criminals? He was just the average black guy... like the gentle giant.

Stick that racist bullshit up your ass, the average black man is not out here killing folks. These shitheads will get the book thrown at them and they deserve it. You won't see black folks come on here and try to defend these 2 murderers the way you will defend white murderers when they kill someone black.

I have never witnessed armed white guys marching in the streets when their fellow white is gunned or unjustly arrested and / or imprisoned. Did you miss the substantive issues in this case OR did you deliberately ignore them?

White guys don't lunge at shotguns indeed.

You're right because they aren't chased down the road with anyone holding them.

No, because we're not stupid. I had a black cop pull his gun and point it at me through the window of my parked car, that I parked when he pulled me over.

I didn't hit the neanderthal button, and lunge at his gun. I remained a civilized human being, and said "What can I do for you sir?" And then obeyed every command he gave without question or protest.

If that kid had done the same thing, he would be alive today.
They will go to prison for good and no one feels the need to justify their actions.

Yeah, then they'll be parolled because "high numbers of blacks in prison is racists!" and "Private prisons making profit off crime!" and the endless other numbskulled quack logic left-wing idiots make up.
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

Has anybody blamed Trump yet?
So two black people decided they needed a pair of shoes really bad. They decided to shoot a white girl over the pair of shoes after trying to steal the shoes armed.


She committed the act of being present in a sales transaction.

Why is this case or the dozens and dozens like it not making almost any news? Fact is, 13 percent of the population is committing 50 percent of the crime. Why is it not addressed?

The key word in your title is ARRESTED.

Yeah, because they were obviously guilty. That's unlike in the media outrage where the two people are obviously not guilty, but the media chooses to defend a criminal for its race baiting purposes, again.

Don't blacks have a problem with the media trying to represent their communities as a bunch of criminals? He was just the average black guy... like the gentle giant.

Stick that racist bullshit up your ass, the average black man is not out here killing folks. These shitheads will get the book thrown at them and they deserve it. You won't see black folks come on here and try to defend these 2 murderers the way you will defend white murderers when they kill someone black.

Bull. OJ Simpson. I watched videos of blacks literally having parties, in celebration of a clear undeniable murderer being set free.

Hey, you have the reputation you have earned. Look at how many of the BLM protests have been of clear documented criminals?

You earned this. You blame everyone else "ya'll racists" all you want, but you earned Reputations you have. Look how many defended Jessie Smollett, even on this forum. I can remember readings posts by Jessie Smollett supporters here.

Again, you have the reputation that you have earned. Don't cry at us. We don't care. You did this. Look in the mirror.

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