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*Two Blacks Hoes Go At White Women At McDonalds: While Black Employee's Do Nothing*

I wonder why Ravi thought it was a white guy filming in the first place?

Sorry bout that,

But seriously...

1. dude dresses up like a chick
2. dude then uses disguise to enter women's bathroom
3. dude gets found out
4. dude gets ass kicked by 2 chicks
5. dude is such a pussy that he fakes a seizure


Call me callous, but that is some funny fucking shit, no?

1. I don't think the fact the the victim was a trans, had anything to do with it, the whole conflict or fight if you wanna call it a fight, was about these two hoes' man looking at the victim and the victim may have looked back.
2. Last I checked no laws were broken in doing that.
3. Also I don't think being a trans is against the law in America, might be in Saudi Arabia, and every other Islamic hell hole, but not here.
4. So get your facts straight!

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I wonder why Ravi thought it was a white guy filming in the first place?


It just shows the lengths liberals will go to validate their false reality. It's an interesting case study. The Hate Crime laws, IMO, are stupid, but people like Ravi pushed for them in an effort to put an end to discrimination against members of the LGBT community and blacks. Now we've got blacks attacking an LGBT member. What to do? Certainly this cannot be a hate crime according to people like Ravi because the attackers are black! (Her responses are hilarious, but not unexpected. I seriously doubt she has any friends of color and holds on to her beliefs because of white guilt.)

As I mentioned in a previous post, there is latent homophobia in the black community so this attack is not surprising. But what will liberals do now? Hopefully, they'll be consistent and charge the attackers with one of their precious hate crimes laws and punish them to the full extent of the law. But liberals are rarely consistent so I guess we'll just have to see how they're "feeling" at the time to determine the direction they take.
Sorry bout that,

Oh, I was wrong about that...but that isn't pertinent.

It seemed pertinent enough for you to post it multiple times when you thought he was white. Interesting how it's 'pertinence' magically goes away when you found out you were wrong. Interesting, but not surprising of course.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

1. Yeah she went silent when the facts started to come out, never doubt me, I can read between the lines of a news story, I can also do it with video.
2. Liberal double speak; I am a *Master* of.
3. Most news papers and TV news are liberal slanted, very few if any have a true non-liberal foundation.
4. Also it was easy to see it wasn't a white man filming this tragic attack.
5. No one deserves to be attacked like a mad dog, like those two Negros did.
6. I don't condone what some people choose to do sexually, but I also don't condone even more what those Negros did.
7. They should both do some serious jail time, and so should Vernon who filmed it.:evil:
8. Failure to rendure aid?
9 I think thats a crime.

A law for not rendering aid? Wow, you must be a conservative that supports thought crimes.

btw, Chessie, I'm curious to know why you call black people Negroes but you call white people white people?
I wonder why Ravi thought it was a white guy filming in the first place?


It just shows the lengths liberals will go to validate their false reality. It's an interesting case study. The Hate Crime laws, IMO, are stupid, but people like Ravi pushed for them in an effort to put an end to discrimination against members of the LGBT community and blacks. Now we've got blacks attacking an LGBT member. What to do? Certainly this cannot be a hate crime according to people like Ravi because the attackers are black! (Her responses are hilarious, but not unexpected. I seriously doubt she has any friends of color and holds on to her beliefs because of white guilt.)

As I mentioned in a previous post, there is latent homophobia in the black community so this attack is not surprising. But what will liberals do now? Hopefully, they'll be consistent and charge the attackers with one of their precious hate crimes laws and punish them to the full extent of the law. But liberals are rarely consistent so I guess we'll just have to see how they're "feeling" at the time to determine the direction they take.
Try to make posts without lying. One, I've always been ambivalent about hate crime laws; I've certainly never pushed for them. Two, I didn't believe it was a hate crime, not because the attackers are black, but because the video seemed fishy. Turned out that I was the one here most correct...there was no evidence of a racially motivated hate crime. There is barely evidence of a hate crime of any type.

I know you were drooling over having black people charged with racially motivated hate crimes because some of your best friends are black. Better luck next time.
Well how was it figured out that he was a guy while he was in the bathroom? Were the two woman in the bathroom when they discovered that this fellow was a man ? On the surface it looks like this fellow was not thinking before he acted. Had the beating been delivered by two white men they would face hate crimes, so let the two Woman face the same.
Well how was it figured out that he was a guy while he was in the bathroom? Were the two woman in the bathroom when they discovered that this fellow was a man ? On the surface it looks like this fellow was not thinking before he acted. Had the beating been delivered by two white men they would face hate crimes, so let the two Woman face the same.
What if it isn't a hate crime?
Well how was it figured out that he was a guy while he was in the bathroom? Were the two woman in the bathroom when they discovered that this fellow was a man ? On the surface it looks like this fellow was not thinking before he acted. Had the beating been delivered by two white men they would face hate crimes, so let the two Woman face the same.
What if it isn't a hate crime?

The nature of beating someone until they have a seizure is not really a love crime. Had this been two white men they would push the hate crimes. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. Had the trans gender dude been black I doubt it would have even made the news.
Well how was it figured out that he was a guy while he was in the bathroom? Were the two woman in the bathroom when they discovered that this fellow was a man ? On the surface it looks like this fellow was not thinking before he acted. Had the beating been delivered by two white men they would face hate crimes, so let the two Woman face the same.
What if it isn't a hate crime?

The nature of beating someone until they have a seizure is not really a love crime. Had this been two white men they would push the hate crimes. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. Had the trans gender dude been black I doubt it would have even made the news.
Okay, but what if it isn't a hate crime. What if they just attacked because they are fucked in the head. Remember, this 18 year old has done this before from reports in the news.

So if it isn't a hate crime do you think they should be charged with a hate crime, regardless?
maybe it was a hunger crime?>>>>>

Are McJobs the Only Kind Left in America? | Economy In Crisis

McDonald's received hundreds of thousands of applications for its National Hiring Day held last Tuesday, a potentially depressing harbinger on the state of employment in America because of failed trade policy.

“These are the types of jobs we need,” John Challenger said, a supposed employment expert at Challenger, Gray & Christmas, an outplacement firm in Chicago. “This is especially good news for people who bore the brunt of the recession.”
Why were they fighting?

Why aren't you bitching that the white camera operator did nothing to help?


How do you know that camera operator is white?

Do you think only whites are rich enough to own a camera or something?

What if it isn't a hate crime?

The nature of beating someone until they have a seizure is not really a love crime. Had this been two white men they would push the hate crimes. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. Had the trans gender dude been black I doubt it would have even made the news.
Okay, but what if it isn't a hate crime. What if they just attacked because they are fucked in the head. Remember, this 18 year old has done this before from reports in the news.

So if it isn't a hate crime do you think they should be charged with a hate crime, regardless?

Yes. I know from experience that you dont beat anyone up out of love and respect. The fact that they put hate grimes into law is stupid and this proves. What they should have said is that if you are a white male then you will be prosecuted differently when the crime involves a minority. The law is the law. That said, the dude should have used the men room. He has to take responsibility for the results of his actions, but it was not ok to beat him up like that.

Hate crime defined-Legal Dictionary

Main Entry: hate crime
Function: noun
: a crime that violates the victim's civil rights and that is motivated by hostility to the victim's race, religion, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender
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This is video of a worse incident that took place in an Ohio pizzeria about four years ago:

YouTube - Fight at Pizza Parlor

Opinions are requested from Black viewers, not only Whites.

From the clarity of this video I would say both of the perps did some time. Personally, I'd throw in jail every asshole that stood by and did nothing for being accessories.
The nature of beating someone until they have a seizure is not really a love crime. Had this been two white men they would push the hate crimes. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. Had the trans gender dude been black I doubt it would have even made the news.
Okay, but what if it isn't a hate crime. What if they just attacked because they are fucked in the head. Remember, this 18 year old has done this before from reports in the news.

So if it isn't a hate crime do you think they should be charged with a hate crime, regardless?

Yes. I know from experience that you dont beat anyone up out of love and respect. The fact that they put hate grimes into law is stupid and this proves. What they should have said is that if you are a white male then you will be prosecuted differently when the crime involves a minority. The law is the law. That said, the dude should have used the men room. He has to take responsibility for the results of his actions, but it was not ok to beat him up like that.
So you are for charging someone with a hate crime, even if there was no hate crime, because sometimes white men get charged with hate crimes?

That's fucked.
Okay, but what if it isn't a hate crime. What if they just attacked because they are fucked in the head. Remember, this 18 year old has done this before from reports in the news.

So if it isn't a hate crime do you think they should be charged with a hate crime, regardless?

Yes. I know from experience that you dont beat anyone up out of love and respect. The fact that they put hate grimes into law is stupid and this proves. What they should have said is that if you are a white male then you will be prosecuted differently when the crime involves a minority. The law is the law. That said, the dude should have used the men room. He has to take responsibility for the results of his actions, but it was not ok to beat him up like that.
So you are for charging someone with a hate crime, even if there was no hate crime, because sometimes white men get charged with hate crimes?

That's fucked.

Thats probably what the guys who did this thought to.

Not a hate crime
Posted: October 22, 1999
1:00 am Eastern

By Joseph Farah
© 2011 WorldNetDaily.com

His parents thought he was working as a hair stylist on weekends.

But when Prairie Grove, Ark., police responded to a 911 emergency call at 5 a.m. Sept. 26, they found 13-year-old Jesse Dirkhising on the floor, unconscious, near death, one of his wrists bound with duct tape.

A half-hour later, he was pronounced dead at St. Mary's Hospital in Roger.

A police investigation determined young Jesse was repeatedly raped over a period of hours, including with foreign objects. While enduring this ordeal, his ankles, knees and wrists were bound in duct tape and he was gagged and blindfolded. He was tied to a mattress. He may have been drugged, police say. A sedative called amitryptiline was found in the home of two men -- Joshua Brown, 22, and David Don Carpenter, 38 -- along with Jesse's body.

There were other drugs, too -- and items commonly used in sexual bondage. Apparently the boy was left bound and gagged after the last rape, while his attackers went to get a sandwich to eat.

The cops say two men raped Jesse at least six times. Brown and Carpenter have each been charged with six counts of rape and capital murder. Hearings in their case are set for Dec. 8 and Jan. 13-14. The trial is scheduled for April 10.

Just another brutal local crime, you say? Why is Farah recounting a police blotter story from Arkansas? I don't know. Something bothers me about this story. It ought to bother us.

It was big news in Northwest Arkansas, but the story of Jesse Dirkhising hasn't made a ripple in the national news. I wonder why? I wonder if it's because the victim is not a part of some politically protected sub-group, a special class deserving of extra government privileges? I wonder if it is because the suspects are, indeed, members of such a group.

Remember how the nation stood riveted to the details of a hideous murder that took place in Wyoming when a homosexual was tortured to death? Never mind that the crime had little or nothing to do with the victim's sexual proclivities. Uh-uh. That didn't matter. This was a hate crime. New laws were needed. New brainwashing programs must be introduced into the schools. New sensitivity outreach projects were required by all media outlets. Bill Clinton sounded off. Janet Reno chimed in.

And then there was Jesse Dirkhising. There was no hand wringing, no candlelight marches, no national news coverage for the 13-year-old victim of homosexual rape and murder. No presidential proclamations -- even though the heinous crime took place in his home state.

Brown and Carpenter have pleaded not guilty to all charges, by the way. When police got to their home that morning, they were met by a very upset Carpenter, who repeatedly told the cops, "He's not breathing." When police asked about the duct tape, Brown told the officers they were "just playing a game." When questioned further, Brown allegedly assaulted one of the officers. It was only then that he was arrested.

Apparently the affidavit recounting the crime was so gruesome that parts of it were sealed to protect the defendants' right to a fair trial. During a hearing in Bentonville, Carpenter read details of the complaint against him. As he read, Carpenter repeatedly shook his head and muttered, "No." Meanwhile, members of Jesse Dirkhising's family sat weeping, while his mother clutched a teddy bear and a photograph of her son.

"No one deserves to lose a child in this manner," said prosecuting attorney Brad Butler.

That is true. But somebody did. Jesse Dirkhising was brutally raped, tortured and murdered -- for fun, for thrills, for the hell of it, because it felt good, maybe even because a certain politically protected lifestyle has been elevated to virtual sainthood.

I don't expect to hear Bill Clinton or Janet Reno weigh in on this one. It just wouldn't be appropriate. It might offend their core constituency. After all, 13-year-old boys don't vote anyway. They don't contribute to political campaigns. They don't march and demand special rights.

But, in case anyone else is concerned, a fund has been established to assist the family of Jesse Dirkhising with funeral and related expenses. Donations may be made to Memorial Trust for Jesse, account number 600054043, at any Community Bank in the Elkins or Prairie Grove, Ark., area. Cards may be sent to the family care of the Benton County Prosecutor's Office, 100 N.E. A Street, Bentonville, Ark., 72712

God bless this little one. May he rest in peace. And may his tormentors rot in Hell.

Why no hate crimes here ?
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Well how was it figured out that he was a guy while he was in the bathroom? Were the two woman in the bathroom when they discovered that this fellow was a man ? On the surface it looks like this fellow was not thinking before he acted. Had the beating been delivered by two white men they would face hate crimes, so let the two Woman face the same.
What if it isn't a hate crime?

It's only a hate crime if it's a crime against one of the Democrat's protected special interest groups.

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