Two days after Biden sends VP Harris to solve the Ukraine crisis, Putin invades Ukraine.

Sounds like Europe has a problem.

Europe should solve it's own problems.

Has Humanity learned nothing from the past?? :confused:


Two days after Biden sends VP Harris to solve the Ukraine crisis, Putin invades Ukraine.​

Pretty much how it worked out, with a technical exception. Russian peacekeepers have gone into the LPR and DPR to stop the Ukronazi harassment of those now independent republics.
I have yet to hear one of you fuckers critisize Putin over this invasion but you got plenty of slams reserved for Biden.

Putin us a maniacal mass murdering asshole. Always has been.

And he controls your Vegetable Messiah.

Once again you expose your reading comprehension skills are on the level of a kindergartener who has been dropped on his head dozens of times.
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You MOONBAT.........RUSSIA DOES. Did I say attack I didn' I ask you again.........what would you do......You are avoiding the question
Don't be a dumb ass. Putin is not going to do that either. They have about 280,000 active duty. You don't move 190,000 of them to the border if that is your plan and that plan would definitely spoil the prize. Think about it logically instead of wingnut, reactionary, emotional.
Don't be a dumb ass. Putin is not going to do that either. They have about 280,000 active duty. You don't move 190,000 of them to the border if that is your plan and that plan would definitely spoil the prize. Think about it logically instead of wingnut, reactionary, emotional.
Again you refuse to answer the question.

I doubt it would have made any difference. Herr Putin already knew what he was going to do.
Yes, he did. And he baited the Vegetable In Chief to send Commila Whoris over there thinking she would be able to do something.

Putin is playing the idiots in this administration like a fiddle. It's pathetic.
Biden has always looked bad, before he was president, before he was vice president, when he was a senator, before he was a senator Biden has always looked bad

Joe Biden was born a happy child, but an odd child at that, a rather lonely child.

He liked to take the animals to bed with him . . .


I forgot that he gave this to Harris.

One thing Harris has continually fucked up on over and over and over again is reading the political winds in what she takes on and does not take on.

Her political future could not be placed in worse jeopardy if her worst enemies were crafting her political messaging.
Putin us a maniacal mass murdering asshole. Always has been.

And he controls your Vegetable Messiah.

Once again you expose your reading comprehension skills are on the level of a kindergartener who has been dropped on his head dozens of times.
Putin controls Biden?

Keep listening to those voices you're hearing.
Putin loves Democrat Presidents.

Every time we get a Democrat President he invades Ukraine.

He made The Worthless Negro his bitch and now he has Joe Potatohead as his little plaything.
Why did Biden send this idiot to solve the Ukraine crisis? She has ZERO foreign policy experience, and has botched everything she has touched.............just like her boss.

Maybe her BJ's aren't that good anymore.
Biden has always looked bad, before he was president, before he was vice president, when he was a senator, before he was a senator

Biden has always looked bad

Many Democrats will see this for what it is. Biden is a very weak, pathetic president and they will not vote for biden again, that is if Biden makes it another 2 years.

I doubt Biden can keep popping enough pills to stay alive that long.
I wonder if having a war with PUtin will allow the dems to drop off fraud ballots again...

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