Two Dead at UCLA Campus Shooting. Major Confusion. Fox News

Excellent idea! Homeschool your kids to keep their little minds free of all that evil sciency stuff. Instill in them a terror of public restrooms; if the "you can get AIDS from a toilet seat" myth doesn't work, the "men in skirts looking to rape you" myth should hold for a while. Then when they're old enough, "send" them to to the University of Phoenix to get a degree they can't use to find a job.

You'll have them living at home until you're old enough for assisted living, and they'll stay out of the gene pool and the jobs pool so that the children of parents who aren't Afraid of Everything!!!!11! will have more opportunities.
Home schooled kids regularly outperform public schooled kids in SATs and college entrance exams.

Your idiocy is noted.
I wonder, perhaps i'm out of line here, but has anyone mentioned to these morons that murder in against the law? How about passing a stronger murder law since the first one is being ignored so often? That's a great Idea, isn't it?

Yeah...I keep saying that we need a new murder has to state..."It is against the law to murder other people.....this means you."

I think that might work....

Why? If your argument is gun laws do nothing? Why have any laws at all? Everyone armed is polite, right?

Again with this silly argument....

We have laws that tell you what is and isn't allowed......if you break the speed limit you get a ticket...

if you use a gun for a crime you go to jail...if you are a felon caught with a gun you go to jail....and those laws already exist and are already used to arrest criminals...

What we don't need are laws that make felons out of normal, law abiding people who don't use guns to commit crimes or murder...but turns them into felons because they failed to fill out arbitrary paperwork....paperwork, like registraton of guns and licensing of gun owners that solve no crimes, and does not prevent one criminal or mass shooter from getting a gun.....all that paperwork does is set up a felony trap for someone who messes up the paperwork......

And no...universal background checks do not work any better than current, federally mandated background checks do.....

"What we don't need are laws that make felons out of normal, law abiding people who don't use guns to commit crimes or murder...but turns them into felons because they failed to fill out arbitrary paperwork....paperwork, like registraton of guns and licensing of gun owners that solve no crimes, and does not prevent one criminal or mass shooter from getting a gun.....all that paperwork does is set up a felony trap for someone who messes up the paperwork......"

Oh my, and this is a significant problem? I need to know more, where can I look into this phenomenon. Do you know of a study or some report out on this? Don't bring some Brietbart type shit, real stuff, k?

Thanks, waiting ...

This is why gun registration is also stupid.....

Haynes v. United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Background of the case[edit]
The National Firearms Act of 1934 required the registration of certain types of firearms. Miles Edward Haynes was a convicted felon who was charged with failing to register a firearm under the Act. Haynes argued that, because he was a convicted felon and thus prohibited from owning a firearm, requiring him to register was essentially requiring him to make an open admission to the government that he was in violation of the law, which was thus a violation of his right not to incriminate himself.

Majority opinion[edit]
In a 7-1 decision, the Court ruled in 1968 in favor of Haynes. Earl Warren dissented in a one sentence opinion and Thurgood Marshall did not participate in the ruling.

As with many other 5th amendment cases, felons and others prohibited from possessing firearms could not be compelled to incriminate themselves through registration.[1][2] The National Firearms Act was amended afterHaynes to make it apply only to those who could lawfully possess a firearm. This eliminated prosecution of prohibited persons, such as criminals, and cured the self-incrimination problem. In this new form, the new registration provision was upheld. The court held: " To eliminate the defects revealed by Haynes, Congress amended the Act so that only a possessor who lawfully makes, manufactures, or imports firearms can and must register them",United States v. Freed, 401 U.S. 601 (1971).[3] The original Haynes decision continues to block state prosecutions of criminals who fail to register guns as required by various state law gun registration schemes.

Lovely, unrelated. Now, about this:

"What we don't need are laws that make felons out of normal, law abiding people who don't use guns to commit crimes or murder...but turns them into felons because they failed to fill out arbitrary paperwork....paperwork, like registraton of guns and licensing of gun owners that solve no crimes, and does not prevent one criminal or mass shooter from getting a gun.....all that paperwork does is set up a felony trap for someone who messes up the paperwork......"

Oh my, and this is a significant problem? I need to know more, where can I look into this phenomenon. Do you know of a study or some report out on this? Don't bring some Brietbart type shit, real stuff, k?

Thanks, waiting ...
"What we don't need are laws that make felons out of normal, law abiding people who don't use guns to commit crimes or murder...but turns them into felons because they failed to fill out arbitrary paperwork....paperwork, like registraton of guns and licensing of gun owners that solve no crimes, and does not prevent one criminal or mass shooter from getting a gun.....all that paperwork does is set up a felony trap for someone who messes up the paperwork......"

Oh my, and this is a significant problem? I need to know more, where can I look into this phenomenon. Do you know of a study or some report out on this? Don't bring some Brietbart type shit, real stuff, k?

Thanks, waiting ...
Translation; give me some facts but not from sources that might actually report said facts, lol.

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