Two Dead at UCLA Campus Shooting. Major Confusion. Fox News

Isn't that what y'all usually do any time some Nut with a Gun creates a situation like this one? "B-b-b-but somebody somewhere stabbed somebody. Should we ban knives? What about baseball bats and flower pots and...?"
You obviously have me confused with someone else, hack.

So someone else posted that under your username? Isn't that against the rules?
What? Scum suckers politicizing tragedy? Still tryin' to figure out where I was posting or about to post stats about other ways people are killed or die. Do you always make shit up or is this a new tack for you?

You may be the rare individual here who doesn't immediately jump on the "THIS IS THE FAULT OF GUN-FREE ZONES AND NOTHING ELSE!!!11" bandwagon, but I haven't read enough of your posts to be certain.

If I've misjudged you, I apologize.
I blame people not things (unless those things are defective) for what people do. I don't necessarily have the answers for everything besides I believe in the Constitution, if an area is deemed a gun free zone then so be it, not my decision it's the decision of the owner(s)/trustee(s). People die in open carry areas as well as gun free zones, such is life, people on each side that politicize gun deaths are, in my humble but accurate opinion, bottom feeding scum suckers.
no suicide.jpg
Well everyone with a gun head down there and help out with the bad guy.

Your ignorance at this sad time is duly noted.

Right in keeping with the "gun free zone is the reason it happened here" crowd. Fat Boys suck, move up to a real bike lardass.

It was a gun free zone moron............he didn't have to pick a location, you morons made it a gun free zone by law.....since we know that actual mass shooters pick gun free zones......
Your ignorance at this sad time is duly noted.

Right in keeping with the "gun free zone is the reason it happened here" crowd. Fat Boys suck, move up to a real bike lardass.
Yup always some scum sucker who wants to politicize tragedy. Way to go. :thup:

You mean y'all haven't had time to dig up a stabbing murder yet? What's taking you so long?

Isn't that what y'all usually do any time some Nut with a Gun creates a situation like this one? "B-b-b-but somebody somewhere stabbed somebody. Should we ban knives? What about baseball bats and flower pots and...?"

Well guy uses an AR-15 and kills one person...and you guys want to ban the 3,750,000 million AR-15s that are privately owned and not used in any crime....

While knives kill more people each year than all rifles, let alone AR-15s....

While empty hands kill more people each year than all rifles, let alone AR-15s....

While clubs kill more people each year than all rifles, let alone AR-15s.........

These are facts, the truth and the reality....

And you morons want to ban 3,750,000 million guns that are never used in crime...because one guy misused one.......

And you call us nuts.....
Shooting occurred about 10:00 AM local time (California)

Two Dead at UCLA Campus Shooting. Major Confusion. Fox News

City wide alert. HUGE police presence.

Nothing is known about the dead.

Hundreds of police on campus, around engineering building.

This is a hoax. Guns are illegal on college campuses in California.

And California has strict gun control laws....and the city where the shooting took place....strict gun control laws....and the campus...a gun free zone....

Looks like we need another gun control law....
Shooting occurred about 10:00 AM local time (California)

Two Dead at UCLA Campus Shooting. Major Confusion. Fox News

City wide alert. HUGE police presence.

Nothing is known about the dead.

Hundreds of police on campus, around engineering building.

This is a hoax. Guns are illegal on college campuses in California.

And California has strict gun control laws....and the city where the shooting took place....strict gun control laws....and the campus...a gun free zone....

Looks like we need another gun control law....

One that prescreens every potential gun owner for suicidal tendencies? Okay.
I wonder, perhaps i'm out of line here, but has anyone mentioned to these morons that murder in against the law? How about passing a stronger murder law since the first one is being ignored so often? That's a great Idea, isn't it?
Shooting occurred about 10:00 AM local time (California)

Two Dead at UCLA Campus Shooting. Major Confusion. Fox News

City wide alert. HUGE police presence.

Nothing is known about the dead.

Hundreds of police on campus, around engineering building.

This is a hoax. Guns are illegal on college campuses in California.

And California has strict gun control laws....and the city where the shooting took place....strict gun control laws....and the campus...a gun free zone....

Looks like we need another gun control law....

One that prescreens every potential gun owner for suicidal tendencies? Okay.

Yeah........that would work as well as the complete gun banning and confiscation that happened in Britain and France.......
I wonder, perhaps i'm out of line here, but has anyone mentioned to these morons that murder in against the law? How about passing a stronger murder law since the first one is being ignored so often? That's a great Idea, isn't it?

Yeah...I keep saying that we need a new murder has to state..."It is against the law to murder other people.....this means you."

I think that might work....
Shooting occurred about 10:00 AM local time (California)

Two Dead at UCLA Campus Shooting. Major Confusion. Fox News

City wide alert. HUGE police presence.

Nothing is known about the dead.

Hundreds of police on campus, around engineering building.

This is a hoax. Guns are illegal on college campuses in California.

And California has strict gun control laws....and the city where the shooting took place....strict gun control laws....and the campus...a gun free zone....

Looks like we need another gun control law....

One that prescreens every potential gun owner for suicidal tendencies? Okay.

Yeah........that would work as well as the complete gun banning and confiscation that happened in Britain and France.......

How do you figure?
Shooting occurred about 10:00 AM local time (California)

Two Dead at UCLA Campus Shooting. Major Confusion. Fox News

City wide alert. HUGE police presence.

Nothing is known about the dead.

Hundreds of police on campus, around engineering building.

This is a hoax. Guns are illegal on college campuses in California.

And California has strict gun control laws....and the city where the shooting took place....strict gun control laws....and the campus...a gun free zone....

Looks like we need another gun control law....

One that prescreens every potential gun owner for suicidal tendencies? Okay.

Yeah........that would work as well as the complete gun banning and confiscation that happened in Britain and France.......

How do you figure?

Britian banned and confiscated guns...their gun crime rate stayed the same...except for last year when it went up 4% and they are now conducting armed patrols in high gun crime areas....

And has been pointed is easy to get fully automatic weapons in France...who banned and outlawed all rifles and pistols......especially military weapons...the very ones used to murder 140 people in Paris and wound hundreds.....
The identity of the 2 dead isn't known and the motive is not clear yet.

Detectives were reviewing a suicide note found near the bodies.
"What we know so far:
  • Two people were killed in a murder-suicide in an engineering building at UCLA on Wednesday morning, Los Angeles police say. Both were male.
  • A law enforcement official told The Los Angeles Times that, based on the appearances of the deceased, police believe that a professor has been shot by someone young enough to be a student who then turned the gun on himself.
  • A note was found at the scene though it was not immediately clear if it was connected to the shooting, said the LAPD's chief spokesman, Capt. Andy Neiman.
  • There is no continuing threat to UCLA's campus, said LAPD Chief Charlie Beck. The campus lock down was lifted at 12:05 p.m.
  • UCLA classes were canceled Wednesday. They are expected to resume Thursday.
  • The campus was placed on lockdown just after 10 a.m. as police searched for the gunman."
UCLA shooting live updates: 2 dead in murder-suicide, note found
The victim in the apparent murder-suicide on UCLA's campus was William S Klug a professor of engineering, Klug was one of two men who died in a suspected murder-suicide inside an engineering building at UCLA Wednesday morning

The victim in the apparent murder-suicide on UCLA's campus was William S Klug a professor of engineering, Klug was one of two men who died in a suspected murder-suicide inside an engineering building at UCLA Wednesday morning

Bet me the shooter either had a crush on him or didn't get the grade he felt - as an entitled Millennium - he "deserved."

At least now you're up to speed.

The shooter killed Prof Klug because he was angry about his grades.

Wow! to be angry ok....but to kill his professor.... to go to that extreme! how sick is that!
A little context:
UCLA shooting live updates: Names of 2 dead in murder-suicide have not been released
"Violent crime is not common at UCLA
Violent crime is rare at UCLA, according to federal data.

The 419-acre Westwood campus of 43,000 students reported no on-campus murders, 136 robberies, 128 aggravated assaults and 193 sex offenses between 2001 and 2014.

The most common crime reported was burglary, with 1,872 incidents during that period."

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