Two Different Worldviews

On the 1st page you have a photo of Amish walking, I assume for not "assimilating". However, the Amish do not insist on "Sharia Law", have no go zones, don't do honor killings, and do follow all US laws. My point is still valid, the US lifestyle is not compatible with radical Islam. You could get killed for saying that this is Mohammad --> (!)
They obey God's law - not man's. Same difference.
Muhammad tells Muslims to slaughter the infidels. That's their law.
Muslims are allowed to make war, as are Jews. The Christians weren't (but that never stopped them).
Do the world a favor and quit exhaling CO2.

Or better yet go find your hero Osama and suck his dead Cock.

Either way the world is a better place without dangerous hate filled liars like you in it Jihadi Jizz Breath!

Phuck immigrants who don't assimilate. Immigration is NOT a RIGHT.

Phuck Islam especially Allah was a homosexual and Muhammad a pedophile and homosexual.

We are a nation of immigrants. If you can't deal with that go back to where you came from - Korea.
Do yourself (and the world) a favor, and grow the fuck up.
Bin Laden and you are the same - you both hate the liberalism that founded this nation.
In the 18th century a liberal was someone who believed in laizzes faire capitalism, exactly the opposite of what you endorse.
The 18th century didn't really have capitalism. It came later. And I believe in capitalism. With so many selfish assholes humans like you are around that's the best we can manage.
Do the world a favor and quit exhaling CO2.

Or better yet go find your hero Osama and suck his dead Cock.

Either way the world is a better place without dangerous hate filled liars like you in it Jihadi Jizz Breath!

Phuck immigrants who don't assimilate. Immigration is NOT a RIGHT.

Phuck Islam especially Allah was a homosexual and Muhammad a pedophile and homosexual.
Do yourself (and the world) a favor, and grow the fuck up.
Bin Laden and you are the same - you both hate the liberalism that founded this nation.
In the 18th century a liberal was someone who believed in laizzes faire capitalism, exactly the opposite of what you endorse.
The 18th century didn't really have capitalism. It came later. And I believe in capitalism. With so many selfish assholes humans like you are around that's the best we can manage.
Do you prefer Socialism or Communism?
"E Pluribus Unum"
If you want to be an American, you need to assimilate. If you come here and insist that we change our ways, you will be sadly disappointed...
Please continue?
View attachment 130910
At least they don't try and force their shit on other people like progressives and Muslims do... you fucking piece of shit.
Regardless - they do not assimilate. And they do just fine here and vice versa.

"They do just fine" aside from the occasional mass murder, you mean?

The REQUIREMENT that they murder.

“Allah’s Apostle said, ‘I have been made victorious with terror.’”


“I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle.”


“If you gain mastery over them in battle, inflict such a defeat as would terrorize them, so that they would learn a lesson and be warned.”


“If you come upon them, deal so forcibly as to terrify those who would follow, that they may be warned. Make a severe example of them by terrorizing Allah’s enemies.”


“It is not fitting for any prophet to have prisoners until he has made a great slaughtered in the land.”


“When the Apostle descends on your land none of your people will be left when he leaves.”

Tabari IX:42

“We have been dealt a situation from which there is no escape. You have seen what Muhammad has done. Arabs have submitted to him and we do not have the strength to fight. You know that no herd is safe from him. And no one even dares go outside for fear of being terrorized.”


“Allah said, ‘No Prophet before Muhammad took booty from his enemy nor prisoners for ransom.’ Muhammad said, ‘I was made victorious with terror. The earth was made a place for me to clean. I was given the most powerful words. Booty was made lawful for me. I was given the power to intercede. These five privileges were awarded to no prophet before me.’”


“Allah said, ‘A prophet must slaughter before collecting captives. A slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. Muhammad, you craved the desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion.’”


“Little do you remember My warning. How many towns have We destroyed as a raid by night? Our punishment took them suddenly while they slept for their afternoon rest. Our terror came to them; Our punishment overtook them.”

A tiny little fact that the indoctrinated are trained to overlook.
One of compassion
and one of hatred that is a lot like the people we're at war to begin with....

We will never win this war if we choose to be like the terrorist...If we're we better be ready to just nuke the fucking place and get it over with.

What an imbecile.
On the 1st page you have a photo of Amish walking, I assume for not "assimilating". However, the Amish do not insist on "Sharia Law", have no go zones, don't do honor killings, and do follow all US laws. My point is still valid, the US lifestyle is not compatible with radical Islam. You could get killed for saying that this is Mohammad --> (!)
They obey God's law - not man's. Same difference.
Muhammad tells Muslims to slaughter the infidels. That's their law.
Muslims are allowed to make war, as are Jews. The Christians weren't (but that never stopped them).

That's false.

As is true of the majority of your posts, they reek of ignorance and fabrication.
On the 1st page you have a photo of Amish walking, I assume for not "assimilating". However, the Amish do not insist on "Sharia Law", have no go zones, don't do honor killings, and do follow all US laws. My point is still valid, the US lifestyle is not compatible with radical Islam. You could get killed for saying that this is Mohammad --> (!)
They obey God's law - not man's. Same difference.
Muhammad tells Muslims to slaughter the infidels. That's their law.
Muslims are allowed to make war, as are Jews. The Christians weren't (but that never stopped them).

That's false.

As is true of the majority of your posts, they reek of ignorance and fabrication.
Nothing I said is false. Read your Bible (and Quran).
"E Pluribus Unum"
If you want to be an American, you need to assimilate. If you come here and insist that we change our ways, you will be sadly disappointed...
Please continue?
View attachment 130910
At least they don't try and force their shit on other people like progressives and Muslims do... you fucking piece of shit.
Regardless - they do not assimilate. And they do just fine here and vice versa.

"They do just fine" aside from the occasional mass murder, you mean?

The REQUIREMENT that they murder.

“Allah’s Apostle said, ‘I have been made victorious with terror.’”


“I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle.”


“If you gain mastery over them in battle, inflict such a defeat as would terrorize them, so that they would learn a lesson and be warned.”


“If you come upon them, deal so forcibly as to terrify those who would follow, that they may be warned. Make a severe example of them by terrorizing Allah’s enemies.”


“It is not fitting for any prophet to have prisoners until he has made a great slaughtered in the land.”


“When the Apostle descends on your land none of your people will be left when he leaves.”

Tabari IX:42

“We have been dealt a situation from which there is no escape. You have seen what Muhammad has done. Arabs have submitted to him and we do not have the strength to fight. You know that no herd is safe from him. And no one even dares go outside for fear of being terrorized.”


“Allah said, ‘No Prophet before Muhammad took booty from his enemy nor prisoners for ransom.’ Muhammad said, ‘I was made victorious with terror. The earth was made a place for me to clean. I was given the most powerful words. Booty was made lawful for me. I was given the power to intercede. These five privileges were awarded to no prophet before me.’”


“Allah said, ‘A prophet must slaughter before collecting captives. A slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. Muhammad, you craved the desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion.’”


“Little do you remember My warning. How many towns have We destroyed as a raid by night? Our punishment took them suddenly while they slept for their afternoon rest. Our terror came to them; Our punishment overtook them.”

A tiny little fact that the indoctrinated are trained to overlook.
Islam, unlike Christianity, is not a faith for pacifists. Muslims kill their enemies - I'm surprised you don't agree with that as you kill yours? It's not like you are praying for them.
On the 1st page you have a photo of Amish walking, I assume for not "assimilating". However, the Amish do not insist on "Sharia Law", have no go zones, don't do honor killings, and do follow all US laws. My point is still valid, the US lifestyle is not compatible with radical Islam. You could get killed for saying that this is Mohammad --> (!)
They obey God's law - not man's. Same difference.
Muhammad tells Muslims to slaughter the infidels. That's their law.
Muslims are allowed to make war, as are Jews. The Christians weren't (but that never stopped them).

That's false.

As is true of the majority of your posts, they reek of ignorance and fabrication.
Nothing I said is false. Read your Bible (and Quran).

They obey God's law - not man's. Same difference.
Muhammad tells Muslims to slaughter the infidels. That's their law.
Muslims are allowed to make war, as are Jews. The Christians weren't (but that never stopped them).

That's false.

As is true of the majority of your posts, they reek of ignorance and fabrication.
Nothing I said is false. Read your Bible (and Quran).

You'll have no luck denying history and theology. Jesus was - a pussy.

One of the main reasons the Jews rejected him. The Jewish Messiah isn't a pussy.
As the title opines, the Left has a very different view than the Right.

As shown in the OP, a Republican President makes very clear what his priorities are:
" As President, I have no higher obligation than to safeguard the lives of American citizens. "

The Democrats, without trying to deny the dangers to American citizens, trumpet how many Syrian refugees they plan on injecting into our nation.

Is it humanitarian???/
Are Democrats claiming that these 'refugees' post no danger???


For a glimpse into their underlying view of these 'refugees,' here is their long-time mouthpiece...Thomas Friedman and the NYTimes:
"But how much is Germany spending to absorb one million Syrian refugees so they won’t be joining ISIS?"

Get that????
"Refugees' are no better than any other barbaric homicidal savage that supports ISIS, and if we don't pay them off (welfare, accommodations) they'll devolve as per their character: blood lust.

So saith the Liberal house organ....the NYTimes.

I'm willing to believe them about these folks....but not about the solution.
At least they don't try and force their shit on other people like progressives and Muslims do... you fucking piece of shit.
Regardless - they do not assimilate. And they do just fine here and vice versa.

"They do just fine" aside from the occasional mass murder, you mean?

The REQUIREMENT that they murder.

“Allah’s Apostle said, ‘I have been made victorious with terror.’”


“I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle.”


“If you gain mastery over them in battle, inflict such a defeat as would terrorize them, so that they would learn a lesson and be warned.”


“If you come upon them, deal so forcibly as to terrify those who would follow, that they may be warned. Make a severe example of them by terrorizing Allah’s enemies.”


“It is not fitting for any prophet to have prisoners until he has made a great slaughtered in the land.”


“When the Apostle descends on your land none of your people will be left when he leaves.”

Tabari IX:42

“We have been dealt a situation from which there is no escape. You have seen what Muhammad has done. Arabs have submitted to him and we do not have the strength to fight. You know that no herd is safe from him. And no one even dares go outside for fear of being terrorized.”


“Allah said, ‘No Prophet before Muhammad took booty from his enemy nor prisoners for ransom.’ Muhammad said, ‘I was made victorious with terror. The earth was made a place for me to clean. I was given the most powerful words. Booty was made lawful for me. I was given the power to intercede. These five privileges were awarded to no prophet before me.’”


“Allah said, ‘A prophet must slaughter before collecting captives. A slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. Muhammad, you craved the desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion.’”


“Little do you remember My warning. How many towns have We destroyed as a raid by night? Our punishment took them suddenly while they slept for their afternoon rest. Our terror came to them; Our punishment overtook them.”

A tiny little fact that the indoctrinated are trained to overlook.
Islam, unlike Christianity, is not a faith for pacifists. Muslims kill their enemies - I'm surprised you don't agree with that as you kill yours? It's not like you are praying for them.

That's right, Muslims kill us. They consider us to be their enemies. So why do you want to import these snakes into our country?
At least they don't try and force their shit on other people like progressives and Muslims do... you fucking piece of shit.
Regardless - they do not assimilate. And they do just fine here and vice versa.

"They do just fine" aside from the occasional mass murder, you mean?

The REQUIREMENT that they murder.

“Allah’s Apostle said, ‘I have been made victorious with terror.’”


“I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle.”


“If you gain mastery over them in battle, inflict such a defeat as would terrorize them, so that they would learn a lesson and be warned.”


“If you come upon them, deal so forcibly as to terrify those who would follow, that they may be warned. Make a severe example of them by terrorizing Allah’s enemies.”


“It is not fitting for any prophet to have prisoners until he has made a great slaughtered in the land.”


“When the Apostle descends on your land none of your people will be left when he leaves.”

Tabari IX:42

“We have been dealt a situation from which there is no escape. You have seen what Muhammad has done. Arabs have submitted to him and we do not have the strength to fight. You know that no herd is safe from him. And no one even dares go outside for fear of being terrorized.”


“Allah said, ‘No Prophet before Muhammad took booty from his enemy nor prisoners for ransom.’ Muhammad said, ‘I was made victorious with terror. The earth was made a place for me to clean. I was given the most powerful words. Booty was made lawful for me. I was given the power to intercede. These five privileges were awarded to no prophet before me.’”


“Allah said, ‘A prophet must slaughter before collecting captives. A slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. Muhammad, you craved the desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion.’”


“Little do you remember My warning. How many towns have We destroyed as a raid by night? Our punishment took them suddenly while they slept for their afternoon rest. Our terror came to them; Our punishment overtook them.”

A tiny little fact that the indoctrinated are trained to overlook.
Islam, unlike Christianity, is not a faith for pacifists. Muslims kill their enemies - I'm surprised you don't agree with that as you kill yours? It's not like you are praying for them.

That's right, Muslims kill us. They consider us to be their enemies. So why do you want to import these snakes into our country?
The ones coming in don't want to kill us. They just want a better life here.

Why are you such a child - constantly afraid of people different than you?
Regardless - they do not assimilate. And they do just fine here and vice versa.

"They do just fine" aside from the occasional mass murder, you mean?

The REQUIREMENT that they murder.

“Allah’s Apostle said, ‘I have been made victorious with terror.’”


“I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle.”


“If you gain mastery over them in battle, inflict such a defeat as would terrorize them, so that they would learn a lesson and be warned.”


“If you come upon them, deal so forcibly as to terrify those who would follow, that they may be warned. Make a severe example of them by terrorizing Allah’s enemies.”


“It is not fitting for any prophet to have prisoners until he has made a great slaughtered in the land.”


“When the Apostle descends on your land none of your people will be left when he leaves.”

Tabari IX:42

“We have been dealt a situation from which there is no escape. You have seen what Muhammad has done. Arabs have submitted to him and we do not have the strength to fight. You know that no herd is safe from him. And no one even dares go outside for fear of being terrorized.”


“Allah said, ‘No Prophet before Muhammad took booty from his enemy nor prisoners for ransom.’ Muhammad said, ‘I was made victorious with terror. The earth was made a place for me to clean. I was given the most powerful words. Booty was made lawful for me. I was given the power to intercede. These five privileges were awarded to no prophet before me.’”


“Allah said, ‘A prophet must slaughter before collecting captives. A slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. Muhammad, you craved the desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion.’”


“Little do you remember My warning. How many towns have We destroyed as a raid by night? Our punishment took them suddenly while they slept for their afternoon rest. Our terror came to them; Our punishment overtook them.”

A tiny little fact that the indoctrinated are trained to overlook.
Islam, unlike Christianity, is not a faith for pacifists. Muslims kill their enemies - I'm surprised you don't agree with that as you kill yours? It's not like you are praying for them.

That's right, Muslims kill us. They consider us to be their enemies. So why do you want to import these snakes into our country?
The ones coming in don't want to kill us. They just want a better life here.?

Why should anyone believe that? Furthermore, why should I care what they want? Do they benefit me in any way? No, so why should we allow them to come in?

Why are you such a child - constantly afraid of people different than you?

You mean the way Romans were afraid of German barbarians? the way native Americans were afraid of the White man?

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