Two explosions in Brussels airport

Ugh, here comes yet another day of spinning for the PC-protected religion....
One of the most disturbing things about this today, is that with the amount of security in Brussels already since Paris attacks, how has something this huge happened?
Only so much can be done in a free society. You can't arrest or search every Middle Eastern-looking person with a bag, for example, and the terrorists know it.

The biggest questions to me now are (1) how far these people are willinhes to go in hitting soft targets, and (2) whether there is a breaking point, a moment in which the attacks go too far and create large-scale violence by the public in response.

The West must profile, no matter how un-PC that is, no matter what the civil rights community says, no matter how many protest marches there are. It's the only way to slow this onslaught down.

Exactly, profile and also more camps....all rounded up and kept in camps away from the populations of our nations, we simply cannot trust any of them and it's impossible to separate wheat from chaff.

Who can you trust? I mean, Americans kill more Americans each year than Muslim terrorists. Let's lock up EVERYONE.
You are comparing apples and oranges.
Viciousness is a disease, and primarily male. We know enough about ourselves to be doing much better than we are. Until we deal with the realities of human nature, we will continue to suffer from its extremes.
The West must profile, no matter how un-PC that is, no matter what the civil rights community says, no matter how many protest marches there are. It's the only way to slow this onslaught down.

Exactly, profile and also more camps....all rounded up and kept in camps away from the populations of our nations, we simply cannot trust any of them and it's impossible to separate wheat from chaff.

Who can you trust? I mean, Americans kill more Americans each year than Muslim terrorists. Let's lock up EVERYONE.

Look at world wide terrorism. Nothing is worse than Islamic terrorism. NOTHING.

Why is that or do you have your head shoved up your PC arse to even acknowledge this fact?

The larger the Islamic population the more prevalent Islamic terrorism becomes.

What about US foreign policy?

I mean, the US has supported Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Mobutu Sese Seko, Augusto Pinochet, François Duvalier to name a few

List of authoritarian regimes supported by the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The wars that have destroyed countries like Vietnam and Iraq.

Compared to Islamic terrorism, you're looking at about the same. Neither of them are good in any way.

I'm willing to see more than just what you want to see.

So, it's now IRA, Rote Armee Fraktion, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Mobuto etc.

What are you going on about now?

There's a difference between the IRA, RAF etc which I was discussing in relation to your statement that all terrorists are Muslim, and Saddam and others which is in relation to dictators the US supported.

Do you, perhaps, see the difference?
Idiot!!! You aspire to be a moron!!!


I would ask you to explain why. But don't bother Greg, you're going on the ignore list. I don't do insulters.

Thank you; now piss off!!


The Islamic apologists can't handle things like this, it shows their Muslim pets not from a good angle.

Since when have personal attacks been ON-TOPIC?

I already started a new threat as to the causes of Brussels attacks, should I start another one so anyone who disagrees with you can be called an "Islamic apologist"?

Jeez, let's just attack each other. Oh, wait, not, that's not intelligent and not what I come on to a board like this. If I wanted to attack people, I'd just go to a kiddies forum.

Maybe this isn't the best time for you to be making a fool of yourself.

The Molenbeek suburb of Brussels....100,000 Muslims, they've been there for nearly 20 years, they have REFUSED to integrate and have effectively self-ghettoised themselves in Molenbeek.

The Paris November attacks were planned there, the ones that got away ran back there to hide etc.

My solution would be to do what the IDF would do in such a situation....the ENTIRE Molenbeek surburb should be subjected to mortars and intense shelling until it's reduced to car park material....I don't care if the 100,000 Islamists living in Molenbeek are all killed, they plan attacks to kill our people from there, they hide terrorists there, so I don't give a shit at this point.
No MUSLIMS allowed to immigrate. PERIOD!!!!


So, all Muslims are at fault?

I had a post where I was asked if we deserved to be blown up.

If all Muslims are guilty here, then we're all guilty too and deserve to be blown up.
I would ask you to explain why. But don't bother Greg, you're going on the ignore list. I don't do insulters.

Thank you; now piss off!!


The Islamic apologists can't handle things like this, it shows their Muslim pets not from a good angle.

Since when have personal attacks been ON-TOPIC?

I already started a new threat as to the causes of Brussels attacks, should I start another one so anyone who disagrees with you can be called an "Islamic apologist"?

Jeez, let's just attack each other. Oh, wait, not, that's not intelligent and not what I come on to a board like this. If I wanted to attack people, I'd just go to a kiddies forum.

Maybe this isn't the best time for you to be making a fool of yourself.

The Molenbeek suburb of Brussels....100,000 Muslims, they've been there for nearly 20 years, they have REFUSED to integrate and have effectively self-ghettoised themselves in Molenbeek.

The Paris November attacks were planned there, the ones that got away ran back there to hide etc.

My solution would be to do what the IDF would do in such a situation....the ENTIRE Molenbeek surburb should be subjected to mortars and intense shelling until it's reduced to car park material....I don't care if the 100,000 Islamists living in Molenbeek are all killed, they plan attacks to kill our people from there, they hide terrorists there, so I don't give a shit at this point.

Your solution would make things worse.

(funny how this was off topic an hour ago)
No MUSLIMS allowed to immigrate. PERIOD!!!!


So, all Muslims are at fault?

I had a post where I was asked if we deserved to be blown up.

If all Muslims are guilty here, then we're all guilty too and deserve to be blown up.

It's impossible to separate the wheat from chaff, so they ALL must be considered potential terrorists.
No MUSLIMS allowed to immigrate. PERIOD!!!!


So, all Muslims are at fault?

I had a post where I was asked if we deserved to be blown up.

If all Muslims are guilty here, then we're all guilty too and deserve to be blown up.

I'm sorry. But for now, guilt by association. Just like the push on gun control. The lawful have to pay a price too

Oh please, how old are you?

Listen you completely flipped out on page one of this thread, immediately going on several rants ALL of which had nothing to do with the OP then when this was pointed out to you, flipped again and had more rants this time about the IRA, 1914 etc.

I didn't completely flip out.

Nothing to do with Brussels? So, the attacks on Brussels had nothing to do with Bush invading Iraq? Some people woke up this morning, they had no knowledge of Bush invading Iraq, didn't give a damn about it, then thought "hey, he's an idea, let's go bomb the airport and metro" and they got their friends, who also don't care about the invasion of Iraq, to help them do it.


You're saying therefore that WE have asked for this? WE deserve the terrorist attacks?

More or less yes. However don't jump to conclusions here. Read what I have to say before you flip out.

In America people can vote. It has some semblance of democracy.

The people voted in George W Bush in 2000. More or less. He won the election anyway and became the President. Congress was also elected by the people.

Therefore the people of America decided to go to war. Even those who did not vote for him accepted the system and accepted the appointment of Bush. Then the invasion happened and the ineptitude that came later from Bremer and Bush.

Things happened before this that led to 9/11 that were also done by a Democratically elected govt over a long period.

So, if someone punches you in the face, and you punch them back, did you deserve to get punched in the face? Probably.

So, if the American people went to war, and then got war back, did they deserve it? Probably.

However when it comes to Belgium it becomes a lot harder. They didn't go to war. But the war the US started (and the UK supported by Spain and others) has become a wider thing. Belgium was suffered for being allied with the US.

Do the individuals deserve it? Well this is a difficult question that takes a lot more than one post to get through. I'll leave that up to your thought process.

But to simply.

Did the people of Iraq deserve to get invaded by Bush? Did they deserve to have the ineptitude of Bremer and Bush? Did all Muslims deserve to be looked down on by Americans for not doing anything?

Then you have the arguments of various people on the right that all Muslims are to blame. Well if all Muslims are to blame then all Westerners are to blame too, and therefore "deserve it".

The last view I certainly DON'T stand by.

The first view is one which I don't like, but I understand. If you elect people, and they do crazy shit, then you reap what you sow.

Electing Bush was idiocy. Voting for Trump is idiocy.

Trump will sow more.
Muslims have been at war for 1500 years.

I didn't realize Bush and Trump were 1500 years old.

And Christians have been at war for 2000 years.

So.... what? You're trying to make a lame argument for what purpose?
Thank you; now piss off!!


The Islamic apologists can't handle things like this, it shows their Muslim pets not from a good angle.

Since when have personal attacks been ON-TOPIC?

I already started a new threat as to the causes of Brussels attacks, should I start another one so anyone who disagrees with you can be called an "Islamic apologist"?

Jeez, let's just attack each other. Oh, wait, not, that's not intelligent and not what I come on to a board like this. If I wanted to attack people, I'd just go to a kiddies forum.

Maybe this isn't the best time for you to be making a fool of yourself.

The Molenbeek suburb of Brussels....100,000 Muslims, they've been there for nearly 20 years, they have REFUSED to integrate and have effectively self-ghettoised themselves in Molenbeek.

The Paris November attacks were planned there, the ones that got away ran back there to hide etc.

My solution would be to do what the IDF would do in such a situation....the ENTIRE Molenbeek surburb should be subjected to mortars and intense shelling until it's reduced to car park material....I don't care if the 100,000 Islamists living in Molenbeek are all killed, they plan attacks to kill our people from there, they hide terrorists there, so I don't give a shit at this point.

Your solution would make things worse.

(funny how this was off topic an hour ago)

Well if my full solution were put into operation no, because every Muslim across Europa would have already been rounded up and put into massive camps post-Paris November attacks....also EVERY Mosque in Europa would have already have been raided and shut down.

We have choice, keep with the Politically Correct horsecrap and let the terror attacks continue OR stop the Politically Correct horsecrap and get hardcore, there is no middle ground on this.
No MUSLIMS allowed to immigrate. PERIOD!!!!


So, all Muslims are at fault?

I had a post where I was asked if we deserved to be blown up.

If all Muslims are guilty here, then we're all guilty too and deserve to be blown up.

I'm sorry. But for now, guilt by association. Just like the push on gun control. The lawful have to pay a price too


So, then America deserves to be blown up by terrorists.
I'll just ignore you now, so rant away....I'll be requesting a cleaning up of this thread anyhow as you're so much Off Topic of what this thread is about it's getting ridiculous already.

So why do you come on here?

Why do you come to a place with differing views if you're going to ignore them? You're not debating me. You're telling me to accept what you say, or shut up.

You think talking about the events that have led up to this are off topic. Sure they are, good excuse for you to IGNORE REALITY.

And you know what's even funnier. I was having a "debate" with a Pakistani today.

He said much the same as you.

He said he supports Hamas no matter what Hamas do. He says Jews should die. Then told me I was wrong and he was right and just kept attacking me the whole time. Just like you're doing. There's not much difference between the right in Islam and the right in the West.

You just have to shut up and do as you're told.
Hijack another thread or start one yourself.

No one is trying to silence you!

She has began her own thread, but strangely randomly keeps commenting same things in this thread.

Frigid is a She... that's a horrible combination..

You know, I was in the bed asleep, and was woken with my mobile phone going off and this was our friend, who I mention earlier, they were supposed to get flight today from that airport. So, I'm half-awake and they're telling me they're phoning to say it's okay they're not caught up in the explosions at the airport as they're stuck in traffic half a mile from the airport.

So very confusing being half-awake, told such things....and we've been up ever since, so no sleep.

Thank you for the thread and the personal life effects. The world seems a lot closer nowadays, so much information to organize and put into perspective unless you choose to be oblivious I guess.

I'll never forget waking up to "9/11" coverage...
No MUSLIMS allowed to immigrate. PERIOD!!!!


So, all Muslims are at fault?

I had a post where I was asked if we deserved to be blown up.

If all Muslims are guilty here, then we're all guilty too and deserve to be blown up.

I'm sorry. But for now, guilt by association. Just like the push on gun control. The lawful have to pay a price too


So, then America deserves to be blown up by terrorists.

I miss the point.

We're at war with Islam. Trump is right...Time to kill them!

We are the rational and civilised peoples, we CANNOT either negotiate nor reason with these Satanic homicidal monsters.

Who is rational and civilized exactly?

You mean, like the country that went to war on a completely false pretext and then completely and utterly fucked up the post war period in total style?

Bush kicked out the Bathe party members from the Iraqi army and so ISIS began and had the logistics to develop into the terrorist group that we see. Now the Republican Party is saying....."PLEASE GIVE US ANOTHER CHANCE!"

I wonder what country "president Phrump" would invade first?
We are witnessing the usual pro-Islamic apologists, they are actually disgusting.

Again, instead of dealing with the reality, you're trying to make people hide.

I am NOT APOLOGIZING for these terrorists. I already said what they did was terrible.

However I'm trying to tell people how to stop terrorism, on the right, people don't want it to stop. They want to keep fucking people around, and making people angry and making people take up arms so they can be tough on them and use it as an excuse to shut people up.


I'll just ignore you now, so rant away....I'll be requesting a cleaning up of this thread anyhow as you're so much Off Topic of what this thread is about it's getting ridiculous already.

So why do you come on here?

Why do you come to a place with differing views if you're going to ignore them? You're not debating me. You're telling me to accept what you say, or shut up.

You think talking about the events that have led up to this are off topic. Sure they are, good excuse for you to IGNORE REALITY.

And you know what's even funnier. I was having a "debate" with a Pakistani today.

He said much the same as you.

He said he supports Hamas no matter what Hamas do. He says Jews should die. Then told me I was wrong and he was right and just kept attacking me the whole time. Just like you're doing. There's not much difference between the right in Islam and the right in the West.

You just have to shut up and do as you're told.
Hijack another thread or start one yourself.

No one is trying to silence you!

I started another one, and I didn't hijack this thread. This thread is about "two explosion in Brussels airport", I've been talking about the causes of the bombs in Brussels airport.

However, trying to put people down is trying to shut them up.
You know the cause of the bombings in Brussels?

Again, you have not been silenced.
The West must infilitrate ALL mosques. We must know what is being taught, we must STOP the teaching that suicide bombers go Allah and receive the virgins.
These kind of teachings must end !!
The Islamic apologists can't handle things like this, it shows their Muslim pets not from a good angle.

Since when have personal attacks been ON-TOPIC?

I already started a new threat as to the causes of Brussels attacks, should I start another one so anyone who disagrees with you can be called an "Islamic apologist"?

Jeez, let's just attack each other. Oh, wait, not, that's not intelligent and not what I come on to a board like this. If I wanted to attack people, I'd just go to a kiddies forum.

Maybe this isn't the best time for you to be making a fool of yourself.

The Molenbeek suburb of Brussels....100,000 Muslims, they've been there for nearly 20 years, they have REFUSED to integrate and have effectively self-ghettoised themselves in Molenbeek.

The Paris November attacks were planned there, the ones that got away ran back there to hide etc.

My solution would be to do what the IDF would do in such a situation....the ENTIRE Molenbeek surburb should be subjected to mortars and intense shelling until it's reduced to car park material....I don't care if the 100,000 Islamists living in Molenbeek are all killed, they plan attacks to kill our people from there, they hide terrorists there, so I don't give a shit at this point.

Your solution would make things worse.

(funny how this was off topic an hour ago)

Well if my full solution were put into operation no, because every Muslim across Europa would have already been rounded up and put into massive camps post-Paris November attacks....also EVERY Mosque in Europa would have already have been raided and shut down.

We have choice, keep with the Politically Correct horsecrap and let the terror attacks continue OR stop the Politically Correct horsecrap and get hardcore, there is no middle ground on this.

So your solution to try and stop people suffering, is to make MORE PEOPLE suffer?

Your solution to a problem that was caused by people feeling they had no choice but to take up arms against a repressive govt like the US, is to make them feel even worse, and to push even MORE people towards terrorism.

If you look at the history of different terrorist groups you'll see that govts treating them badly is the reason why they started in the first place.

Islam has a mass of different strands that are coming together in the modern era.

And your solution is to keep doing what has proven to cause more terrorism as a way of stopping terrorism.

Excuse me if I don't get it.

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