Two explosions in Brussels airport

The Molenbeek suburb of Brussels....100,000 Muslims, they've been there for nearly 20 years, they have REFUSED to integrate and have effectively self-ghettoised themselves in Molenbeek.

The Paris November attacks were planned there, the ones that got away ran back there to hide etc.

My solution would be to do what the IDF would do in such a situation....the ENTIRE Molenbeek surburb should be subjected to mortars and intense shelling until it's reduced to car park material....I don't care if the 100,000 Islamists living in Molenbeek are all killed, they plan attacks to kill our people from there, they hide terrorists there, so I don't give a shit at this point.

Your solution would make things worse.

(funny how this was off topic an hour ago)

Well if my full solution were put into operation no, because every Muslim across Europa would have already been rounded up and put into massive camps post-Paris November attacks....also EVERY Mosque in Europa would have already have been raided and shut down.

We have choice, keep with the Politically Correct horsecrap and let the terror attacks continue OR stop the Politically Correct horsecrap and get hardcore, there is no middle ground on this.

Cut their financing, communications and finding the heads of the snake would be a great start. I'd forget the rounding up part, acclimate to western culture or back to the middle east you go.

Gads, maybe Trump should go into the full time, "beautiful" Wall builder business...:lol:
Yours is a more sensible solution than the mass gathering up and extermination suggested

Well, safe settlements for refugees in Jordan or other middle-eastern countries seems like the best plans I've heard.

What about the one's who have been born in Europa....we're not meaning the "refugees" at the moment, we're talking about what they refer to as "Home Grown"

I have no idea who you were responding to....but I suggested operating now on IDF methods....I presume who you were responding to is also against the IDF methods that they use themselves against terrorists operating within Israel?
No MUSLIMS allowed to immigrate. PERIOD!!!!


So, all Muslims are at fault?

I had a post where I was asked if we deserved to be blown up.

If all Muslims are guilty here, then we're all guilty too and deserve to be blown up.
Blow yourself up.

WE are guilty of nothing and do not deserve to be blown up.

And therefore Muslims are not guilty because of what other Muslims are doing.

For now, they have to be because we lack to data to discern. They need to round them all up and put them in camps like we did to the Japs in WW2. Sort it out, then regroup

The Molenbeek suburb of Brussels....100,000 Muslims, they've been there for nearly 20 years, they have REFUSED to integrate and have effectively self-ghettoised themselves in Molenbeek.

The Paris November attacks were planned there, the ones that got away ran back there to hide etc.

My solution would be to do what the IDF would do in such a situation....the ENTIRE Molenbeek surburb should be subjected to mortars and intense shelling until it's reduced to car park material....I don't care if the 100,000 Islamists living in Molenbeek are all killed, they plan attacks to kill our people from there, they hide terrorists there, so I don't give a shit at this point.

Your solution would make things worse.

(funny how this was off topic an hour ago)

Well if my full solution were put into operation no, because every Muslim across Europa would have already been rounded up and put into massive camps post-Paris November attacks....also EVERY Mosque in Europa would have already have been raided and shut down.

We have choice, keep with the Politically Correct horsecrap and let the terror attacks continue OR stop the Politically Correct horsecrap and get hardcore, there is no middle ground on this.

Cut their financing, communications and finding the heads of the snake would be a great start. I'd forget the rounding up part, acclimate to western culture or back to the middle east you go.

Gads, maybe Trump should go into the full time, "beautiful" Wall builder business...:lol:
Yours is a more sensible solution than the mass gathering up and extermination suggested

Well, safe settlements for refugees in Jordan or other middle-eastern countries seems like the best plans I've heard.

What to do is one thing where and who they are is the bigger question for me right now.

"At least half of the extremists who killed nearly 130 people on Friday are thought to have been raised in France and neighboring Belgium.

"We are breeding a generation of kids who are estranged from their own societies," U.K.-based expert on radicalization Bill Durodie said.

Security forces have zeroed in on a poor Molenbeek suburb of Brussels, where several people were detained in a series of raids since the ISIS-linked attacks. Tiny Belgium — with a population of just 11 million — has the highest number per capita of militants fighting in Syria and Iraq, experts say. Many are from Molenbeek, which has a long history of links to extremism.

According to Claude Moniquet, a former Belgian intelligence agent and co-founder of the European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center, poverty and segregation are feeding extremism in the area.

He said some parts of Molenbeek are 80 to 90 percent Muslim, "so there is no mixing, no interaction with other communities."

Why Is This Brussels Suburb Home to So Many Extremists?

The crazy talk of mass rounding up and annihilation makes us no better than the terrorists and only serves top breed more hatred and killings.
No MUSLIMS allowed to immigrate. PERIOD!!!!


So, all Muslims are at fault?

I had a post where I was asked if we deserved to be blown up.

If all Muslims are guilty here, then we're all guilty too and deserve to be blown up.
Blow yourself up.

WE are guilty of nothing and do not deserve to be blown up.

And therefore Muslims are not guilty because of what other Muslims are doing.

For now, they have to be because we lack to data to discern. They need to round them all up and put them in camps like we did to the Japs in WW2. Sort it out, then regroup


And why not put YOU in a camp until everything is sorted out?
No MUSLIMS allowed to immigrate. PERIOD!!!!


So, all Muslims are at fault?

I had a post where I was asked if we deserved to be blown up.

If all Muslims are guilty here, then we're all guilty too and deserve to be blown up.
Blow yourself up.

WE are guilty of nothing and do not deserve to be blown up.

And therefore Muslims are not guilty because of what other Muslims are doing.

For now, they have to be because we lack to data to discern. They need to round them all up and put them in camps like we did to the Japs in WW2. Sort it out, then regroup


And why not put YOU in a camp until everything is sorted out?

Probably because Geaux isn't a potential suicide bomber.
The crazy talk of mass rounding up and annihilation makes us no better than the terrorists and only serves top breed more hatred and killings.

Well said.

And, no, a lot of these people are no better than these terrorists.

They support the invasion of other countries, the bombing of other people, they don't care for these people's lives and they bring these bombs onto us.

They bring up fear and we have to pay for it.
Your solution would make things worse.

(funny how this was off topic an hour ago)

Well if my full solution were put into operation no, because every Muslim across Europa would have already been rounded up and put into massive camps post-Paris November attacks....also EVERY Mosque in Europa would have already have been raided and shut down.

We have choice, keep with the Politically Correct horsecrap and let the terror attacks continue OR stop the Politically Correct horsecrap and get hardcore, there is no middle ground on this.

Cut their financing, communications and finding the heads of the snake would be a great start. I'd forget the rounding up part, acclimate to western culture or back to the middle east you go.

Gads, maybe Trump should go into the full time, "beautiful" Wall builder business...:lol:
Yours is a more sensible solution than the mass gathering up and extermination suggested

Well, safe settlements for refugees in Jordan or other middle-eastern countries seems like the best plans I've heard.

What about the one's who have been born in Europa....we're not meaning the "refugees" at the moment, we're talking about what they refer to as "Home Grown"

I have no idea who you were responding to....but I suggested operating now on IDF methods....I presume who you were responding to is also against the IDF methods that they use themselves against terrorists operating within Israel?
The OP put me on ignore because I asked her a valid question and she had a meltdown. So no need to go further on that issue.
Your solution would make things worse.

(funny how this was off topic an hour ago)

Well if my full solution were put into operation no, because every Muslim across Europa would have already been rounded up and put into massive camps post-Paris November attacks....also EVERY Mosque in Europa would have already have been raided and shut down.

We have choice, keep with the Politically Correct horsecrap and let the terror attacks continue OR stop the Politically Correct horsecrap and get hardcore, there is no middle ground on this.

So your solution to try and stop people suffering, is to make MORE PEOPLE suffer?

Your solution to a problem that was caused by people feeling they had no choice but to take up arms against a repressive govt like the US, is to make them feel even worse, and to push even MORE people towards terrorism.

If you look at the history of different terrorist groups you'll see that govts treating them badly is the reason why they started in the first place.

Islam has a mass of different strands that are coming together in the modern era.

And your solution is to keep doing what has proven to cause more terrorism as a way of stopping terrorism.

Excuse me if I don't get it.

No my solution is to 24/7 go HARDCORE on their asses, we need to operate now 100% on similar policy that IDF uses....also EVERY SINGLE border AND port in Europa ARMED troops at ALL points, with machine-guns and full Zero Tolerance policy of Shoot To Kill....not to injure, to kill.

As I said, your "solution" isn't a solution.

Your solution is what? Remember we don't have the luxury of a long drawn out solution....we must have a quick acting solution, unfortunately what happened this morning can happen ANYWHERE in Europa now at ANY TIME.

The world moves like a stupid fat puppy, a consistent positive process is the best we could hope for.realistically. This isn't Game of Thrones after all...(starts soon ... :woohoo:G of T)
The crazy talk of mass rounding up and annihilation makes us no better than the terrorists and only serves top breed more hatred and killings.

Well said.

And, no, a lot of these people are no better than these terrorists.

They support the invasion of other countries, the bombing of other people, they don't care for these people's lives and they bring these bombs onto us.

They bring up fear and we have to pay for it.
Ineffectual people seeking ineffective solutions.
So, all Muslims are at fault?

I had a post where I was asked if we deserved to be blown up.

If all Muslims are guilty here, then we're all guilty too and deserve to be blown up.
Blow yourself up.

WE are guilty of nothing and do not deserve to be blown up.

And therefore Muslims are not guilty because of what other Muslims are doing.

For now, they have to be because we lack to data to discern. They need to round them all up and put them in camps like we did to the Japs in WW2. Sort it out, then regroup


And why not put YOU in a camp until everything is sorted out?

Probably because Geaux isn't a potential suicide bomber.

Most Muslims are also not potential suicide bombers.
No MUSLIMS allowed to immigrate. PERIOD!!!!


So, all Muslims are at fault?

I had a post where I was asked if we deserved to be blown up.

If all Muslims are guilty here, then we're all guilty too and deserve to be blown up.
Blow yourself up.

WE are guilty of nothing and do not deserve to be blown up.

And therefore Muslims are not guilty because of what other Muslims are doing.

For now, they have to be because we lack to data to discern. They need to round them all up and put them in camps like we did to the Japs in WW2. Sort it out, then regroup


And why not put YOU in a camp until everything is sorted out?

I'm not Muslim

I'll just ignore you now, so rant away....I'll be requesting a cleaning up of this thread anyhow as you're so much Off Topic of what this thread is about it's getting ridiculous already.

So why do you come on here?

Why do you come to a place with differing views if you're going to ignore them? You're not debating me. You're telling me to accept what you say, or shut up.

You think talking about the events that have led up to this are off topic. Sure they are, good excuse for you to IGNORE REALITY.

And you know what's even funnier. I was having a "debate" with a Pakistani today.

He said much the same as you.

He said he supports Hamas no matter what Hamas do. He says Jews should die. Then told me I was wrong and he was right and just kept attacking me the whole time. Just like you're doing. There's not much difference between the right in Islam and the right in the West.

You just have to shut up and do as you're told.
Hijack another thread or start one yourself.

No one is trying to silence you!

I started another one, and I didn't hijack this thread. This thread is about "two explosion in Brussels airport", I've been talking about the causes of the bombs in Brussels airport.

However, trying to put people down is trying to shut them up.
You know the cause of the bombings in Brussels?

Again, you have not been silenced.

You don't seem to understand what people do.

Just because someone tries to silence me, doesn't mean they will succeed.

Trying to derail what someone says, doesn't mean they will be successful in doing this.
Oh! I fully understand what people do, and what they are capable of.

No one has succeeded or attempted to silence you.
The crazy talk of mass rounding up and annihilation makes us no better than the terrorists and only serves top breed more hatred and killings.

Well said.

And, no, a lot of these people are no better than these terrorists.

They support the invasion of other countries, the bombing of other people, they don't care for these people's lives and they bring these bombs onto us.

They bring up fear and we have to pay for it.

"And, no, a lot of these people are no better than these terrorists."

So we're no different than the POS who commit suicide attacks, burn people alive, bury people alive, stone women to death, throw gays off tall buildings, crucify people, chop heads with knives, gang-rape women, girls and little boys and sell women and girls into sex slavery?

Okay....whatever :rolleyes-41:
The crazy talk of mass rounding up and annihilation makes us no better than the terrorists and only serves top breed more hatred and killings.

Well said.

And, no, a lot of these people are no better than these terrorists.

They support the invasion of other countries, the bombing of other people, they don't care for these people's lives and they bring these bombs onto us.

They bring up fear and we have to pay for it.

"And, no, a lot of these people are no better than these terrorists."

So we're no different than the POS who commit suicide attacks, burn people alive, bury people alive, stone women to death, throw gays off tall buildings, crucify people, chop heads with knives, gang-rape women, girls and little boys and sell women and girls into sex slavery?

Okay....whatever :rolleyes-41:
Your solution is that is of one who has a terrorist frame of mind.

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