Two explosions in Brussels airport

The crazy talk of mass rounding up and annihilation makes us no better than the terrorists and only serves top breed more hatred and killings.

Well said.

And, no, a lot of these people are no better than these terrorists.

They support the invasion of other countries, the bombing of other people, they don't care for these people's lives and they bring these bombs onto us.

They bring up fear and we have to pay for it.
Ineffectual people seeking ineffective solutions.

We're at war with Islam. Trump is right...Time to kill them!

Yeah and then the right wing's wet dream will come true.

The end of the Cold War was the worst thing that happened to the right.

Their President got kicked out of office, the last President to do so, Clinton was in for 8 years and then Bush got elected and found what the right was looking for.

An excuse to spend more on the military, have more insecurity, have people being more nationalistic.

Who dies? Not the rich, but the normal people.

Thanks Bush, for causing all of this, for making war and making people angry enough for them to come and kill us.
Yep, it's all Bush's fault. Who's fault was it on 9/11? Bush had only been president for a few months.

Yes......the left supports Islam, thus they support terrorism. The tactics they used in Chicago at Trump rallies were essentially the same terrorists tactics that the attackers used last year in France to infiltrate events. The only difference was the level of violence used. This is the kind of mess Obama is bringing to America, the kind of hate and violence that we're seeing in Brussels this morning.
This story is just breaking on BBC....they are talking POSSIBLE suicide bombs, POSSIBLE I stress and they've just said on BBC TV that there are fatalities and are awaiting updates. This story below is from BBC website a few moments ago:

Brussels Zaventem airport rocked by two explosions

Two explosions have been reported at Zaventem airport in Brussels.

Images on social media from the scene showed smoke rising from one of the terminal buildings. The cause of the explosions is unknown.

Reports say the blasts were in the departures area and speak of casualties although this has not been confirmed.

The blasts come four days after the capture in Brussels of Salah Abdeslam, the main suspect in the Paris attacks in November.

Belgian media say the airport is being evacuated. It has been closed to flights. Rail transport to the facility has been halted.

Social media reports from the scene speak of panic as people fled the airport buildings.

Brussels Zaventem airport blasts cause casualties - BBC News

Okay, so now our friend cannot account for her younger sister who might have been in the Metro. I cannot believe this shit is happening.
We're at war with Islam. Trump is right...Time to kill them!

Yeah and then the right wing's wet dream will come true.

The end of the Cold War was the worst thing that happened to the right.

Their President got kicked out of office, the last President to do so, Clinton was in for 8 years and then Bush got elected and found what the right was looking for.

An excuse to spend more on the military, have more insecurity, have people being more nationalistic.

Who dies? Not the rich, but the normal people.

Thanks Bush, for causing all of this, for making war and making people angry enough for them to come and kill us.
Yep, it's all Bush's fault. Who's fault was it on 9/11? Bush had only been president for a few months.

Yes......the left supports Islam, thus they support terrorism. The tactics they used in Chicago at Trump rallies were essentially the same terrorists tactics that the attackers used last year in France to infiltrate events. The only difference was the level of violence used. This is the kind of mess Obama is bringing to America, the kind of hate and violence that we're seeing in Brussels this morning.

Actually the left supports freedom of religion.

I don't like Islam, I don't support Islam, but i support people who want to be Muslims or Christians or whatever as long as they don't harm people.
Thanks Bush, for causing all of this, for making war and making people angry enough for them to come and kill us.

How fucking rich is this. Fucking bitch-slapped by Bush and still pissed. Hilarious. How you going to feel after eight years of Trump up your ass, faggot? Break out the vaseline son.

Bitch slapped? He made this world a much less safe place to be. And Trump wants to make it more unsafe, and you're acting like this is a good thing.....
We're at war with Islam. Trump is right...Time to kill them!

Yeah and then the right wing's wet dream will come true.

The end of the Cold War was the worst thing that happened to the right.

Their President got kicked out of office, the last President to do so, Clinton was in for 8 years and then Bush got elected and found what the right was looking for.

An excuse to spend more on the military, have more insecurity, have people being more nationalistic.

Who dies? Not the rich, but the normal people.

Thanks Bush, for causing all of this, for making war and making people angry enough for them to come and kill us.
Yep, it's all Bush's fault. Who's fault was it on 9/11? Bush had only been president for a few months.

Yes......the left supports Islam, thus they support terrorism. The tactics they used in Chicago at Trump rallies were essentially the same terrorists tactics that the attackers used last year in France to infiltrate events. The only difference was the level of violence used. This is the kind of mess Obama is bringing to America, the kind of hate and violence that we're seeing in Brussels this morning.

Actually the left supports freedom of religion.

I don't like Islam, I don't support Islam, but i support people who want to be Muslims or Christians or whatever as long as they don't harm people.
Freedom of religion if you're Muslim. Everyone else.....nope.
Exactly, profile and also more camps....all rounded up and kept in camps away from the populations of our nations, we simply cannot trust any of them and it's impossible to separate wheat from chaff.

Who can you trust? I mean, Americans kill more Americans each year than Muslim terrorists. Let's lock up EVERYONE.
The majority of the deaths in this country are:

Gang related.
Drug related.
Mental illness, etc.

Yep. Lock em all up!


You're choosing your groups. So I'll choose mine.

Gangs and drugs are generally males. So lock up all males.

1/4 of all people have mental illnesses, so we lock 'em all up? That's more than half the country. I know the US is trying to lock everyone up, but seriously.
I don't choose groups.

I think for myself.

Too many in prison in this country that shouldn't be there.

There are other ways to deal with most of these individuals.

I'm the same. I've never found it easy to identify with the groups people have chosen for me.

The US is going downhill, if you have so many people who are breaking the law, you must be doing a lot wrong.
1st mistake. Allowing someone to put you in a group.

The US is not going downhill. Illusion?

So many are breaking the law because the laws are not being enforced.

When we allow people to just waltz across the border and thumb their noses at our laws, then laws are meaningless and are subject to violation.

That is contributing to what is wrong.

I am at a point where I could care less about our laws when others can just violate them.
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Bitch slapped? He made this world a much less safe place to be. And Trump wants to make it more unsafe, and you're acting like this is a good thing.....

Why don't you put your mouth back down on some Muslim's balls and ass, asshole. Right where it belongs.

So, you think this is going to help your "argument" do you?

Do you know how many times I've been attacked and insulted today?
My condolences... Terrorism is really world problem

Terrorism and the foreign policies of certain countries who act like terrorists, the US, the UK, Russia for example.
My condolences... Terrorism is really world problem

Terrorism and the foreign policies of certain countries who act like terrorists, the US, the UK, Russia for example.

I don't see any links either with Russia, US or UK..
No MUSLIMS allowed to immigrate. PERIOD!!!!


So, all Muslims are at fault?

I had a post where I was asked if we deserved to be blown up.

If all Muslims are guilty here, then we're all guilty too and deserve to be blown up.
Blow yourself up.

WE are guilty of nothing and do not deserve to be blown up.

And therefore Muslims are not guilty because of what other Muslims are doing.
They still need to be vetted and scrutinized.
We're at war with Islam. Trump is right...Time to kill them!

Yeah and then the right wing's wet dream will come true.

The end of the Cold War was the worst thing that happened to the right.

Their President got kicked out of office, the last President to do so, Clinton was in for 8 years and then Bush got elected and found what the right was looking for.

An excuse to spend more on the military, have more insecurity, have people being more nationalistic.

Who dies? Not the rich, but the normal people.

Thanks Bush, for causing all of this, for making war and making people angry enough for them to come and kill us.
Yep, it's all Bush's fault. Who's fault was it on 9/11? Bush had only been president for a few months.

Yes......the left supports Islam, thus they support terrorism. The tactics they used in Chicago at Trump rallies were essentially the same terrorists tactics that the attackers used last year in France to infiltrate events. The only difference was the level of violence used. This is the kind of mess Obama is bringing to America, the kind of hate and violence that we're seeing in Brussels this morning.

Actually the left supports freedom of religion.

I don't like Islam, I don't support Islam, but i support people who want to be Muslims or Christians or whatever as long as they don't harm people.
Freedom of religion if you're Muslim. Everyone else.....nope.

This isn't a debate, this is just you coming up with nonsense.

I'm not replying to your nonsense.
My condolences... Terrorism is really world problem

Terrorism and the foreign policies of certain countries who act like terrorists, the US, the UK, Russia for example.
You obviously don't know the difference between military aggression and terrorism.
I'm scratching my head over your attempt to lump the UK into this. And I wonder what Brussels and Germany did to deserve the kind of attacks we're seeing in the news this morning. Or is your problem with Western Society in general?
My condolences... Terrorism is really world problem

Terrorism and the foreign policies of certain countries who act like terrorists, the US, the UK, Russia for example.
My condolences... Terrorism is really world problem

Terrorism and the foreign policies of certain countries who act like terrorists, the US, the UK, Russia for example.

I don't see any links either with Russia, US or UK..

Other than they have a tendency of using arms in foreign countries?
The crazy talk of mass rounding up and annihilation makes us no better than the terrorists and only serves top breed more hatred and killings.

Well said.

And, no, a lot of these people are no better than these terrorists.

They support the invasion of other countries, the bombing of other people, they don't care for these people's lives and they bring these bombs onto us.

They bring up fear and we have to pay for it.
Ineffectual people seeking ineffective solutions.


You INSIST on blaming ALL of this on invasion of Iraq in I ask you, our friend cannot account for her younger sister who might have been in Metro, she is 20 years-old, when GWB invaded Iraq she was SIX YEARS-OLD...if something terrible today has happened to her, is it HER FAULT, at age 6 years when GWB invaded Iraq....if something terrible has happened today to her, is SHE to BLAME, does SHE DESERVE this, you blame ALL of this on invasion of Iraq.

So, tell me yes or no?
So, you think this is going to help your "argument" do you?

Do you know how many times I've been attacked and insulted today?

Help what argument? You're in a Brussels explosion thread, praising Allah and bashing Bush. My argument would be, bend over and prepare yourself - and other inbreds like you - to be rounded up and placed in fucking GITMO with your brothers after Trump's elected. American doesn't need whiney little shitstain commies like you to get back on track. We need Americans. Time for you to get the fuck out, cumstain.

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