Two Halves Of One Asshole


Sep 23, 2010
From the little I read about the SOTU speech, I should call him Taqiyya the Boring instead of Taqiyya the Liar:

Obama delivers the most boring speech of his presidency

I am not going to waste a lot of time on anything he says because he always lies, but I do have one observation about last night’s crapola:

His fundamental argument Tuesday night was that he’s saved the economy — indeed, he’s done such a bang-up job that he implicitly took credit for the fact that gas is now at $2 a gallon.

By John Podhoretz

The price of every necessary item has skyrocketed in the past 7 years, and will continue to takeoff irrespective of the price of a gallon of gas. For 6 or so years my wife cried every time she returned from the supermarket, but just the other day she was near tears when she told me that the our utility bill is going through the roof thanks to the asshole who brags about the price of gasoline. I do not have to read the transcript of last night’s SOTU speech to know that the scumbag never mentioned a promise he kept:

I can only wonder what is happening to all of those working Americans trying to survive on moderate and low incomes who are less fortunate than we are —— while the welfare state treats illegal immigrants like visiting royalty with more to come.

Adding insult to injury the other half of a huge asshole dumps on the concentration of wealth that he and his fellow maggots have been creating for themselves with tax dollars since the LBJ years:

"Bernie is speaking to a yearning that is deep and real, and he has credibility on it," Biden said. "And that is the absolute enormous concentration of wealth in a small group of people with the new class now being able to be shown being left out."

Biden says he's not surprised Sanders ties Clinton in Iowa, NH, polls
By Doina Chiacu and Ginger Gibson
January 12, 2016

Biden: Sanders has 'struck a chord with voters' in race with Clinton

Now comes the joke:

Clinton watcher: Biden 'itching to get back in game'
Jerome R. Corsi

Clinton watcher: Biden ‘itching to get back in game’

The joke is that this cartoon could be about Biden:


Let me close on an unrelated matter.

10 U.S. sailors in Iranian custody
By Barbara Starr, Jim Sciutto, Jim Acosta, Stephen Collinson and Tom LoBianco, CNN
Updated 11:00 PM ET, Tue January 12, 2016

10 U.S. sailors in Iranian custody -

I have not read much about the ten sailors Taqiyya’s pals are holding. It is too early to tell where that is going, but I smelled a dead rat as soon as I heard about it. I suspect that the Iranians will release our guys to make their guy look good when he releases the 150 billion dollars they will use to fund terrorism. I cannot imagine the Iranians doing a Carter on Taqiyya the Liar.

Milking a little publicity out of the incident does not count:

Iran Releases Footage of U.S. Sailor Apologizing After Capture
by Jordan Schachtel
13 Jan 2016Washington, DC

Iran Releases Footage of U.S. Sailor Apologizing After Capture
I suspect that the Iranians will release our guys to make their guy look good when he releases the 150 billion dollars they will use to fund terrorism.
Somebody should drop a net on Bat Shit Crazy Nancy. She outdid herself trying to whitewash a White House scam that went bad:

House Minority Leader Representative Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said that Iran “may” do bad things with the money it gets under the sanctions relief in the Iran nuclear deal and the Iran’s eventual release of US sailors it captured showed that the “diplomatic relationship with Iran, diplomatic relationship with Iran, at least in terms of the nuclear treaty has served us well” on Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “New Day.”

Pelosi said that Iran capturing 10 US sailors and eventually releasing them is “proof that building a diplomatic relationship with Iran, at least in terms of the nuclear treaty has served us well in resolving this so quickly.”

Pelosi: Eventual Release of Sailors Shows Nuke Deal ‘Served Us Well,’ Iran ‘May’ Do Bad Things With
by Ian Hanchett
13 Jan 2016​

If you watch the video:

Pelosi: Eventual Release of Sailors Shows Nuke Deal 'Served Us Well,' Iran 'May' Do Bad Things With Money - Breitbart

move the cursor to 4:00 and you’ll hear Bat Shit Crazy make the link to the United Nations. That is what everything is always about to traitors. She must know that Iran, along with every other country, only has to threaten to walkout of the UN and douche bags like John Kerry and the Chicago sewer rat will start doing tricks like trained dogs.

No matter what UN-lovers claim diplomacy does for this country China and Russia will veto everything that is good for America and bad for them. Question: If diplomacy works at the United Nations why doesn’t it work between two nations?

Here is a question specifically for Bat Shit Crazy: How come the Iran Nuclear Deal was not submitted to Congress for ratification as a treaty between Iran and the US?

Pelosi is one of the most corrupt members of Congress. She has been betraying this country for nearly 30 years. To be fair to Bat Shot Crazy she is smart at getting her hands on tax dollars. She is smart for Communism and illegal aliens, but she is so goddamned dumb for the country, I have to ask how dumb San Francisco voters are every time they reelect her. They will surely do it again in November.
She must know that Iran, along with every other country, only has to threaten to walkout of the UN and douche bags like John Kerry and the Chicago sewer rat will start doing tricks like trained dogs.
Does anybody believe anything a known traitor says on behalf of THE UNITED NATIONS?:

Kerry: ‘The World Is Safer Today’
by Jeff Poor18 Jan 2016

Kerry: 'The World Is Safer Today' - Breitbart

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