two imams screen three times before being kicked off from plane

You started a thread asking muslim-haters to kiss up to you? You're so silly :lol:

I started another thread asking muslim-haters about the personal experiences they had with muslims

I've seen could twist moves out on the dance floor, that wasn't one of them.

Both writing and comprehension skills need work. You're still young, there's time kid ;)
You started a thread asking muslim-haters to kiss up to you? You're so silly :lol:

I started another thread asking muslim-haters about the personal experiences they had with muslims

I've seen could twist moves out on the dance floor, that wasn't one of them.

Both writing and comprehension skills need work. You're still young, there's time kid ;)

Obviously cut and pasted a single part of a complete sentence, but another nice derail attempt.

Yeah I'll keep learning, at what age did it start going backwards for you and you began unlearning so many basic concepts?
See the difference between me and 99% of the people who are scared to death of muslims is I actually interact with them pretty consistently.

I've seen every version of bigotry and the reason behind them has been consistent in every case, ignorance.
Assumes facts not in evidence - which is ignorant

Even many Muslims are afraid of Jihad

I started another thread asking muslim-haters about the personal experiences they had with muslims, thread went hundreds of posts and I didn't get one single account of an experience. Even on a message board where it's easy to lie and not get caught no one would even offer up a story.

It was very eye opening and showed my assessment to still not be proven incorrect.

What the fuck does THIS have to do with ANYTHING. I have had a good experience with black people to, that doesn't mean all black people are trustworthy. Some will egads commit crimes against you even if you're nice to them. Sheesh, so will white people. I would assume that if that we ever meet green aliens from outer space some of them will be nice and some not so nice as well. Doesn't change the FACT that in THIS instance Muslims are the most likely culprits when it comes to airline terrorism.
Are you sure it wasn't just for the smell?

Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. Comments like that are why the left thinks that all rational people who are wary of Muslims hate them.

You are a fucking douchebag.

PS - Muslims are normally among the cleanest people you'll ever meet , their religion demands it.
Assumes facts not in evidence - which is ignorant

Even many Muslims are afraid of Jihad

I started another thread asking muslim-haters about the personal experiences they had with muslims, thread went hundreds of posts and I didn't get one single account of an experience. Even on a message board where it's easy to lie and not get caught no one would even offer up a story.

It was very eye opening and showed my assessment to still not be proven incorrect.

What the fuck does THIS have to do with ANYTHING. I have had a good experience with black people to, that doesn't mean all black people are trustworthy. Some will egads commit crimes against you even if you're nice to them. Sheesh, so will white people. I would assume that if that we ever meet green aliens from outer space some of them will be nice and some not so nice as well. Doesn't change the FACT that in THIS instance Muslims are the most likely culprits when it comes to airline terrorism.

Sorry, I don't treat 9/11 as a pattern, I treat it as a one time instance.

The same way I would if they were christian, hindu, jewish, etc.
I started another thread asking muslim-haters about the personal experiences they had with muslims, thread went hundreds of posts and I didn't get one single account of an experience. Even on a message board where it's easy to lie and not get caught no one would even offer up a story.

It was very eye opening and showed my assessment to still not be proven incorrect.

What the fuck does THIS have to do with ANYTHING. I have had a good experience with black people to, that doesn't mean all black people are trustworthy. Some will egads commit crimes against you even if you're nice to them. Sheesh, so will white people. I would assume that if that we ever meet green aliens from outer space some of them will be nice and some not so nice as well. Doesn't change the FACT that in THIS instance Muslims are the most likely culprits when it comes to airline terrorism.

Sorry, I don't treat 9/11 as a pattern, I treat it as a one time instance.

The same way I would if they were christian, hindu, jewish, etc.

How many planes was that on 9-11? One?
I started another thread asking muslim-haters about the personal experiences they had with muslims

I've seen could twist moves out on the dance floor, that wasn't one of them.

Both writing and comprehension skills need work. You're still young, there's time kid ;)

Obviously cut and pasted a single part of a complete sentence, but another nice derail attempt.

Yeah I'll keep learning, at what age did it start going backwards for you and you began unlearning so many basic concepts?

Silly boy, it was you that cut and paste and it was your own post you did it to.
I started another thread asking muslim-haters about the personal experiences they had with muslims, thread went hundreds of posts and I didn't get one single account of an experience. Even on a message board where it's easy to lie and not get caught no one would even offer up a story.

It was very eye opening and showed my assessment to still not be proven incorrect.

What the fuck does THIS have to do with ANYTHING. I have had a good experience with black people to, that doesn't mean all black people are trustworthy. Some will egads commit crimes against you even if you're nice to them. Sheesh, so will white people. I would assume that if that we ever meet green aliens from outer space some of them will be nice and some not so nice as well. Doesn't change the FACT that in THIS instance Muslims are the most likely culprits when it comes to airline terrorism.

Sorry, I don't treat 9/11 as a pattern, I treat it as a one time instance.

The same way I would if they were christian, hindu, jewish, etc.

There have been OVER 10,000 documented cases of Islamic terrorism since 1960. Hardly a single instance.

That sir is willful stupidity.
What the fuck does THIS have to do with ANYTHING. I have had a good experience with black people to, that doesn't mean all black people are trustworthy. Some will egads commit crimes against you even if you're nice to them. Sheesh, so will white people. I would assume that if that we ever meet green aliens from outer space some of them will be nice and some not so nice as well. Doesn't change the FACT that in THIS instance Muslims are the most likely culprits when it comes to airline terrorism.

Sorry, I don't treat 9/11 as a pattern, I treat it as a one time instance.

The same way I would if they were christian, hindu, jewish, etc.

How many planes was that on 9-11? One?

It was all one plan obviously, I'm not going to hold american muslims responsible for something a couple dozen arab muslims did 10 years ago.

Call me crazy
Are you sure it wasn't just for the smell?

Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. Comments like that are why the left thinks that all rational people who are wary of Muslims hate them.

You are a fucking douchebag.

PS - Muslims are normally among the cleanest people you'll ever meet , their religion demands it.

Pssssst.... ever been to Egypt?

How about Beirut?

Every Muslim region I've ever visited is a shitpit.

My asshole is cleaner than some of these places.
Are you sure it wasn't just for the smell?

Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. Comments like that are why the left thinks that all rational people who are wary of Muslims hate them.

You are a fucking douchebag.

PS - Muslims are normally among the cleanest people you'll ever meet , their religion demands it.

Pssssst.... ever been to Egypt?

How about Beirut?

Every Muslim region I've ever visited is a shitpit.

My asshole is cleaner than some of these places.

I have been to the Middle East a few times and you are pretty much spot on, the only Middle Eastern country that was semi clean was Dubai, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia don't really enforce rules for littering so its not uncommon to be on the road and see the guy in front of you just throw a bag of trash out of the window, the highways of those countries are littered with trash.
Are you sure it wasn't just for the smell?

Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. Comments like that are why the left thinks that all rational people who are wary of Muslims hate them.

You are a fucking douchebag.

PS - Muslims are normally among the cleanest people you'll ever meet , their religion demands it.

Muslims may very well be individually clean but their countries for the most part are shit holes, they don't have rules for littering and people just throw trash on the floor like its nothing, only country I been to that was semi clean was Dubai thats it.
What the fuck does THIS have to do with ANYTHING. I have had a good experience with black people to, that doesn't mean all black people are trustworthy. Some will egads commit crimes against you even if you're nice to them. Sheesh, so will white people. I would assume that if that we ever meet green aliens from outer space some of them will be nice and some not so nice as well. Doesn't change the FACT that in THIS instance Muslims are the most likely culprits when it comes to airline terrorism.

Sorry, I don't treat 9/11 as a pattern, I treat it as a one time instance.

The same way I would if they were christian, hindu, jewish, etc.

There have been OVER 10,000 documented cases of Islamic terrorism since 1960. Hardly a single instance.

That sir is willful stupidity.

"The results are stark, and prove decisively that not all terrorists are Muslims. In fact, a whopping 99.6% of terrorist attacks in Europe were by non-Muslim groups; a good 84.8% of attacks were from separatist groups completely unrelated to Islam. Leftist groups accounted for over sixteen times as much terrorism as radical Islamic groups. Only a measly 0.4% of terrorist attacks from 2007 to 2009 could be attributed to extremist Muslims."

Islamic Information Center - European Report on Terrorism - Analysis of Muslim Involvement

The source will be mocked I'm sure and that's fine, but they're getting their information from here;

EUROPOL, the European Police Office
Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. Comments like that are why the left thinks that all rational people who are wary of Muslims hate them.

You are a fucking douchebag.

PS - Muslims are normally among the cleanest people you'll ever meet , their religion demands it.

Pssssst.... ever been to Egypt?

How about Beirut?

Every Muslim region I've ever visited is a shitpit.

My asshole is cleaner than some of these places.

I have been to the Middle East a few times and you are pretty much spot on, the only Middle Eastern country that was semi clean was Dubai, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia don't really enforce rules for littering so its not uncommon to be on the road and see the guy in front of you just throw a bag of trash out of the window, the highways of those countries are littered with trash.

I have also been to Haifa. An absolutely beautiful, clean city. The women are gorgeous too! Hop over the fence to Palestine, and you're in a world of shit- literally.
Islamist Terrorism
Along with the failed terrorist attack that took
place in Germany, Denmark and the UK each
reported one attempted terrorist attack in

Ethno-Nationalist and Separatist
In 2006, separatist terrorists carried out 424
attacks in the EU. The Member States most
affected were France – with 60 percent of the
attacks – and Spain

Left-Wing and Anarchist Terrorism
In 2006, left-wing and anarchist terrorists carried
out 55 attacks in the EU. Their campaigns mainly
targeted Greece, Italy, Spain and Germany.
Pssssst.... ever been to Egypt?

How about Beirut?

Every Muslim region I've ever visited is a shitpit.

My asshole is cleaner than some of these places.

I have been to the Middle East a few times and you are pretty much spot on, the only Middle Eastern country that was semi clean was Dubai, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia don't really enforce rules for littering so its not uncommon to be on the road and see the guy in front of you just throw a bag of trash out of the window, the highways of those countries are littered with trash.

I have also been to Haifa. An absolutely beautiful, clean city. The women are gorgeous too! Hop over the fence to Palestine, and you're in a world of shit- literally.

Man I bet, I used to date an Israeli woman when I was in California who was former IDF, she was absolutely gorgeous.
I have been to the Middle East a few times and you are pretty much spot on, the only Middle Eastern country that was semi clean was Dubai, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia don't really enforce rules for littering so its not uncommon to be on the road and see the guy in front of you just throw a bag of trash out of the window, the highways of those countries are littered with trash.

I have also been to Haifa. An absolutely beautiful, clean city. The women are gorgeous too! Hop over the fence to Palestine, and you're in a world of shit- literally.

Man I bet, I used to date an Israeli woman when I was in California who was former IDF, she was absolutely gorgeous.

You'll enjoy this then... Military Woman | Army

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