two major antifa groups spout north korean propaganda

From "The Gulag Archipelago":

In Russian a kulak is a miserly, dishonest rural trader who grows rich not by his own labor but through someone else's...

after 1917, by a transfer of meaning, the name kulak began to be applied (in official and propaganda literature, whence it moved into general usage) to all those who in any way hired workers...

But the inflation of this scathing term kulak proceeded relentlessly, and by 1930 all strong peasants in general were being so called — all peasants strong in management, strong in work, or even strong merely in convictions. The term kulak was used to smash the strength of the peasantry.

Beyond this, in every village there were people who in one way or another had personally gotten in the way of the local activists. This was the perfect time to settle accounts with them of jealousy, envy, insult. A new word was needed for all these new victims as a class — and it was born. By this time it had no "social" or "economic" content whatsoever, but it had a marvelous sound: podkulachnik — "a person aiding the kulaks. " In other words, I consider you an accomplice of the enemy. And that finishes you! The most tattered landless laborer in the countryside could quite easily be labeled a podkulachnik.
No less than what the aristocrats and the Tsars did..Oppression from the right equaled oppression from the left..

The aristocrats and czars exterminated an entire class of people? Fucking kill yourself commie scum.
No they preferred to enslave them..and kill them...

They killed tens of millions? You are a lying commie faggot get the fuck in the gas chamber.
Take your butt plug out and go get some fresh air kid.

All antifa members and their collaborators are legitimate targets for extrajudicial execution say hello to Heather Heyer for me faggot.
From "The Gulag Archipelago":

In Russian a kulak is a miserly, dishonest rural trader who grows rich not by his own labor but through someone else's...

after 1917, by a transfer of meaning, the name kulak began to be applied (in official and propaganda literature, whence it moved into general usage) to all those who in any way hired workers...

But the inflation of this scathing term kulak proceeded relentlessly, and by 1930 all strong peasants in general were being so called — all peasants strong in management, strong in work, or even strong merely in convictions. The term kulak was used to smash the strength of the peasantry.

Beyond this, in every village there were people who in one way or another had personally gotten in the way of the local activists. This was the perfect time to settle accounts with them of jealousy, envy, insult. A new word was needed for all these new victims as a class — and it was born. By this time it had no "social" or "economic" content whatsoever, but it had a marvelous sound: podkulachnik — "a person aiding the kulaks. " In other words, I consider you an accomplice of the enemy. And that finishes you! The most tattered landless laborer in the countryside could quite easily be labeled a podkulachnik.
No less than what the aristocrats and the Tsars did..Oppression from the right equaled oppression from the left..

The aristocrats and czars exterminated an entire class of people? Fucking kill yourself commie scum.
No they preferred to enslave them..and kill them...

They killed tens of millions? You are a lying commie faggot get the fuck in the gas chamber.
Yeah they were more efficient than a slow death by having to toil for free and no freedom of social movement..

The reds didn't overthrow the monarchy they overthrew the democracy that replaced tye monarchy you ignorant faggot at Lenin apologist subhuman scum.
Maybe it can work like aversion therapy and we'll have them carrying Polynesian tiki torches chanting "Jew will not replace us" in no time.
Them guys are perfectly harmless you know, what being ,,oh I guess capitalist(fascist)..
They had a little run in the 30s-40s, but yeah, just a fraternal club now, and anyone can make a mistake on where the roadway ends and the sidewalk begins.

Antifa collaborators and sympathizers will not be spared they will join their comrades in the gas chamber.

Pffffffffffffffffffffft, that's your vagina talking.

Die screaming.
No less than what the aristocrats and the Tsars did..Oppression from the right equaled oppression from the left..

The aristocrats and czars exterminated an entire class of people? Fucking kill yourself commie scum.
No they preferred to enslave them..and kill them...

They killed tens of millions? You are a lying commie faggot get the fuck in the gas chamber.
Yeah they were more efficient than a slow death by having to toil for free and no freedom of social movement..

The reds didn't overthrow the monarchy they overthrew the democracy that replaced tye monarchy you ignorant faggot at Lenin apologist subhuman scum.
I never said a word about who overthrew who..
The aristocrats and czars exterminated an entire class of people? Fucking kill yourself commie scum.
No they preferred to enslave them..and kill them...

They killed tens of millions? You are a lying commie faggot get the fuck in the gas chamber.
Yeah they were more efficient than a slow death by having to toil for free and no freedom of social movement..

The reds didn't overthrow the monarchy they overthrew the democracy that replaced tye monarchy you ignorant faggot at Lenin apologist subhuman scum.
I never said a word about who overthrew who..

You are waxing apologetics for the Bolsheviks, die screaming faggot.
They had a little run in the 30s-40s, but yeah, just a fraternal club now, and anyone can make a mistake on where the roadway ends and the sidewalk begins.

Antifa collaborators and sympathizers will not be spared they will join their comrades in the gas chamber.

Pffffffffffffffffffffft, that's your vagina talking.

Die screaming.
Laughing at you, I choose that shoog.

Say hello to that fat road kill ****** dick taking whore Heather Heyer for me faggot.
I heard you guys murdered her, why would I talk to a dead chik you guys murdered?
No they preferred to enslave them..and kill them...

They killed tens of millions? You are a lying commie faggot get the fuck in the gas chamber.
Yeah they were more efficient than a slow death by having to toil for free and no freedom of social movement..

The reds didn't overthrow the monarchy they overthrew the democracy that replaced tye monarchy you ignorant faggot at Lenin apologist subhuman scum.
I never said a word about who overthrew who..

You are waxing apologetics for the Bolsheviks, die screaming faggot.
More projection than a vomiting drunk at a keg party..You really are an ANIFA troll..

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