Two mass shootings. One is instantly called terrorism. The other is brushed under the rug.

All radicals must be exposed and controlled/eliminated.

I believe you mean some radicals, particularly brown skinned Muslim radicals.

White, Christian, anti-abortion radicals are apparently cool in your book.

The problem is what you believe isn't anywhere close to reality. Why must you people constantly try and tell people what they believe or what they think?

Actions speak louder than words so where are the "OMG Christian radicals" threads?

I don't know, when is the last time one of you clowns started one?
All radicals must be exposed and controlled/eliminated.

I believe you mean some radicals, particularly brown skinned Muslim radicals.

White, Christian, anti-abortion radicals are apparently cool in your book.

The problem is what you believe isn't anywhere close to reality. Why must you people constantly try and tell people what they believe or what they think?

Actions speak louder than words so where are the "OMG Christian radicals" threads?

I don't know, when is the last time one of you clowns started one?

Search Guano, there are hundreds
All radicals must be exposed and controlled/eliminated.

I believe you mean some radicals, particularly brown skinned Muslim radicals.

White, Christian, anti-abortion radicals are apparently cool in your book.

The problem is what you believe isn't anywhere close to reality. Why must you people constantly try and tell people what they believe or what they think?

Actions speak louder than words so where are the "OMG Christian radicals" threads?

I don't know, when is the last time one of you clowns started one?

The last time was when you asshats ran in to say its not about Christians while you blame Muslims
Because the PP shooter is white . It's only terrorism if the shooter is a Muslim .
All radicals must be exposed and controlled/eliminated.

I believe you mean some radicals, particularly brown skinned Muslim radicals.

White, Christian, anti-abortion radicals are apparently cool in your book.

The problem is what you believe isn't anywhere close to reality. Why must you people constantly try and tell people what they believe or what they think?

Actions speak louder than words so where are the "OMG Christian radicals" threads?

I don't know, when is the last time one of you clowns started one?

The last time was when you asshats ran in to say its not about Christians while you blame Muslims
Gotta link, Dick?
All radicals must be exposed and controlled/eliminated.

I believe you mean some radicals, particularly brown skinned Muslim radicals.

White, Christian, anti-abortion radicals are apparently cool in your book.

The problem is what you believe isn't anywhere close to reality. Why must you people constantly try and tell people what they believe or what they think?

Actions speak louder than words so where are the "OMG Christian radicals" threads?

I don't know, when is the last time one of you clowns started one?

Search Guano, there are hundreds

But none by you guys. Since actions speak louder than words one can only conclude that you have no problem with Radical Christians at all.
I believe you mean some radicals, particularly brown skinned Muslim radicals.

White, Christian, anti-abortion radicals are apparently cool in your book.

The problem is what you believe isn't anywhere close to reality. Why must you people constantly try and tell people what they believe or what they think?

Actions speak louder than words so where are the "OMG Christian radicals" threads?

I don't know, when is the last time one of you clowns started one?

The last time was when you asshats ran in to say its not about Christians while you blame Muslims
Gotta link, Dick?

To what? You being a bitch?
The problem is what you believe isn't anywhere close to reality. Why must you people constantly try and tell people what they believe or what they think?

Actions speak louder than words so where are the "OMG Christian radicals" threads?

I don't know, when is the last time one of you clowns started one?

The last time was when you asshats ran in to say its not about Christians while you blame Muslims
Gotta link, Dick?

To what? You being a bitch?
CC reverts to playing dumb...a natural pose.
Actions speak louder than words so where are the "OMG Christian radicals" threads?

I don't know, when is the last time one of you clowns started one?

The last time was when you asshats ran in to say its not about Christians while you blame Muslims
Gotta link, Dick?

To what? You being a bitch?
CC reverts to playing dumb...a natural pose.

You want a link to something you didnt do? Of course you do
I believe you mean some radicals, particularly brown skinned Muslim radicals.

White, Christian, anti-abortion radicals are apparently cool in your book.

The problem is what you believe isn't anywhere close to reality. Why must you people constantly try and tell people what they believe or what they think?

Actions speak louder than words so where are the "OMG Christian radicals" threads?

I don't know, when is the last time one of you clowns started one?

Search Guano, there are hundreds

But none by you guys. Since actions speak louder than words one can only conclude that you have no problem with Radical Christians at all.

Perhaps you can tell us when a radical Christian did something like this, recently?
All radicals must be exposed and controlled/eliminated.

I believe you mean some radicals, particularly brown skinned Muslim radicals.

White, Christian, anti-abortion radicals are apparently cool in your book.

Are you talking about the guy who went into the planned parenthood facility and didn't shoot anyone associated with the facility….that one?

And as I have pointed out…he wandered around that building for a couple hours…right….? So when he came out mumbling incoherently….the dead baby parts he mumbled about….he probably actually saw in the clinic……since he didn't shoot anyone in there and had time on his hands…

Because the PP shooter is white . It's only terrorism if the shooter is a Muslim .

And the fact that he didn't actually shoot anyone in the planned parenthood clinic…not the doctors/murderers, the patients or the staff……kind of hard to call it terrorism when he doesn't murder anyone associated with the planned parenthood clinic…….
Because the PP shooter is white . It's only terrorism if the shooter is a Muslim .

Muslim is a religion…not a color……please people…think before you post……it will save us the typing needed to correct you….
The problem is what you believe isn't anywhere close to reality. Why must you people constantly try and tell people what they believe or what they think?

Actions speak louder than words so where are the "OMG Christian radicals" threads?

I don't know, when is the last time one of you clowns started one?

Search Guano, there are hundreds

But none by you guys. Since actions speak louder than words one can only conclude that you have no problem with Radical Christians at all.

Perhaps you can tell us when a radical Christian did something like this, recently?
Why so you can make more excuses?


Planned Parenthood.

Are the excuses on the mark? Ready, Set......GO!
All radicals must be exposed and controlled/eliminated.

I believe you mean some radicals, particularly brown skinned Muslim radicals.

White, Christian, anti-abortion radicals are apparently cool in your book.

Are you talking about the guy who went into the planned parenthood facility and didn't shoot anyone associated with the facility….that one?

And as I have pointed out…he wandered around that building for a couple hours…right….? So when he came out mumbling incoherently….the dead baby parts he mumbled about….he probably actually saw in the clinic……since he didn't shoot anyone in there and had time on his hands…


The shooting was associated with planned parenthood, what does it matter if the shootings were inside or outside or who was killed.

Yes, The Planned Parenthood Shooter Is A ‘Christian Terrorist’

Yes, The Planned Parenthood Shooter Is A ‘Christian Terrorist’

In 2011, analyst Daryl Johnson of the United States Department of Homeland Security said that the Hutaree Christian militia movement possessed more weapons than the combined weapons holdings of all Islamic terror defendants charged in the US since the September 11 attacks.[107]
Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All radicals must be exposed and controlled/eliminated.

I believe you mean some radicals, particularly brown skinned Muslim radicals.

White, Christian, anti-abortion radicals are apparently cool in your book.

Are you talking about the guy who went into the planned parenthood facility and didn't shoot anyone associated with the facility….that one?

And as I have pointed out…he wandered around that building for a couple hours…right….? So when he came out mumbling incoherently….the dead baby parts he mumbled about….he probably actually saw in the clinic……since he didn't shoot anyone in there and had time on his hands…


Do you actually believe that your incoherent mumbling actually makes any sense? Or are you just trying to pull a Chewbacca defense?

The guy has a history of targeting this very same PP location in the past. His ex-wife has already told us that he is a zealous Christian extremist who evangelizes to other people but has an extremely dark and sinister side of abuse and violence. It's not alot to go on at the moment, and we really need to know more still before we can be certain. But it's more than we have on the couple from California.

Oh, and do you really mean to suggest that he was talking about 'baby parts' because he probably saw baby parts inside the building? Are you fucking kidding me? In the midst of this major standoff with police you really mean to suggest that this guy was rummaging around in back storage areas, going through medical storage freezers and reading all the labels on little petri dishes?

You know, maybe you're right. In fact, maybe this whole thing was just one big misunderstanding. The guy probably mistook Planned Parenthood for a restaurant and was looking for a microwave lasagna, and we all know how you're just not yourself when you're hungry. Somebody, quick! Give the man a damn snickers!

The reason he said "no more baby parts" was because he ate them all. Not because his actions were motivated by any kind of anti-abortion ideology.
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