Two Men Convicted In Plot To Kidnap Michigan Governor Whitmer

The justice system should be about justice, not political vengeance. You are advocating LIFE imprisonment for people who didn't actually DO anything. And you are calling me insane?
The crime of "attempted" X is usually just one step down from X on the penalty. They are harder to prove though. On a public policy basis you don't want criminals not punished just because they were stupid.

A bunch of rednecks tried to kidnap the governor, got caught, and you're thinking they shouldn't do jail time.
I know the government’s allegations. I don’t know if the allegations are truthful. And I never said that they shouldn’t do jail time.

In fact, I said the very opposite assuming they are guilty.

Your abject mental retardation is now on full display.

I am absolutely shocked by the technocrats and STATISTS in this thread, who care nothing about the justice for the people. If the totalitarian deep state were clearly not entrapping folks, none of this shit would be happening.

Do you folks have NO SHAME?!

Clearly, most juries when presented with the evidence, can see the agenda of the Deep State. This isn't hard. :rolleyes:

Whitmer kidnap plot: 2 men acquitted, hung jury for 2 more​

". . . But defense lawyers portrayed the men as credulous weekend warriors, often stoned on marijuana and prone to big, wild talk. They said FBI agents and informants tricked and cajoled the men into targeting the governor.

During closing arguments a week ago, Fox’s attorney, Christopher Gibbons, said the plan was “utter nonsense,” and he pleaded with jurors to be the “firewall” against the government.

Harris was the only defendant to testify in his own defense, repeatedly telling jurors “absolutely not” when asked if he had targeted the governor.

“I think what the FBI did is unconscionable,” Caserta’s attorney, Michael Hills, said outside court. “And I think the jury just sent them a message loud and clear that these tactics — we’re not going to condone what they’ve done here.”

He said Whitmer was “never in any danger.”

Gibbons said the acquittals of Harris and Caserta demonstrated serious shortcomings in the government’s case.

“We’ll be ready for another trial. ... We’ll eventually get what we wanted out of this, which is the truth and the justice I think Adam is entitled to,” Gibbons said.. . "

It is awful that our own government feels the need to make the citizens its own enemy, because it is running out of justification for its own bloated budgets. Disgusting.

I am absolutely shocked by the technocrats and STATISTS in this thread, who care nothing about the justice for the people. If the totalitarian deep state were clearly not entrapping folks, none of this shit would be happening.

Do you folks have NO SHAME?!

Clearly, most juries when presented with the evidence, can see the agenda of the Deep State. This isn't hard. :rolleyes:

Whitmer kidnap plot: 2 men acquitted, hung jury for 2 more​

". . . But defense lawyers portrayed the men as credulous weekend warriors, often stoned on marijuana and prone to big, wild talk. They said FBI agents and informants tricked and cajoled the men into targeting the governor.

During closing arguments a week ago, Fox’s attorney, Christopher Gibbons, said the plan was “utter nonsense,” and he pleaded with jurors to be the “firewall” against the government.

Harris was the only defendant to testify in his own defense, repeatedly telling jurors “absolutely not” when asked if he had targeted the governor.

“I think what the FBI did is unconscionable,” Caserta’s attorney, Michael Hills, said outside court. “And I think the jury just sent them a message loud and clear that these tactics — we’re not going to condone what they’ve done here.”

He said Whitmer was “never in any danger.”

Gibbons said the acquittals of Harris and Caserta demonstrated serious shortcomings in the government’s case.

“We’ll be ready for another trial. ... We’ll eventually get what we wanted out of this, which is the truth and the justice I think Adam is entitled to,” Gibbons said.. . "

It is awful that our own government feels the need to make the citizens its own enemy, because it is running out of justification for its own bloated budgets. Disgusting.
Entrapment? Bullshit!!! These nut jobs are dangerous far, far, far right wing extremists who condone violence as a means to justify their nefarious goals. The FBI did a great service to the country by taking them down!
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) — A jury on Tuesday convicted two men of conspiring to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in 2020, a swift victory for prosecutors in a plot that was broken up by the FBI and described as a rallying cry for a U.S. civil war by anti-government extremists.

Adam Fox and Barry Croft Jr. were also found guilty of conspiring to obtain a weapon of mass destruction, namely a bomb to blow up a bridge and stymie police if the kidnapping could be pulled off at Whitmer’s vacation home.

Croft, 46, a trucker from Bear, Delaware, was also convicted of another explosives charge. The jury deliberated for roughly eight hours over two days.

It was the second trial for the pair after a jury in April couldn’t reach a unanimous verdict after five days. Two other men were acquitted and two more pleaded guilty and testified for prosecutors.

The result was a big win for the U.S. Justice Department following the shocking mixed outcome last spring.
When will the FBI agent who "led" the group be serving prison time?
If they did plan to kidnap a governor, for whatever reason, then their plan and conspiracy deserves prosecution and a conviction. A sentence of life may be a bit over the top. But such a crime is still serious and worthy of a big ass sentence.

But the big word is “if.” I didn’t follow the case. I understand that the account is fishy and may involve nefarious actions by the government. Is that true? Anyone up for a brief recap?

There was no "IF" about it. They intended to kidnap the sitting Governor of the State of Michigan and then execute her. It was a stupid shit MAGA SHIT HEAD idea. But because YOU support and defend the lyhing Orange Face Shit Gibbon, as long as MAGA SHIT HEADS break the law, engage in attempted Insurrection you of course defend these dumber than a tree stump assholes.

Guilt was established. Period end of sentence.
The less stupid looking one is reported as a trucker. I didn't see about the moron.

A bunch of rednecks tried to kidnap the governor, got caught, and you're thinking they shouldn't do jail time.

According the new reports (NOT FAUX SNOOZE, BREITFART OR OWNED) these idiots were smoking pot and thought it was good idea. There was not F.B.I. Entrapment, it stupid shit ideas fueled with MAGA madness.

These red hat fools knew what they were doing. The they did not know how to keep their fucking mouths shut is on them. Let them rot in prison.
It looks like four out of six pled guilty or were convicted.
I just did a little digging. Like I said, I didn’t follow this one very much. It looks like the two who pled guilty turned states’ evidence against these two, and testified.

So, yeah. 4 convictions so far. And if the 2 who pled out were being honest when they admitted their guilt, I can see how they could then also be honest when testifying against others.

There is still something fishy about the origins of the case. But that’s just speculation. At least for now.
Yea I didn't even know who that governor was, until it licked that she's the one my favorite SNL star was spoofing.
Weird how others were found not guilty, yet these two supposedly are.

Will the Feds who led this group go to jail? Of course not.
Does the FIB who egged on those two, get off with a pass, since they provided the means for such actions against the Governor?
He who liveth by the stupid, shall die by the stupid. Espectially if they are so dead from neck up to believe the Orange Shit Gibbon.
Is there any prospect of you ever posting on topic. Assholes like you think that references to “orange” make you seem clever. They don’t. They actually just confirm that you’re brainless.

But you do live by the stupid. I’ll give you that one.

You gibbering chimps keep claiming that Trump “lied.” 🙄

As relevant to this thread, what is it that you claim he “lied” about, you vile pile of stanky shit? And don’t just make your typically unsupported claim. Try to support it with facts, links and logic.

I’ll grade your fail, promptly.
Another lie. BloviateActually said “to be honest” just before he lied.

No, your ying and you know your lying. In fact you loved to be lied to. You need to be lied to. You love to be lied to. All you have is lies of your Puting Ass Kissing Orange Shit Gibbon.

He tells what to believe and you do.
Is there any prospect of you ever posting on topic. Assholes like you think that references to “orange” make you seem clever. They don’t. They actually just confirm that you’re brainless.

But you do live by the stupid. I’ll give you that one.

You gibbering chimps keep claiming that Trump “lied.” 🙄

As relevant to this thread, what is it that you claim he “lied” about, you vile pile of stanky shit? And don’t just make your typically unsupported claim. Try to support it with facts, links and logic.

I’ll grade your fail, promptly.

So many words, and so much of nothing. The Shit Gibbon LIED about a rigged Election and you bought. You still believe it. Even after over 60 Lawsuits that tossed for lack of evidence.

That lying Puting ass kissing shit for brains sides with that Russian Dictator and you love him for it. He tells the F.B.I. is against him and you believe it.

YOU love a dictatorship so damn much, move to Russia and experience it first hand.

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