Two Men Convicted In Plot To Kidnap Michigan Governor Whitmer

So many words, and so much of nothing. The Shit Gibbon LIED about a rigged Election
Wrong. President Trump spoke about the election chicanery. It obviously did exist. He did claim that the election was stolen. And while that may not be correct, saying something incorrect isn’t the same as lying, you imbecile.
and you bought.
You can’t speak for me. Fuck sake. You can’t speak at all.
You still believe it.

See above. You obviously just make shit up.
Even after over 60 Lawsuits that tossed for lack of evidence.
No they weren’t, you liar. They were tossed primarily on procedural grounds. And they led to no evidentiary hearings on the issues.
That lying Puting ass kissing shit for brains sides with that Russian Dictator and you love him for it.
You probably don’t realize that you come across as even dumber than you already are when you write that incoherently and then fail to even try to edit.
He tells the F.B.I. is against him and you believe it.
He tells? Are you in grade school? He has complained about his treatment by the DBI. THAT much is true. I’d be torqued off too if they raided my house. But in reality, he is complaining about the leadership of the FBI. That is completely legit.
YOU love a dictatorship so damn much, move to Russia and experience it first hand.

Again. You’re babbling. I don’t support dictatorships at all, you flaming asshole. I leave the support of fascists to you libtards. And sadly, you’d toss Brandon’s salad.
Wrong. President Trump spoke about the election chicanery. It obviously did exist. He did claim that the election was stolen. And while that may not be correct, saying something incorrect isn’t the same as lying, you imbecile.

You can’t speak for me. Fuck sake. You can’t speak at all.

See above. You obviously just make shit up.

No they weren’t, you liar. They were tossed primarily on procedural grounds. And they led to no evidentiary hearings on the issues.

You probably don’t realize that you come across as even dumber than you already are when you write that incoherently and then fail to even try to edit.

He tells? Are you in grade school? He has complained about his treatment by the DBI. THAT much is true. I’d be torqued off too if they raided my house. But in reality, he is complaining about the leadership of the FBI. That is completely legit.

Again. You’re babbling. I don’t support dictatorships at all, you flaming asshole. I leave the support of fascists to you libtards. And sadly, you’d toss Brandon’s salad.

All the Traitor has talked is "The Election Was Rigged." and YOU believed it.

You support and you defend a lying asshole who defends Russia. He is nothing but a would be dictator and YOU defend him and You support him.

You and his other goose steppers supported the failed Insurrection. You do not defend democracy, you defend dictatorship.

The only fascists are the people dumb enough to believe each and every lie the Traitor has told....meaning YOU who believe the lies and want to be lied to.
I get the fake crimes mixed up... is this the fed-napping where the fbi faggots ransacked whitmer's underwear drawer?

I'll bet that large-assed woman has some sexy XXXL panties. Does she have an onlyfans page? Onlyfans probably doesn't care if you're a serial killer.... hmm?
Trump Again Says U.S. Presidential Election "Rigged" In Favor of Biden.

The Traitor Claims The 2020 Election Was Rigged.

Disputing the Traitor, Barr Says No Widespread Election Fraud.

The Traitor Has A Long Standing History of Calling Election's Rigged If He Does Not Like The Results.

Memo to Cons.

Please do not try to post easily disappoved lies. There was no Election Fraud. There was not Voter Fraud. The Traitor has his ass handed to him.

The Traitor's Claims of Vote Rigging Are All Wrong.

Last edited:
All the Traitor has talked is "The Election Was Rigged." and YOU believed it.
He isn’t a traitor. Your repetition of that false claim makes you a liar.

I don’t care what he said about the election. I have seen evidence with my own eyes. There was some serious election fraud going on. That I know. But, I’m reality, as I have said on several occasions, I haven’t seen evidence that the chicanery led to an electoral vote switch in any state.
You support and you defend a lying asshole who defends Russia.
He isn’t a lying asshole. He may lie. You sure so. But you are the asshole, not him. I support President Trump over baseless smears. I haven’t seen him defending Russia, either.
He is nothing but a would be dictator

He is everything BUT a would be dictator.
and YOU defend him

Against false and idiotic claims like yours? Sure do.
and You support him.
Over the old senile mumbling racist hair sniffing Alzheimer victim in Chief? Yes. I do.
You and his other goose steppers supported the failed Insurrection.
Neither I nor anyone I associate with qualify as goose steppers. We leave that to you fascist shithead liberal Democraps. There was no attempted insurrection, either.
You do not defend democracy, you defend dictatorship.

Wrong and wrong. I defend our republic. I am very glad that we are not a democracy. And I oppose dictatorships. You embrace the latter.
The only fascists are the people dumb enough to believe each and every lie the Traitor has told.
No. The fascists are you libtards who ignore the Constitution and seek party power just for the sake of party power. You’re vermin.
...meaning YOU who believe the lies and want to be lied to.
I don’t care what an asshole such as you “means.” You’re still just an asshole. And your post is wrong in every respect.

Back On Topic: I notice you can’t seem to ever stay on topic. Tsk tsk. The topic is the alleged Whitmer kidnapping plot. Are the 4 now convicted guilty? I don’t know, but it looks likely. But, were they choreographed into a plot by the actions of the FBI? I don’t know that, either. But it does have an odd stink to it, from the very outset. Maybe someday we’ll all know.
I hope these far-right crazy guys are locked up for life. Their intentions were pure evil. If they had gotten the weapons of mass destructions they probably would have blown up the capital and cost numerous lives as well as millions of dollars in property damage.
I agree, and your comment should be used as a precedence for going after the instigators of the BLM riots that cost numerous lives and billions in property damage.
Trump Again Says U.S. Presidential Election "Rigged" In Favor of Biden.

The Traitor Claims The 2020 Election Was Rigged.

Disputing the Traitor, Barr Says No Widespread Election Fraud.

Memo to Cons.

Please do not try to post easily disappoved lies. There was no Election Fraud. There was not Voter Fraud. The Traitor has his ass handed to him.
I'm no Trump fan but can you explain what he did that was traitorous ?
He isn’t a traitor. Your repetition of that false claim makes you a liar.

I don’t care what he said about the election. I have seen evidence with my own eyes. There was some serious election fraud going on. That I know. But, I’m reality, as I have said on several occasions, I haven’t seen evidence that the chicanery led to an electoral vote switch in any state.

He isn’t a lying asshole. He may lie. You sure so. But you are the asshole, not him. I support President Trump over baseless smears. I haven’t seen him defending Russia, either.

He is everything BUT a would be dictator.

Against false and idiotic claims like yours? Sure do.

Over the old senile mumbling racist hair sniffing Alzheimer victim in Chief? Yes. I do.

Neither I nor anyone I associate with qualify as goose steppers. We leave that to you fascist shithead liberal Democraps. There was no attempted insurrection, either.

Wrong and wrong. I defend our republic. I am very glad that we are not a democracy. And I oppose dictatorships. You embrace the latter.

No. The fascists are you libtards who ignore the Constitution and seek party power just for the sake of party power. You’re vermin.

I don’t care what an asshole such as you “means.” You’re still just an asshole. And your post is wrong in every respect.

Back On Topic: I notice you can’t seem to ever stay on topic. Tsk tsk. The topic is the alleged Whitmer kidnapping plot. Are the 4 now convicted guilty? I don’t know, but it looks likely. But, were they choreographed into a plot by the actions of the FBI? I don’t know that, either. But it does have an odd stink to it, from the very outset. Maybe someday we’ll all know.

The attempted kidnap, NOT the alleged kidnap. Get your facts straight...oh Cons do not believe in facts...they prefer lies.
The attempted kidnap, NOT the alleged kidnap. Get your facts straight...oh Cons do not believe in facts...they prefer lies.
Try to read fully for comprehension. You fucking idiot. I spoke of the alleged kidnapping PLOT. See my post #46:

Back On Topic: I notice you can’t seem to ever stay on topic. Tsk tsk. The topic is the alleged Whitmer kidnapping plot.

Get your own facts straight. You jerkoff. 😂🤣

Why do you libtards insist on being forever dishonest?
He isn’t a traitor. Your repetition of that false claim makes you a liar.

I don’t care what he said about the election. I have seen evidence with my own eyes. There was some serious election fraud going on. That I know. But, I’m reality, as I have said on several occasions, I haven’t seen evidence that the chicanery led to an electoral vote switch in any state.

He isn’t a lying asshole. He may lie. You sure so. But you are the asshole, not him. I support President Trump over baseless smears. I haven’t seen him defending Russia, either.

He is everything BUT a would be dictator.

Against false and idiotic claims like yours? Sure do.

Over the old senile mumbling racist hair sniffing Alzheimer victim in Chief? Yes. I do.

Neither I nor anyone I associate with qualify as goose steppers. We leave that to you fascist shithead liberal Democraps. There was no attempted insurrection, either.

Wrong and wrong. I defend our republic. I am very glad that we are not a democracy. And I oppose dictatorships. You embrace the latter.

No. The fascists are you libtards who ignore the Constitution and seek party power just for the sake of party power. You’re vermin.

I don’t care what an asshole such as you “means.” You’re still just an asshole. And your post is wrong in every respect.

Back On Topic: I notice you can’t seem to ever stay on topic. Tsk tsk. The topic is the alleged Whitmer kidnapping plot. Are the 4 now convicted guilty? I don’t know, but it looks likely. But, were they choreographed into a plot by the actions of the FBI? I don’t know that, either. But it does have an odd stink to it, from the very outset. Maybe someday we’ll all know.

So when faced with the facts of the Traitor calling the Election Rigged, you run away. You claimed that the Traitor "spoke about the election chicanery", no the Traitor lied about a "Rigged Election", and you believed him.
So when faced with the facts of the Traitor calling the Election Rigged, you run away. You claimed that the Traitor "spoke about the election chicanery", no the Traitor lied about a "Rigged Election", and you believed him.
Wrong. A. He is not a traitor.
B. So what? He said it was rigged. He believed or still believes that it was stolen. But I didn’t run away a at all. That’s just more of your lies. I noted that he complained about the election frauds. That’s legit. And I further noted that it’s not a lie.

I don’t have to buy the conclusion that the fraud efforts succeeded in altering the election outcome. But just because I don’t reach that conclusion and just because you don’t choose to take note of evidence doesn’t mean that he lied.

Words have meaning no matter how badly that upsets you.

And I see you failing to respond to my use of a quote to prove that you lied. You pussy.
The Traitor Sides Putin On Election Interference.

The Traitor Disparaged U.S. War Dead As, "Losers" and "Suckers".

The Traitor Mocks The Muslim Mother of U.S. Army Captain.

TheTraitor Accuses Grieving Widow of U.S. Army Sergeant Killed In Action of Lying.

By his words and by his actions, he is a Traitor. You can say he is not, but that does change what the Traitor has said or what the Traitor has done.
Back on topic.

2 Found Guilty of Conspiracy To Kidnap Whitmer.

There was no "alleged" anything. These two very dim whitted, pot smoking MAGA Meat Heads were found guilty based on the evidence.
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) — A jury on Tuesday convicted two men of conspiring to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in 2020, a swift victory for prosecutors in a plot that was broken up by the FBI and described as a rallying cry for a U.S. civil war by anti-government extremists.

Adam Fox and Barry Croft Jr. were also found guilty of conspiring to obtain a weapon of mass destruction, namely a bomb to blow up a bridge and stymie police if the kidnapping could be pulled off at Whitmer’s vacation home.

Croft, 46, a trucker from Bear, Delaware, was also convicted of another explosives charge. The jury deliberated for roughly eight hours over two days.

It was the second trial for the pair after a jury in April couldn’t reach a unanimous verdict after five days. Two other men were acquitted and two more pleaded guilty and testified for prosecutors.

The result was a big win for the U.S. Justice Department following the shocking mixed outcome last spring.
I believe the explosives were supplied by Garland's Boys. Much FBI chicanery here.
The Traitor Sides Putin On Election Interference.

The Traitor Disparaged U.S. War Dead As, "Losers" and "Suckers".

The Traitor Mocks The Muslim Mother of U.S. Army Captain.

TheTraitor Accuses Grieving Widow of U.S. Army Sergeant Killed In Action of Lying.

By his words and by his actions, he is a Traitor. You can say he is not, but that does change what the Traitor has said or what the Traitor has done.
Trump tourettes syndrome?
I'm not up to speed on this.... did the 2 fuckers they convicted work for the fbi?
No, but FBI agents literally PLANNED and worked with these gullible and not too bright folks to commit a crime. They never would have done more than TALK without undercover FBI planning and encouraging the whole thing

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