Two Minnesota GOP Candidates Attacked, Punched In Separate Incidents

i don't know but widdle adult woman 'CHRISSY' gets all these lefties whipped up just talking . widdle adult woman 'chrissy. might not report as there would be problems if she lies to police JC .
LEFT-WING VIOLENCE: Two Republican Candidates Punched in Minnesota

Shane Mekeland, Sarah Anderson
Thank you, Maxine Waters and Eric Holder.

Two Republican candidates were physically assaulted in Minnesota by violent left-wing lunatics this week.

Minnesota state representative candidate, Shane Mekeland suffered a concussion after he got sucker-punched at a Benton County restaurant.

Minnesota state representative, Sarah Anderson was punched in the arm by a man after she confronted him for destroying Republican campaign signs.LEFT-WING VIOLENCE: Two Republican Candidates Punched in Minnesota

Bill Maher has said many times that the Republicans show up to a knife fight with a gun, while Democrats show up with a covered dish.
Looks like the Dems are tired of being nice and starting to over-react.
Given the shit that Trump and McConnell have pulled over the last 2 years, I say fuck the GOP.
If you see a Republican candidate in the road, veer sharply and try to run them down.
If you see a Republican candidate in a restaurant, pour your drink over their head.
If you see a Republican candidate knocking on your front door, open the door and put a gun in their face and tell them to get the fuck off your property.
If you see a Republican sign in somebody's yard, take red spray paint and write, "Trump Cocksucking Traitor" across the front.
If you attend a Republican candidate's rally, take a bullhorn and tell the crowd they are listening to yet another Trump-cock-sucking traitor.
If you get a call from a Republican candidate volunteer, engage them at first and then destroy their eardrums with a police whistle.
Send envelopes full of smashed cat shit to their campaigns marked "MY DONATION TO YOUR CAMPAIGN! (hearts)"
And then by all means go to the polls and do the same thing that a lot of sane, real Republicans are going to do this November 6th, vote Democratic.

So your saying Democrats are reacting to what Bill Maher says? yeah, talk about over reacting... they are all F'ing crazy, but really acting like spoiled children.

Show me where the republicans actually showed up with a gun at a Democrat knife fight.... you cant... but we can see all the bad Democratic behavior you just listed. In that you are spot on.
Agreed. Let's not forget that this thread is about 2 fuckers getting what they deserve. :thup:
There you have it....Peaceful people running for office, who don't happen to be in your party, are asking to be physically assaulted.

So much for your fake "tolerance".
If I were in a position to take your rights from you and harm your friends and family, and I told you that's the only thing I cared about working towards, what would your reaction be?
Turn off the TV and stop believing the bullshit propaganda they are shoveling to you.
Afraid so. And that shit of hurting GOP Congressmen and even candidates by Democrats had better stop. America is fed up with Democrat omerta, character assassination, harassment, spitting, pooping on police cars, ransacking and breaking windows on private businesses, and chest-thumping about fooling the American people with the likes of Christine Blaser Ford, the liar. You better damn knock it off.
There you go hater dupes no spike in violence except for trumper's against Muslims Jews blacks gays. Try and remain calm, super duper. How is lock her up coming along d u h
Lock her up is coming along. . . . slowly but surely.
Hillary Clinton’s security clearance withdrawn
Hillary Clinton’s security clearance withdrawn
"at her request"

Yeah, sure. It was her idea. . .

ah no answer, got it....I love owning the libs.
No answer to what? LOL. What was your question? LOL.
Well you get to like 5 4 decisions......yummy
and when you guys attack the wrong person.......bang!!!!!!!!! And I will laugh.......stop accosting your own fucking life.
You're such a moron.

And you're the coward cheering on Leftwing violence while being too afraid to join it.
And you are just another idiot who doesn't have a clue. LOL.
Man up condone violence, get out there and do it it in texas....attack people with NRA stickers on their cars.......
No answer to what? LOL. What was your question? LOL.
Well you get to like 5 4 decisions......yummy
and when you guys attack the wrong person.......bang!!!!!!!!! And I will laugh.......stop accosting your own fucking life.
You're such a moron.

And you're the coward cheering on Leftwing violence while being too afraid to join it.
And you are just another idiot who doesn't have a clue. LOL.

Go punch a woman, you'll "feel" tougher.
LOL, the Keith Ellison wannabe
No answer to what? LOL. What was your question? LOL.
Well you get to like 5 4 decisions......yummy
and when you guys attack the wrong person.......bang!!!!!!!!! And I will laugh.......stop accosting your own fucking life.
You're such a moron.

And you're the coward cheering on Leftwing violence while being too afraid to join it.
And you are just another idiot who doesn't have a clue. LOL.
Man up condone violence, get out there and do it it in texas....attack people with NRA stickers on their cars.......
I don't condone violence.

It's sad and pathetic how brainwashed you gullible idiots are.
Well you get to like 5 4 decisions......yummy
and when you guys attack the wrong person.......bang!!!!!!!!! And I will laugh.......stop accosting your own fucking life.
You're such a moron.

And you're the coward cheering on Leftwing violence while being too afraid to join it.
And you are just another idiot who doesn't have a clue. LOL.
Man up condone violence, get out there and do it it in texas....attack people with NRA stickers on their cars.......
I don't condone violence.

It's sad and pathetic how brainwashed you gullible idiots are.

You haven't condemned it and in the article a beta Male like you punched a woman. By omission you support what he did.
If you can't beat em, beat em. Democrats are all about violence these days. Intimidation by way of mob violence. Get armed folks. Become proficient with your firearms. Democrat leadership is routinely inciting violence. So it's only gonna get worse.
Well you get to like 5 4 decisions......yummy
and when you guys attack the wrong person.......bang!!!!!!!!! And I will laugh.......stop accosting your own fucking life.
You're such a moron.

And you're the coward cheering on Leftwing violence while being too afraid to join it.
And you are just another idiot who doesn't have a clue. LOL.
Man up condone violence, get out there and do it it in texas....attack people with NRA stickers on their cars.......
I don't condone violence.

It's sad and pathetic how brainwashed you gullible idiots are.
I don't see you or your leaders condemn it, other than Michelle Obama
You're such a moron.

And you're the coward cheering on Leftwing violence while being too afraid to join it.
And you are just another idiot who doesn't have a clue. LOL.
Man up condone violence, get out there and do it it in texas....attack people with NRA stickers on their cars.......
I don't condone violence.

It's sad and pathetic how brainwashed you gullible idiots are.
I don't see you or your leaders condemn it, other than Michelle Obama
You don't see much on Fox and Rush Etc except garbage character assassination and Bs mob violence Clips shown thousands of times until you are a brainwashed idiot. The only spike in violence is against Muslims Jews blacks and gays since Trump. Try the real world, hater dupe.
And you're the coward cheering on Leftwing violence while being too afraid to join it.
And you are just another idiot who doesn't have a clue. LOL.
Man up condone violence, get out there and do it it in texas....attack people with NRA stickers on their cars.......
I don't condone violence.

It's sad and pathetic how brainwashed you gullible idiots are.
I don't see you or your leaders condemn it, other than Michelle Obama
You don't see much on Fox and Rush Etc except garbage character assassination and Bs mob violence Clips shown thousands of times until you are a brainwashed idiot. The only spike in violence is against Muslims Jews blacks and gays since Trump. Try the real world, hater dupe.

You are seriously deficient in current events. It is however instructive that you support leftwing Male violence on RW women.
Not one Lefty has denounced the violence. Very instructive
Of course we are all against violence like this, doesn't change the fact that you are a brainwashed idiot about "mob violence"when the only Spike in actual violence is right-wing violence against Muslims Jews blacks and gays.
If you can't beat em, beat em. Democrats are all about violence these days. Intimidation by way of mob violence. Get armed folks. Become proficient with your firearms. Democrat leadership is routinely inciting violence. So it's only gonna get worse.
Actually it is your BS propaganda machine that is all about mob violence, brainwashed functional moron.

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