Two New Yorkers who moved to my area saw explosions bring down World Trade Centers

and you also ignore that it didnt all fall 110 stories
there was a huge pile of debris about 4 stories high
do you morons ever deduct THAT from your calculations?
i highly doubt it

The CR said the collapse was ten seconds. Are you disputing that offical claim?

Also....are you saying the first four floors were still in tact so it's wrong to say a 110 story building collapsed? If not then you're agreeing all 110 stories collapsed.....but think pointing to the pile of debris changes the collapse time?

(This post is an example of why divey usually posts nothing but ad homs because every single time he tries to debate he gets bitch slapped 8 ways from Sunday)
keep proving me right for calling you a fucking moron

and again, you dispute the 9/11 commission report, yet cite it as fact

LOL too fucking priceless

I've never said everything in the Report is false so you throw out a strawman the second you get bitch slapped.
The CR said the collapse was ten seconds. Are you disputing that offical claim?

Also....are you saying the first four floors were still in tact so it's wrong to say a 110 story building collapsed? If not then you're agreeing all 110 stories collapsed.....but think pointing to the pile of debris changes the collapse time?

(This post is an example of why divey usually posts nothing but ad homs because every single time he tries to debate he gets bitch slapped 8 ways from Sunday)
keep proving me right for calling you a fucking moron

and again, you dispute the 9/11 commission report, yet cite it as fact

LOL too fucking priceless

I've never said everything in the Report is false so you throw out a strawman the second you get bitch slapped.
its your straw-man thrown back at you, moron
you bring up something that i have never claimed and ask me to defend it
i have stated what i think about the 9/11 commission report numerous times and you STILL bring it up
so fuck off dipshit and grow a brain

and you haven't bitch slapped ANYONE on here
you are too fucking stupid to know you've BEEN bitch slapped
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see that just proves you havent done any research into this case like none of the 9/11 apologists here have because uh no,slamming the two planes into the towers would not achive the same thing.:cuckoo:In the reason being is because they OVERDESIGNED to take a hit from an airliner slamming into them.

They did take a hit stupid. Did the towers fall right when the jets slammed into them? No they didn't. If you did your "research" you would see that they didn't do any studies or analysis as to what the affects of a massive fire would be.

A car slams into another car and both drivers survive the impact to call 9/11. Both cars then burst into flames killing both drivers. Was it the impact that was the cause of death or was it the something that was the result of the impact (gas tank leak) that caused the explosion?

9/11 inside nutjob is a moron. One comes to this conclusion based on deduction. A moron believes that simply because a building was designed a certain way, there is no possible chance that the conclusions from the design could be wrong. A moron takes it as a complete certainty that design cannot possibly be flawed.

thats old news Toto that your a moron.Thats too obvious,no need to brag about it.:lol:

Oh by the way,Im still waiting for the day for you to learn how to debate.Im still waiting for the day for you to at least TRY and debunk at LEAST one of those 65 videos instead of running away with your tail between your legs and not even talking about even one of them.:lol:

got news for you,thats not the way to debate,when someone posts a video for you to watch,you watch it and elaborate on it and talk about whats wrong with what the video say.:lol: Until your ready to stop covering your ears and eyes to evidence,facts,and witness testimonys and not afraid to look at those videos and read books that discredit the official fairy tale,then your in no position to be calling someone a moron.:lol:

have fun keeping your head up your ass to the truth.They love you up in washington for that.:lol:
They did take a hit stupid. Did the towers fall right when the jets slammed into them? No they didn't. If you did your "research" you would see that they didn't do any studies or analysis as to what the affects of a massive fire would be.

A car slams into another car and both drivers survive the impact to call 9/11. Both cars then burst into flames killing both drivers. Was it the impact that was the cause of death or was it the something that was the result of the impact (gas tank leak) that caused the explosion?

9/11 inside nutjob is a moron. One comes to this conclusion based on deduction. A moron believes that simply because a building was designed a certain way, there is no possible chance that the conclusions from the design could be wrong. A moron takes it as a complete certainty that design cannot possibly be flawed.

thats old news Toto that your a moron.Thats too obvious,no need to brag about it.:lol:

Oh by the way,Im still waiting for the day for you to learn how to debate.Im still waiting for the day for you to at least TRY and debunk at LEAST one of those 65 videos instead of running away with your tail between your legs and not even talking about even one of them.:lol:

got news for you,thats not the way to debate,when someone posts a video for you to watch,you watch it and elaborate on it and talk about whats wrong with what the video say.:lol: Until your ready to stop covering your ears and eyes to evidence,facts,and witness testimonys and not afraid to look at those videos and read books that discredit the official fairy tale,then your in no position to be calling someone a moron.:lol:

have fun keeping your head up your ass to the truth.They love you up in washington for that.:lol:
wow, what massive irony for rimjob to say anyone has their head up an ass
There's another explanation for those who can't consciously consider the possibility that their government allowed the 9E attacks to occur.

F-E-A-R of betrayal.

"These people are weak minded because they are so dependent on the US government for their self identity and security they will not take the chance of being faced with betrayal.

"It's much easier to simply call others crazy"

Thanks to CurveLight.
From the USMB thread "Never Forget Rachel Corrie"
Page 31 Post # 460

in my case you are wrong for two reasons.......

first, i did consider the possibility that the government was behind the attacks. i looked for evidence. i didnt find any. if you have evidence then please present it. otherwise, you are jsut a crazy nutjob that believes the government was behind the 9/11 attacks without any evidence to back that up. :cuckoo:

second, i dont depend on the US for my security. i dont even live in the USA the majority of the time. for instance in 2007 i was in the USA for exactly 4 days. so please tell me how denying a government conspiracy is supposed to make me feel safer somehow. :lol:
1213 Architectural and Engineering professionals and thousands of others including NYPD and NYFD first responders have signed a petition calling for a truly independent investigation.

There's no shortage of evidence for those unafraid to look.

Wherever they live.


Exactly.well said.I read through your posts and it was fun watching you take all the 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists-The Bush dupes to school in all your posts.You gave them a first class education.well done.:clap2:

It does no good to post that link though.A poster here named named Eots has posted that link you posted of patriots question 9/11 with all the highly qualified experts who dont accept the official version of the collapse many times but they always cover their ears and eyes to to that link and never read it.

I even posted a link of demolition experts that have spoken out and said that only explosives could have caused the towers to fall.they ignored the link.The logic of the Bush/Obama dupes here is it doesnt matter to them that over a thousand architects and engineers dont accept the official version of the collapse of the towers,or neither demolition experts,witnesses who survived such as Willie Rodriguez,credible witnesses such as first responders and firemen,scientists and physicsts and that evidence of military grade thermite explosives were found in the residule by scientists. That logic dosnt register with them that explosives brought the towers down.

They believe in that fairy tale that the fires caused the towers steel to weaken and collapse the towers even though over a thousand experts of architects and engineers disprove that fairy tale of theirs.:lol:

The logic of the Bush/Obama dupes is all those experts and witness testimonys means diddly squat,if the goverments explanation and the corporate controlled media say it happened that way,then its automattically the truth.great logic there isn't it?:lol: people around here just dont want to face the truth that we have an evil government on our hands so they cover their ears and eyes whenever you present the facts to them.

this link here with these 65 videos in them prove beyond a doubt it was an inside job and that explosives brought the towers down,it was the link I was referring Toto to.Hundreds of Bush dupes like Toto have looked at that link but not even one has ever attemted to even debunk one of them.thats hardly the way to
they never watch any of these videos.

thats why this whole discussion is irrelevent and mute that explosives brought the towers down and was an inside job.
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Hey Ditzcon troll,hows it going frady cat? same thing I said to Toto applies to you.Oh and Ditzcon,still waiting for you and Toto to make up your mind on about the JFK assassination since you cant agree on it.what did you two ever come up with on that? are you FINALLY ready to admit Toto is right and you been living in a fairy tale land that Oswald was the lone assassian yet? lol. would really like to know which one of you conceded WHO was right between you two on that? lol.
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Hey Ditzcon troll,hows it going frady cat? same thing I said to Toto applies to you.Oh and Ditzcon,still waiting for you and Toto to make up your mind on about the JFK assassination since you cant agree on it.what did you two ever come up with on that? are you FINALLY ready to admit Toto is right and you been living in a fairy tale land that Oswald was the lone assassian yet? lol. would really like to know which one of you conceded WHO was right between you two on that? lol.
try that again in English
you moron

oh, and i guess you took me off ignore, you pathetic pussy
Thats even dumber than the missile/remote control plane theories. Why go through the risk of being caught planting the hundreds of explosives required to pull it off just to make sure the towers fell? wouldnt slamming two planes into them achive the same thing?

see that just proves you havent done any research into this case like none of the 9/11 apologists here have because uh no,slamming the two planes into the towers would not achive the same thing.:cuckoo:In the reason being is because they OVERDESIGNED to take a hit from an airliner slamming into them.

They did take a hit stupid. Did the towers fall right when the jets slammed into them? No they didn't. If you did your "research" you would see that they didn't do any studies or analysis as to what the affects of a massive fire would be.

A car slams into another car and both drivers survive the impact to call 9/11. Both cars then burst into flames killing both drivers. Was it the impact that was the cause of death or was it the something that was the result of the impact (gas tank leak) that caused the explosion?

agent Gam you REALLY need to try and brainwash people that come here who have their doubts about the official story and are starting to question it but have a hard time believing our government was behind it.Your posts wont work on me you stupid,you just dont get that though.I figured i would reply to you this one rare time because unlike fellow agent Fizzle,you at least stay away from name calling and childish pictures most the time.Something he might want to try and learn from might pass that on to him if he wants people to listen to him.

anyways stupid,nice dodge.that doesnt debunk diddly squat and your comparing apples with oranges the same way you always do in your debates.:lol: Hate to break the news to you Gammy but the the majority of the fire explosion took place OUTSIDE the towers as we both know and as we both also know,there were no serious fires.

apparently your not aware of suppressed tapes of the firefighters that were released years later when familys had to fight for the release of the tapes, that when the firefighters were putting the fires out,they were recorded saying-We should have them put out soon,its nothing serious. stop comparing apples to oranges and stop ignoring witness testimonys.again you cant brainwash me.I have read too many books on the subject.try someone else.wont work on me in case you havent figured that out yet.:cuckoo:

Try Madeline for example.Now SHE is too much afraid of how the government really operates and ignorant to how they really are or how the media is a tool for the government.SHE you could successfully brainwash.Me your propaganda wont work just dont get that though.:rolleyes:
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and isnt it amazing how those that "claim" to be seeking the truth, have you lie and distort things to make it seem like its the truth
Indeed. Hey, Troofers: If you have to lie to make your point, your point isn't worth making.

Your false accusations of lying fit your "internet retards" comment perfectly. It's amazing how you characterize yourself so clearly in trying to insult others.
I don't have to insult you. You're doing a bang-up job all by yourself. :lol:
So how did two planes pulverize three steel framed skyscrapers at nearly free fall speed?
They didn't fall at nearly free-fall speed. That's been thoroughly debunked.
The South Tower collapsed in 10 seconds.

That's a verifiable truth even Dick Cheney's pals on the 9/11 Commission couldn't lie about.

I'm sure you'll do better.
Pointing to a Troofer site as proof of a claim is laughable.
They didn't fall at nearly free-fall speed. That's been thoroughly debunked.
The South Tower collapsed in 10 seconds.

That's a verifiable truth even Dick Cheney's pals on the 9/11 Commission couldn't lie about.

I'm sure you'll do better.
Pointing to a Troofer site as proof of a claim is laughable.

No pointing to a 9/11myths site which you 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists do as proof to debunk that it wasnt an inside job as your claim is whats laughable considering there have been so many books written that debunks those laughable and pathetic disinformation sites.:lol::lol:
The South Tower collapsed in 10 seconds.

That's a verifiable truth even Dick Cheney's pals on the 9/11 Commission couldn't lie about.

I'm sure you'll do better.
Pointing to a Troofer site as proof of a claim is laughable.

No pointing to a 9/11myths site which you 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists do as proof to debunk that it wasnt an inside job as your claim is whats laughable considering there have been so many books written that debunks those laughable and pathetic disinformation sites.:lol::lol:
and only a moron like you would waste their money on those books
The South Tower collapsed in 10 seconds.

That's a verifiable truth even Dick Cheney's pals on the 9/11 Commission couldn't lie about.

I'm sure you'll do better.
Pointing to a Troofer site as proof of a claim is laughable.

No pointing to a 9/11myths site which you 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists do as proof to debunk that it wasnt an inside job as your claim is whats laughable considering there have been so many books written that debunks those laughable and pathetic disinformation sites.:lol::lol:
Answer me this:

If this was all a big conspiracy, why have none of the conspirators, wracked by guilt, come forward? It would have taken an awful lot of people to pull off.
Ditzcons babbling-I am a troll who has no life and is afraid of government conspiracys and since I am such a loser and so desperate for attention,I love making myself look like a moron addressing the posts of someone who has told me I am on his ignore list many times because I am so desperate for attention around here.
Ditzcons babbling-I am a troll who has no life and is afraid of government conspiracys and since I am such a loser and so desperate for attention,I love making myself look like a moron addressing the posts of someone who has told me I am on his ignore list many times because I am so desperate for attention around here.
i fear NOTHING, you moronic dipshit
you are a delusional CLOWN
They didn't fall at nearly free-fall speed. That's been thoroughly debunked.
The South Tower collapsed in 10 seconds.

That's a verifiable truth even Dick Cheney's pals on the 9/11 Commission couldn't lie about.

I'm sure you'll do better.
Pointing to a Troofer site as proof of a claim is laughable.

What's even more laughable is you don't know the 9E Commission Report states the South Tower collapsed in ten seconds.

It's pretty obvious all 9E sites, regardless of position have bias. So, the best thing to do is first, get to know basic facts. (Step two is a waste of time until step one has been walked.)
The South Tower collapsed in 10 seconds.

That's a verifiable truth even Dick Cheney's pals on the 9/11 Commission couldn't lie about.

I'm sure you'll do better.
Pointing to a Troofer site as proof of a claim is laughable.

What's even more laughable is you don't know the 9E Commission Report states the South Tower collapsed in ten seconds.

It's pretty obvious all 9E sites, regardless of position have bias. So, the best thing to do is first, get to know basic facts. (Step two is a waste of time until step one has been walked.)
yeah, sure

you wouldnt know bias if you saw it
what bias would PM, Discovery channel, Nat geo, the history channel, time, the NYT, et al have?????????
maybe in a political story, but in THIS?
where politics took a back seat
Pointing to a Troofer site as proof of a claim is laughable.

No pointing to a 9/11myths site which you 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists do as proof to debunk that it wasnt an inside job as your claim is whats laughable considering there have been so many books written that debunks those laughable and pathetic disinformation sites.:lol::lol:
Answer me this:

If this was all a big conspiracy, why have none of the conspirators, wracked by guilt, come forward? It would have taken an awful lot of people to pull off.

This is an extremely poor argument but somehow it lives on.

1. How many people would it take? (You can't give a ridiculous range or wild guess). If you're claiming a necessary number of conspirators you must have come up with a theory on how they did it, which would give a fairly precise number.

2. You're assuming they are wracked by guilt.

3. There are many legal/illegal organizations with members who committed murder and other crimes yet they survive by people not confessing.

4. They have nothing to gain and everything to lose. They would be painted as fringe binge lunatics seeking attention while being subjected to getting whacked for talking.

Your premise is clearly baseless.
No pointing to a 9/11myths site which you 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists do as proof to debunk that it wasnt an inside job as your claim is whats laughable considering there have been so many books written that debunks those laughable and pathetic disinformation sites.:lol::lol:
Answer me this:

If this was all a big conspiracy, why have none of the conspirators, wracked by guilt, come forward? It would have taken an awful lot of people to pull off.

This is an extremely poor argument but somehow it lives on.

1. How many people would it take? (You can't give a ridiculous range or wild guess). If you're claiming a necessary number of conspirators you must have come up with a theory on how they did it, which would give a fairly precise number.

2. You're assuming they are wracked by guilt.

3. There are many legal/illegal organizations with members who committed murder and other crimes yet they survive by people not confessing.

4. They have nothing to gain and everything to lose. They would be painted as fringe binge lunatics seeking attention while being subjected to getting whacked for talking.

Your premise is clearly baseless.
it would have included THOUSANDS, dipshit
[...]The logic of the Bush/Obama dupes is all those experts and witness testimonys means diddly squat,if the goverments explanation and the corporate controlled media say it happened that way,then its automattically the truth.great logic there isn't it?:lol: people around here just dont want to face the truth that we have an evil government on our hands so they cover their ears and eyes whenever you present the facts to them.

this link here with these 65 videos in them prove beyond a doubt it was an inside job and that explosives brought the towers down,it was the link I was referring Toto to.Hundreds of Bush dupes like Toto have looked at that link but not even one has ever attemted to even debunk one of them.thats hardly the way to
they never watch any of these videos.

Thank you for posting the link to sixty-five videos which you are convinced offer proof that the Towers fell as the result of what would have been the most expertly executed controlled demolition in the history of the craft. While I have the time I simply don't have the mental endurance to scrutinize the assertions of all those self-proclaimed "experts." So in the interest of approaching this controversy from a common sense perspective, and putting aside the theoretical nuts & bolts of such an undertaking, which undoubtedly would have dwarfed any and all previous examples of controlled demolition, can you refer me to just one "expert" within your impressive portfolio who has supported his claim with a detailed list of the specific equipment needed to effect such a mammoth task, a listing of how many trained and experienced sappers needed to do it, where and how would such highly specialized and rare expertise be obtained, how long the job would take and, most important, how they would manage to secure the necessary access to the well guarded maintenance corridors of the Towers. Because of all the "expert" testimony I've heard about why the Towers had to be brought down by a network of sequential explosions, not one of these "experts" ventured anywhere near the subject of how such a job could have been carried out -- or who might have done it.

Referring to what we've all seen on television documentaries, just think about what it takes to bring down an unoccupied eight or ten story structure. After a full week of planning and laying out the job on paper, it takes an eight man crew another week or more to wire in the charges, then another day or two to trouble-shoot the circuitry prior to detonation. Now transpose that example onto two 110 story buildings, each of which is a full city block square, both of which are occupied and as busy as beehives with a well-trained, well-paid, armed security force whose job it is to keep track of every tradesman and deliveryman who enters and leaves the buildings.

And keep in mind that the maintenance corridors of those Towers, which afford access to the support columns and beams, are routinely traveled by electricians, plumbers, HVAC mechanics, tinsmiths, painters, etc., all of whom will be passing by a hypothetical crew of sappers who are busily attaching and wiring explosive charges to support beams. Is it conceivable to you that not one of these tradesman will take note of this most unusual activity and start asking questions?

Moving past what and how we come to the critically important question of who. There aren't more than four or five demolition contractors in the U.S. who are capable of attempting such a challenging task. They are honest, highly specialized tradesmen and decent citizens who would be on the phone to the FBI immediately after being approached with such a bizarre proposition as the destruction of the Twin Towers and the killing of thousands of innocents people, including some children.

So the simple question of who would do such a thing is the first question that must be answered before going on to the how and what.

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