Two New Yorkers who moved to my area saw explosions bring down World Trade Centers

Pointing to a Troofer site as proof of a claim is laughable.

What's even more laughable is you don't know the 9E Commission Report states the South Tower collapsed in ten seconds.

It's pretty obvious all 9E sites, regardless of position have bias. So, the best thing to do is first, get to know basic facts. (Step two is a waste of time until step one has been walked.)
yeah, sure

you wouldnt know bias if you saw it
what bias would PM, Discovery channel, Nat geo, the history channel, time, the NYT, et al have?????????
maybe in a political story, but in THIS?
where politics took a back seat

Those are 9E sites? I'm pretty sure I've seen a few stories by each of those that had nothing to do with 9E.

Great reading skills. Dumbass.

It's hilarious you claim politics in the 9E debate takes a backseat. But thanks for proving your divebomb stoopidity. Again.
Answer me this:

If this was all a big conspiracy, why have none of the conspirators, wracked by guilt, come forward? It would have taken an awful lot of people to pull off.

This is an extremely poor argument but somehow it lives on.

1. How many people would it take? (You can't give a ridiculous range or wild guess). If you're claiming a necessary number of conspirators you must have come up with a theory on how they did it, which would give a fairly precise number.

2. You're assuming they are wracked by guilt.

3. There are many legal/illegal organizations with members who committed murder and other crimes yet they survive by people not confessing.

4. They have nothing to gain and everything to lose. They would be painted as fringe binge lunatics seeking attention while being subjected to getting whacked for talking.

Your premise is clearly baseless.
it would have included THOUSANDS, dipshit

You have no evidence dictating that amount so all you are doing is trying to make it seem impossible based on your dumbass assumptions.
What's even more laughable is you don't know the 9E Commission Report states the South Tower collapsed in ten seconds.

It's pretty obvious all 9E sites, regardless of position have bias. So, the best thing to do is first, get to know basic facts. (Step two is a waste of time until step one has been walked.)
yeah, sure

you wouldnt know bias if you saw it
what bias would PM, Discovery channel, Nat geo, the history channel, time, the NYT, et al have?????????
maybe in a political story, but in THIS?
where politics took a back seat

Those are 9E sites? I'm pretty sure I've seen a few stories by each of those that had nothing to do with 9E.

Great reading skills. Dumbass.

It's hilarious you claim politics in the 9E debate takes a backseat. But thanks for proving your divebomb stoopidity. Again.
i guess you havent noticed, but there are people from ALL spectrums of the political world kicking your ass in here
This is an extremely poor argument but somehow it lives on.

1. How many people would it take? (You can't give a ridiculous range or wild guess). If you're claiming a necessary number of conspirators you must have come up with a theory on how they did it, which would give a fairly precise number.

2. You're assuming they are wracked by guilt.

3. There are many legal/illegal organizations with members who committed murder and other crimes yet they survive by people not confessing.

4. They have nothing to gain and everything to lose. They would be painted as fringe binge lunatics seeking attention while being subjected to getting whacked for talking.

Your premise is clearly baseless.
it would have included THOUSANDS, dipshit

You have no evidence dictating that amount so all you are doing is trying to make it seem impossible based on your dumbass assumptions.
it would have taken THOUSANDS just in Shanksville PA to have pulled it off, dipshit
They didn't fall at nearly free-fall speed. That's been thoroughly debunked.
The South Tower collapsed in 10 seconds.

That's a verifiable truth even Dick Cheney's pals on the 9/11 Commission couldn't lie about.

I'm sure you'll do better.
Pointing to a Troofer site as proof of a claim is laughable.
How many Troofers on the 9/11 Commission?

Have you calculated a collapse time for the South Tower?
The South Tower collapsed in 10 seconds.

That's a verifiable truth even Dick Cheney's pals on the 9/11 Commission couldn't lie about.

I'm sure you'll do better.
Pointing to a Troofer site as proof of a claim is laughable.

What's even more laughable is you don't know the 9E Commission Report states the South Tower collapsed in ten seconds.

It's pretty obvious all 9E sites, regardless of position have bias. So, the best thing to do is first, get to know basic facts. (Step two is a waste of time until step one has been walked.)
You don't understand the physics must be wrong.

Is that what you're using instead of an argument?
No pointing to a 9/11myths site which you 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists do as proof to debunk that it wasnt an inside job as your claim is whats laughable considering there have been so many books written that debunks those laughable and pathetic disinformation sites.:lol::lol:
Answer me this:

If this was all a big conspiracy, why have none of the conspirators, wracked by guilt, come forward? It would have taken an awful lot of people to pull off.

This is an extremely poor argument but somehow it lives on.

1. How many people would it take? (You can't give a ridiculous range or wild guess). If you're claiming a necessary number of conspirators you must have come up with a theory on how they did it, which would give a fairly precise number.

2. You're assuming they are wracked by guilt.

3. There are many legal/illegal organizations with members who committed murder and other crimes yet they survive by people not confessing.

4. They have nothing to gain and everything to lose. They would be painted as fringe binge lunatics seeking attention while being subjected to getting whacked for talking.

Your premise is clearly baseless.
:lol: In other words:

The South Tower collapsed in 10 seconds.

That's a verifiable truth even Dick Cheney's pals on the 9/11 Commission couldn't lie about.

I'm sure you'll do better.
Pointing to a Troofer site as proof of a claim is laughable.
How many Troofers on the 9/11 Commission?

Have you calculated a collapse time for the South Tower?
No. But I'm not making a claim I have to back up, either. You are, so you do, and you haven't.
Pointing to a Troofer site as proof of a claim is laughable.

What's even more laughable is you don't know the 9E Commission Report states the South Tower collapsed in ten seconds.

It's pretty obvious all 9E sites, regardless of position have bias. So, the best thing to do is first, get to know basic facts. (Step two is a waste of time until step one has been walked.)
yeah, sure

you wouldnt know bias if you saw it
what bias would PM, Discovery channel, Nat geo, the history channel, time, the NYT, et al have?????????
maybe in a political story, but in THIS?
where politics took a back seat
There's a corporate bias always in play.
That's why more Americans know Oprah than Noam Chomsky.
(Chomsky is NOT a 9E Truther, by the way)

As far as politics taking a back seat, I don't see how that fits with Bush procrastinating for over a year to name his 9/11 Commission.

If there was one thing Dubya stood for it was all politics all the time.
What's even more laughable is you don't know the 9E Commission Report states the South Tower collapsed in ten seconds.

It's pretty obvious all 9E sites, regardless of position have bias. So, the best thing to do is first, get to know basic facts. (Step two is a waste of time until step one has been walked.)
yeah, sure

you wouldnt know bias if you saw it
what bias would PM, Discovery channel, Nat geo, the history channel, time, the NYT, et al have?????????
maybe in a political story, but in THIS?
where politics took a back seat
There's a corporate bias always in play.
That's why more Americans know Oprah than Noam Chomsky.
(Chomsky is NOT a 9E Truther, by the way)

As far as politics taking a back seat, I don't see how that fits with Bush procrastinating for over a year to name his 9/11 Commission.

If there was one thing Dubya stood for it was all politics all the time.
because it wasnt really necessary
one of the few things Bush was actually right on
it turned out being nothing but a political CYA job
which is what you get when you have politicians appointing people that will make sure that no one political gets caught
What's even more laughable is you don't know the 9E Commission Report states the South Tower collapsed in ten seconds.

It's pretty obvious all 9E sites, regardless of position have bias. So, the best thing to do is first, get to know basic facts. (Step two is a waste of time until step one has been walked.)
yeah, sure

you wouldnt know bias if you saw it
what bias would PM, Discovery channel, Nat geo, the history channel, time, the NYT, et al have?????????
maybe in a political story, but in THIS?
where politics took a back seat
There's a corporate bias always in play.
That's why more Americans know Oprah than Noam Chomsky.
(Chomsky is NOT a 9E Truther, by the way)

As far as politics taking a back seat, I don't see how that fits with Bush procrastinating for over a year to name his 9/11 Commission.

If there was one thing Dubya stood for it was all politics all the time.
Chomsky's stupid enough to be a troofer.
Pointing to a Troofer site as proof of a claim is laughable.
How many Troofers on the 9/11 Commission?

Have you calculated a collapse time for the South Tower?
No. But I'm not making a claim I have to back up, either. You are, so you do, and you haven't.
Are you disputing the 9/11 Commission's observation that the South Tower collapsed in 10 seconds?

The time of collapse would be as difficult to lie about as the height of the Towers.

Not that some elected Republicans AND Democrats aren't up to the challenge.
How many Troofers on the 9/11 Commission?

Have you calculated a collapse time for the South Tower?
No. But I'm not making a claim I have to back up, either. You are, so you do, and you haven't.
Are you disputing the 9/11 Commission's observation that the South Tower collapsed in 10 seconds?

The time of collapse would be as difficult to lie about as the height of the Towers.

Not that some elected Republicans AND Democrats aren't up to the challenge.

I'm not disputing the time. I'm disputing your analysis of the cause of that time.

Insisting it was controlled demolition is simply ludicrous.
yeah, sure

you wouldnt know bias if you saw it
what bias would PM, Discovery channel, Nat geo, the history channel, time, the NYT, et al have?????????
maybe in a political story, but in THIS?
where politics took a back seat
There's a corporate bias always in play.
That's why more Americans know Oprah than Noam Chomsky.
(Chomsky is NOT a 9E Truther, by the way)

As far as politics taking a back seat, I don't see how that fits with Bush procrastinating for over a year to name his 9/11 Commission.

If there was one thing Dubya stood for it was all politics all the time.
because it wasnt really necessary
one of the few things Bush was actually right on
it turned out being nothing but a political CYA job
which is what you get when you have politicians appointing people that will make sure that no one political gets caught
In your opinion should any Bush Administration political appointees been held accountable for the crimes of 9/11/2001?
Pointing to a Troofer site as proof of a claim is laughable.

What's even more laughable is you don't know the 9E Commission Report states the South Tower collapsed in ten seconds.

It's pretty obvious all 9E sites, regardless of position have bias. So, the best thing to do is first, get to know basic facts. (Step two is a waste of time until step one has been walked.)
You don't understand the physics must be wrong.

Is that what you're using instead of an argument?

Lol.........slime away you stoopid bitch. You didn't know the CR said the south tower collapsed in ten seconds so instead of being honest you give a classic non-sequitur.
yeah, sure

you wouldnt know bias if you saw it
what bias would PM, Discovery channel, Nat geo, the history channel, time, the NYT, et al have?????????
maybe in a political story, but in THIS?
where politics took a back seat

Those are 9E sites? I'm pretty sure I've seen a few stories by each of those that had nothing to do with 9E.

Great reading skills. Dumbass.

It's hilarious you claim politics in the 9E debate takes a backseat. But thanks for proving your divebomb stoopidity. Again.
i guess you havent noticed, but there are people from ALL spectrums of the political world kicking your ass in here

Cuuuulassic divebomb bitch move. You fucked up, completely ignored it, and are trying to deflect by making stoopid ass comments.

Maybe one day you'll learn that these organizations:

"PM, Discovery channel, Nat geo, the history channel, time, the NYT"

Are not 9E websites. Dumbfuck. Now obey like the **** you are and ignore it again.
There's a corporate bias always in play.
That's why more Americans know Oprah than Noam Chomsky.
(Chomsky is NOT a 9E Truther, by the way)

As far as politics taking a back seat, I don't see how that fits with Bush procrastinating for over a year to name his 9/11 Commission.

If there was one thing Dubya stood for it was all politics all the time.
because it wasnt really necessary
one of the few things Bush was actually right on
it turned out being nothing but a political CYA job
which is what you get when you have politicians appointing people that will make sure that no one political gets caught
In your opinion should any Bush Administration political appointees been held accountable for the crimes of 9/11/2001?
you mean for the failures that lead to it?
Answer me this:

If this was all a big conspiracy, why have none of the conspirators, wracked by guilt, come forward? It would have taken an awful lot of people to pull off.

This is an extremely poor argument but somehow it lives on.

1. How many people would it take? (You can't give a ridiculous range or wild guess). If you're claiming a necessary number of conspirators you must have come up with a theory on how they did it, which would give a fairly precise number.

2. You're assuming they are wracked by guilt.

3. There are many legal/illegal organizations with members who committed murder and other crimes yet they survive by people not confessing.

4. They have nothing to gain and everything to lose. They would be painted as fringe binge lunatics seeking attention while being subjected to getting whacked for talking.

Your premise is clearly baseless.
:lol: In other words:


Why do you keep showing how much of a fat ass coward you are? Whenever you can't respond to arguments you whine like a little girl.
Those are 9E sites? I'm pretty sure I've seen a few stories by each of those that had nothing to do with 9E.

Great reading skills. Dumbass.

It's hilarious you claim politics in the 9E debate takes a backseat. But thanks for proving your divebomb stoopidity. Again.
i guess you havent noticed, but there are people from ALL spectrums of the political world kicking your ass in here

Cuuuulassic divebomb bitch move. You fucked up, completely ignored it, and are trying to deflect by making stoopid ass comments.

Maybe one day you'll learn that these organizations:

"PM, Discovery channel, Nat geo, the history channel, time, the NYT"

Are not 9E websites. Dumbfuck. Now obey like the **** you are and ignore it again.
typical for you
resort to calling someone a "****"
This is an extremely poor argument but somehow it lives on.

1. How many people would it take? (You can't give a ridiculous range or wild guess). If you're claiming a necessary number of conspirators you must have come up with a theory on how they did it, which would give a fairly precise number.

2. You're assuming they are wracked by guilt.

3. There are many legal/illegal organizations with members who committed murder and other crimes yet they survive by people not confessing.

4. They have nothing to gain and everything to lose. They would be painted as fringe binge lunatics seeking attention while being subjected to getting whacked for talking.

Your premise is clearly baseless.
:lol: In other words:


Why do you keep showing how much of a fat ass coward you are? Whenever you can't respond to arguments you whine like a little girl.
he got you completely, you fucking MORON

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