Two New Yorkers who moved to my area saw explosions bring down World Trade Centers

You arent laughing at anyone.
Oh, yes, I am. I'm laughing at you, your retardery, and your obscenity-laden insistence that everyone else share your delusions.

Face it, Curvy: You hate George Bush so deeply and irrationally that you're willing to ignore science, physics, engineering, and reality itself. By denying that I'm laughing at you, you think you can divine the emotions of others.

Here's what's going to happen: There will be no perp walk for BUSHCHENEYROVE. No trial at the Hague. You're going to go through life enraged, bitter, and terribly disappointed because reality refuses to bend to your will. Your emotional state will take years off your life span. You will alienate those around you. You will consider getting a weapon and taking "justice" into your own hands, but you will not. You will console yourself with the knowledge that you're smarter than other people, you see more clearly, and that you know more than everybody else, but it will be bitter, joyless consolation indeed. You will continue to visit Troofer websites to feed your delusion, which will only deepen your psychosis.

Your only hope is to turn off the internet, enjoy the people around you, and forget this nonsense.

But you will not do that.

That's what's going to happen. And for the moment, at least, I'm not laughing. I'm just terribly sad for you.

There are basically three types of people who believe that Bush was behind 9/11:

1. People who believe in most conspiracy theories, no matter how bizarre. Just take a stroll through the conspiracy threads and you'll figure out who they are.
2. People who loathe and hate Bush and/or Republicans (mainly American truthers), and/or loathe and hate America itself and what it represents (mainly foreign truthers).
3. Loony libertarians who generally believe all government is evil and will do anything to take away your rights and freedoms.

Numbers 1 & 2 dominate.

There are a few independent, critical-thinking people who don't fall into these categories, but most do.
You arent laughing at anyone.
Oh, yes, I am. I'm laughing at you, your retardery, and your obscenity-laden insistence that everyone else share your delusions.

Face it, Curvy: You hate George Bush so deeply and irrationally that you're willing to ignore science, physics, engineering, and reality itself. By denying that I'm laughing at you, you think you can divine the emotions of others.

Here's what's going to happen: There will be no perp walk for BUSHCHENEYROVE. No trial at the Hague. You're going to go through life enraged, bitter, and terribly disappointed because reality refuses to bend to your will. Your emotional state will take years off your life span. You will alienate those around you. You will consider getting a weapon and taking "justice" into your own hands, but you will not. You will console yourself with the knowledge that you're smarter than other people, you see more clearly, and that you know more than everybody else, but it will be bitter, joyless consolation indeed. You will continue to visit Troofer websites to feed your delusion, which will only deepen your psychosis.

Your only hope is to turn off the internet, enjoy the people around you, and forget this nonsense.

But you will not do that.

That's what's going to happen. And for the moment, at least, I'm not laughing. I'm just terribly sad for you.

There are basically three types of people who believe that Bush was behind 9/11:

1. People who believe in most conspiracy theories, no matter how bizarre. Just take a stroll through the conspiracy threads and you'll figure out who they are.
2. People who loathe and hate Bush and/or Republicans (mainly American truthers), and/or loathe and hate America itself and what it represents (mainly foreign truthers).
3. Loony libertarians who generally believe all government is evil and will do anything to take away your rights and freedoms.

Numbers 1 & 2 dominate.

There are a few independent, critical-thinking people who don't fall into these categories, but most do.

I don't think bush had anything to do with 9E.

There's basically one kind of person that simply accepts what their government tells them without challenging it:

You arent laughing at anyone.
Oh, yes, I am. I'm laughing at you, your retardery, and your obscenity-laden insistence that everyone else share your delusions.

Face it, Curvy: You hate George Bush so deeply and irrationally that you're willing to ignore science, physics, engineering, and reality itself. By denying that I'm laughing at you, you think you can divine the emotions of others.

Here's what's going to happen: There will be no perp walk for BUSHCHENEYROVE. No trial at the Hague. You're going to go through life enraged, bitter, and terribly disappointed because reality refuses to bend to your will. Your emotional state will take years off your life span. You will alienate those around you. You will consider getting a weapon and taking "justice" into your own hands, but you will not. You will console yourself with the knowledge that you're smarter than other people, you see more clearly, and that you know more than everybody else, but it will be bitter, joyless consolation indeed. You will continue to visit Troofer websites to feed your delusion, which will only deepen your psychosis.

Your only hope is to turn off the internet, enjoy the people around you, and forget this nonsense.

But you will not do that.

That's what's going to happen. And for the moment, at least, I'm not laughing. I'm just terribly sad for you.

There are basically three types of people who believe that Bush was behind 9/11:

1. People who believe in most conspiracy theories, no matter how bizarre. Just take a stroll through the conspiracy threads and you'll figure out who they are.
2. People who loathe and hate Bush and/or Republicans (mainly American truthers), and/or loathe and hate America itself and what it represents (mainly foreign truthers).
3. Loony libertarians who generally believe all government is evil and will do anything to take away your rights and freedoms.

Numbers 1 & 2 dominate.

There are a few independent, critical-thinking people who don't fall into these categories, but most do.
Indeed. But it's very few.
Oh, yes, I am. I'm laughing at you, your retardery, and your obscenity-laden insistence that everyone else share your delusions.

Face it, Curvy: You hate George Bush so deeply and irrationally that you're willing to ignore science, physics, engineering, and reality itself. By denying that I'm laughing at you, you think you can divine the emotions of others.

Here's what's going to happen: There will be no perp walk for BUSHCHENEYROVE. No trial at the Hague. You're going to go through life enraged, bitter, and terribly disappointed because reality refuses to bend to your will. Your emotional state will take years off your life span. You will alienate those around you. You will consider getting a weapon and taking "justice" into your own hands, but you will not. You will console yourself with the knowledge that you're smarter than other people, you see more clearly, and that you know more than everybody else, but it will be bitter, joyless consolation indeed. You will continue to visit Troofer websites to feed your delusion, which will only deepen your psychosis.

Your only hope is to turn off the internet, enjoy the people around you, and forget this nonsense.

But you will not do that.

That's what's going to happen. And for the moment, at least, I'm not laughing. I'm just terribly sad for you.

There are basically three types of people who believe that Bush was behind 9/11:

1. People who believe in most conspiracy theories, no matter how bizarre. Just take a stroll through the conspiracy threads and you'll figure out who they are.
2. People who loathe and hate Bush and/or Republicans (mainly American truthers), and/or loathe and hate America itself and what it represents (mainly foreign truthers).
3. Loony libertarians who generally believe all government is evil and will do anything to take away your rights and freedoms.

Numbers 1 & 2 dominate.

There are a few independent, critical-thinking people who don't fall into these categories, but most do.

I don't think bush had anything to do with 9E.

There's basically one kind of person that simply accepts what their government tells them without challenging it:

That's right. Science is biased to the right. :lol:
I don't think bush had anything to do with 9E.

There's basically one kind of person that simply accepts what their government tells them without challenging it:


I think you'd have to be a fool to believe that everything was answered in the government's official report. But I don't think many people here do.

It was the single greatest attack on civilians by a foreign entity on domestic soil in the history of the union. Do you really honestly believe that the government is going to create a report fingering blame for that?

But as to the central question about whether or not the government was behind or complicit in 9/11, there is little evidence suggesting that it was.
What is the free fall speed on a 110 story skyscraper?
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

That's more arrogant assumption on your part and being too stoopid to see I'm simply proving you are a troll and a sock. I expected you to keep ignoring such a simple question. What's next davey?
I've provided links to your ridiculous free-fall claim. You chose to ignore them.

If you're trying to convince me, you're doing a really crappy job. May I suggest a Dale Carnegie course?
I don't think bush had anything to do with 9E.

There's basically one kind of person that simply accepts what their government tells them without challenging it:


I think you'd have to be a fool to believe that everything was answered in the government's official report. But I don't think many people here do.

It was the single greatest attack on civilians by a foreign entity on domestic soil in the history of the union. Do you really honestly believe that the government is going to create a report fingering blame for that?

But as to the central question about whether or not the government was behind or complicit in 9/11, there is little evidence suggesting that it was.

Little evidence of complicity? Either you are as dishonest as some others or yoy have failed to research the position before your conclusion. The sheer number of coincidences are astounding. Here are four, and they are not the most compelling:

Less than a year before the attack the pentagon does an excercise on a commercial passenger plane being hijacked and crashed into the pentagon.

Three months before the attack there was a military exercise for a terorist attack in Pennsylvania in the county next to where flight 93 crashed.

On 9/11 NORAD had a scheduled military exercise of the US being attacked by planes.

In Operation Northwoods the Generals planned on diverting an actual military plane in-flight from its flight plan to do a visual on a mock commercial plane hijacked and crashed into florida. You do realize that is exactly what happened on 9E with flight 77?

There is so much more information that are all pure facts as those I've listed but too many people are afraid to actually give a critical eye.
Little evidence of complicity? Either you are as dishonest as some others or yoy have failed to research the position before your conclusion. The sheer number of coincidences are astounding. Here are four, and they are not the most compelling:

Less than a year before the attack the pentagon does an excercise on a commercial passenger plane being hijacked and crashed into the pentagon.

Three months before the attack there was a military exercise for a terorist attack in Pennsylvania in the county next to where flight 93 crashed.

On 9/11 NORAD had a scheduled military exercise of the US being attacked by planes.

In Operation Northwoods the Generals planned on diverting an actual military plane in-flight from its flight plan to do a visual on a mock commercial plane hijacked and crashed into florida. You do realize that is exactly what happened on 9E with flight 77?

There is so much more information that are all pure facts as those I've listed but too many people are afraid to actually give a critical eye.
That's "evidence"? You may as well be pointing to the creation of the USAF, because "they knew someday bad people were going to attack with airplanes!"
If we're in agreement the Towers fell straight down through their central cores and, according to Wiki, each core was "a combined steel and concrete structure...87 by 135 feet and contained 47 steel columns running from the bedrock to the top of the tower," what moved the tons of steel and concrete out of the way after the initiation of a collapse that traveled 90 floors in only 10 seconds?
Momentum. The floors above (still basically one structure weighing hundreds of tons) fell ten feet to the floors below, building up incredible momentum in even that short distance. More energy than the building was designed to withstand. So the whole thing collapsed.

Now you will predictably respond with a "Yeah, but...".

What is the free fall speed on a 110 story skyscraper?
The velocity of a free falling object dropped from the top of a 110 story building can be determined with the following equation:

V=g x t

Where g is the acceleration due to gravity (~10meters/second squared) I have no idea how to enter exponents...

And t is measured in seconds.
I don't think bush had anything to do with 9E.

There's basically one kind of person that simply accepts what their government tells them without challenging it:


I think you'd have to be a fool to believe that everything was answered in the government's official report. But I don't think many people here do.

It was the single greatest attack on civilians by a foreign entity on domestic soil in the history of the union. Do you really honestly believe that the government is going to create a report fingering blame for that?

But as to the central question about whether or not the government was behind or complicit in 9/11, there is little evidence suggesting that it was.

Little evidence of complicity? Either you are as dishonest as some others or yoy have failed to research the position before your conclusion. The sheer number of coincidences are astounding. Here are four, and they are not the most compelling:

Less than a year before the attack the pentagon does an excercise on a commercial passenger plane being hijacked and crashed into the pentagon.

Three months before the attack there was a military exercise for a terorist attack in Pennsylvania in the county next to where flight 93 crashed.

On 9/11 NORAD had a scheduled military exercise of the US being attacked by planes.

In Operation Northwoods the Generals planned on diverting an actual military plane in-flight from its flight plan to do a visual on a mock commercial plane hijacked and crashed into florida. You do realize that is exactly what happened on 9E with flight 77?

There is so much more information that are all pure facts as those I've listed but too many people are afraid to actually give a critical eye.
That's "evidence"? You may as well be pointing to the creation of the USAF, because "they knew someday bad people were going to attack with airplanes!"

I didn't say it was evidence you cocksucking sockpuppet. I said:

"The sheer number of coincidences are astounding. "

Let us know when you've figure out the free fall speed of a 110 story skyscraper.......
Momentum. The floors above (still basically one structure weighing hundreds of tons) fell ten feet to the floors below, building up incredible momentum in even that short distance. More energy than the building was designed to withstand. So the whole thing collapsed.

Now you will predictably respond with a "Yeah, but...".

What is the free fall speed on a 110 story skyscraper?
The velocity of a free falling object dropped from the top of a 110 story building can be determined with the following equation:

V=g x t

Where g is the acceleration due to gravity (~10meters/second squared) I have no idea how to enter exponents...

And t is measured in seconds.

Thanks for that but what I'm trying to do is show the time difference between a 110 story skyscraper being professionally razed and the ten second collapse of the South Tower. As I'm sure you've noticed, not a single OCTA has the balls to make the comparison.

(Official Conspiracy Theory Apologist)
[...]On 9/11 NORAD had a scheduled military exercise of the US being attacked by planes.

That single factor is one that I cannot dismiss as coincidence. While I do not believe the Bush Administration was "behind" the 9/11 attack, i.e., I don't believe any of them had an active role in its planning or execution, I strongly believe that Bush and Cheney, and probably Rice, had high-level intelligence information that a hijack attack was coming on 9/11 and did what they could to let it happen.

I don't believe they had any specific knowledge, such as the actual targets or the projected extent of the damage, and I certainly don't believe the collapse of the Towers was assisted by controlled demolition, but the diversion of Norad has convinced me that Bush, Cheney, and probably others, knew that attack was coming and just stepped aside and let it happen.

There should be no question in anyone's mind that the 9/11 attack was the best thing that ever happened for the Bush Administration and their corporate sponsors.
What is the free fall speed on a 110 story skyscraper?
The velocity of a free falling object dropped from the top of a 110 story building can be determined with the following equation:

V=g x t

Where g is the acceleration due to gravity (~10meters/second squared) I have no idea how to enter exponents...

And t is measured in seconds.

Thanks for that but what I'm trying to do is show the time difference between a 110 story skyscraper being professionally razed and the ten second collapse of the South Tower. As I'm sure you've noticed, not a single OCTA has the balls to make the comparison.

(Official Conspiracy Theory Apologist)
Here's a more useful site.

When I enter 1100 feet in the starting point box, I get t=8.271...seconds.

I think that's the time Dick Cheney's Silver Star would take to fall from the top of the South Tower prior to 9E.
Little evidence of complicity? Either you are as dishonest as some others or yoy have failed to research the position before your conclusion. The sheer number of coincidences are astounding. Here are four, and they are not the most compelling:

Less than a year before the attack the pentagon does an excercise on a commercial passenger plane being hijacked and crashed into the pentagon.

Three months before the attack there was a military exercise for a terorist attack in Pennsylvania in the county next to where flight 93 crashed.

On 9/11 NORAD had a scheduled military exercise of the US being attacked by planes.

In Operation Northwoods the Generals planned on diverting an actual military plane in-flight from its flight plan to do a visual on a mock commercial plane hijacked and crashed into florida. You do realize that is exactly what happened on 9E with flight 77?

There is so much more information that are all pure facts as those I've listed but too many people are afraid to actually give a critical eye.

What? No PNAC article?

That's not evidence of complicity. That's trying to connect dots in a puzzle that doesn't exist. That's zero understanding of randomness. That's seeing linearly in two dimension in a complex world.

I'll take your "coincidences" line a little more seriously when you can reasonably tell me where all the bodies went in the plane that allegedly didn't hit the Pentagon, or how one of the largest complexes on the planet can be wired for demolition in secret with no witnesses whereas it takes every other large building weeks or months working full-time to do so, or how a seismology lab can register a reading inconsistent with explosions, etc., etc., etc.
Momentum. The floors above (still basically one structure weighing hundreds of tons) fell ten feet to the floors below, building up incredible momentum in even that short distance. More energy than the building was designed to withstand. So the whole thing collapsed.

Now you will predictably respond with a "Yeah, but...".

What is the free fall speed on a 110 story skyscraper?
The velocity of a free falling object dropped from the top of a 110 story building can be determined with the following equation:

V=g x t

Where g is the acceleration due to gravity (~10meters/second squared) I have no idea how to enter exponents...

And t is measured in seconds.

The velocity of a free falling object dropped from the top of a 110 story building can be determined with the following equation:

V=g x t

Where g is the acceleration due to gravity (~10meters/second squared) I have no idea how to enter exponents...

And t is measured in seconds.

Thanks for that but what I'm trying to do is show the time difference between a 110 story skyscraper being professionally razed and the ten second collapse of the South Tower. As I'm sure you've noticed, not a single OCTA has the balls to make the comparison.

(Official Conspiracy Theory Apologist)
Here's a more useful site.

When I enter 1100 feet in the starting point box, I get t=8.271...seconds.

I think that's the time Dick Cheney's Silver Star would take to fall from the top of the South Tower prior to 9E.

That's pretty amazing. If the 8.2 seconds count is correct I do believe a collapse taking ten seconds means it would be near free fall speed.

I don't see how that many floors could fall into so small a rubble pile in 10 seconds without having an external input of energy, i.e., controlled explosives. (I'm sure Dave does)

I don't see how that many floors could fall into so small a rubble pile in 10 seconds without having an external input of energy, i.e., controlled explosives. (I'm sure Dave does)

I've not seen any definitive explanation for how they collapsed.

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