Two New Yorkers who moved to my area saw explosions bring down World Trade Centers

dipshit, they have ALL answered your bullshit conspiracies and you all claim they are IN ON IT
so shut the fuck up and actually produce something worthy of a reasoned response


"you all claim they are IN ON IT"

If telling lies paid $.00000001 per 15 lies you would have more money than Gates, Buffet, and Switzerland combined.
ah, more classic projection

another thing you lying troofer morons do a lot

Why don't you just end it? Aren't you tired of people changing your diapers yet?
ah, more classic projection

another thing you lying troofer morons do a lot

you're just fuxxing stoopid. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

You sucking gunny's dick on overtime this week?

I don't know how you ***** keep fooling yourselves in your fantasy world. Is it prescription drugs, illegal drugs, straight fear, or a combination?

What I do know is none of you have ever seriously investigated 9E. You fucking rejects are drawn to this for one simple reason: you get to hold hands and call people names and are never accountable for anything you say.
^^^ more projection
You've got so many strawmen and false assumptions it's not worth responding.

Thank for demonstrating what OCTAs do when faced with facts they don't like. You run like scared leetle bitches.


Come back when you've got something other than coincidences, circumstances and stories.

Those are all facts. Keep ignoring them.......

Then explain why Cheney was the acting CINC and took direct military control?
another fucking moronic troofer LIE

"you all claim they are IN ON IT"

If telling lies paid $.00000001 per 15 lies you would have more money than Gates, Buffet, and Switzerland combined.
ah, more classic projection

another thing you lying troofer morons do a lot

Why don't you just end it? Aren't you tired of people changing your diapers yet?
why dont you?
you're the dipshit that thinks there is some huge conspiracy trying to kiill innocent Americans

hey dipshit, tell me again how my phone has a mode it doesn't actually have, and then prove it doesn't have it but keep on claiming that you proved it does
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dipshit, they have ALL answered your bullshit conspiracies and you all claim they are IN ON IT
so shut the fuck up and actually produce something worthy of a reasoned response


"you all claim they are IN ON IT"

If telling lies paid $.00000001 per 15 lies you would have more money than Gates, Buffet, and Switzerland combined.
ah, more classic projection

another thing you lying troofer morons do a lot

ah, more classic projection

another thing you lying troofer morons do a lot

Why don't you just end it? Aren't you tired of people changing your diapers yet?
why dont you?
you're the dipshit that thinks there is some huge conspiracy trying to kiill innocent Americans

hey dipshit, tell me again how my phone has a mode it doesn't actually have, and then prove it doesn't have it but keep on claiming that you proved it does

I hit a button there eh? Don't worry. Your worst fears will come true while you're crying your last tears wishing you'd done what you know you should have done but never had the courage to do. You're living out you're final hours doing nothing but hoping the hate you share will somehow assuage the hate you are drowning in.

Do Depends come with self-cleaning wipers or do you have to have that done for you as well you brokedick crybaby ****?

"you all claim they are IN ON IT"

If telling lies paid $.00000001 per 15 lies you would have more money than Gates, Buffet, and Switzerland combined.
ah, more classic projection

another thing you lying troofer morons do a lot

Why don't you just end it? Aren't you tired of people changing your diapers yet?
why dont you?
you're the dipshit that thinks there is some huge conspiracy trying to kiill innocent Americans

hey dipshit, tell me again how my phone has a mode it doesn't actually have, and then prove it doesn't have it but keep on claiming that you proved it does

I hit a button there eh? Don't worry. Your worst fears will come true while you're crying your last tears wishing you'd done what you know you should have done but never had the courage to do. You're living out you're final hours doing nothing but hoping the hate you share will somehow assuage the hate you are drowning in.

Do Depends come with self-cleaning wipers or do you have to have that done for you as well you brokedick crybaby ****?
more classic projections
tell the orderly you need more meds

what a pathetic little whiny dipshit you are
i feel sorry for ANYONE that actually has to be any where near you
I guess you'd have a point if you could show where anyone said they fell at free fall speed. Nobody here did so your little strawman party joins your cocksucking sockpuppet party.

The south tower fell in ten seconds. Even using your dumbass backwater redneck logic and agree free fall would be 7.75 seconds that means the south tower fell at nearly free fall speed you dumbfuck.

Even when you are dishonest you can't provide a valid point!
Your closed little mind is made up. Stop pretending you're here for debate.
I didn't say it was evidence you cocksucking sockpuppet. I said:

"The sheer number of coincidences are astounding. "

Let us know when you've figure out the free fall speed of a 110 story skyscraper.......
I'm almost convinced. A few more mindless obscenities should do it!

Yet you continue to ignore stating how long it would take for a professionally razed 110 story tower to fall. There's no obscenities for you to hide behind so I guess you have two choices:

Keep proving you are trolling


Give the time on a razed 110 story tower
How would I know that? Do you know of such a building?

Not that it matters. The time is immaterial. The towers collapsed due to the fires weakening the structural steel. No other explanation is plausible given the facts in evidence.

Not to rational people, that is. People like you will believe any old stupid shit. :lol:
Don't worry. Your worst fears will come true while you're crying your last tears wishing you'd done what you know you should have done but never had the courage to do. You're living out you're final hours doing nothing but hoping the hate you share will somehow assuage the hate you are drowning in.
Wow. That could be autobiographical. :lol:
Don't worry. Your worst fears will come true while you're crying your last tears wishing you'd done what you know you should have done but never had the courage to do. You're living out you're final hours doing nothing but hoping the hate you share will somehow assuage the hate you are drowning in.
Wow. That could be autobiographical. :lol:
troofers love to do projection
I'm almost convinced. A few more mindless obscenities should do it!

Yet you continue to ignore stating how long it would take for a professionally razed 110 story tower to fall. There's no obscenities for you to hide behind so I guess you have two choices:

Keep proving you are trolling


Give the time on a razed 110 story tower
How would I know that? Do you know of such a building?

Not that it matters. The time is immaterial. The towers collapsed due to the fires weakening the structural steel. No other explanation is plausible given the facts in evidence.

Not to rational people, that is. People like you will believe any old stupid shit. :lol:
actually, dipshit curvy wont make an actual stand on what he actually believes happened
he just says he doesnt believe the "official story"
then asks people to defend shit they never said
Don't worry. Your worst fears will come true while you're crying your last tears wishing you'd done what you know you should have done but never had the courage to do. You're living out you're final hours doing nothing but hoping the hate you share will somehow assuage the hate you are drowning in.
Wow. That could be autobiographical. :lol:
troofers love to do projection
Indeed. Don't look directly at'll get retina damage. :lol:
Yet you continue to ignore stating how long it would take for a professionally razed 110 story tower to fall. There's no obscenities for you to hide behind so I guess you have two choices:

Keep proving you are trolling


Give the time on a razed 110 story tower
How would I know that? Do you know of such a building?

Not that it matters. The time is immaterial. The towers collapsed due to the fires weakening the structural steel. No other explanation is plausible given the facts in evidence.

Not to rational people, that is. People like you will believe any old stupid shit. :lol:
actually, dipshit curvy wont make an actual stand on what he actually believes happened
he just says he doesnt believe the "official story"
then asks people to defend shit they never said


Hey, Curvy! Man up and entertain us with your "theory"! :lol:
How would I know that? Do you know of such a building?

Not that it matters. The time is immaterial. The towers collapsed due to the fires weakening the structural steel. No other explanation is plausible given the facts in evidence.

Not to rational people, that is. People like you will believe any old stupid shit. :lol:
actually, dipshit curvy wont make an actual stand on what he actually believes happened
he just says he doesnt believe the "official story"
then asks people to defend shit they never said


Hey, Curvy! Man up and entertain us with your "theory"! :lol:
not only that, but he finds it necessary to abbreviate 9/11 to 9E, and the commission report to CR
as if saving 2 characters of typing is really that much of a savings

and anyone that doesn't buy into the conspiracy nonsense is an OCTA
i think thats supposed to mean Official Conspiracy Theory Apologist or something similar
Last edited:
actually, dipshit curvy wont make an actual stand on what he actually believes happened
he just says he doesnt believe the "official story"
then asks people to defend shit they never said


Hey, Curvy! Man up and entertain us with your "theory"! :lol:
not only that, but he finds it necessary to abbreviate 9/11 to 9E, and the commission report to CR
as if saving 2 characters of typing is really that much of a savings

and anyone that doesn't buy into the conspiracy nonsense is an OCTA
i think thats supposed to mean Official Conspiracy Theory Apologist or something similar
I was wondering what the "E" stood for. Apparently, it stands for "Erratic". :lol:

"But Bush and Cheney have maneuvered America into a war on terrorism.

"That war threatens to become a permanent justification for curtailing the US Constitution's elaborate checks and balances, and its guarantees of America's traditional liberties."

That same war also guarantees billions of dollars in war profits for corporations that sponsor tools like Bush and Obama.


As September neared, multiple authoritative intelligence warnings surfaced with increasing intensity, warning of a terrorist attack against the U.S. We should recall that in response to ECHELON’s warnings, U.S. intelligence agencies were already on alert for evidence of a very specific Project Bojinka-style operation, which would target key buildings in Washington and New York. The White House National Coordinator for Counterterrorism, based on CIA confirmation, had alerted all domestic security and intelligence agencies of an impending Al-Qaeda attack, to be implemented in several weeks time, at the beginning of July. According to Chief Investigative Counsel David Schippers, U.S. sources had informed him as early as May that the intelligence community had credible information of an imminent attack targeting the “financial district of lower Manhattan,” and that intelligence officers throughout the country were frustrated by high-level blocks on investigations and information. The FBI appears to have had specific information indicating that the World Trade Centre was thus the most probable target. Against this background, the multiple warnings of an impending attack by Osama bin Laden from a variety of credible authorities should have increasingly reinforced the overall intelligence confirmation of the attacks. Did Bush Know? :: Warning Signs of 9-11 and Intelligence Failures :: (by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed) - Media Monitors Network

Norman Mineta served in the President's Cabinet as the United States Secretary of Transportation and was present with Vice Present Cheney on the morning of 9/11. Mineta's testimony contradicts the 9/11 Commission’s Report by revealing the fact that Cheney knew about the aircraft approaching the Pentagon long before the impact and reveals that Cheney upheld an order to stand down as also confirmed by Acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Richard Myers. Mineta's testimony was broadcast on C-Span however the governments rigged 9/11 Commission Report ignored the testimony and all the evidence you will find on this site and other 9/11 exposes. Untitled Document
For the last 5000 years myths have helped all governments socialize cost and privatize profit. No myth is currently more useful to the rich in this country than the Official Conspiracy Theory of 9/11/2001.

From the opening days of Cheney/Bush in January 2001 it was clear Afghanistan and Iraq were in their cross-hairs. And it had nothing to do with "terrorists."

The goal in Afghanistan was a pipeline deal with the Taliban who, by early August, were proving so vexing that State Department negotiator, Christine Rocca, clarified their options:

"Either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold or we bury you under a carpet of bombs."

When Bush received word of the Taliban's refusal he allegedly "...informed Pakistan and India that the US would launch a military mission into Afghanistan before the end of October."

Five weeks before 9/11.

At the very least skeptics in this country should demand the answers to five questions about our latest "Day of Infamy":

Why did Cheney/Bush initially oppose any investigation at all?

Why did a full year elapse before any inquiry was undertaken?

Why did Bush insist on appointing the 9/11 Commissioners himself?

Why did Cheney and Bush refuse to testify under oath?

Another question I'd like an answer much money have each of you draft dodgers made from the War on Terror?

The So-Called War on Terror
The goal in Afghanistan was a pipeline deal with the Taliban who, by early August, were proving so vexing that State Department negotiator, Christine Rocca, clarified their options:

"Either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold or we bury you under a carpet of bombs."

When Bush received word of the Taliban's refusal he allegedly "...informed Pakistan and India that the US would launch a military mission into Afghanistan before the end of October."

Five weeks before 9/11.



Yeah, that's right, it was over a pipeline.

Twoofer questioning: "Is energy in anyway connected to this random series of events?" Answer, "Yes. There is a $3 billion pipeline proposed by Chevron." Twoofer logic, "A-HA! That proves it! The Bush/Cheney/Republican/Fed/Bilderbergs are behind it and evil!"

Twoofers will believe anything.
The goal in Afghanistan was a pipeline deal with the Taliban who, by early August, were proving so vexing that State Department negotiator, Christine Rocca, clarified their options:

"Either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold or we bury you under a carpet of bombs."

When Bush received word of the Taliban's refusal he allegedly "...informed Pakistan and India that the US would launch a military mission into Afghanistan before the end of October."

Five weeks before 9/11.



Yeah, that's right, it was over a pipeline.

Twoofer questioning: "Is energy in anyway connected to this random series of events?" Answer, "Yes. There is a $3 billion pipeline proposed by Chevron." Twoofer logic, "A-HA! That proves it! The Bush/Cheney/Republican/Fed/Bilderbergs are behind it and evil!"

Twoofers will believe anything.
but, but, Bush's brother was two blocks away...
The goal in Afghanistan was a pipeline deal with the Taliban who, by early August, were proving so vexing that State Department negotiator, Christine Rocca, clarified their options:

"Either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold or we bury you under a carpet of bombs."

When Bush received word of the Taliban's refusal he allegedly "...informed Pakistan and India that the US would launch a military mission into Afghanistan before the end of October."

Five weeks before 9/11.



Yeah, that's right, it was over a pipeline.

Twoofer questioning: "Is energy in anyway connected to this random series of events?" Answer, "Yes. There is a $3 billion pipeline proposed by Chevron." Twoofer logic, "A-HA! That proves it! The Bush/Cheney/Republican/Fed/Bilderbergs are behind it and evil!"

Twoofers will believe anything.
Except physics, engineering, and thermodynamics.

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