Two New Yorkers who moved to my area saw explosions bring down World Trade Centers

[...]On 9/11 NORAD had a scheduled military exercise of the US being attacked by planes.

That single factor is one that I cannot dismiss as coincidence. While I do not believe the Bush Administration was "behind" the 9/11 attack, i.e., I don't believe any of them had an active role in its planning or execution, I strongly believe that Bush and Cheney, and probably Rice, had high-level intelligence information that a hijack attack was coming on 9/11 and did what they could to let it happen.

I don't believe they had any specific knowledge, such as the actual targets or the projected extent of the damage, and I certainly don't believe the collapse of the Towers was assisted by controlled demolition, but the diversion of Norad has convinced me that Bush, Cheney, and probably others, knew that attack was coming and just stepped aside and let it happen.

There should be no question in anyone's mind that the 9/11 attack was the best thing that ever happened for the Bush Administration and their corporate sponsors.
There's a concept of Deep State that Professor Peter Dale Scott contrasts with the normal day to day routine of government that gets coverage in the corporate press.

If you're correct about Condi, George, and Dick knowing in advance 9/11 was on the way, that's an example of Deep State in operation.

Professor Scott explains where Deep State got its name. It happened in Turkey in 1996 when a "random?" car accident claimed 4 lives in the same vehicle.

One of the dead was an MP (Minister of Parliament), another was a police chief. The third was a beauty queen, and the fourth victim was her lover, a top Turkish gangster and hit man who was on Interpol's wanted list and carrying a diplomatic passport signed by the Turkish Interior minister, along with a quantity of narcotics when he died.

Scott's article looks closely at the similarities between JFK's assassination and 9/11. However he also notes one important difference:

"The difference between 1963 and 2001 was in the White House. Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson successfully contained the desires of their hawks to defeat and destroy the Soviet Union.

"But Bush and Cheney have maneuvered America into a war on terrorism.

"That war threatens to become a permanent justification for curtailing the US Constitution's elaborate checks and balances, and its guarantees of America's traditional liberties."

That same war also guarantees billions of dollars in war profits for corporations that sponsor tools like Bush and Obama.
Here's a more useful site.

When I enter 1100 feet in the starting point box, I get t=8.271...seconds.

I think that's the time Dick Cheney's Silver Star would take to fall from the top of the South Tower prior to 9E.
That's a handy resource. Allow me to explain why you're using it wrong. You pay attention too, Curvy.

Both of you are squawking about a 110-story building...but that's not what collapsed. The collapses started where the planes impacted, where the damage was the greatest, and where the fireproofing for the columns was removed by the passage of plane debris. WTC 1 was struck primarily on the 96th floor, WTC 2 on the 81st.

Let's look at free-fall times from those heights. Each story is 12 feet.

WTC1, from the 96th floor, is 1152 feet -- free fall would be 8.46 seconds.
WTC2, from the 81st floor, is 972 feet -- free fall would be 7.75 seconds.

By your own admission, the collapses took longer than that. So therefore, the Towers did NOT fall at free-fall speeds.

But guess what? I've wasted my time. Neither of you will accept this. Guaranteed. You'll continue yapping about "why did the Towers collapse at free-fall speeds?" as if you never read what I just wrote.

See why I say that you two don't have the science on your side? It's because you don't.
Here's a more useful site.

When I enter 1100 feet in the starting point box, I get t=8.271...seconds.

I think that's the time Dick Cheney's Silver Star would take to fall from the top of the South Tower prior to 9E.
That's a handy resource. Allow me to explain why you're using it wrong. You pay attention too, Curvy.

Both of you are squawking about a 110-story building...but that's not what collapsed. The collapses started where the planes impacted, where the damage was the greatest, and where the fireproofing for the columns was removed by the passage of plane debris. WTC 1 was struck primarily on the 96th floor, WTC 2 on the 81st.

Let's look at free-fall times from those heights. Each story is 12 feet.

WTC1, from the 96th floor, is 1152 feet -- free fall would be 8.46 seconds.
WTC2, from the 81st floor, is 972 feet -- free fall would be 7.75 seconds.

By your own admission, the collapses took longer than that. So therefore, the Towers did NOT fall at free-fall speeds.

But guess what? I've wasted my time. Neither of you will accept this. Guaranteed. You'll continue yapping about "why did the Towers collapse at free-fall speeds?" as if you never read what I just wrote.

See why I say that you two don't have the science on your side? It's because you don't.

I guess you'd have a point if you could show where anyone said they fell at free fall speed. Nobody here did so your little strawman party joins your cocksucking sockpuppet party.

The south tower fell in ten seconds. Even using your dumbass backwater redneck logic and agree free fall would be 7.75 seconds that means the south tower fell at nearly free fall speed you dumbfuck.

Even when you are dishonest you can't provide a valid point!
I didn't say it was evidence you cocksucking sockpuppet. I said:

"The sheer number of coincidences are astounding. "

Let us know when you've figure out the free fall speed of a 110 story skyscraper.......
I'm almost convinced. A few more mindless obscenities should do it!

Yet you continue to ignore stating how long it would take for a professionally razed 110 story tower to fall. There's no obscenities for you to hide behind so I guess you have two choices:

Keep proving you are trolling


Give the time on a razed 110 story tower
Little evidence of complicity? Either you are as dishonest as some others or yoy have failed to research the position before your conclusion. The sheer number of coincidences are astounding. Here are four, and they are not the most compelling:

Less than a year before the attack the pentagon does an excercise on a commercial passenger plane being hijacked and crashed into the pentagon.

Three months before the attack there was a military exercise for a terorist attack in Pennsylvania in the county next to where flight 93 crashed.

On 9/11 NORAD had a scheduled military exercise of the US being attacked by planes.

In Operation Northwoods the Generals planned on diverting an actual military plane in-flight from its flight plan to do a visual on a mock commercial plane hijacked and crashed into florida. You do realize that is exactly what happened on 9E with flight 77?

There is so much more information that are all pure facts as those I've listed but too many people are afraid to actually give a critical eye.

What? No PNAC article?

That's not evidence of complicity. That's trying to connect dots in a puzzle that doesn't exist. That's zero understanding of randomness. That's seeing linearly in two dimension in a complex world.

I'll take your "coincidences" line a little more seriously when you can reasonably tell me where all the bodies went in the plane that allegedly didn't hit the Pentagon, or how one of the largest complexes on the planet can be wired for demolition in secret with no witnesses whereas it takes every other large building weeks or months working full-time to do so, or how a seismology lab can register a reading inconsistent with explosions, etc., etc., etc.

You've got so many strawmen and false assumptions it's not worth responding.

Thank for demonstrating what OCTAs do when faced with facts they don't like. You run like scared leetle bitches.
Little evidence of complicity? Either you are as dishonest as some others or yoy have failed to research the position before your conclusion. The sheer number of coincidences are astounding. Here are four, and they are not the most compelling:

Less than a year before the attack the pentagon does an excercise on a commercial passenger plane being hijacked and crashed into the pentagon.

Three months before the attack there was a military exercise for a terorist attack in Pennsylvania in the county next to where flight 93 crashed.

On 9/11 NORAD had a scheduled military exercise of the US being attacked by planes.

In Operation Northwoods the Generals planned on diverting an actual military plane in-flight from its flight plan to do a visual on a mock commercial plane hijacked and crashed into florida. You do realize that is exactly what happened on 9E with flight 77?

There is so much more information that are all pure facts as those I've listed but too many people are afraid to actually give a critical eye.

What? No PNAC article?

That's not evidence of complicity. That's trying to connect dots in a puzzle that doesn't exist. That's zero understanding of randomness. That's seeing linearly in two dimension in a complex world.

I'll take your "coincidences" line a little more seriously when you can reasonably tell me where all the bodies went in the plane that allegedly didn't hit the Pentagon, or how one of the largest complexes on the planet can be wired for demolition in secret with no witnesses whereas it takes every other large building weeks or months working full-time to do so, or how a seismology lab can register a reading inconsistent with explosions, etc., etc., etc.

You've got so many strawmen and false assumptions it's not worth responding.

Thank for demonstrating what OCTAs do when faced with facts they don't like. You run like scared leetle bitches.
dipshit, you dont post facts, just paranoid bullshit
What? No PNAC article?

That's not evidence of complicity. That's trying to connect dots in a puzzle that doesn't exist. That's zero understanding of randomness. That's seeing linearly in two dimension in a complex world.

I'll take your "coincidences" line a little more seriously when you can reasonably tell me where all the bodies went in the plane that allegedly didn't hit the Pentagon, or how one of the largest complexes on the planet can be wired for demolition in secret with no witnesses whereas it takes every other large building weeks or months working full-time to do so, or how a seismology lab can register a reading inconsistent with explosions, etc., etc., etc.

You've got so many strawmen and false assumptions it's not worth responding.

Thank for demonstrating what OCTAs do when faced with facts they don't like. You run like scared leetle bitches.
dipshit, you dont post facts, just paranoid bullshit

At a generous guess 85% of your posts are nothing but ad homs and you've been doing this ever since I joined. So the question is, why haven't you done it? You obviously hate life and hate yourself yet you continue polluting the world with your brokedick existence.
You've got so many strawmen and false assumptions it's not worth responding.

Thank for demonstrating what OCTAs do when faced with facts they don't like. You run like scared leetle bitches.
dipshit, you dont post facts, just paranoid bullshit

At a generous guess 85% of your posts are nothing but ad homs and you've been doing this ever since I joined. So the question is, why haven't you done it? You obviously hate life and hate yourself yet you continue polluting the world with your brokedick existence.
thats because 85% of the time you post nothing to actually respond to
you post bullshit paranoid nonsense and expect a serious response?
grow a fucking brain, moron

"But Bush and Cheney have maneuvered America into a war on terrorism.

"That war threatens to become a permanent justification for curtailing the US Constitution's elaborate checks and balances, and its guarantees of America's traditional liberties."

That same war also guarantees billions of dollars in war profits for corporations that sponsor tools like Bush and Obama.


As September neared, multiple authoritative intelligence warnings surfaced with increasing intensity, warning of a terrorist attack against the U.S. We should recall that in response to ECHELON’s warnings, U.S. intelligence agencies were already on alert for evidence of a very specific Project Bojinka-style operation, which would target key buildings in Washington and New York. The White House National Coordinator for Counterterrorism, based on CIA confirmation, had alerted all domestic security and intelligence agencies of an impending Al-Qaeda attack, to be implemented in several weeks time, at the beginning of July. According to Chief Investigative Counsel David Schippers, U.S. sources had informed him as early as May that the intelligence community had credible information of an imminent attack targeting the “financial district of lower Manhattan,” and that intelligence officers throughout the country were frustrated by high-level blocks on investigations and information. The FBI appears to have had specific information indicating that the World Trade Centre was thus the most probable target. Against this background, the multiple warnings of an impending attack by Osama bin Laden from a variety of credible authorities should have increasingly reinforced the overall intelligence confirmation of the attacks. Did Bush Know? :: Warning Signs of 9-11 and Intelligence Failures :: (by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed) - Media Monitors Network

Norman Mineta served in the President's Cabinet as the United States Secretary of Transportation and was present with Vice Present Cheney on the morning of 9/11. Mineta's testimony contradicts the 9/11 Commission’s Report by revealing the fact that Cheney knew about the aircraft approaching the Pentagon long before the impact and reveals that Cheney upheld an order to stand down as also confirmed by Acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Richard Myers. Mineta's testimony was broadcast on C-Span however the governments rigged 9/11 Commission Report ignored the testimony and all the evidence you will find on this site and other 9/11 exposes. Untitled Document
Last edited:
What? No PNAC article?

That's not evidence of complicity. That's trying to connect dots in a puzzle that doesn't exist. That's zero understanding of randomness. That's seeing linearly in two dimension in a complex world.

I'll take your "coincidences" line a little more seriously when you can reasonably tell me where all the bodies went in the plane that allegedly didn't hit the Pentagon, or how one of the largest complexes on the planet can be wired for demolition in secret with no witnesses whereas it takes every other large building weeks or months working full-time to do so, or how a seismology lab can register a reading inconsistent with explosions, etc., etc., etc.

You've got so many strawmen and false assumptions it's not worth responding.

Thank for demonstrating what OCTAs do when faced with facts they don't like. You run like scared leetle bitches.
dipshit, you dont post facts, just paranoid bullshit

dipshit, you dont post facts, just paranoid bullshit

At a generous guess 85% of your posts are nothing but ad homs and you've been doing this ever since I joined. So the question is, why haven't you done it? You obviously hate life and hate yourself yet you continue polluting the world with your brokedick existence.
thats because 85% of the time you post nothing to actually respond to
you post bullshit paranoid nonsense and expect a serious response?
grow a fucking brain, moron

You just got done trying to claim PM, Dicovery channel, etc are 9/11 websites. You're living in fantasy world you suicide coward.
You've got so many strawmen and false assumptions it's not worth responding.

Thank for demonstrating what OCTAs do when faced with facts they don't like. You run like scared leetle bitches.
dipshit, you dont post facts, just paranoid bullshit

At a generous guess 85% of your posts are nothing but ad homs and you've been doing this ever since I joined. So the question is, why haven't you done it? You obviously hate life and hate yourself yet you continue polluting the world with your brokedick existence.
thats because 85% of the time you post nothing to actually respond to
you post bullshit paranoid nonsense and expect a serious response?
grow a fucking brain, moron

You just got done trying to claim PM, Dicovery channel, etc are 9/11 websites. You're living in fantasy world you suicide coward.
dipshit, they have ALL answered your bullshit conspiracies and you all claim they are IN ON IT
so shut the fuck up and actually produce something worthy of a reasoned response
[...]On 9/11 NORAD had a scheduled military exercise of the US being attacked by planes.

That single factor is one that I cannot dismiss as coincidence. While I do not believe the Bush Administration was "behind" the 9/11 attack, i.e., I don't believe any of them had an active role in its planning or execution, I strongly believe that Bush and Cheney, and probably Rice, had high-level intelligence information that a hijack attack was coming on 9/11 and did what they could to let it happen.

I don't believe they had any specific knowledge, such as the actual targets or the projected extent of the damage, and I certainly don't believe the collapse of the Towers was assisted by controlled demolition, but the diversion of Norad has convinced me that Bush, Cheney, and probably others, knew that attack was coming and just stepped aside and let it happen.

There should be no question in anyone's mind that the 9/11 attack was the best thing that ever happened for the Bush Administration and their corporate sponsors.

Running exercises by design lends credibility to an active role and not simply complicity. If you wanted to conceal real aircraft in US airspace you don't do it by letting things running normal. You do it with exercises. There are many training programs for Norad and Air traffic controllers involving communications, coordinates, logistical integration, and a zone wide air traffic configurations.

Has anyone ever really questioned why Cheney was the acting CINC on that day? (I'm hoping nobody here is stoopid enough to say because he was in the white house and bush was not)
dipshit, you dont post facts, just paranoid bullshit

thats because 85% of the time you post nothing to actually respond to
you post bullshit paranoid nonsense and expect a serious response?
grow a fucking brain, moron

You just got done trying to claim PM, Dicovery channel, etc are 9/11 websites. You're living in fantasy world you suicide coward.
dipshit, they have ALL answered your bullshit conspiracies and you all claim they are IN ON IT
so shut the fuck up and actually produce something worthy of a reasoned response


"you all claim they are IN ON IT"

If telling lies paid $.00000001 per 15 lies you would have more money than Gates, Buffet, and Switzerland combined.
You just got done trying to claim PM, Dicovery channel, etc are 9/11 websites. You're living in fantasy world you suicide coward.
dipshit, they have ALL answered your bullshit conspiracies and you all claim they are IN ON IT
so shut the fuck up and actually produce something worthy of a reasoned response


"you all claim they are IN ON IT"

If telling lies paid $.00000001 per 15 lies you would have more money than Gates, Buffet, and Switzerland combined.
ah, more classic projection

another thing you lying troofer morons do a lot
dipshit, they have ALL answered your bullshit conspiracies and you all claim they are IN ON IT
so shut the fuck up and actually produce something worthy of a reasoned response


"you all claim they are IN ON IT"

If telling lies paid $.00000001 per 15 lies you would have more money than Gates, Buffet, and Switzerland combined.
ah, more classic projection

another thing you lying troofer morons do a lot

you're just fuxxing stoopid. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
You've got so many strawmen and false assumptions it's not worth responding.

Thank for demonstrating what OCTAs do when faced with facts they don't like. You run like scared leetle bitches.


Come back when you've got something other than coincidences, circumstances and stories.

Those are all facts. Keep ignoring them.......

Then explain why Cheney was the acting CINC and took direct military control?

"you all claim they are IN ON IT"

If telling lies paid $.00000001 per 15 lies you would have more money than Gates, Buffet, and Switzerland combined.
ah, more classic projection

another thing you lying troofer morons do a lot

you're just fuxxing stoopid. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

You sucking gunny's dick on overtime this week?

I don't know how you ***** keep fooling yourselves in your fantasy world. Is it prescription drugs, illegal drugs, straight fear, or a combination?

What I do know is none of you have ever seriously investigated 9E. You fucking rejects are drawn to this for one simple reason: you get to hold hands and call people names and are never accountable for anything you say.

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