Two of Trump's many promises.....

FURTHER, he could have specifically excluded years being audited and released the rest.

He could've but he didn't, so go fuck yourself.

We've already established he could've released ALL of them, including the ones being audited. This is not about what the IRS allows him to do.
"I will release my tax returns if I run for President"

"I will release my tax returns when I'll become the nominee for President"

"I will release my tax returns when I'll become President"

"I'll engrave them them on my tombstone"

Ok the last one I made up, but seems like a rational conclusion on where it ends up.

You actually made all of them up because he didn't say any of them. He said he would release his tax returns when the audit is finished.

No he did say he would release his tax returns if he won the nomination because he'd have it if he were nominated. At one of the debates with Clinton, he said he'd release his tax returns if he won the Presidency and that has turned out to be a lie.

On his tombstone is the next logical step.

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FURTHER, he could have specifically excluded years being audited and released the rest.

He could've but he didn't, so go fuck yourself.

We've already established he could've released ALL of them, including the ones being audited. This is not about what the IRS allows him to do.

So you admit he is lying about IRS and releasing his tax returns.
No he did say he would release his tax returns if he won the nomination because he'd have it if he were nominated. At one of the debates with Clinton, he said he'd release his tax returns if he won the Presidency

He did not say these things. THAT is the LIE.
So you admit he is lying about IRS and releasing his tax returns.


You've tried AGAIN to twist his words into something he never said.

Did trump lie that IRS audit is preventing him from releasing any tax-returns?

Simple question.

No. He never said the IRS was preventing him from releasing his tax returns. He said he would not release his tax returns until they finished their audit. When he was confronted by silly ass liberals who pointed out the IRS didn't prohibit it, he said it was on the recommendation of his attorneys.
Only two Trump promises i care about. Rebuilding Obama's dismantled Immigration System, and appointing Constitutional Conservatives to our Supreme Court. If he aggressively tackles those issues, he'll always have my support. That's why i voted for him.
Only two Trump promises i care about. Rebuilding Obama's dismantled Immigration System, and appointing Constitutional Conservatives to our Supreme Court. If he aggressively tackles those issues, he'll always have my support. That's why i voted for him.

You'd probably support him even MORE if he promised to repeal the 14th Amendment.
You'd probably support him even MORE if he promised to repeal the 14th Amendment.

Why don't you morons shut the fuck up until you work through your state of denial and anger on your way to acceptance? You're shit is really getting to be annoying.
So you admit he is lying about IRS and releasing his tax returns.


You've tried AGAIN to twist his words into something he never said.

Did trump lie that IRS audit is preventing him from releasing any tax-returns?

Simple question.

No. He never said the IRS was preventing him from releasing his tax returns. He said he would not release his tax returns until they finished their audit. When he was confronted by silly ass liberals who pointed out the IRS didn't prohibit it, he said it was on the recommendation of his attorneys.

And you actually, honestly, buy his excuses? You actually believe that there is something about 2014 tax audit that would make it a bad idea for him to release ANY tax returns, for ANY year? You are actually big enough a chump to still believe that any day now, IRS is going to complete it's deep, never ending investigation and Trump is actually going to keep his word and release his tax returns? Tell me that.

I'm don't even have to ask you about his claims that IRS is perhaps after him because of his strong religiosity. It takes a very special person to believe that this insinuation is anything but blatant lying in pursuit of evangelicals dumb enough to buy it. You really don't know that this man can look somebody directly in the eye and say a completely ridiculous, transparent lie? Tell me that.

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So you admit he is lying about IRS and releasing his tax returns.


You've tried AGAIN to twist his words into something he never said.

Did trump lie that IRS audit is preventing him from releasing any tax-returns?

Simple question.

No. He never said the IRS was preventing him from releasing his tax returns. He said he would not release his tax returns until they finished their audit. When he was confronted by silly ass liberals who pointed out the IRS didn't prohibit it, he said it was on the recommendation of his attorneys.

And you actually, honestly, buy his excuses? You actually believe that there is something about 2014 tax audit that would make it a bad idea for him to release ANY tax returns, for ANY year? You are actually big enough a chump to still believe that any day now, IRS is going to complete it's deep, never ending investigation and Trump is actually going to keep his word and release his tax returns? Tell me that.

I'm don't even have to ask you about his claims that IRS is perhaps after him because of his strong religiosity. It takes a very special person to believe that this insinuation is anything but blatant lying in pursuit of evangelicals dumb enough to buy it. You really don't know that this man can look somebody directly in the eye and say a completely ridiculous, transparent lie? Tell me that.


Again... for the FOURTH time... this argument is NOT about whether he intends to keep his word or even his reasoning and justifications. Some idiot posted that Trump promised he'd release his tax returns when he won the GOP nomination and again promised he would release them when he won the presidency. That's what I challenged because that's NOT what he said. Then, I was told that just because he didn't say that "verbatim" it didn't mean that's not what he said! That's about the most absurd and unhinged argument I've ever heard by someone not institutionalized.

So now... ever since I challenged the LIE that he made promises he didn't keep... this has turned into a pissing contest over his justification, his reasoning, his rationale, and now you're posting memes about his religious beliefs. None of this has a damn thing to do with the false claim that he said he'd release his tax returns when he won the nomination or won the election. He didn't say that. He said he would release them when the audit is complete. He didn't say the IRS wouldn't let him. He said it was on the advice of his attorneys.

Some big deal is made about the "legitimacy" of this audit, as if it's not actually happening... well, do you not think the DNC would have immediately made that public knowledge during the campaign if this were true? And hey... ya boy Obama's got a pen and a phone... just have him write a letter to Trump stating that there is no current audit being conducted by the IRS on Donald Trump or his businesses. See what you want to do is try to put the onus on someone else to prove your idiot ass wrong... that's not how this works. Why would Trump say he's being audited when that could so easily be disproved? You people don't seem to think these things through very well, do you?

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