CDZ Two options...the European model of self defense, and the American model of Self defensse.

We have background checks for licensed dealers now. No reason we can't have the same type background checks for individual sellers. You just want to make sure crooks can easily get all the guns they want without a background check.

Yes...there require background checks for people selling their private guns, which is what a private seller would need to register all guns. That would be the only way to know if a background check was done......and that is why you want universal gun registration even though private sellers are not where criminals are getting their guns.....
We have background checks for licensed dealers now. No reason we can't have the same type background checks for individual sellers. You just want to make sure crooks can easily get all the guns they want without a background check.

And again.....

A background check system that doesn't require gun you support it or not?
Yes...there require background checks for people selling their private guns, which is what a private seller would need to register all guns. That would be the only way to know if a background check was done......and that is why you want universal gun registration even though private sellers are not where criminals are getting their guns.....
I've explained why that is wrong countless times. You seem to be incapable of understanding rational thought.
I've explained why that is wrong countless times. You seem to be incapable of understanding rational thought.

Do you support a background check system that does not require gun registration?

That anyone can use, at any time, without any fees?
Do you support crooks being able to get all the guns they want without a background check? Of course you do.

Again, you didn't answer the question.

Do you support background checks that do not require gun registration, or fees......?
Again, you didn't answer the question.

Do you support background checks that do not require gun registration, or fees......?
I've said many times that there is no reason we can't have the same background checks for individual sellers that we have for licensed sellers now.
I've said many times that there is no reason we can't have the same background checks for individual sellers that we have for licensed sellers now.

And you refuse to answer the question, showing that what you want is gun registration.....the same registration that Britain, France, Germany, New Zealand and Australia as well as other countries have had so that you can use the list to confiscate guns when you get the power....
And you refuse to answer the question, showing that what you want is gun registration.....the same registration that Britain, France, Germany, New Zealand and Australia as well as other countries have had so that you can use the list to confiscate guns when you get the power....
I won't give you the answer you want to hear because I have already answered it dozens of tmes. If you are too stupid to understand that, I can't help you. I have no idea where you got the idea I wanted the exact same background checks that they have in other countries. Perhaps the voices in your head have been active again.
I won't give you the answer you want to hear because I have already answered it dozens of tmes. If you are too stupid to understand that, I can't help you. I have no idea where you got the idea I wanted the exact same background checks that they have in other countries. Perhaps the voices in your head have been active again.
You wont answer because you SUPPORT registration and confiscation.
In the U.S. in most places Americans can opt to use guns for at a minimum home defense, and in a vast majority of the country over 19.4 million Americans can legally carry guns for self defense.

You can now add the entire population of Texas who can legally carry now, on top of those who already carry. No shootings on my street yet, but in Hood Rat Land there is no difference, they're still shooting each other over whatever it is feral animals shoot each other over. Culture matters a lot more than laws.
Show me here you have said you don't, in this thread you have absolutely refused to say it.
You should know that isn't how it works. If you accuse someone of wanting something, it's up to you to prove it. It's not my job to disprove every dumb, childish accusation you gun nuts might come up with.
I won't give you the answer you want to hear because I have already answered it dozens of tmes. If you are too stupid to understand that, I can't help you. I have no idea where you got the idea I wanted the exact same background checks that they have in other countries. Perhaps the voices in your head have been active again.

You haven't answered it even once.....

How about background checks with no registration of guns and no fees....?

Answer that...
You haven't answered it even once.....

How about background checks with no registration of guns and no fees....?

Answer that...
Do current background checks for licensed sellers include registration and fees?

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