Two-Party System Has Failed the U.S.A.


Silver Member
Jul 26, 2014
Missouri, United States
With only two parties, Democrat and Republican, mainly being voted for, the people have less of a say in what happens in this "great" country. We need to abolish the two-party system and allow more freedom in voting.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty--Thomas Jefferson

America s two-party system has failed democracy The Johns Hopkins News-Letter

The two party system has failed America Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

The Two-Party System - A Catastrophic Failure
I fully agree

pols should run as they want, not what the party wants them to run on.

also, if you get rid of parties, people will have to vote on each person, not just hit "D" or "R" and vote straight party
I fully agree

pols should run as they want, not what the party wants them to run on.

also, if you get rid of parties, people will have to vote on each person, not just hit "D" or "R" and vote straight party
People should be voting based on the principles and beliefs each person represents, not their party. I'm considered a Libertarian (don't get that confused with Liberal).
With only two parties, Democrat and Republican, mainly being voted for, the people have less of a say in what happens in this "great" country. We need to abolish the two-party system and allow more freedom in voting.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty--Thomas Jefferson

America s two-party system has failed democracy The Johns Hopkins News-Letter

The two party system has failed America Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

The Two-Party System - A Catastrophic Failure
Indeed.excellent thread.I been saying forever the two party system is a joke because in reality it is really a ONE PARTY SYSTEM of demopublicans and difference between the two whatsoever.

its a one party system designed to look like two so the sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected.there is no hope for the future of ourr contrry in this world as long as we have thos corrupt OEN PARTY SYSTEM we have and dont get an independent in who will serve the people instead of the bankers.
I've lived in countries that have multiple parties.

It isn't an improvement. It's actually worse.

This is where I stand:

I just love it when someone invents a highly flawed political quiz and then someone takes that quiz for famous people and decides how those famous people would have answered the questions on that flawed quiz. Then other retards post the results on the internet. :laugh::laugh2::laugh2:
You're right! 2 parties isn't enough! There should be HUNDREDS of parties going on through all hours of the night!!! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Okay sorry I'll leave now.
no we dont need many more,just like i said,an independent party with a candidate who will serve the people instead of the bankers.
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I just love it when someone invents a highly flawed political quiz and then someone takes that quiz for famous people and decides how those famous people would have answered the questions on that flawed quiz. Then other retards post the results on the internet. :laugh::laugh2::laugh2:
And what makes you think this quiz is flawed? You are using the term "retard" incorrectly and many people may take offense to that.
Stop handing more and more power to the federal government. It isn't the two party system that is the problem.

The attitude of "What is the federal government going to do about this?" for every fricking issue that arises is the problem.
I just love it when someone invents a highly flawed political quiz and then someone takes that quiz for famous people and decides how those famous people would have answered the questions on that flawed quiz. Then other retards post the results on the internet. :laugh::laugh2::laugh2:
And what makes you think this quiz is flawed? You are using the term "retard" incorrectly and many people may take offense to that.
I am bringing back "retard". Don't be such a PC pussy.
I just love it when someone invents a highly flawed political quiz and then someone takes that quiz for famous people and decides how those famous people would have answered the questions on that flawed quiz. Then other retards post the results on the internet. :laugh::laugh2::laugh2:
I also did not create the chart that has all those people on it.
I just love it when someone invents a highly flawed political quiz and then someone takes that quiz for famous people and decides how those famous people would have answered the questions on that flawed quiz. Then other retards post the results on the internet. :laugh::laugh2::laugh2:
And what makes you think this quiz is flawed? You are using the term "retard" incorrectly and many people may take offense to that.
I am bringing back "retard". Don't be such a PC pussy.
Don't be an asshole. Its not the PC world that has deemed the term retard offensive to use plainly.
As for the quiz, it is flawed in that it does not highlight those issues which truly separate one group from another.

For example, it does not ask people if they would like to abolish the FDA and child labor laws and workplace safety laws, and it does not ask if they would like to legalize crack cocaine. This would reveal the real differences between Libertarians and everyone else.

The quiz is basically making this kind of mistake: "Do you like ice cream? Republicans like ice cream, too!"
I just love it when someone invents a highly flawed political quiz and then someone takes that quiz for famous people and decides how those famous people would have answered the questions on that flawed quiz. Then other retards post the results on the internet. :laugh::laugh2::laugh2:
I also did not create the chart that has all those people on it.
But you copied and pasted it as if it had validity. So you are part of the problem by trying to give it creedence.

"I'm pretty sure Adolf Hitler liked ice cream."
I just love it when someone invents a highly flawed political quiz and then someone takes that quiz for famous people and decides how those famous people would have answered the questions on that flawed quiz. Then other retards post the results on the internet. :laugh::laugh2::laugh2:
And what makes you think this quiz is flawed? You are using the term "retard" incorrectly and many people may take offense to that.
I am bringing back "retard". Don't be such a PC pussy.
Don't be an asshole. Its not the PC world that has deemed the term retard offensive to use plainly.
Don't spaz out on me now!

I think the two-party system would work if it were not for the influence of big money. In order to attract campaign funds, candidates and office-holders have to appeal their "base" above all else. Then, once in office, their job is to "bring home the bacon" at all costs. It's all about re-election and fundraising.

1. Balanced Budget Amendment
2. Strict, short term limits
3. Publicly-funded elections

Remove the power from those who abuse it the most.

My weekly rant!



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