Two shot and killed in Chicago last night

I think it was probably some of those militant murderous Christians we always hear about.
Victim of quadruple homicide in Kansas' body found saturday. Probably covered up by the liberal media in a crazy conspiracy

Kansas girl's body found; believed victim of quadruple homicide | Reuters

Arrest warrant issued for murder in Washington a week ago. Local story only because in my delusioned mind I think it's a media conspiracy
Arrest warrant issued in Spokane homicide; victim ID'd - - May 6, 2013

Muslim guy murdered in Birmingham. I bet the media will cream themselves over this one and America will give tons of money to the terrorists because of the media. Oh you mean no one has heard of this? Just wait the conspiracy is reeeeeaaaaalllll!!!!!
Birmingham murder may have been racially motivated, say police | UK news |
They caught the guy in Spokane and talked about it in local news. The street it happened it on has been the location of three serious crimes in the last six months or so.
One of the crimes a guy accidentally shot his friend then tried to hide the body by cutting it up. I think the other one was a kidnapping.
When people talk about cities with lots of African Americans having crime I tell them to come to Spokane.
Oh and the victim of that murder was black.
They caught the guy in Spokane and talked about it in local news. The street it happened it on has been the location of three serious crimes in the last six months or so.
One of the crimes a guy accidentally shot his friend then tried to hide the body by cutting it up. I think the other one was a kidnapping.
When people talk about cities with lots of African Americans having crime I tell them to come to Spokane.
Oh and the victim of that murder was black.

Yup every town has a bad neighborhood or two
They caught the guy in Spokane and talked about it in local news. The street it happened it on has been the location of three serious crimes in the last six months or so.
One of the crimes a guy accidentally shot his friend then tried to hide the body by cutting it up. I think the other one was a kidnapping.
When people talk about cities with lots of African Americans having crime I tell them to come to Spokane.
Oh and the victim of that murder was black.

In spokane and yakama, Indians and Mexicans serve the same purpose as inner city blacks in the bigger cities. Drugs, prostitution, and gangs.
They caught the guy in Spokane and talked about it in local news. The street it happened it on has been the location of three serious crimes in the last six months or so.
One of the crimes a guy accidentally shot his friend then tried to hide the body by cutting it up. I think the other one was a kidnapping.
When people talk about cities with lots of African Americans having crime I tell them to come to Spokane.
Oh and the victim of that murder was black.

In spokane and yakama, Indians and Mexicans serve the same purpose as inner city blacks in the bigger cities. Drugs, prostitution, and gangs.

Indians and Mexicans? Lol
No, it's the white people. Yakima maybe but in Spokane. It's the white people committing the crimes. There isn't many natives who live here, there are some Mexicans but they don't seem to commit a lot of crime.. Just white drug addicts.
Working at Kmart when I was younger in one of the worst neighbors taught me it has more to do with being poor than your skin color. All I saw was white meth heads. At one point we had the worst OxyContin problem in the country and it wasn't minorities robbing pharmacies. Spokane is 92% white, can't blame minorities for our crime.
Yeah but the murders and the gang stuff is mexican/indian.

It's not color, it's culture, and they are the poorest, the closest to immigrant status, and the most criminal.

Mexican gang bangers have really capitalized on the Indian population..reservations are good hide out spots for them. Then they have kids with the natives, and you have a whole mess on the reservations, where tribal members are also Mexican and have all those familial ties.
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It's not in Spokane. Lol
We don't get the migrant workers and we have very small native population in Spokane. We have a small gang problem but nothing like the drug problem and what goes with it. Plus we have white gangs.
Like I said Spokane is 92% white, and the culture is white drug addicts. Don't believe me spend a night in downtown or the west central neighborhood, or east sprague.
I was at a gas station last week and it made me laugh that I saw more meth head tweekers who were white I might add than I did the whole time I was in NYC.
With that we get a lot of people murdered over drugs, and it is usually white people committing the murders.
Yes, well, check and see who is in jail on murder charges and get back to me.

Espinozas, Garcias....check out the Umatilla County Jail Roster.

Or the spokane one.
I don't have to I follow a few sites and I live here. Spokane is very white.
Spokane isn't central Washington or eastern Oregon.
Look at the guy old school posted? He is white. The last few murders here have all been by white people. We don't have a diverse population, never have.
Watch The Cops episodes filmed here and there are plenty it is usually some white drug addict. I am sorry you want to blame all crime on ethnic groups, but come to Spokane and you will see what white trash can do. It's a poor town with a bad drug problem and a lot of white people. Natives don't live here because all the reservations are about an hour away. We don't get a lot of Mexicans because they live in towns like Brewster, Yakima, Moses Lake, or the Tri Cities due to farming. There are some African Americans and they commit crimes, but we just don't have that many. Spokane has always been known for being a mostly white community.
Again, it's cultural, not racial, so kindly stop pretending it's something else.

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