Two shot and killed in Chicago last night

  • Gang violence is a growing problem in Eastern Washington. 80% of Spokane’s crime, including stabbings, murders, and drive-by shootings, is gang-related.
  • Spokane has become a melting pot for gangs and gang activity. Drugs are gangs’ business, and they have to have guns to protect themselves. 40% of the criminals on probation in Eastern Washington are from California or the Midwest.
  • There are 7,000 gang associates and 900 gang members representing 50 gangs in Spokane. The gang associates are Spokane’s young people who are trying to act like the gangs. The 50 gangs in Spokane are subsets of 6 groups: Crips, Bloods, Folk, People, Nortenos and Surenos. (According to the Spokane Police Department's Gang Enforcement Team, Jed Conklin, 2007)

Gangs - Spokane, WA
No, I know who it is. It's poor criminal people, who tend to be in gangs, who typically are minorities, particularly in Washington. Gangs have been an increased influence in spokane since 2007, which accounts for the jump in violent crime there.
We've had this conversation before. You think because the people you see are meth heads, adn they freak you out, that they are the ones who are committing all the crime.

They have their own little niche, but they aren't the primary reason spokane is a violent hell hole.
At this time, Spokane is predominately a Crip gang town with more than 60 Crip sets represented. Of these, 11 are of local origin, meaning that they originated in Spokane, assisted by outside gang influences. Bloods/Pirus are also represented, but on a much smaller scale. There are 19 Blood sets represented in the Spokane area. The Gangster Disciples are represented with eight different sets. Peoples Nation gangs are poorly represented in the Spokane region, although they are present, no gangs are currently active and their numbers are small. Hispanic gangs are on the rise with more than 20 different Norteño sets active in the region; this comprises the second largest group. Norteño gang members in this region show a high degree of solidarity, making delineation of the different sets difficult. Sureño sets are also present and increasing in numbers. Currently 50 Sureño sets are represented in the Spokane County region."




We've had this conversation before. You think because the people you see are meth heads, adn they freak you out, that they are the ones who are committing all the crime.

They have their own little niche, but they aren't the primary reason spokane is a violent hell hole.

Yes I am going only on what I see on the streets. Lol
Or it could be because I live here and follow multiple news sites and read the paper. Plus there is the whole fact I live here.
You do realize white people can be in gangs, right? Especially thug wannabes.
Spokane isn't like Yakima or The Tri Cities, I am sorry. Spend 25 years here and you might get that.
But you are somewhat right, Eastern Europeans have a few gangs here. Is that what you are referring to when you talk about the gang problem?
No, honey, I'm not referring to anything. Law enforcement and demographics show a huge increase in violent crime in Spokane in the last 7 years or so that is directly attributable to a much stronger gang presence...

The gangs in Spokane tend to be less about blacks and more about hispanics and Indians, but whatever. What you see on the "streets" would depend on what streets you are on, and whether or not you're actually involved in criminal investigations, or have any knowledge of them.

As far as I know, crips are not about white tweakers. I mean maybe they have a new special spokane unit that is primarily white..but that's not what the demographics or the criminal justice systems say, lol.
No, honey, I'm not referring to anything. Law enforcement and demographics show a huge increase in violent crime in Spokane in the last 7 years or so that is directly attributable to a much stronger gang presence...

The gangs in Spokane tend to be less about blacks and more about hispanics and Indians, but whatever. What you see on the "streets" would depend on what streets you are on, and whether or not you're actually involved in criminal investigations, or have any knowledge of them.

As far as I know, crips are not about white tweakers. I mean maybe they have a new special spokane unit that is primarily white..but that's not what the demographics or the criminal justice systems say, lol.

No they aren't. Lol
Where are your numbers anyways?
We do not have a large Native American population or Mexican.
And the gang members here are mostly white. Like I have said multiple times we are not central Washington.
Are increase in violent crimes has nothing to do with Natives and Mexicans. For one Native Americans make up about 2% of our population.
The guy Old School posted was in a gang, white, and a known drug user.
You can think what you like, but minorities are not committing a majority of the violent crimes in Spokane.
And the streets I was referring to is the areas of town where the majority of the crimes are committed. You know how I know this?
I have lived here most of my life.
I don't have to I follow a few sites and I live here. Spokane is very white.
Spokane isn't central Washington or eastern Oregon.
Look at the guy old school posted? He is white. The last few murders here have all been by white people. We don't have a diverse population, never have.

You live in Spokane, not Detroit. Quit acting like people are being shot left and right. How many people were murdered in Spokane last year? Spokane is more like Mr Rogers neighborhood, when you're comparing it to Chicago or LA. Be thankful for your low ass crime rates.
I don't have to I follow a few sites and I live here. Spokane is very white.
Spokane isn't central Washington or eastern Oregon.
Look at the guy old school posted? He is white. The last few murders here have all been by white people. We don't have a diverse population, never have.

You live in Spokane, not Detroit. Quit acting like people are being shot left and right. How many people were murdered in Spokane last year? Spokane is more like Mr Rogers neighborhood, when you're comparing it to Chicago or LA. Be thankful for your low ass crime rates.
I just spent a week on East Harlem. I would rather walk down the street at night there than in the West Central neighborhood here. Spokane is a shitty poor town.
No it's not Detroit, but it isn't mr Rogers neighborhood. We have a very bad drug problem here right now and isn't mostly minorities.
Maybe Spokane needs some more gun control laws. That should stop the gangs from getting their hands on assault weapons and high capacity clips.:eusa_whistle:
Spokane has around 12-13 murders a year; until 2004, it had about 6. 2004 is when they noticed a burgeoning of gang activity...

And the chance of being a victim of crime, including violent crime, is much, much higher than it is in the rest of the state.
Again, it's cultural, not racial, so kindly stop pretending it's something else.

You keep saying its not racial its cultural yet you keep mentioning the nationality/ethnicity of these people and koshergrl you definitely have a track record of blaming minorities for crime. If its not racial to you but cultural perhaps it would behoove you to mention other social factors besides mentioning the people being Mexican or Native American.

If its not racial why did you say:

Yeah but the murders and the gang stuff is mexican/indian.

It's not color, it's culture, and they are the poorest, the closest to immigrant status, and the most criminal.

Remember koshergrl, you were the one that said:

I've seen dogs react to black people, too. Maybe they react to them because they know they are the primary participants in dog fighting.

Luissa is right, you prefer to blame minorities instead of looking at the social issues afflicting people.
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All this thread proves is that Koshergirl is hilarious. Talking about Piru and the crips like she's signed to a rap label.

Dem damn naggers right koshersweetie?

We don't really have a lot of crips around here, which makes it even more hilarious.
All this thread proves is that Koshergirl is hilarious. Talking about Piru and the crips like she's signed to a rap label.

Dem damn naggers right koshersweetie?

We don't really have a lot of crips around here, which makes it even more hilarious.

She's like a white Chris Rock!!! :razz:

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