CDZ Two-Thirds of Americans Want U.S. to Join Climate Change Pact

You're for changing the world economy, you state you don't care if it hurts the poor, and now you admit it could be all smoke and mirrors.

Not sure if you're a loony or just plain evil. Or maybe both.

I suggest you ask me what I favor as goes the "world economy" rather than declare what I think. I am adequately literate; I can tell you what I think if you want to know. You can quote me if you like. You can use those quotes to build an inductive argument to support a hypothesis of your own. You may not put words in my mouth.

I have enough respect for you as an individual not to do that to you. You can surely show me the same courtesy.
You said you don't care about the cost of electricity going up. ...

This is now the third time you've tried to put words in my mouth. That is not what I wrote.

??? So you have responded to remarks pertaining to my thoughts on the world economy -- something you introduced on your own absent any remarks about it by me -- with an inaccurate paraphrasing of my comments on what electricity costs. I have no idea why; I can only see that you have done.
Oh hum.
CDZ - Two-Thirds of Americans Want U.S. to Join Climate Change Pact | Page 4 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
You're for changing the world economy, you state you don't care if it hurts the poor, and now you admit it could be all smoke and mirrors.

Not sure if you're a loony or just plain evil. Or maybe both.

I suggest you ask me what I favor as goes the "world economy" rather than declare what I think. I am adequately literate; I can tell you what I think if you want to know. You can quote me if you like. You can use those quotes to build an inductive argument to support a hypothesis of your own. You may not put words in my mouth.

I have enough respect for you as an individual not to do that to you. You can surely show me the same courtesy.
You said you don't care about the cost of electricity going up. ...

This is now the third time you've tried to put words in my mouth. That is not what I wrote.

??? So you have responded to remarks pertaining to my thoughts on the world economy -- something you introduced on your own absent any remarks about it by me -- with an inaccurate paraphrasing of my comments on what electricity costs. I have no idea why; I can only see that you have done.
Oh hum.
CDZ - Two-Thirds of Americans Want U.S. to Join Climate Change Pact | Page 4 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So now you see I made no statements pertaining to increases in the cost of electricity.
You're delusional. Or a pathological liar. It's right in the thread for everyone to see how you said you could care less about the cost of electricity going up.
You're for changing the world economy, you state you don't care if it hurts the poor, and now you admit it could be all smoke and mirrors.

Not sure if you're a loony or just plain evil. Or maybe both.

I suggest you ask me what I favor as goes the "world economy" rather than declare what I think. I am adequately literate; I can tell you what I think if you want to know. You can quote me if you like. You can use those quotes to build an inductive argument to support a hypothesis of your own. You may not put words in my mouth.

I have enough respect for you as an individual not to do that to you. You can surely show me the same courtesy.
You said you don't care about the cost of electricity going up. ...

This is now the third time you've tried to put words in my mouth. That is not what I wrote.

??? So you have responded to remarks pertaining to my thoughts on the world economy -- something you introduced on your own absent any remarks about it by me -- with an inaccurate paraphrasing of my comments on what electricity costs. I have no idea why; I can only see that you have done.
Oh hum.
CDZ - Two-Thirds of Americans Want U.S. to Join Climate Change Pact | Page 4 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
You're for changing the world economy, you state you don't care if it hurts the poor, and now you admit it could be all smoke and mirrors.

Not sure if you're a loony or just plain evil. Or maybe both.

I suggest you ask me what I favor as goes the "world economy" rather than declare what I think. I am adequately literate; I can tell you what I think if you want to know. You can quote me if you like. You can use those quotes to build an inductive argument to support a hypothesis of your own. You may not put words in my mouth.

I have enough respect for you as an individual not to do that to you. You can surely show me the same courtesy.
You said you don't care about the cost of electricity going up. ...

This is now the third time you've tried to put words in my mouth. That is not what I wrote.

??? So you have responded to remarks pertaining to my thoughts on the world economy -- something you introduced on your own absent any remarks about it by me -- with an inaccurate paraphrasing of my comments on what electricity costs. I have no idea why; I can only see that you have done.
Oh hum.
CDZ - Two-Thirds of Americans Want U.S. to Join Climate Change Pact | Page 4 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So now you see I made no statements pertaining to increases in the cost of electricity.
You're delusional. Or a pathological liar. It's right in the thread for everyone to see how you said you could care less about the cost of electricity going up.

No, I'm not delusional, and nobody can see anything in the thread indicating that I'm insouciant about the price of electricity increasing because that's not what I wrote. What I said is that I don't care what it costs, not that I don't care about the cost increasing.

The subtlety of that distinction is what is plain for everyone to see, and it's equally plain for them to see that that subtlety was lost on you. That nuanced difference being lost on you, it's highly likely that the intricacies of the climate change matter are too overlooked by you.

The one aspect of climate change that does require great trenchancy is that we only have one planet on which to live and if we "screw it up," the price of electricity won't make any difference. Need one have the perspicacity of a Nobel laureate to grasp that? I would hope not....
You're for changing the world economy, you state you don't care if it hurts the poor, and now you admit it could be all smoke and mirrors.

Not sure if you're a loony or just plain evil. Or maybe both.

I suggest you ask me what I favor as goes the "world economy" rather than declare what I think. I am adequately literate; I can tell you what I think if you want to know. You can quote me if you like. You can use those quotes to build an inductive argument to support a hypothesis of your own. You may not put words in my mouth.

I have enough respect for you as an individual not to do that to you. You can surely show me the same courtesy.
You said you don't care about the cost of electricity going up. ...

This is now the third time you've tried to put words in my mouth. That is not what I wrote.

??? So you have responded to remarks pertaining to my thoughts on the world economy -- something you introduced on your own absent any remarks about it by me -- with an inaccurate paraphrasing of my comments on what electricity costs. I have no idea why; I can only see that you have done.
Oh hum.
CDZ - Two-Thirds of Americans Want U.S. to Join Climate Change Pact | Page 4 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
You're for changing the world economy, you state you don't care if it hurts the poor, and now you admit it could be all smoke and mirrors.

Not sure if you're a loony or just plain evil. Or maybe both.

I suggest you ask me what I favor as goes the "world economy" rather than declare what I think. I am adequately literate; I can tell you what I think if you want to know. You can quote me if you like. You can use those quotes to build an inductive argument to support a hypothesis of your own. You may not put words in my mouth.

I have enough respect for you as an individual not to do that to you. You can surely show me the same courtesy.
You said you don't care about the cost of electricity going up. ...

This is now the third time you've tried to put words in my mouth. That is not what I wrote.

??? So you have responded to remarks pertaining to my thoughts on the world economy -- something you introduced on your own absent any remarks about it by me -- with an inaccurate paraphrasing of my comments on what electricity costs. I have no idea why; I can only see that you have done.
Oh hum.
CDZ - Two-Thirds of Americans Want U.S. to Join Climate Change Pact | Page 4 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So now you see I made no statements pertaining to increases in the cost of electricity.
You're delusional. Or a pathological liar. It's right in the thread for everyone to see how you said you could care less about the cost of electricity going up.

No, I'm not delusional, and nobody can see anything in the thread indicating that I'm insouciant about the price of electricity increasing because that's not what I wrote. What I said is that I don't care what it costs, not that I don't care about the cost increasing.

The subtlety of that distinction is what is plain for everyone to see, and it's equally plain for them to see that that subtlety was lost on you. That nuanced difference being lost on you, it's highly likely that the intricacies of the climate change matter are too overlooked by you.

The one aspect of climate change that does require great trenchancy is that we only have one planet on which to live and if we "screw it up," the price of electricity won't make any difference. Need one have the perspicacity of a Nobel laureate to grasp that? I would hope not....
More bullshit. Call me when Al Gore, Kennedys, Obamas, Hollyweirdos etc who scream it's a crisis start flying commercial and board up their 12,000 sq ft homes.

It's not a crisis because man does not control the weather.
I support building 500 nuclear plants and investing greatly into fusion...

We should also aim for 35% renewable energy.

You may have a one track mind, but at least you don't fall for the whole "renewables can solve everything" fallacy.
I wonder how many of those who would vote for or against it have a comprehensive understanding of what's in it.
This is now the third time you've tried to put words in my mouth. That is not what I wrote.

??? So you have responded to remarks pertaining to my thoughts on the world economy -- something you introduced on your own absent any remarks about it by me -- with an inaccurate paraphrasing of my comments on what electricity costs. I have no idea why; I can only see that you have done.
Oh hum.
CDZ - Two-Thirds of Americans Want U.S. to Join Climate Change Pact | Page 4 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
This is now the third time you've tried to put words in my mouth. That is not what I wrote.

??? So you have responded to remarks pertaining to my thoughts on the world economy -- something you introduced on your own absent any remarks about it by me -- with an inaccurate paraphrasing of my comments on what electricity costs. I have no idea why; I can only see that you have done.
Oh hum.
CDZ - Two-Thirds of Americans Want U.S. to Join Climate Change Pact | Page 4 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So now you see I made no statements pertaining to increases in the cost of electricity.
You're delusional. Or a pathological liar. It's right in the thread for everyone to see how you said you could care less about the cost of electricity going up.

No, I'm not delusional, and nobody can see anything in the thread indicating that I'm insouciant about the price of electricity increasing because that's not what I wrote. What I said is that I don't care what it costs, not that I don't care about the cost increasing.

The subtlety of that distinction is what is plain for everyone to see, and it's equally plain for them to see that that subtlety was lost on you. That nuanced difference being lost on you, it's highly likely that the intricacies of the climate change matter are too overlooked by you.

The one aspect of climate change that does require great trenchancy is that we only have one planet on which to live and if we "screw it up," the price of electricity won't make any difference. Need one have the perspicacity of a Nobel laureate to grasp that? I would hope not....
More bullshit. Call me when Al Gore, Kennedys, Obamas, Hollyweirdos etc who scream it's a crisis start flying commercial and board up their 12,000 sq ft homes.

It's not a crisis because man does not control the weather.

Do you have any evidence to prove this ^^^ assertion?

I support building 500 nuclear plants and investing greatly into fusion...

We should also aim for 35% renewable energy.

You may have a one track mind, but at least you don't fall for the whole "renewables can solve everything" fallacy.

Q. Who does fall for the ""renewables can solve everything"?

A. No one.

Q. Who believes human activity has no impact on the Climate?

A. Those who parrot the propaganda of the coal and oil power elite.
None of these horrors will sppear in my lifetime, so why the hell would I care?
I support building 500 nuclear plants and investing greatly into fusion...

We should also aim for 35% renewable energy.

You may have a one track mind, but at least you don't fall for the whole "renewables can solve everything" fallacy.

Q. Who does fall for the ""renewables can solve everything"?

A. No one.

Q. Who believes human activity has no impact on the Climate?

A. Those who parrot the propaganda of the coal and oil power elite.

Anyone who wants to 1) reduce the use of fossil fuels and 2) do it without nukes.
I support building 500 nuclear plants and investing greatly into fusion...

We should also aim for 35% renewable energy.

You may have a one track mind, but at least you don't fall for the whole "renewables can solve everything" fallacy.

Q. Who does fall for the ""renewables can solve everything"?

A. No one.

Q. Who believes human activity has no impact on the Climate?

A. Those who parrot the propaganda of the coal and oil power elite.

Anyone who wants to 1) reduce the use of fossil fuels and 2) do it without nukes.

Some man-made climate problems have been mitigated by removing lead from gasoline and reducing the use of coal by producing power by wind, solar and geothermal sources.

Why anyone objects to innovation in energy production strikes me as foolish to the extreme. I suppose most of those hysterically against wind, solar, geothermal and tidal sources have skin in the game and need to protect their mega billion dollar industry which harms the environment and every living thing.
I support building 500 nuclear plants and investing greatly into fusion...

We should also aim for 35% renewable energy.

You may have a one track mind, but at least you don't fall for the whole "renewables can solve everything" fallacy.

Q. Who does fall for the ""renewables can solve everything"?

A. No one.

Q. Who believes human activity has no impact on the Climate?

A. Those who parrot the propaganda of the coal and oil power elite.

Anyone who wants to 1) reduce the use of fossil fuels and 2) do it without nukes.

Some man-made climate problems have been mitigated by removing lead from gasoline and reducing the use of coal by producing power by wind, solar and geothermal sources.

Why anyone objects to innovation in energy production strikes me as foolish to the extreme. I suppose most of those hysterically against wind, solar, geothermal and tidal sources have skin in the game and need to protect their mega billion dollar industry which harms the environment and every living thing.

What did tetraethyllead have to do with climate change? The issue was with toxicity. Are you talking about its effect on Catalytic converters?

It's not innovation I object to, it's forced compliance with energy sources that are not capable of providing baseline power.
This is now the third time you've tried to put words in my mouth. That is not what I wrote.

??? So you have responded to remarks pertaining to my thoughts on the world economy -- something you introduced on your own absent any remarks about it by me -- with an inaccurate paraphrasing of my comments on what electricity costs. I have no idea why; I can only see that you have done.
Oh hum.
CDZ - Two-Thirds of Americans Want U.S. to Join Climate Change Pact | Page 4 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
This is now the third time you've tried to put words in my mouth. That is not what I wrote.

??? So you have responded to remarks pertaining to my thoughts on the world economy -- something you introduced on your own absent any remarks about it by me -- with an inaccurate paraphrasing of my comments on what electricity costs. I have no idea why; I can only see that you have done.
Oh hum.
CDZ - Two-Thirds of Americans Want U.S. to Join Climate Change Pact | Page 4 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So now you see I made no statements pertaining to increases in the cost of electricity.
You're delusional. Or a pathological liar. It's right in the thread for everyone to see how you said you could care less about the cost of electricity going up.

No, I'm not delusional, and nobody can see anything in the thread indicating that I'm insouciant about the price of electricity increasing because that's not what I wrote. What I said is that I don't care what it costs, not that I don't care about the cost increasing.

The subtlety of that distinction is what is plain for everyone to see, and it's equally plain for them to see that that subtlety was lost on you. That nuanced difference being lost on you, it's highly likely that the intricacies of the climate change matter are too overlooked by you.

The one aspect of climate change that does require great trenchancy is that we only have one planet on which to live and if we "screw it up," the price of electricity won't make any difference. Need one have the perspicacity of a Nobel laureate to grasp that? I would hope not....
More bullshit. Call me when Al Gore, Kennedys, Obamas, Hollyweirdos etc who scream it's a crisis start flying commercial and board up their 12,000 sq ft homes.

It's not a crisis because man does not control the weather.

Ah, now I do understand. That which isn't apparent to you is, in your mind, BS.
You're delusional. Or a pathological liar. It's right in the thread for everyone to see how you said you could care less about the cost of electricity going up.

No, I'm not delusional, and nobody can see anything in the thread indicating that I'm insouciant about the price of electricity increasing because that's not what I wrote. What I said is that I don't care what it costs, not that I don't care about the cost increasing.

The subtlety of that distinction is what is plain for everyone to see, and it's equally plain for them to see that that subtlety was lost on you. That nuanced difference being lost on you, it's highly likely that the intricacies of the climate change matter are too overlooked by you.

The one aspect of climate change that does require great trenchancy is that we only have one planet on which to live and if we "screw it up," the price of electricity won't make any difference. Need one have the perspicacity of a Nobel laureate to grasp that? I would hope not....
More bullshit. Call me when Al Gore, Kennedys, Obamas, Hollyweirdos etc who scream it's a crisis start flying commercial and board up their 12,000 sq ft homes.

It's not a crisis because man does not control the weather.

Ah, now I do understand. That which isn't apparent to you is, in your mind, BS.
No, you will never understand reality, only what you are told to parrot.
So now you see I made no statements pertaining to increases in the cost of electricity.
You're delusional. Or a pathological liar. It's right in the thread for everyone to see how you said you could care less about the cost of electricity going up.

No, I'm not delusional, and nobody can see anything in the thread indicating that I'm insouciant about the price of electricity increasing because that's not what I wrote. What I said is that I don't care what it costs, not that I don't care about the cost increasing.

The subtlety of that distinction is what is plain for everyone to see, and it's equally plain for them to see that that subtlety was lost on you. That nuanced difference being lost on you, it's highly likely that the intricacies of the climate change matter are too overlooked by you.

The one aspect of climate change that does require great trenchancy is that we only have one planet on which to live and if we "screw it up," the price of electricity won't make any difference. Need one have the perspicacity of a Nobel laureate to grasp that? I would hope not....
More bullshit. Call me when Al Gore, Kennedys, Obamas, Hollyweirdos etc who scream it's a crisis start flying commercial and board up their 12,000 sq ft homes.

It's not a crisis because man does not control the weather.

Ah, now I do understand. That which isn't apparent to you is, in your mind, BS.
No, you will never understand reality, only what you are told to parrot.

Is there some reason you have yet to offer so much as one substantive and thoughtfully supported comment in expressing your views and have instead done nothing but put words in my mouth and cast aspersions?

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