Two Threats: School Vouchers & Homeschooling

but what if you are a teacher and not a socialist?

or is that impossible?

To squeeze berry: It’s not impossible, but pubic school curriculums are controlled by Socialist teachers’ unions and the Department of Education; so non-Socialist teachers teach the crap irrespective of their personal beliefs. In addition, teachers are highly educated; so they know what they are doing.

Let’s not downplay the number of teachers who are Socialists. There must be a lot them based on all of the reported stories about teachers punishing children who unknowingly resist the party line. I’d say Socialists are in the majority because they do not organize against the Socialists/Communists running their unions.

And then there are colleges and universities that force young adults to take at least one class that teaches the joys of collectivism if they want to graduate, not to mention the well-known political beliefs of most professors in higher education.

Teaching Socialism has been a worldwide movement since the late 19th century. The movement gained tremendous momentum in the second half of the 20th century —— along with the drive to establish a global government. In fact, there is every reason to believe the NEA is the driving force behind global government. Sad to say, turning teachers into the most wonderful of human beings was all done with tax dollars, and a tax dollar funded entertainment industry.

Finally, Socialism is the only religion that has a grip on children from every home environment. Imagine the outcry if Catholics, or Muslims, or Buddhists, had the authority through taxation to force their religion on every child in the public schools.

What's the name of the course that teaches the joys of collectivism? Do you have any statistics as to the percentage of teachers who are socialists?

the teachers unions have nothing to do with curriculum.That is decided on the state and district level.

Not once has the union told me what or how to teach.

WTF do you get your info?

To squeeze berry: You are one dumb son-of-a-bitch for a teacher if you do not know where curriculums originate. Union officials do not dictate curriculums directly to their members. Union officials work through the people they help elect —— and rely on for legislative protection. Ditto, the Department of Education that is so entrenched it can’t be shutdown because of the protective covering Democrats provide.
You did not spell curriculum correctly, twice, which shows you were not good at any school you attended.

Texass does not have schoolteacher unions and a committee by the state determines what text books are used. Same with the state of Louisiana. The Dept of Ed on gives 10% funding for schools. The curriculum chosen by the schools is okay-ed by committees that over see what curriculum is taught. School boards are elected by the local population.

I don't see any misspelling, although I am aware that some people believe that the plural of curriculum should be curricula, not curriculums. There are those who disagree, of course.

My Websters New World Compact School and Office Dictionary lists the plural of curriculum as either curricula or curriculums. My two-volume World Book Dictionary (Thorndike-Barnhart) published in 1973 also lists both spellings as acceptable. Here is a link to an on-line dictionary which also says that both plural forms are acceptable:

curricula - definition of curricula by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

An article by Sue Butler, lexicographer and publisher of the Macquarie Dictionary, explains that both plural forms are acceptable although "curriculums" is much more widely used:

“From my point of view as a lexicographer I would say that the tide has turned on these words at least in the general domain, and that while there may be a few who cling to 'curricula' and 'referenda', the vast majority prefer to regard this set as properly assimilated into English and taking English plurals.

“On a simple count in a large database of AAP news reports, there are 28 'curricula' to 326 'curriculums', 91 'referenda' to 3746 'referendums'. Ten years ago there were 16 'gymnasia', now there are 4. 'Vacua' cannot be found anywhere. So the trend is clear.

“At the moment however it is still the case that 'curriculums' and 'curricula', 'referendums' and 'referenda', are acceptable variants within the community. So 'curricula' is as correct, that is, considered to be as much standard usage by the language community, as 'curriculums'. It is up to each individual to decide what their preference is. But whatever their preference is they should be allowed to use it. Equally they should be respectful of the legitimate choices made by others.”

Australian Word Map

Interestingly, my spell-check on Open Office accepts the word “curricula" but not "curriculums".

Go figure.
but what if you are a teacher and not a socialist?

or is that impossible?

To squeeze berry: It’s not impossible, but pubic school curriculums are controlled by Socialist teachers’ unions and the Department of Education; so non-Socialist teachers teach the crap irrespective of their personal beliefs. In addition, teachers are highly educated; so they know what they are doing.

Let’s not downplay the number of teachers who are Socialists. There must be a lot them based on all of the reported stories about teachers punishing children who unknowingly resist the party line. I’d say Socialists are in the majority because they do not organize against the Socialists/Communists running their unions.

And then there are colleges and universities that force young adults to take at least one class that teaches the joys of collectivism if they want to graduate, not to mention the well-known political beliefs of most professors in higher education.

Teaching Socialism has been a worldwide movement since the late 19th century. The movement gained tremendous momentum in the second half of the 20th century —— along with the drive to establish a global government. In fact, there is every reason to believe the NEA is the driving force behind global government. Sad to say, turning teachers into the most wonderful of human beings was all done with tax dollars, and a tax dollar funded entertainment industry.

Finally, Socialism is the only religion that has a grip on children from every home environment. Imagine the outcry if Catholics, or Muslims, or Buddhists, had the authority through taxation to force their religion on every child in the public schools.

What's the name of the course that teaches the joys of collectivism? Do you have any statistics as to the percentage of teachers who are socialists?

"The California Federation of Teachers (CFT) passed a resolution at its most recent convention claiming that “the continued unjust incarceration of Mumia Abu-Jamal represents a threat to the civil rights of all people.” Thirty years ago, Abu-Jamal took away Philadelphia policeman Daniel Faulkner’s foremost civil right: his life. How obtuse of the CFT to disregard “the threat to the civil rights of all people” represented by someone capable of gunning down a man tasked with protecting the public.

The pantheon of leftist saints includes the Haymarket Square bombers, responsible for the deaths of eight Chicago cops, Joe Hill, murderer of former police officer John Morrison in Salt Lake City, Huey Newton, murderer of Oakland policeman John Frey, and Leonard Peltier, murderer of FBI agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams. Notice a pattern?"
dems think we push religion

To squeeze berry: And you do with the full approval of Socialists posing as Democrats. The religion you push is Socialism/Communism only it is yet to be legally defined as a religion.

so I'm holding a bible in one hand and Mao's little red book in the other preaching out both sides of my mouth

To squeeze berry: Now, now, you know better than that. Bibles cross the line separating church and state, while Socialist/Communist doctrine permeates every level of public education. Incidentally, you could teach from Mao’s bible without running afoul of the ACLU simply because Communism/Socialism has not been legally defined as a religion.

while fondling kids?

To squeeze berry: Interesting response. Logically, there has to be just as many public schoolteachers per capita as there are pedophile priests only the media does not report those stories. Notice that media does report it when a female teacher has sex with a teenager, but media never reports stories about homosexual male teachers abusing young boys. The recent scandal involving a college football coach was unique in that it got so much coverage.

What's the name of the course that teaches the joys of collectivism?

To jasonnfree: As I said to squeeze berry “Socialist/Communist doctrine permeates every level of public education.”

Put it this way. There is no course named multiculturalism or collectivism while nobody denies that those ideologies are being taught.

Of all of the garbage Socialists are dumping on children this is the one I thought might open the door to legally defining their beliefs as a religion; thereby, triggering the First Amendment’s prohibition against a state religion. My highlight in this excerpt from an article by John Griffing:

AUSTIN, Texas – Parents of school children across Texas now are gaining access to a previously secret public school curriculum, according to an announcement from a state lawmaker.

The CSCOPE program, an online offering that until now has prohibited, under penalty of law, teachers from sharing the lessons with parents, stirred up controversy because of its various lessons – some that were taken

offline after the questions arose.
Among those issues were that the curriculum at one point taught the Boston Tea Party was an act of terrorism and Christians were cannibals, and forced students to draw a socialist flag while imagining a new socialist country.

Parents gain access to secret school curriculum
Lawmaker confirms immediate changes in controversial operations
Published: 02/09/2013 at 5:29 PM

Parents gain access to secret school curriculum

I don’t know which flag the kids were asked to draw from among the pages and pages of Socialist flags to choose from:

Naturally, the defunct Soviet Union’s hammer & sickle on a field of red is well-represented. I doubt if American Socialists/Communists want to be reminded of Socialism’s greatest failure to date; so I selected this:


Parenthetically, the United Nations is the driving force behind establishing worldwide Socialism as the one true religion. If Socialism has a cathedral it is surely UN headquarters in Manhattan. It is teachers who brought Socialism to where it is in America today. It would be poetic justice if teachers pushing Socialism’s flag were responsible for driving Socialists away from the public trough. Bottom line: There is no better way to tie the United Nations to Socialism than a flag of their choosing.

Do you have any statistics as to the percentage of teachers who are socialists?

To jasonnfree: Don’t go clever on me. Even if a poll was taken no teacher would admit to being a Socialist/Communist.

My Websters New World Compact School and Office Dictionary lists the plural of curriculum as either curricula or curriculums. My two-volume World Book Dictionary (Thorndike-Barnhart) published in 1973 also lists both spellings as acceptable.

To The Professor: Ditto my Random House Unabridged Dictionary; my Concise Oxford English Dictionary, and my Microsoft Bookshelf computer disc dictionary.

The pantheon of leftist saints

To PoliticalChic: Putting statues of Socialist saints in the lobby of the Department of Education building is next.
“From my point of view as a lexicographer

To The Professor: I thought this might interest you if you have not seen it before now:

Forget supper and soup... it's all sex and celebrity now: How our most commonly used words have changed in 50 years

Words such as 'sex', 'celebrity' and 'Christmas' all on the up since the 60s
However, 'modesty', 'gentleman' and 'marriage' are less common these days
By Mark Howarth
PUBLISHED: 20:05 EST, 15 September 2013 | UPDATED: 01:47 EST, 16 September 2013

Forget supper and soup... it's all sex and celebrity now: How our most commonly used words have changed in 50 years | Mail Online
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To make any generalization about "home schooled kids" is ridiculous. It all depends on who is doing the schooling - maybe an idiot, maybe a genius, maybe a genius with no teaching skills.



1. Recent statistics from The College Board and the American College Testing Program (ACT) indicate that home schoolers are exceeding the national average test scores on both the SAT and the ACT college entrance exams. In 1999, the 2219 students who identified themselves as home schooled students on the SAT test, scored an average of 1083 (verbal 548, math 535), 67 points above the national average of 1016. A perfect SAT score is 1600. Also in 1999, 3616 home school students taking the ACT scored an average of 22.7, compared to the national average of 21, a perfect score being 36.
College-bound Home Schoolers Make Headlines (HSLDA | National Center News)

2. In short, the results found in the new study are consistent with 25 years of research, which show that as a group homeschoolers consistently perform above average academically. The Progress Report also shows that, even as the numbers and diversity of homeschoolers have grown tremendously over the past 10 years, homeschoolers have actually increased the already sizeable gap in academic achievement between themselves and their public school counterparts-moving from about 30 percentile points higher in the Rudner study (1998) to 37 percentile points higher in the Progress Report (2009).

a. Of course, an education movement which consistently shows that children can be educated to a standard significantly above the average public school student at a fraction of the cost—the average spent by participants in the Progress Report was about $500 per child per year as opposed to the public school average of nearly $10,000 per child per year—will inevitably draw attention from the K-12 public education industry.
HSLDA: New Nationwide Study Confirms Homeschool Academic Achievement

The first set of numbers you cite to don't really show anything and the second set are put out by a group pimping for homeschooling.
dems think we push religion

To squeeze berry: And you do with the full approval of Socialists posing as Democrats. The religion you push is Socialism/Communism only it is yet to be legally defined as a religion.

so I'm holding a bible in one hand and Mao's little red book in the other preaching out both sides of my mouth

To squeeze berry: Now, now, you know better than that. Bibles cross the line separating church and state, while Socialist/Communist doctrine permeates every level of public education. Incidentally, you could teach from Mao’s bible without running afoul of the ACLU simply because Communism/Socialism has not been legally defined as a religion.

To squeeze berry: Interesting response. Logically, there has to be just as many public schoolteachers per capita as there are pedophile priests only the media does not report those stories. Notice that media does report it when a female teacher has sex with a teenager, but media never reports stories about homosexual male teachers abusing young boys. The recent scandal involving a college football coach was unique in that it got so much coverage.

To jasonnfree: As I said to squeeze berry “Socialist/Communist doctrine permeates every level of public education.”

Put it this way. There is no course named multiculturalism or collectivism while nobody denies that those ideologies are being taught.

Of all of the garbage Socialists are dumping on children this is the one I thought might open the door to legally defining their beliefs as a religion; thereby, triggering the First Amendment’s prohibition against a state religion. My highlight in this excerpt from an article by John Griffing:

I don’t know which flag the kids were asked to draw from among the pages and pages of Socialist flags to choose from:

Naturally, the defunct Soviet Union’s hammer & sickle on a field of red is well-represented. I doubt if American Socialists/Communists want to be reminded of Socialism’s greatest failure to date; so I selected this:


Parenthetically, the United Nations is the driving force behind establishing worldwide Socialism as the one true religion. If Socialism has a cathedral it is surely UN headquarters in Manhattan. It is teachers who brought Socialism to where it is in America today. It would be poetic justice if teachers pushing Socialism’s flag were responsible for driving Socialists away from the public trough. Bottom line: There is no better way to tie the United Nations to Socialism than a flag of their choosing.

To jasonnfree: Don’t go clever on me. Even if a poll was taken no teacher would admit to being a Socialist/Communist.

My Websters New World Compact School and Office Dictionary lists the plural of curriculum as either curricula or curriculums. My two-volume World Book Dictionary (Thorndike-Barnhart) published in 1973 also lists both spellings as acceptable.

To The Professor: Ditto my Random House Unabridged Dictionary; my Concise Oxford English Dictionary, and my Microsoft Bookshelf computer disc dictionary.

The pantheon of leftist saints

To PoliticalChic: Putting statues of Socialist saints in the lobby of the Department of Education building is next.

You keep using the word socialist in reference to teachers and I ask you for proof and I go clever on you?
To squeeze berry: It’s not impossible, but pubic school curriculums are controlled by Socialist teachers’ unions and the Department of Education;....
Sorry, but unions do not have control over the curriculum. They might try to affect it, but the State Board of Educations, in conjunction with local school boards, set curriculum. You could argue that both BoEs and board are predominantly socialist, but you'd sound silly.

Let’s not downplay the number of teachers who are Socialists. There must be a lot them based on all of the reported stories about teachers punishing children who unknowingly resist the party line. I’d say Socialists are in the majority because they do not organize against the Socialists/Communists running their unions.
As a former teacher, I've met some liberal teachers and some conservative teachers. Oh, and do you have any facts or links to back up your assertion about how many teachers are "Socialists"? How about socialists running unions? And can you link to "all of the reported stories" where teachers punish kids for not being socialist? Just trying to see if this is really happening or if you're just making stuff up.

And then there are colleges and universities that force young adults to take at least one class that teaches the joys of collectivism if they want to graduate, not to mention the well-known political beliefs of most professors in higher education.
Hmmm, guess I must have slept through my Socialist Indoctrination 101 class. Can you name for me any of these "collectivist" classes, or some universities that force them on students?

Teaching Socialism has been a worldwide movement since the late 19th century. The movement gained tremendous momentum in the second half of the 20th century —— along with the drive to establish a global government. In fact, there is every reason to believe the NEA is the driving force behind global government. Sad to say, turning teachers into the most wonderful of human beings was all done with tax dollars, and a tax dollar funded entertainment industry.
The NEA is behind the New World Order. Really? I won't bother asking for facts on this one to save you the embarrassment.

Finally, Socialism is the only religion that has a grip on children from every home environment. Imagine the outcry if Catholics, or Muslims, or Buddhists, had the authority through taxation to force their religion on every child in the public schools.
Socialism is a political/economic movement and not a religion. The same can be said about Capitalism. Teaching capitalism isn't forcing a materialistic religion on people, is it? Nope. And neither is socialism.

By the by, I turned off your bold font. Hope that's OK.
Socialism is a political/economic movement and not a religion.

To wjmacguffin: Socialism/Communism is a form of government. Note that democracy, a form of government, leads to Socialism, another form of government:

Democracy is the road to socialism. Karl Marx

Socialism is a religion in everything except a belief in God: See #4 definition of religion:

religion (noun)
Abbr. rel., relig.

1. a. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe. b. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.

2. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.

3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.

4. A cause, a principle, or an activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

The same can be said about Capitalism.

To wjmacguffin: No it can’t.

Teaching capitalism isn't forcing a materialistic religion on people, is it? Nope.

To wjmacguffin: You got that right. Capitalism is an economic system that works to perfection in a limited form of government. The very definition of laissez faire shows that capitalism is not a form of government, nor does it lead to a form of government.

laissez faire also laisser faire (noun)

1. An economic doctrine that opposes governmental regulation of or interference in commerce beyond the minimum necessary for a free-enterprise system to operate according to its own economic laws.

2. Noninterference in the affairs of others.

And neither is socialism.

To wjmacguffin: Wrong. Socialism requires the power of government in order to tell people what to do rather than what not to do. Socialism/Communism cannot survive as a voluntary religion.

By the by, I turned off your bold font. Hope that's OK.

To wjmacguffin: You’re not the first.
but what if you are a teacher and not a socialist?

or is that impossible?

To squeeze berry: It’s not impossible, but pubic school curriculums are controlled by Socialist teachers’ unions and the Department of Education; so non-Socialist teachers teach the crap irrespective of their personal beliefs. In addition, teachers are highly educated; so they know what they are doing.

Let’s not downplay the number of teachers who are Socialists. There must be a lot them based on all of the reported stories about teachers punishing children who unknowingly resist the party line. I’d say Socialists are in the majority because they do not organize against the Socialists/Communists running their unions.

And then there are colleges and universities that force young adults to take at least one class that teaches the joys of collectivism if they want to graduate, not to mention the well-known political beliefs of most professors in higher education.

Teaching Socialism has been a worldwide movement since the late 19th century. The movement gained tremendous momentum in the second half of the 20th century —— along with the drive to establish a global government. In fact, there is every reason to believe the NEA is the driving force behind global government. Sad to say, turning teachers into the most wonderful of human beings was all done with tax dollars, and a tax dollar funded entertainment industry.

Finally, Socialism is the only religion that has a grip on children from every home environment. Imagine the outcry if Catholics, or Muslims, or Buddhists, had the authority through taxation to force their religion on every child in the public schools.

What's the name of the course that teaches the joys of collectivism? Do you have any statistics as to the percentage of teachers who are socialists?

Flanders, I asked this question a few months ago and you never answered. Just more crap about socialism and you're still pushing your nonsense. The name of the course that teaches collectivism, course #, schools where taught including info on how this is course is forced on students please.
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Totalitarians of every stripe have always hated teachers and intellectuals.

We see from the posts here attacking education and educators that there's nothing especially exceptional about the US crop of these ignorant turds.


Another useful idiot pops off about the totalitarianism of . . . small government and ideological liberty.

Jesus wept. . . .
Those who want to hammer away at teachers should go teach and change it then. So if you don't like teachers, then go and be one yourself. This is your chance. Give up a ton of earning potential and teach. I find those who love to bash teachers so hypocritical. They preach don't be envious of others. You have your chance to make your millions because in America anything is possible. So again here is YOUR chance. Step up. All this socialism rhetoric is mumbo jumbo. A talking point some people actually buy into. If you are really interested in changing the system, you had better change how parenting is conducted. If this doesn't change I don't care WHAT you do. It isn't going to change. The evacuation of the family structure is clearly evident and until this gets fixed forget about it.
Those who want to hammer away at teachers should go teach and change it then. So if you don't like teachers, then go and be one yourself. This is your chance. Give up a ton of earning potential and teach. I find those who love to bash teachers so hypocritical. They preach don't be envious of others. You have your chance to make your millions because in America anything is possible. So again here is YOUR chance. Step up. All this socialism rhetoric is mumbo jumbo. A talking point some people actually buy into.

I don't approve of drug dealers either. Does that mean I should try being a drug dealer? Your "logic" is absurd. It's true a Wall Street financial analyst would give up a ton of income potential if he became a teacher, but that doesn't mean a teacher could ever make as much as a Wall Street financial analyst. Teachers are the bottom of the barrel academically. SAT scores of students who enter the teaching colleges are the lowest of any major. People become teachers mostly because they just don't have what it takes to make the big money. They just want a nice safe easy government job with a government pension and healthcare benefits.

If you are really interested in changing the system, you had better change how parenting is conducted. If this doesn't change I don't care WHAT you do. It isn't going to change. The evacuation of the family structure is clearly evident and until this gets fixed forget about it.

In typical libturd fashion you blame the parents for the deficiencies of our government schools. If parents are to blame, and nothing you do with government schools will improve the outcome, then teachers must be irrelevant. Why have government schools at all?
"People become teachers mostly because they just don't have what it takes to make the big money. They just want a nice safe easy government job with a government pension and healthcare benefits."

Yes you are right my wife who taught 3rd grade for 34 years was only in it to have a cushy job with benefits. She didn't help her students at all. Let me go tell her this. Let me tell her she went into teaching because she wasn't smart enough to do anything else.
Those who want to hammer away at teachers should go teach and change it then. So if you don't like teachers, then go and be one yourself. This is your chance. Give up a ton of earning potential and teach. I find those who love to bash teachers so hypocritical. They preach don't be envious of others. You have your chance to make your millions because in America anything is possible. So again here is YOUR chance. Step up. All this socialism rhetoric is mumbo jumbo. A talking point some people actually buy into. If you are really interested in changing the system, you had better change how parenting is conducted. If this doesn't change I don't care WHAT you do. It isn't going to change. The evacuation of the family structure is clearly evident and until this gets fixed forget about it.

Then you're really going to hate me, for I know from personal experience that a vast number of public school teachers are imbeciles whom I wouldn't trust to walk my dog, let alone educate my children.

I say we effectively abolish the public education system via the dynamics of universal school choice and put parents back in control entirely. That's the only effective remedy to both problems: the one you can't see and the one you think you understand. The fact of the matter is that the public education system is mostly hostile to the indispensable bedrock of our society, the biologically family, and is responsible above all other institutions in this country for actively working to undermine parental consent and authority, and thereby destabilize the indispensable bedrock of our society.

How ya like me now?
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"People become teachers mostly because they just don't have what it takes to make the big money. They just want a nice safe easy government job with a government pension and healthcare benefits."

Yes you are right my wife who taught 3rd grade for 34 years was only in it to have a cushy job with benefits. She didn't help her students at all. Let me go tell her this. Let me tell her she went into teaching because she wasn't smart enough to do anything else.

Only if the shoe fits. . . .

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