Two tiered justice system. Here's how Donald is being treated differently.

Donald gets indicted on 37 counts surrounding classified documents. And he goes home at the end of the night.

One of the common people gets indicted on 6 counts, and is held until trial. Why is Donald being treated so much more harshly?
Mainly because the charges aren't all that serious. Not to mention the fact that Trump isn't a flight risk.
If the charges were murder or treason then he would be in jail waiting on trial.
But both of these indictments are clerical errors.
In both cases the charges would result in no jail time, even though they claim that the number of charges adds up to 400 years in prison, it's still just a claim by the prosecution.
They still have to prove their case, and the only way that would happen is if they buy the judge and bribe all of the jurists.
I think this latest indictment will be thrown out with prejudice by the judge.
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You're right, 37 felonies isn't all that serious.
This is what is called "stacking charges" or "piling on charges" to make the offense seem worse than it really is. They piled on a bunch of charges to make it seem worse than what really happened. They released pictures in the indictment of stacks and stacks of boxes, but forget to mention that the 102 documents they claim are sensitive would only fill (at best) one of those boxes halfway. 102 documents would only fill one folder, as opposed to the 33 million documents Obama took from the White House when he left office.

This is just like the claim they made of 17 intelligence agencies agreed that the Russians interfered in the election when only 2 or 3 agencies have anything to do with surveillance of foreign or domestic spies. The FBI, NSA, and the CIA. They also included the Coast Guard. It's basically an exaggeration to make it sound more serious.

And my guess is you'll never see a single document they claim is classified to prove it was a felony, because they won't allow anyone to know if it was planted or actually something that was in Trump's possession. They'll redact the shit out of anything they do show in court to the point where nobody will be able to read it's contents.
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You're right, 37 felonies isn't all that serious.

In an extraordinary op-ed in today’s Wall Street Journal, Michael Bekesha of Judicial Watch argues that the Presidential Records Act gave Donald Trump carte blanche to leave the White House with whatever classified materials he wanted to take with him; that Trump’s very act of doing so rendered those materials his own “personal records” under the Act; and that Trump therefore can’t be prosecuted for refusing to return those materials, for concealing his possession of them, and for lying about them.

Building on a recent Corner post by Andy McCarthy, I’ve written a tweet thread that sets forth why I think that Bekesha’s argument is bonkers.

You using one person opinion to justify your point. Yet the rules say that NARA must collect certain records

The Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978, as amended, 44 U.S.C. §§ 2201-2209, governs the official records of Presidents and Vice Presidents created on or received after January 20, 1981. The PRA changed the legal ownership of the official records of the President from private to public.

So they are public records and not private records of Trump

Presidential records are defined as:“documentary materials, or any reasonably segregable portion thereof, created or received by thePresident, the President’s immediate staff, or a unit or individual of the Executive Office of thePresident whose function is to advise and assist the President, in the course of conducting activitieswhich relate to or have an effect upon the carrying out of the constitutional, statutory, or otherofficial or ceremonial duties of the President.” [44 U.S.C. § 2201(2)].

That is the law. Any law can be argued but that does not mean the argument is valid.

It is just free speech.
You using one person opinion to justify your point. Yet the rules say that NARA must collect certain records

The Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978, as amended, 44 U.S.C. §§ 2201-2209, governs the official records of Presidents and Vice Presidents created on or received after January 20, 1981. The PRA changed the legal ownership of the official records of the President from private to public.

So they are public records and not private records of Trump

Presidential records are defined as:“documentary materials, or any reasonably segregable portion thereof, created or received by thePresident, the President’s immediate staff, or a unit or individual of the Executive Office of thePresident whose function is to advise and assist the President, in the course of conducting activitieswhich relate to or have an effect upon the carrying out of the constitutional, statutory, or otherofficial or ceremonial duties of the President.” [44 U.S.C. § 2201(2)].

That is the law. Any law can be argued but that does not mean the argument is valid.

It is just free speech.

They weren't Bidens personal records either.
Mainly because the charges aren't all that serious. Not to mention the fact that Trump isn't a flight risk.
If the charges were murder or treason then he would be in jail waiting on trial.
But both of these indictments are clerical errors.
In both cases the charges would result in no jail time, even though they claim that the number of charges adds up to 400 years in prison, it's still just a claim by the prosecution.
They still have to prove their case, and the only way that would happen is if they buy the judge and bribe all of the jurists.
I think this latest indictment will be thrown out with prejudice by the judge.

Actually. Donald better pray that the case is sent to another Judge. Judge Cannon doesn’t believe in Not Guilty Verdicts.

In the sheet sent to the Jury there was no option to find the defendant Not Guilty.
Actually. Donald better pray that the case is sent to another Judge. Judge Cannon doesn’t believe in Not Guilty Verdicts.

In the sheet sent to the Jury there was no option to find the defendant Not Guilty.
So the only fair judge in all of these indictments you want removed? :disbelief:

Good luck with that.:cuckoo:
And ???

Your stating the obvious so what is your point.

Just as long as everyone understands.

Trump deserves everything coming his way but noting it's not fair that nothing happens to Biden is a fair argument.
So the only fair judge in all of these indictments you want removed? :disbelief:

Good luck with that.:cuckoo:

Ok. But when it goes to trial and the Jury doesn’t have an option to find Trump Not Guilt thus requiring the Jury to find him guilty don’t blame me. I’ve heard of hanging judges before, but damn.
Ok. But when it goes to trial and the Jury doesn’t have an option to find Trump Not Guilt thus requiring the Jury to find him guilty don’t blame me. I’ve heard of hanging judges before, but damn.
We have to worry about that with the other 3 judges....but not this one.

Your problem is you listen to CNN too damned much.
Just as long as everyone understands.

Trump deserves everything coming his way but noting it's not fair that nothing happens to Biden is a fair argument.

Its a fair argument if what one believes has sufficient verifiable proof of any wrong doing instead of solely relying on the band wagon effect.
Its a fair argument if what one believes has sufficient verifiable proof of any wrong doing instead of solely relying on the band wagon effect.

Facts.......Biden had boxes of classified info in his garage. Info that did not belong to him any more than it belonged to Trump.
Donald gets indicted on 37 counts surrounding classified documents. And he goes home at the end of the night.

One of the common people gets indicted on 6 counts, and is held until trial. Why is Donald being treated so much more harshly?
Stormy, your OP was almost as vapid as you are.

You numbskull libturds can’t get your tiny minds wrapped around the fact that for the same “behavior,” nothing happens to scum like Brandon.

And you also imagine that any bail is required in any of these cases. Newsflash: the former (and possible next) President of the United States is NOT a flight risk.

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