Two Trump-appointed judges laugh the Jan 6/Street Riots comparison out of court


Border secured
Economy booming
Energy Independent
Taliban Defeated

Compare and Contrast with Let's Go Brandon

The border was never ‘secured,’ Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate never built.

Trump inherited Obama’s booming economy – which Trump managed to run into the ditch.

Energy independent thanks to Obama.

Taliban appeased and in no manner ‘defeated.
The opinion stated was, "Trump signed."

It was stated that, "Trump signed". The link was not to the agreement. If you actually read this agreement, it states negotiations will begin in March of 2020.

But yes, you are that stupid, to know that this is not the cease fire agreement in which you or anyone else has spoke of.

'negotiations' would not take place until donny had 5000 yalaban released.

& don't forget he wanted to invite them to camp david.

what a deal maker!
'negotiations' would not take place until donny had 5000 yalaban released.

& don't forget he wanted to invite them to camp david.

what a deal maker!
Afghanistan stated Trump and the USA did not have the power to release their prisoners. "Donny", never made the deal you claim.

Yes, invite them to camp david, if that is true, is a great idea, for is it not better to make friends with our enemies through talking? We do know that the democrat's policy is to give terrorists weapons, bombs, billions of dollars worth, to just have them leave us alone, please?
Fort Fun Indiana, it certainly was fun, goading you into providing what you made claims about, then seeing you call me what you obviously are, lazy and ignorant. Yet you had no idea what you linked to, if you read any part of it, you read the title but not the entire document, otherwise you would of seen that Trump's signature is not on that document.

Is this how you make all your comments, post your opinion and then run to google for a link you believe confirms your opinion. That is the definition of lazy and ignorant sprinkled with arrogance.
Get it straight: I didn't take the topic to admfghanistan. I see you are still talking about it, though. Make sure to pause to cry about others being offtopic

I don't think I am awesome or smart or possessing publicly available knowledge.

You are being lazy, ignorant, and intransigent. Pages of your baby whining, when you should have just been embarrassed and looked up the basic info for.yourself.
It was stated that, "Trump signed". The link was not to the agreement. If you actually read this agreement, it states negotiations will begin in March of 2020.

But yes, you are that stupid, to know that this is not the cease fire agreement in which you or anyone else has spoke of.

I love it when you double down on your stupidity. The agreement says that the Taliban will begin negotiations the current Afghan Govt, not with us your fucking brain dead moron. This paper was the end of the negotiations between the US and the Taliban.

Technically, it is my fourth language. Thanks for asking, sometimes it is hard to express what I think in english.

Your four languages...

1. Partisan Sheep
2. Brain Dead Moron
3. Pig Latin
4. English.
I love it when you double down on your stupidity. The agreement says that the Taliban will begin negotiations the current Afghan Govt, not with us your fucking brain dead moron. This paper was the end of the negotiations between the US and the Taliban.

View attachment 581653
There is never an end when America holds the “trump” card

we dont know what trump would have done because he wasnt there

biden was, and proved to he a stumbling bumbling fool
The fact still remains it was a violent insurrection by Republican thugs acting on behalf of trump.
The Gorge Floyd protest/riots could be reasonably be compared to the Rodney King/LA riots or the Michael Brown/St. Louis riots but not the attack on the capitol.

How they came up with that, IDK.

Maybe the same people that came up with Italian satellites or Hugo Chavez changed the election results?
Get it straight: I didn't take the topic to admfghanistan. I see you are still talking about it, though. Make sure to pause to cry about others being offtopic

I don't think I am awesome or smart or possessing publicly available knowledge.

You are being lazy, ignorant, and intransigent. Pages of your baby whining, when you should have just been embarrassed and looked up the basic info for.yourself.
I should be embarrassed? You did not take the topic to Afghanistan? Yet you had to quote me when I was responding to someone else, or is that your 2nd account? You quote me and join in and now you are complaining?

I should of looked up the basic fact myself? My point was not what was or was not written, my point is you are blabbering about something you have no knowledge of! My point was that you watch or listen to fake news, that you somehow get the Democrat talking points in your head and you believe, with faith, when you do not know the truth.

Embarrased because you allowed me to point that out, and with your help. Before you comment, dont be what you accuse others of, lazy, ignorant, and intransigent. Yes pages after you comment and quote my post. It is not the other way around, you made the choice to quote my comments and insert yourself into the conversation.
I love it when you double down on your stupidity. The agreement says that the Taliban will begin negotiations the current Afghan Govt, not with us your fucking brain dead moron. This paper was the end of the negotiations between the US and the Taliban.

View attachment 581653
I love it when you change the goal posts. This is only part 1 and 2 of the negotiations? Conditions had to be met before we pulled all our troops out? Afghan sides? Does that eliminate the USA and others on the Afghan side? You said Trump signed this, where is his signature?
There is never an end when America holds the “trump” card

we dont know what trump would have done because he wasnt there

biden was, and proved to he a stumbling bumbling fool

Trump made the agreement, the agreement was not a defeat of the Taliban, it was an acceptance of them.

And yes, Biden did prove to be the stumbling bumbling fool.
I love it when you change the goal posts. This is only part 1 and 2 of the negotiations? Conditions had to be met before we pulled all our troops out? Afghan sides? Does that eliminate the USA and others on the Afghan side? You said Trump signed this, where is his signature?

I did not move the goal post. This was the only negotiations between the US and Taliban. The other negotiations were between the Taliban and the Afghan Govt. Yes, it does eliminate the USA and others on the Afghan side because the US choose to leave the Afghan Govt totally out of the negotiations.

Yes, Trump signed the deal, via his Rep. Unless you are going to tell me Trump did not approve of the deal
Trump made the agreement, the agreement was not a defeat of the Taliban, it was an acceptance of them.
I am on record saying the entire pullout from afghanistan was a mistake

if trump were still president you and I both could criticize his decision to leave

but biden was the president

so no matter how much libs twist and turn, biden managed or tather mismanaged the pullout
Trump did not sign. Period.
Not personally but Trump did approve.

December 23 2020
After a week-long deal to reduce violence across Afghanistan, the U.S. and the Taliban signed a historic agreement Saturday that would see U.S. troops start to withdraw, according to a statement issued Friday afternoon by President Donald Trump.

"Soon, at my direction, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will witness the signing of an agreement with representatives of the Taliban, while Secretary of Defense Mark Esper will issue a joint declaration with the government of Afghanistan.

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