Two white trash women fight at Walmart. LOL. I better make a comment "or else."

Well, my comment, is uhhhhhh, uhhhhhh, funny stuff? Yeah, that is it, funny stuff.

No one broke this up? No one called the cops....."Don't break them up. Could end up in a lawsuit"...
Unreal.....Where were the store employees?
How about a nice cold bucket of water? Or a blast from a CO2 fire extinguisher?
We have deteriorated as a society....because of LAWSUITS.....

it's becoming the Law of the Jungle out there.

sad but true!
Someone should have intervened. But all I hear is voices of people making comments, but doing nothing to help the woman in a headlock.
While funny as hell,it's some sick shit as well.
Bunch of white trash going at it in front of kids...pathetic.
Another example of the fundamental transformation of American Idol Nation, and the reduction of the population to the lowest common denominator.

It's everywhere.

Appalling that nobody stepped in to stop it; but you saw the man in the back ground; sleeveless undershirt, shorts, unkempt, looked like he just got out of bed and ran to Wally World for cheap beer.
Why there was never any people like that back in your day.........BS,, so much I much raise der flag..
Because something like this would not have happened "back in the day".....If it did , it would have not lasted 15 seconds.
Someone should have intervened. But all I hear is voices of people making comments, but doing nothing to help the woman in a headlock.
Get two people.....Tell the brawling bitches " you two have exactly 5 seconds to stop or we will stop it for you"....
Then you break it up hockey linesman style. One person each gets a combatant.. Tie up the arms, separate them and it's over. Get the extra large zip ties. Cuff them. wait for the cops to get there. Let them deal with these two useless piles of organic matter.
meh....let them kill each other

like we give a fig
Someone should have stepped up and got the kid away from the situation. He kicked one of the women in the head and the bystanders allowed it to happen.
Why the hell was that women using a motorized shopping scooter? She jumped off that thing like it was raining $100 bills. Lazy heifer. You can hear her say that she is "disabled" when the other women was on top of her. You don't look too disabled to me, tart. Too funny!
Wasn't too disable to jump up and get it started.

What exactly was this over?
I guess they're "white trash" because both of them have enormous rear ends and -- well, they're white. And they're shopping in Walmart.
The scooter lady should have just run the other one over. Less physical effort required.

On the other hand, she was laying on her.

Does this happen mostly in the South?

I live here in the sunny south...To answer your question....Yes...I have seen more bitches brawling like hockey players than any where else.....9 times out of ten, when women( ahem)'s about "you been fuckin my MAN"....
When I visited the States last November for my BILs funeral, I was schocked, and I mean, really shocked, to see the number of people in those motorized shopping scooter thingys at places like Krogers and yes, Walmart. And I saw some major Walmartians who make these two ladies look like Miss Universe runner-ups.

And my Gawd, they were FAT FAT FAT.


Yep, the obesity epidemic in this country is disgusting. That was one major difference I've noticed every time I've been over to Europe. With the exception of the British, who are also a bunch of lard asses, I've seen very few overweight people in Europe when compared to the U.S. It was glaringly noticeable.
a sign of the good life.....

Disgusting. Both the thug rednecks should be jailed. The mother of the child should be charged with child neglect for telling her child to jump in the fight.

And WHY is that bitch on a motorized cart??? She can walk and fight. I see that shit all the time at WalMart some fat fuck pretending they cant walk and needing a scooter.

Don't waste your energy's OVER....When we as a society will allow two people to beat the shit out of each other because we are worried about one or both combatants suing us, we are fucking doomed.
Some states have a Good Samaritan law, which gives people who attempt a rescue immunity from civil liability.
What's funny is the old knee jerk prog cliche "white trash". If the stars of the video wore burkas there would be caution and advice among the sissies not to judge. The whole prog world is nothing but a cliche.

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